1、Marketing Across CulturesSherrie E. Zhan第一页,共56页。Electrolux, a Scandinavian vacuum cleaner maker met great success in Britain with the advertising tag line “nothing sucks like an Electrolux”. But when it went into American market, it seems the product is difficult to get off the shelf.What do you th
2、ink may be the reason?A Case of Communication breakdown第二页,共56页。Cultural environmentQs for thinking: When it comes to marketing, what may culture refer to?It refers to a group of people sharing a distinctive heritage, which teaches behavior standards, language, life-styles and goals. E.g. They eat b
3、eef or pork.第三页,共56页。Qs for thinking: How will culture affect peoples buying behavior?It affects what they buy (taboos, local tastes, historical traditions, etc), why they buy, when they buy, who does the purchasing, and how they buy.第四页,共56页。Culture influences onConsumer attitudeWork/material posse
4、ssions Social classThe role of women/the underprivilegedMorality/ReligionRespect for law and social institutionPoliticsEducationAdvertisingPositions of various productsHow female form may be usedWhat parts of the human body may be shownThe extent of physical contactThe degree of elegance, quality, u
5、rbanity, etc第五页,共56页。Culture influences on Business protocols Conduct of meeting Negotiating style Degree of formality Manner of greetingBuyer/seller relationshipsBusiness environmentsCommunication systemParticipation in decision makingRole of governmentEmployment conditionRelationships between labo
6、r union and employers association第六页,共56页。Other Factors of national culture Economic destabilization Improvements in state welfare provision Immigration and emigration Improvements in education system Government control of economy Urbanization of populations Increased opportunities for consumption O
7、pening up of foreign trade and influx of new ideas from abroad第七页,共56页。Global consumers Strivers: mostly mid-aged male in developed and developing Asian countries and Pacific Rim, value material wealth and possessions, status, ambition and powerDevouts: value faith, respect for elders, mainly in Asi
8、a, Africa and the Middle East, prefer local to imports第八页,共56页。 Altruists: outer-focused, well-educated, interested in social causes, older, with a median age of 44, mainly female in Latin America, North America and Russia. Intimates: focus on relationships close to home, family, friends and busines
9、s colleagues, often in US, Britain, and central Europe.第九页,共56页。 Fun seekers: young; hit bars, discos etc, seek pleasure, excitement and enjoy looking good. Creatives: appreciate learning and technology, heavy users of Internet.第十页,共56页。Steps to global marketing Decide why you need to market abroad.
10、 Is there need for your product in your target country? Who and how are your local competitors? What are the logistical roadblocks to getting the products to the consumers? What is your strategy of taking the market? Do a country-by-country testing before a full launch.第十一页,共56页。Steps to global mark
11、etingOther factors to be concerned about: Language Design Brand Name Advertising methods第十二页,共56页。Introduction to the Text This passage is a paper released in world trade. However, it is not in the slight academic with hard-to-understand technical terms. Instead, it is easy for us to understand its
12、feasible application in reality. On the whole, the passage is in large measure argumentative, stressing the importance of taking into account a variety of cultural factors. 第十三页,共56页。 It is riddled with an abundance of cases and examples, rendering it convincing that companies should make strenuous
13、and worthwhile efforts in carrying out field research in target nations and regions as an indispensable component of a marketing and advertising campaign. What is worth our learning from this passage is how we should arrange our ideas in logical and convincing way by providing examples.第十四页,共56页。The
14、 Structure of the Text Part 1 (para.1 to para.2) Part 2 (para.3 to para.11) Part 3 (Para.12 to para.14)第十五页,共56页。Part 1 (para.1 to para.2) Main idea: Cultural awareness in marketing plays a crucial role because there are not only subtleties to every culture but plain taboo as well.第十六页,共56页。 Q1.Acco
15、rding to the author, cultural awareness in marketing is very important. How does the author support her idea? Supporting evidence:a.General motors sold their Nova model badly in Latin America because of imporper translation.b.Coca Cola didnt achieve initial success in China because of impeoper trans
