



1、    浅谈高校英语演讲比赛关联用语表达    【摘要】高校英语演讲比赛为大学生英语语言能力的提升提供了锻炼的机会和实践的舞台。师生参与度都很高。围绕英语演讲比赛的相关英语表达,诸如英语演讲比赛的名称专业术语,主持词和评委点评常用语等就显得格外的重要。学会使用这些英语表达将有助于提高师生的参与热情,从而推动英语学习和英语课外活动。【关键词】英语演讲比赛 关联用语 表达高校英语演讲比赛不仅能提高大学生的英语口语表达能力,而且也能展示大学生的语言魅力和舞台风采。它丰富着大学校园文化生活,是大学生活一个重要组成部分。那么,如何用英语表达演讲比赛的相关词汇呢?现

2、归纳如下:一、名称1.英语演讲比赛:english speech competition (contest)2.英语演讲比赛标准:matter (内容);manner(台风); method(表达方式)3.主持人:host ( hostess )4.参赛者:competitor (contester)5.评委:judge; commentator6.评判团:the judge panel7.提问官:question master8.即兴演讲:unprepared speech(impromptu speech)9.命题演讲:prepared speech10.辩论队:the debate te

3、am11.现场观众:live studio audience12.观众最喜欢的选手奖 audience choice award13.录像片段:video clip二、主持人用语1.讓我们认识一下各位评委。lets meet the judge panel.2.让我们欢迎他上场。lets give him a big welcome.3.我们现在可以开始记时吗?can we start timing now ?4.正如往常一样,我们去掉最高分和最低分。as usual,we eliminate the top score and the bottom score5.现在请提问官提问。now,l

4、ets hear questions from the question master.6.现在请看1号选手的得分。now,lets have scores for contester no.1.7.请前面的选手回到台上。lets bring the previous speakers back to the stage.8.现在让我们看一下得分和排名。now,lets look at (view) the score and the rank.9.谢谢你的精彩演说。thanks for the amazing performance.10.对不起,你被淘汰了。we have to say g

5、oodbye to you.(im sorry you are eliminated.)11.只有六人进入下一轮。only six people are qualified to go to the next round .(only six survive the competition.)三、评委点评常用语1. excellent job; well done; very impressive;remarkable2. the content should be meaningful.(内容应该充实)3. your answer is well organized and clearly

6、delivered.(组织严密,表达清晰)4. good,fresh points; very natural style presentation.(观点新颖,讲述自然)5. work a little harder at the pronunciation. (发音仍需努力)6. its hard to separate contester no.1 from no.2.(1号选手与2号选手不分伯仲。)7. powerful debator; attentive listener; skillful actor8. you are neck and neck.(你们并驾齐驱,实力相当。)9

7、. pay attention to your grammar,fluency and choice of words. dont use big words to express small things.10. speak at a moderate speed(语速适中);dont talk like“a machine gun”.11. your answer is brief and to the point.(答案简洁,直奔主题。)12. your language is smooth and humourous.13. my question is straightforward

8、,not tricky.(我的问题直接了当。)14. its a two_ part question.(我的问题由两部分构成。)15. fully prepared; well structured (准备充分,结构严谨。)16. body language and gesture should be properly used.(应该很好使用体态语和手势。)17. very good eye contact with the audience; good communicating skills18. your speech is very vivid and good in logic.(演讲生动,逻辑性强)19. you are full of vigour and vitality on the stage.(在演讲台上你活力四射。)20. i really enjoy the way you handle the question.21. overall,you have done a good job.总之,英语演


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