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1、新人教版八年级上 语第六单元测试题册英附答TTA StandardiZatiOn OffiCe TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C新人教版八年级上册英语第六单元测试题附答案I 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)()1.Zhang Xin, is thereUniVerSity in the city?Yes. My good friend is StUdying inUniVerSity now.A. an: an B. a: a C. a: the D an: the()2.What,s your friend,sShe IikeS to IiStening to musicA

2、. team B. hobbyC. relationship D CdUCatiOn()be a greatIike Lang Langt my COUSin PraCtiCeS Playing the PianO every day.A. PianiSt B. engineer C. ViOIiniSt D PiIOt()4I think being a teacher is great. you Want to be a teacher» you must be good With kidsA BUt B. If C. SO D And()an important meeting

3、 tomorrow afternoonA. is going to have B are going to haveC. are going to be D is going to be()6.HOW about having a SUrPriSe Party for Jane? OOd ,sWhCn to have the Party now.A. expect B. describe C. discuss D question()you try your best, m SUre you Will be ablethe WOrk in a WeekA. to finish B. finis

4、h C. finishing D to finishing()are Larry,s and BeCky,s PhOne , JOhnA. Write it down B. Write down itC. Write them down D Write down them()may COme to the party, but m not quiteit.A. SUre about B. afraid OfC. famous for D ready for()10.I feel bored With WOrking all day.Why notSOme SPOrtS to relax you

5、rself?A. make UP B take UP C. Stay UP D grow UP()11WhOdinner for you, Frank?My father, because Iny mother WaSn,t at home.A. ckcd B. cksC. is cooking D is going to cook()12.What did your UnCle SayjUSt now?He PrOmiSedme a new bike.A. buy B. bought C. buying D to buy()13.IS Mary going to StUdy science?

6、thinks it is too boringA. Yes, She is B. No, She doesn'tC. No, She isn,t D Yes, She does()14.What do you Plan to do this weekend?Weit OnCe a week.A. play; Play B play: PlayedC. are going to play: Play D play; are going to Play()15.If We Want to get gd grades, We ShOUld WOrk hard.A. No, it doesn,

7、t B. SOUndS funnyC. Well, don't worry D Yes, you're rightIl .完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)JaCk WaS excited because it WaS NeW Year WaS a time for fun, and it WaS also a time for making_6_ to yourself, Jack,s COUntry it is a tradition (传统)to 17_ NeW Year's resolutions.JaCk IOVCd to Plant but he USlIa

8、ny_j_8_ keep his resolutions for first he did just What he Plannedf _9_ Iater he found that he COUldn,t keep his made too many resolutions, and SOme Were t _20_ to keep.BUt this year it WaS21 to keep his found a Way to _烫_ it COmeS year he _23_ a Weekly _24_ On a big PieCe Of PaPCr(张大纸) Then he PUt

9、the PaPer On the dr Of his time he OPened the door, he COUld _25_ his resolution really kept his resolutions all the timet and he WaS happy.()B. educationC relationship D hobby()B. find C. make D IOSe(),t B doesn,t C didn't D shouldn't()B. but C. SO D if()B. necessaryC important D CliffiCUIt

10、()B decided C. StOPPCd D forgot()UP B grow UP C. dress UP D make SUre()going to make B. made C make D makes()it down B. WrOte it down C WrOte down it D Sat down it()B. Write C. keep D IeaVeIII阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)AMy name is EIiZa and my best friend is are ClaSSnlateS and We are interested in the Same b

11、oth Iike ,m good at English, but Claire isn' has a great interest in UniVerSity Iife and WantS to go to COnege When She IeaVeS her EngIiSh is not ver>r good.One day, I found her StUdying EngIiSh and I Wanted to help her With She ClOSed the book SUddenly(突然)I asked “ What are you doing M“ NOth

12、ing, , She answered shyly.I didn,t know Why She ClOSed her book. “ Did I find your ' SeCret(秘密)'I just Wanted to help you, M I answeredt '4 PleaSe don't IaUgh at EngliSh is not good and m a Iittle nervous(紧张的)about Iearning EngliSh in front Of others.M"NerVOUSWeIL that,s Why you

13、 can,t do Well in Of your friends Will IaUgh at you! YOU ShOUld try your best to StUdy EngliSh Wilh your you Can get help from them.,根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。()and CIaire are in different SChOOIS.()IikeS music but Claire doesn,t()WantS to go to UniVerSity after ShC IeaVeS SChOOL()really WantS to help Cla

14、ire With her EngIiSh()WOn,t IaUgh at Claire because they are best friendsBHaPPy NeW Year! Many PeOPle make NeW YeafS resolutions in resolution is SOmething that you are going to do Or example, m going to eat more fruit each Week.DO you make New Year,s resolutionsWhat are your NeW Year's resoluti

15、onsThe following is an e are my resolutions:DearJinuI have a IOt Of first One is to do SOme is to keep my bedroom m going to do my homework every Will not get into fights With PeOPle WhO really hate am going to SPCnd IeSS time On COmPUter ,n going to read more know friends are Very important in OUr