16、lation .第十七页,共56页。 Q2.In para1,the author cites an example, so why did general motors sell their nova model badly in Latin American? General motors sold their Nova model badly in Latin America because “No Va” means “it doesnt go” in Spanish.第十八页,共56页。 Q3.Why didnt Coca Cola achieve initial success i
17、n China? Coca Cola didnt achieve initial success in China because the translation of the soft drink s name read “bite the wax tadpole.第十九页,共56页。 Q4.According to the author, how to discern the unwritten rules of another country? There is still no substitute for a visit to the target market. 第二十页,共56页
18、。 Q5.What is the function of the last sentence of Paragraph2? This sentence serves as a connecting link between the preceding and the following paragraph.第二十一页,共56页。 Paraphrase 1.But cultural awareness in marketing is a lot more than careful translation. Cultural awareness in marketing goes beyond m
19、ere translation.第二十二页,共56页。 2.Our own culture tends to be “invisible” to us, while differences we run into when abroad strike as strange, funny or exotic. We usually dont notice things in our culture, but we are prone to think things in foreign settings are strange, interesting or exotic.第二十三页,共56页。
20、Part 2 (para. 3 to para.14)Main idea: how to take into account cultural factors in global marketing.第二十四页,共56页。 Q1.In para3,Your hosts might ask seemingly rude questions such as “How old are you” Why does the author use an adverb seemingly? In western countries, questions like age, marriage, salary
21、are privacy which you are not supposed to inquiry. But in Asia culture, such as China, it is not the case. On the opposite, it shows ones interest and concern on you. Whether these questions rude or not depends on a countrys culture. So meals, schedules, transportation, and personal conveniences can
22、t be taken for granted. 第二十五页,共56页。 Q2. Is learning the basics of comportment in another culture sufficient for planning a full marketing campaign? No , because the simplest cultural differences can strand the grandest plans.第二十六页,共56页。 Q3.According to the author, the simplest cultural differences c
23、an strand the grandest plans. So how did she support her view with an example? A major company spent many dollars on a marketing campaign before introducing its detergent. But when the detergent was made available, sales were miniscule because Japanese retail establishments were very tiny and local
24、housewives make their purchases on foot.第二十七页,共56页。 Q4.In para5,according to the example the author cited, why were the sales of detergent miniscule in Japan? Because the typically America “large, economy-sized” boxes were far too big and bulky for the tiny Japanese retail establishments. And Japane
25、se housewives dont usually have cars-they walk to the stores and carry their purchases home, to very small living spaces.第二十八页,共56页。Q5.According to the author, in order to discern the unwritten rules of another country, it is important to visit the target market. So can you find some evidence that s
26、upport this idea?supporting evidence:a. Such a visit enables you to become aware of the target market.b. Such a visit a is a good chance to absorb the present-day culture. c. The poor sales of “large ,economy-sized boxes of detergent in Japan resulted from the fact that Japanese retail establishment
27、s were very tiny and local housewives make their purchases on foot.第二十九页,共56页。 Q6.In para6-8,the author puts up two suggestions ,so what are they? Two suggestions: Dont make generalizations about target language. Combine superstition and language for amplified effect.第三十页,共56页。 Q7.The author said th
28、at cultural factors influence buying behavior. What are these factors? These factors include religion, superstition, family structure, cuisine, language and local history but extend to attitudes about such issues as government, work, authority, age, environment, space and time, and male-female relat
29、ionships.第三十一页,共56页。 Q8.In para8,how did superstition affect consumer behavior? For example, in China , the number eight is considered lucky, and many products are named “88” . Phone numbers with eights denote good fortune, and real estate with eights in the address is likely to sell more quickly-es
