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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。2019-2020 年中考英语总复习考点跟踪突破27 动词的时态(含答案)1. mingming ,you a tv for three hours.you should have a rest. ok.mum.(xx , 永州)a have watchedb are watching c watchesd watched2. there b a party next month.would you like to go with me? (xx ,齐齐哈尔 ) a will haveb is going to bec is going to h

2、aved will be have3. your brother is an excellent basketball player. so he is.he c to play basketball three years ago.(xx ,长沙 ) a has startedb startsc startedd is starting4. students in class one c the museum next friday.(xx , 成都 ) a visitedb visitc will visitd visits5. where's your father? he a

3、beijing.he there last month.(xx, 巴中 ) a has gone to ;wentb has been to; wentc has gone to ;has goned has been to; has gone6. i c my homework when my mother in. ( xx, 绥化 ) a is doing ; cameb was doing ; ec was doing ; camed is doing ; e7. hurry up! the sky is covered with black clouds.i'm afraid

4、it b (xx ,衢州 ) a rainsb is going to rainc rainedd was raining8. kate a to dance since she was 5, so she dances very well. (xx ,贺州 ) a has learnedb learnsc have learnedd learned9. how time flies ! three years b since i became a middle school student.(xx, 玉林 ) a will passb have passedc passedd passes1

5、0. you said that zhijin cave is very beautiful. b you there? (xx , 毕节 ) a have; goneb have ; beenc have; gone tod have ; been to11. julie's father c to america last month.he there many times. (xx , 六盘水 ) a went ; have goneb has gone; has beenc went ; has beend has been; had gone12. look ! the po

6、lice c the food onto the bank of the river.(xx , 宜宾) a am carryingb is carryingc are carryingd carried13. what do you often do at weekends? i often a my grandparents.( xx, 北京 ) a visitb visitedc have visitedd will visit14. she b for ten years and now she has a lovely daughter.(xx, 平凉 ) a marriedb ha

7、s been marriedc got marriedd has got married15. are you going anywhere? i d about visiting my sister, but i have changed my mind.(xx ,河南 ) a thinkb have thoughtc will thinkd thought16. we couldn't find you anywhere around8: 00 yesterday evening. i'm sorry for it.my mother and i c in the squa

8、re. ( xx, 黔南 ) a dancedb will dancec were dancingd are dancing17. i b tennis with my cousin every day when i was in america.(xx , 安顺) a playb playedc had playedd has played18. what do you think of the new foreign teacher thomson? (xx , 广东) pretty good.i think he c a good job so far. a doesb didc has

9、 doned was done19. the book store c a big sale.the books there must be very cheap now.(xx , 十堰) sounds great.let's go into it and have a look. a will haveb hadc is havingd was having20. have you finished using my dictionary? yes, i put it back on your desk just now.who d it away ? (xx, 十堰 ) a wi

10、ll takeb is takingc tookd has taken21. beijing and zhangjiakou b applying to host the2022 winter olympic games in xx.(xx , 连云港 )a beginb beganc have begund had begun22. someone c at the door.can you open it? (xx , 河北 ) a knocksb knockedc is knockingd was knocking23. when will diana arrive? (xx, 威海 )

11、 oh , she d she is in the meeting room now. a arrivesb is arrivingc arrivedd has arrived24. are you surprised at the ending of the movie? no, because i c the story. ( xx, 宁波 ) a readb will readc have readd was reading25. everything d in our school sincexx.now , it very modern.( xx , 黄石 ) a is change

12、d ; is lookedb is changed ; looksc has changed ; is lookedd has changed ; looks26. when will you hand in your book report? sorry , i'm not sure.i d writing it yet.(xx ,襄阳 ) a didn't finishb don't finishc hadn't finishedd haven't finished27. do you know if jack will drive to londo

13、n this weekend? (xx ,武汉 ) jack ? never ! he d driving so far. a has hatedb will hatec hatedd hates28. a nice tie !a present? yes, it is.my aunt d it to me for my last birthday.(xx, 武汉 )a was sendingb had sent c will sendd sent29. is miss green in the office? no, she c to the library.(xx , 武汉) a goes

14、b had gonec has goned would go30. mike , you look so excited! yeah! there b a tennis game played by li na this evening. a will haveb is going to bec is going to haved are going to be31. i was at the cinema at8 o'clock last night.what about you? i d the internet at home.( xx ,孝感 ) a am surfingb s

15、urfedc will surfd was surfing32. a new shop d for a week nearby.let's have a look there.(xx , 鄂州 ) good idea.but it doesn't on mondays.a opened ;openedb has been opened ; open c has opened ; openedd has been open ;open33. i will write to you when i a arriveb arrived a in shanghai.c have arri

16、vedd will arrive34. have you finished your work? yes.peter a me with it. a helpedb will helpc was helpingd is helping35. it b usually at this time of year, but now it's snowing heavily. a is; snowingb doesn't ; snowc has; snowedd won't ; snow36. i hear your brother has gone to hainan for

17、 vacation. yes, he d in a week. a returnsb returnedc has returnedd will return37. jane, turn down the radio, please.i c my homework. oh , sorry. (xx ,朝阳模拟 ) a dob didc am doingd have done38. what did miss white say just now? sorry , i didn't know.i c something else.a thinkb will thinkc was think

18、ingd have thought39. ben c in china for five years.now he can speak good chinese.(xx , 鞍山模拟 )a livesb was livingc has livedd is living40. have you known bob for years? yes, since he b to china. a esb camec is ingd has e41. may i speak to rose ? (xx , 铁岭模拟 ) sorry , she isn't in.she d to russia.

19、a goesb was goingc has beend has gone42. the person we talked about just now d us a speech next monday. (xx ,抚顺模拟 )a givesb gavec has givend will give43. she d this book for nearly three weeks. a has borrowedb has lentc has boughtd has kept44. the puter is broken. c it today ?(xx , 丹东模拟 ) a will ; repairb has ;repairedc will ; be repairedd has; been repaired45. do you know who cleaned the blackboard,tina ?( xx, 阜新模拟 ) yes, john c a dob doesc didd was46. by the end of la


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