



1、Quality Controls质量控制:Is there a traceability/recall program in place? Are mock recalls performed? Last mock recall date?Frequency and results?Is there a GMP program in place?Training, frequency, who is trained? Does it contain gluten awareness?Does the company/plant have a written allergen program,

2、policies, procedures, and employee training programs that include gluten?How often are employees trained/retrained?Does the company/plant have a HACCP plan?是否具备可追溯性以及适当的召回程序: 是否进行模拟召回,上一次的模拟召回日期是什么时候, 效率及结果如何?是否具备良好的操作规范( GMP):是否有人员进行过训练,频率如何, 有谁负责培训任务?是否包含对麸质这种意识的培训及要求工厂是否具备相关书面的关于过敏原的计划,程序,政策以及对雇员

3、关于麸质的培训计划雇员多长时间进行一次培训或再培训?公司或者工厂是否具有食品安全管理体系的方案( HACCP)Inspections检查When was the last health dept, state, federal, province, CFIA inspection report?Who inspected?Were there any food safety issues? Does the company have third party safet audits? (NSF, QAI, AIB, Silliker, etc)?Who audits?What was thei

4、r score and rating?最后一次的卫生部, 省,市食品检验局的检测报告是什么时候是由谁检测的是否具有食品安全问题公司是否具有第三方的检查或审计机构?(例如NSF, QAI,AIB,Silliker 等)第三方是哪一个他们的评分标准及等级是什么Product/Ingredient information产品及产品成份信息What does the Plant produce?Are the Product and Ingredient Schedules correct?Ask company/plant to review copy of ingredient and produ

5、ct lists. Any changes should be noted on the lists and included in this report.List should include all products for which the Company is seeking GF certification, including private label products.Has the company added any new products since the last audit?Dotheyproduceanythingotherthanthe工厂生产的产品是什么?

6、产品及其成分表是否准确?要求工厂提供产品成份及产品目录的副本, 有关产品的任何变动都要在列表及此份报告中明确列出目录中要列出所有公司进行无麸质检测的产品自从上一次的审计后,公司是否添加了新的产品除了以上所要进过无麸质认证的产品外,公司是否生above?Is it GF Certified?Provide a detailed description of the production process.Describe the production lines and equipment both the product to be certified and for all other pro

7、ducts. Include a production flow chart if available.Did you review the formulas and/or batch sheets?Have any formulas change since last audit? Review all changed and new formulas. Indicate any changes.How does the company determine GF status of its ingredients?Are vendor surveys used? Audited? Visit

8、ed?This is the first line of defense to avoid errors. More info should be gotten regarding suppliers i.e. COA s,affidavits, statements, mixed use; suppliers have suppliers, potential for cross contamination?精选文库产过其他产品是否做过无麸质的认证?请提供详细的生产过程的情况.既包括申请无麸质认证的产品也包括其他产品的生产线及相关设备,请提供生产流程图每个批次的产品是否审查配方?自从上一次审

9、计后,配方是否有过变动检查所有变动的地方及新配方,并注明变动。对于产品成份工厂是如何界定并以此来判定产品是无麸质的?是否对供应商进行过调查?是否由第三方进行过审计?是否实地审查过?做为避免错误的第一防线, 要提供更多关于供应商的信息,或者是其它方面证明、 声明、或者多方信息的资料; 是否有可能交叉污染?Segregation ofGluten-FreeandNon Gluten-FreeAre all ingredients in plant GF?Does the company segregate allergens? Does the company segregate allergen

10、s? What tracking system does the company use for allergens/gluten throughout production process (from staging to finished product)?含麸质和不含麸质产品的隔离工厂的所有原料是都是无麸质的吗如果不是,避免交叉感染的防控措施是什么工厂是否隔离了过敏原从产品开始生产到完成阶段, 如果过敏原或者麸质成分流入到产品中, 工厂具备什么追踪系统来召回这些产品Production生产What is the production schedule of GF在非专门生产无麸质的产品设

11、备上如果同时生产含products in non-dedicated facilities?有麸质或过敏源的产品, 工厂的生产计划是什么?是否是按照过敏原或者有机的规程来生产Is it sequenced as per allergens or organic?Are the same lines used for both GF and含麸质的产品和不含麸质的产品是否使用同一条生non-GF production?产线How many production lines can be used and有多少条生产线可供于生产使用, 是否具有生产无麸are there specific line

12、s used for GF production?质产品的专门生产线2What are the cleanout procedures between gluten and gluten-free runs?Are the processes and procedures adequate for the line being compatible for GF and non-GF production?Does the plant have rework, repour, etc?How is it used?Does the plant purge product as part of

13、the cleaning, production, or packaging?What is done with purged product?SanitationIs there a written sanitation program in place?Is the line approved before startup, by whom? Is the line used for gluten-free production also used for gluten-containing products?What is the cleaning process?What type o

14、f sanitization testing is done?When?How is airborne dust controlled? (Explain)Is it adequate?Have any changes to how the airborne dust is controlled been made since last audit?Has plant undergone any structural, layout, equipment changes since last inspection?精选文库含麸质和无麸质产品的交替生产, 工厂的清理程序是什么如果交替生产, 含麸

15、质和无麸质产品的生产流程和步骤是怎样的?工厂是否有返工、举报,是如何来操作的?在清洁、生产和包装中,进行了哪些操作规程环境卫生是否具有书面卫生计划?生产前, 生产线的环境卫生是否得到了批准认可,是由谁批准的?此生产线是否既用于不含麸质产品的生产, 同时又用于含麸质产品的生产?清洁程序是什么?工厂曾做过哪种类型的消毒检测?什么时候做的?工厂对于处理浮尘所采取的措施是什么?(请解释)此方法是否得当?从上一次的审计后, 对于浮尘的控制有哪些变化?自从上一次的检查后, 工厂的结构, 布局以及设备上是否有所变动包装,标签和运输Packaging,Labeling,TransportationAre ce

16、rtified products labeled at plant?认证产品是在工厂进行贴签吗?如果不是,是在什么地方贴标签?并检查标签以便于更恰当的使用不含If no, where are they labeled?麸质的认证标志。Review labels for appropriate useof GFCOlogo.Are certified products shipped in bulk?认证产品是以散装的形式吗?散装产品包装是什么样的?Whatproductpackagingisusedforbulkshipping?Are certified products packaged

17、at a different 认证产品是在不同的地点包装吗?请列出这些地点 location?3精选文库List locationHow does the company/plant determine transportation container safety?Trailerinspections,incoming&outgoing?Other?工厂是如何来判定包装物运输的安全性的?是通过对运输装载物的检查、 拖车的到达及离开, 还是其他方面?Testing检测Are they currently testing for gluten?What gluten testing me

18、thod are they using?Romer, GlutenTox, Elisa Technologies, Neogen, R-Biopharm, Tepnel, other?Is the testing qualitative or quantitative?How often are they currently testing for gluten?Collect testing records.Do they periodically send samples to an independent lab for gluten testing? Which lab?How often?What is being tested (ingredients, equipment, finished products)?Does the company/plant have a written corrective action plan for positive testing outsid acceptable level?Review and col


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