



1、译林版六年级英语上册单元测试卷第二单元测试班级姓名成绩听力部分(20分)、听录音,选出所听到的单词'。(10 分)()1. A. wearB. weatherC.week()2. A. windyB. wi ndowC.win ter()3. A. couldB. cloudyC.clouds()4. A. broughtB. boughtC.bring()5. A. takeB. drinkC.saw()6. A. sunnyB. honeyC.rai ny()7. A. breadB. becomeC.wet()8. A. hu ngryB. happenC.happy()9. A

2、. lotB. loseC.lost()10. A. fiveB. flewC.foolish.、听录音,选出合适的答句。(5分)()1. A. Yes.B. GreatC.I lost my purse()2. A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I did.C. Yes, I like.()3. A. 1 'm hun gry.B. It 'time for dinner.C.OK.()4. A. I found it in the treeB. It 'here.C.I don 'like it.()5. A. It 'six.B. At s

3、ix.C.Six.、听录音,完成下列短文。(5分)A: Whatis it today?B: It' Su nday.A: What' thelike today?B: It'and warm.A: Oh, it 'a fine day. Shall we in the park?B: Good idea.笔试部分(80分)一、根据要求写出下列单词的适当形式。1. Sep.(完整形式)3. bee (复数)5. by (同音词)(10 分)2.cloud (形容词)4.twenty (序数词)6. sun(形容词)7. brought (原形)9. fly (过

4、去时)二、从U栏中选出与I栏相对应的句子。I()1. What did you do yesterday?()2. Where were you?()3. Is it rai ning now?()4.What'the weather like?()5. Where did you fly kites?三、英汉互译。(10分)1. 一些乌云2. 许多雨3. 抓紧 4. 整天 5. 飞走 6. what happene7. watch cartoon8. a parrot show9. hungry and wet10. a n in teresti ng story8. go(过去时)

5、10. rainy(名词)(5分)nA. I n the park.B. At home.C. I did my homework.D. It 'sunny.E. No, it isn '四、根据首字母或中文提示填空.(5分)1. There are many c in the sky.2. It is rainy. My clothes are w.3. My frie nds ofte n go to school bbike.4. We(看见)many parrots last June.5. Bears like eati ng(蜂蜜)very much.五、选择填空。

6、(10分)()1. The weatherA. becomewindy yesterday eve ning.B. becameC.becomed()2. Yang Linga parrot photous.A. show, toB. showed , toC.showed, for()3.it ofte n windy in spri ng?A.IsB. DoesC.Do()4. Therea lot ofin summer inNan ji ng.A. is, rainsB. are, rainC.is, rain()5. It 'time forA. classB. have c

7、lassC.have less on()6. I likeTV.ITV last n ight.A. watchi ng, watchB. watchi ng, watchedC.watched, watchi ng()7.It' cloudy and usually.A. sunB.sunnyC.suny()8. Isome bread and milkmy breakfast this morning.A. have, withB .have, forC.had, for()9. I often goin the park.A .walkB. walksC. walki ng()1

8、0. There was a shopthe school.A. i n frontB. in front ofC.at front of六. 请用括号里的单词的正确形式填空。(5分)1. Liu Tao(go) to school at eight this morning.2.1(ca n) not hold onto my kite .It flew away.3. Jim(lose) his bike.He was very sad.4. Let's(bri ng) some drinks here.5.It(rai n) yesterday morni ng.七. 按要求改写

9、句子。(10分)1. We fly kites high in the sky every week.用 last week 改写句子)We kites high in the sky week.2. The weather in Nanjing is sunny.对划线部分提问) is the weather in Nanjing?3.It'time for dinner.(保持句意不变)It 'time dinner.4. It often rains here in summer.(改为一般疑问句) it often here in summer ?5. was , it

10、 , windy, not , yesterday (.)连词成句,2 分)八、 请你根据中文完成句子。(10分)1. 今天下了一天的雨.It all today.2. 然后,天气变得有风和多云了。Then, thewindy and cloudy .3. 你想要一些面包和蜂蜜吗?Would you like and honey?4. 上周谁带故事书给你的?Who you last week?5. 很久很久以前,森林里住着一位聪明的猎人.Long long ago, there a hunter in the forest.九、阅读短文,判断正(丁)误(F)。( 10分)It 'Sun

11、 day mornin g. It' sunny. There is a football match betwee n Class1 and Class 3. Many stude nts are watch ing it. Now Joh n has the ball. He passes it to Mike. Mike kicks the ball.It 'a goal! And Peter has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies into John'face! John is angry. But the ball flies into the goal. Another goal! How 'John feeli ng now? Of course,h6sso happy.At last,Class1 wins the game. But Class 3 is not sad. The stude nts of Class 3 are laughing at Johns funny goal!()1.The weather is fine on Sun day.()2.Joh n kicks the ball into t


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