30、pecially if the price ends in “888”. 第三十二页,共56页。 Q9. In para9-10, there are certain “donts” in advertising,what are they?a.In the EU and much of Asia, comparisons in advertising are not accepted or allowed.b.Local differences in non-verbal behavior should be taken into account in designing visual ad
31、vertising.第三十三页,共56页。 Q10.Do neighboring cultures share buying preferences? No , neighboring cultures elsewhere dont necessarily share buying preferences any more than a US buyer does with a Mexican consumer. Furthermore, national borders dont always delineate buying behavior; regional patterns can
32、be just as strong.第三十四页,共56页。 Paraphrase 1.Prices for the simplest purchases are subject to negotiation. People can also bargain over prices for the simplest purchases.第三十五页,共56页。 2.There is still no substitute for a visit to the target market. The best way to discern the unwritten rules of another
33、culture is a visit to target market.第三十六页,共56页。 3.Every detail that differs from your usual pattern is a clue to the behavior of the local nationals. Every detail of the rules that different from your own cultures can help to explain why the local people behave in that way.第三十七页,共56页。 4.The simplest
34、 cultural differences can strand the grandest plans. Even the simplest cultural differences can be barriers to the implementation of plans.第三十八页,共56页。 5.Beyond concrete demographics, these attitudes are not as easy to circumscribe and pin down. It is not as easy to clearly figure out these attitudes
35、 as concrete demographics.第三十九页,共56页。 6.As Americans, were used to a competitive playing field in which we constantly compare ourselves, our companies, and our products. In the United States, we and companies are accustomed to competing with each other with rules similar to those on playing fields.第
36、四十页,共56页。 7.When the couples lips met, an audible gasp swept through the theater. The audience was shocked by the unexpected kiss of the couple.第四十一页,共56页。 8.Neighboring cultures elsewhere dont necessarily share buying preferences any more than a US buyer does with a Mexican consumer. If two countri
37、es are close geographically, it doesnt mean that they have same buying preference. In the same way, a US buyer doesnt have same consuming habits with a Mexican consumer.第四十二页,共56页。Part 3 Conclusion(para12-14) Each aspect of culture is worthy of our attention, so it is wise to have someone with local
38、 knowledge of the target culture advise you.第四十三页,共56页。 Q1.In para12, Why did the author suggest that dont use the Jolly Green Giant in parts of Asia? Because in parts of Asia where a green hat worn by a man signifies that he has an unfaithful wife.第四十四页,共56页。 Q2.What did the author suggest at the e
39、nd of this passage? Have someone with native knowledge of the target culture advise you. Consult bi-national chambers of commerce for effective help. Before launching a marketing campaign, try a test market first.第四十五页,共56页。 Q3.Why is a market test generally conducted first in major city? Because ge
40、nerally, city populations will be more sophisticated and have the most cosmopolitan attitudes; they also have the highest incomes and therefore are more able to purchase consumer and discretionary goods.第四十六页,共56页。 Paraphrase 1.Each aspect of culture is like a stone thrown into a pool. Each aspect o
41、f culture can have a big impact on business.第四十七页,共56页。 2.Small budget? Consult bi-national chambers of commerce for effective help. If you want to cut expense, you can consult bi-national chambers of commerce and you can get useful advice.第四十八页,共56页。Discussion In the passage, the author points out
42、that there are subtleties and nuances to every culture, and there are just plain taboos. Can you list some examples about Chinese taboos? a.Death is a taboo which is not to be discussed on joyous occasions such as spring festival, weddings or birthdays.第四十九页,共56页。 b.Never buy a clock as a present fo
43、r any Chinese friend, since clock sounds similar to end. Giving a clock as a gift (song zhong) sounds like being present at their bedside when a person takes his last breath. c.If someone gives you a present, it is best not to open it in front of them.第五十页,共56页。Discussion China has changed enormousl
44、y over the last 20 years. It is on its track to become the worlds largest economy soon. As a result, more and more US and European companies want to do business in china. Can you give them some tips ?第五十一页,共56页。 1. Take your time. In the United States and European companies, business is ruled by deadlines. Chinese
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