16、m going to Inake new friends WhO Iike me and don,t just feel SOrry for the Same time, m going to take more Care Of my appearance (夕卜貌) I'm SUre they Will Iike my new IOOk then! HOW do I Inake more friendsn going to join more you going to ClUbS With your classmates?What are your NeW Year's re

17、solutionsPlease Write me soon.YOUrs, DaVid()the first ParagraPh We know that NeW Year,s resolutions.A are made just before NeW Year,s DayB are made at the beginning Of a new yearC. are USUalIy about SOmething you Want to eatD are a NeW Year,s gift()the e-mail, We Can infer that the WriterA. WantS to

18、 Change his IifeStyleB is a StUdent WhO always makes troubleC. is a teacher WhO WantS to WOrk harderD doesn't Iike SPOrtS at all()Of the following is TRUE?A. DaVid WantS to improve the SkillS Of Playing COmPUter games.B DaVid thinks he always has too much homeworkC. Jim always SayS SOrry to Davi

19、d.D DaVid WantS to read more books than before()WantS to take more Care Of his appearance becauseA. he is always dirty at SChOOlB none Of his friends Iike his appearanceC. he always fights With OtherSD he WantS to InakC InOre friends()Sent the e-mail to Jim because he Wanted.A. to give Jim InOre adv

20、iceB to ShOW how much he WaS going to ChangeC. to know Jim,s NeW Year's resolutions and tell Jim about his OWnD to make friends With JimCLike many Other young boys, I don,t know What I Wanted to be When I WaS a middle SChOOl mother adviscd(建议)me to be a , I COUld not Stand SPending all Of my tim

21、e in front Of a father Wanted me to be a teacher Iike him, but it Seemed that I WaS not interested in it.I had my OWn goal(目 标)after I Went to high got a part-time job at the SChOOl radio StatiOn and I found it Iiked to discuss SChOOl Iife and my favorite music With my ClaSSmateS On the kept On doin

22、g this job during the next SiX I Ieft the COllegel I got a full-time job at OUrIoCal(当地的)radio CarCCr PrOgranI is SUCCeSSfUl and I have IOtS Of enjoy my job and my Iife now.()writer's father WaS a.A PianiSt B. PilOtC. teacher D doctor()Writer began his part-time jobA. When he WaS a middle SChOOl

23、 StUdentB When he WaS a high SChOOl StUdentC. When he WaS a COllege StUdentD after he Ieft the COllege()UnderIined WOrd 'career'、ill this PaSSage means fc*“ In Chinese.A.协议B.经历C.事业D.习惯()Of the following is NOT te according to the passage?A. The Writer Wanted to SPend all his time Playing the

24、 Piano.B The Writer thought WOrking at a radio StatiOn WaS interestingC. The Writer talked about his SChOOl Iife On the radio.D The writer's PrOgram is Very POPUlar now.(),s the best title for this passage?A My part-time job and full-time jobB. NojobiSCaSyiogCiC. StUdy hard to make your dream CO

25、me trueD The part-time job made Ine SUCCeSSfUlIV. 词汇运用。(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。41 HoW about your(关系)with your CIaSSInateS at school?42 That(工程师)wem to LOndOn a few days ago.43 DOing SPOrtS is a good Way to(改善)one,s health.44 Don,t ,m SUre they Can finish the hard WOrk by(他们自己)45 Sarah WaS(能够)io

26、Play the ViOIin Well When She WaS Veryr young.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。46 My brother is a great COmPUter(PrOgram)47 Do you know the(PerSOnal) OVer there?48 HOW many SOCCer(team) are there in your school?49 (driver) his Car to the OffiCe yesterday.50 Little BOb doesn,t Iike taking(act) lessons, but his SiSt

27、er doesV. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(每小题2分,共10分)51. 它听起来像是一个不错的主意。Ita good idea.52. 动物园里有许多不同种类的动物。There are Inanyanimals in the zoo.53. 尽管他们感到很累,但是继续走着。They felt Very tired, but they.54. 你不应该经常给任何人许诺。YbU shouldn,t Oftento anyone.55. 我知道你为什么这么擅长写故事。I know Why you are SOstories.VI. 情景交际。(毎小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,填写适当的

28、句子补全对话,使对话内容完整、通顺。A: Nelly, is that girl your sister?B: YeSt She name is VeraA:B: She is a StUdent at a StUdieS medicineA: MediCineDOeS She Want to be a doctor?B: She WantS to SaVe Patients(病人) BUt I think it,s boringA:B: When I grow UPt I Want to be a COOk.A:B: m going to take COOking IeSSOnSA:B: m

29、 going to Start When I finish high SChOOLVII. 短文填词。(毎小题1分,共10分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。article> grow, health, great read, important, send, medicine although, reallyAS We all know, LU XUn WaS One Of the_6£_ChineSe XUn WaS his PCn is ZhOU ShUren.LU XUn WaS born(出生)in a rich family On SePten

30、lber 25, in ShaOXing, XUn WaS a hardworking got good grades and CniOyCd64a IOt at 1902, LU XUn Went to StUdy in years later, heStarted to Went to be a doctor and helped PeOPle to keep _66_ However, he Ieft his schl two years then on, he decided to be a thought it WaS InOrC_67to help ChineSe PeOPle think WrOte a IOt Of_墜


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