



1、Auto Calibration-paw1. Disconnect all gas source 切断所有气源2. Disconnect flow transducer 流速传感器3. Press Start button 按START键Auto Calibration-Faw1. Disconnect all gas source 切断所有气源2. Disconnect flow transducer 流速传感器3. Press Start button 按START键Auto Calibration-Pdg1. Disconnect all gas source 断开所有气源2. Disc

2、onnect connection from device gas outlet to breathing circuit 从设备上断开波纹管3. Press Start button 按START键Auto Calibration-Fdg1. Disconnect all gas source 断开所有气源2.Disconnect Disconnect connection from device gas outlet to breathing circuit 从设备上断开波纹管3.Press Start button 按START键Auto Calibration-0.1Mpa O2 So

3、urce1. Connect O2 inlet with a stable gas source at 0.1+-0.005Mpa 将O2输入口连接在压强为0.1+-0.005兆千帕的稳定的气源 2. Push O2 Flush button twice be sure the pressure still in range推动冲氧按钮两次以此确保压强在0.1+-0.005兆千帕范围内3. Press Start button 按下start按钮Auto Calibration-0.2Mpa O2 Source 1.Connect O2 inlet with a stable gas sour

4、ce at 0.1+-0.005Mpa 将O2输入口连接在压强为0.2+-0.005兆千帕的稳定的气源 2.Push O2 Flush button twice be sure the pressure still in range推动冲氧按钮两次以此确保压强在0.2+-0.005兆千帕范围内3.Press Start button 按下start按钮Auto Calibration-21%O21. Be sure the connection of O2 cell is ok 确定所连接的O2电池是完好的2. Expose the O2 cell ambient air 使O2电池暴露在空气

5、中3. Press the Start button 按下Start 按钮Auto Calibration-100% O21. Put O2 cell in working position on the breathing circuit 将O2电池放在波纹管工作的地方2. Push B/V switch to BAG position disconnect the patient circuit将B/V开关打到BAG的位置来断开病人的硅胶管3. Connect a infant bag to manual bag port连接小袋子上的手动口4. Adjust the O2 flowmet

6、er to 5L/Min调整O2的流速至5L/Min5. Press Start button after at least 20 seconds按着Start键至少20SAuto calibration-2kPa paw1. Connect patient circuit as normal operation status 正常连接病人的硅胶管2. Push B/V switch to BAG position use infant bag as simulation lung将B/V开关打到BAG的位置用小袋子模拟肺3. Connect a standard pressure guage

7、 to samle port on patient circuit将病人的硅胶管的samle端口连接到稳定的压力表4. Connect drive gas outlet tube to manual bag port with 15mm·15mm two way connecter出气管和小袋子通过15mm·15mm进行双向连接5. Press Start button then use O2 FLUSH button and APL value and O2 flowmeter to establish stable pressure 2.0+-0.05Kpa启动Star

8、t按钮然后通过控制冲氧按钮和APL和O2流速来使压强稳定在2.0+-0.05千帕Auto Calibration -2kpa pdg1. Connect patient circuit as normal operation status正常连接病人的硅胶管2. Push B/V switch to BAG postion use infant bag as simulation lung 将B/V开关打到BAG的位置用小袋子模拟肺3. Connect drive gas outlet tube to manual bag port with a 15mm·15mm two way

9、connetctor出气管和小袋子通过15mm·15mm进行双向连接4. Press Start button then use O2 FLUSH button and APL value and O2 flowmeter to establish sable pressure 2.0+-0.05Kpa启动Start按钮然后通过控制冲氧按钮和APL和O2流速来使压强稳定在2.0+-0.05千帕Auto Calibration -Insp.valve1. Be sure follow coefficient value has been set correctly确定跟随系数的数值是正

10、确的2. Connect test circuit as following sequence : Drive gas out let 15mm·600nm tube15mm·22mm two way connectorflow transducer22mm·200nm tubetest orifice(测试口)按照下面的顺序连接测试管3. Press start buttonAuto Calibration-Exp Valve1. Connect test circuit as following sequence按照下面的顺序连接测试管 Drive gas o

11、utlet15mm·600mm tube15mm-22mm two way connectorflow transducerinfant bag(小袋子) (流速传感器)2. Press start buttonAuto Calibration-Drive Gas Flow Span1. Be sure flow coefficient value has been set correctly确定跟随系数的数值是正确的2. Connect test circuit as following sequence按照下面的顺序连接测试管Drive gas outlet15mm·6

12、00mm tube15mm-22mm two way connector flow transducer22mm·200mm tubetest orifice3. Press Start buttonAuto Calibration-Positive Airway Flow Span1. Be sure flow coefficient value has been set correctly确定跟随系数的数值是正确的2. Connect test circuit as following sequence 按照下面的顺序连接测试管 Drive gas outlet15mm·600mm tube15mm-22mm two way connectorflow transducer22mm·200mm tube test orifice3.Press start buttonAuto Calibration-Negative Airway flow spanBe sure Flow Be sure flow coefficient value has been set correctly确定跟随系数的数值是正确的1.2. Connect test circuit as following sequence按照下面的顺序连接测试管 D


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