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1、.there was a time whenzhang yi and i was good friends,but nowwe are likestranger.on his first day in our class two years ago, he had no one to talk. i was the first one to say hello to her, so we became friends. zhang yi did well in math or he wasalwaysready tohelpingmewithit.oneday lastmonth, itold

2、him about thatiwould be away from school for two days to see a friend. but he told my father about it andthatmademe angrily.now, iknow iwas wrong.idecidetosay sorryforhim,becausei d ont want to lose so a good friend.71. . was good friends .was were72. . are like stranger.stranger strangers73. . to t

3、alk.talk后加 with或 to74. . hello to her .her him75. . in math or .or and76. . to helping me .helping help77. . told him about .去掉 about78. . made me angrily.angrily angry79. . say sorry for .for to80. . so a good .so suchyang li, a five-year-old girl living next door to me, very clever. because she is

4、 not old enough to go to the school, she often asks me to teach herself to read,write and draw. shestudies hardlyand soon she learns a lot. one evening lastmonth iwas doingmy englishhomeworkswhen she cametomy house. she asked mehow ilearned english.“you would findenglisha bridgeforso much knowledge,

5、 ” isaid.she then wanted to learn english, either. she has learned many english words so far but herparents are very grateful to me.71. . very clever.very 前加 is72. . to the school .去掉 the73. . teach herself .herself her74. . studies hardly .hardly hard75. . english homeworks .homeworks homework76. .

6、 how i learned .how why77. you would find .would will78. . a bridge for .for to79. . english, either.either too11 /680. . but her parents . but anddalian,a cityby sea, isquitebeautifuland the airthereisso good tobreathe. itiseasy togo here by train;beside,you can takea bus or planeas well.together w

7、ithmyparents,i went to dalianfora tripinlastmonth. wevisitedmanyinteresting place, having lots of fun. dalian is such wonderful a city as even many foreignersgo and work there. i met some foreignersthere and talk with them. most ofthem saidtheyenjoyedour stayindalian.afterstayingtherefortendays,we r

8、eturnedhome, tired and happy.71. . a city by sea .sea 前加 the72. . to go here .here there73. . beside, you can . beside besides74. . in last month.去掉 in75. . interesting place .place places76. . is such wonderful .such so77. . a city as .as that78. . talk with them.talk talked79. . enjoyed our stay .

9、our their80. . tired and happy.and butmy friend henry, with him i studied in the same class, didnt like studying at school. thats because hecouldn tgo tohigh school. he had to returnback tohis hometown, where his father wished him to learn to manage our small shop. however,the young man was not inte

10、restinginitand didn t doas his fathersaid. he spends a lotoftimereadingand learnedhow torepaircars.lastmonth, iacceptedan fromhim inviting me take my vacation in his hometown. i started off. seeing that he was such successful, i said,“henry, all road lead to rome. you are great!”71. . with him i .hi

11、m whom72. thats because .because why73. . return back to .去掉 back74. . our small shop.our their75. . was not interesting .interesting interested76. he spends a lot of .spends spent77. . accepted an .accepted received78. . inviting me take .take前加 to79. . was such successful .such so80. . all road le

12、ad to .road roadswhat are the qualityof a good teacher?let meshow you foran example.mr. smith, my maths teacher, is one of the best that i ever met. he knows his subject betterand he always has special waystomake his classes lively and interested. we arenot kept sittingallthe time and are encouragin

13、gto learnthrough allkindsof activities.however, he treatsallhisstudentsequallyfrom the brightestto thatwho need extra help. i am luckily to have a teacher like mr. smith.71. . the quality of .quality qualities72. . show you for .去掉 for73. . i ever met.i 后加 have74. . his subject better .better well75

14、. . lively and erested interesting76. . all the time and .and but77. . are encouraging to .encouraging encouraged78. however, he treats .however besides79. . to that who .that those80. . am luckily to .luckily luckyi was terrible at the math. i had just failed a test. and my little cat

15、 had just died. i was in low spirit. my math teacher saw this and pulls me aside. he told mea timeinhislifewhen everythingwere going wrong.he thought,“thats it!it s over!i m a loser!” but allthathe discoveredlatewas, no. though lifeisa river, always moving.whenyou have a lotofbad stuffhappened, reme

16、mber th atdoesntmeanyou will ever succeed. life isnot adirt pond.fresh water is flowing downfrom the source and on their way.76. . terrible at the .去掉 the77. . in low spirit.spirit spirits78. . and pulls me .pulls pulled79. he told me a time .me后加 about80. . everything were .were was81. . he discove

17、red late .late later82. though life is .though because83. . bad stuff happened .84. . will ever succeed.happened happeningever never85. . on their way.their itsthe olympic games is a great international sports festival, in that almost everynationsend teams of selectedathletesto take part.both the su

18、mmeror winterolympic gamestake placeevery fouryears.in 2008, the 29tholympic gameswas held inbeijing.itwas the threetimethatthesummerolympic gameshave takenplaceinasia.athlete from 204 national olympic committees were competed in 28 sports and 302 events. the chinese team won 51 gold medals, ranked

19、first of all the competing countries. wechinese managed to make the 29th olympic games best ever. the friendly people and beautiful scenery of china left a deep impression for athletes and sports fans fromall over the world.76. . in that .that which77. . every nation send .send sends78. . summer or

20、winter .or and79. . the three time .three third80. . have taken place .have had81. athlete from 204 .athlete athletes82. . were competed in .去掉 were83. . ranked first of all .ranked ranking84. . best ever.best前加 the85. . deep impression for .for onjim is one of my closely friends. two months ago, hi

21、s mother bought a computer to him as a birthday present. she hoped jim will study hard with the help of the computer. to his surprise, jim just wasted plenty of time play computer games everyday. now she regrets buying the computer. asmatter of fact,a computer can doa lotof everyday jobs for us. it

22、is wide used in factories, hospitals, banks and so on.many computers scientists are now trying to make the computer to“think ” like a man. in my opinion, the key is what we should use it wisely.76. . my closely friends.closely close / closest77. . bought a computer to .to for78. . will study hard .7

23、9. to his surprise .hiswill would her80. . play computer games .play81. as matter of fact .matter playing前加 a82. . is wide used .wide widely83. . computers scientists .computers computer84. . to“think ” like .去掉 to85. . the key is what .what thatone day a traveler came to a small town, which he has

24、never visited it before.there is no doubt that he knew no one there and everything about the town. since his hair too long, he wanted to have it cut. there happened to have two barbershops close to each other on the main street. a shop was tidy, and the barber sat on the sofa,waited for his next cus

25、tomer. the floor of the other barber s was full of hair, andthe barber looked tiring in a chair. he thought the second barber was more skillfully than the first one. he finally left the second shop.76. . which he has never .has had77. . visited it before.去掉 it78. . and everything about .everything nothing79. . hair too long .too前加 was80. . happened to have .have be81. a shop was .a one82. . waited for his .waited waiting83. . looked tiring .tiring tired84. . more skillfully than .skillfully skillful85. . left the second .left enteredmr. smith had a 8-year-old son n


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