



1、研究前阅读题数据收集及分析分析老师资料:任教年级:六年级 科目:英语 姓名:邢斌一、研究前阅读理解题数据收集:该棚分41与实扣分数(vh|>五年级下学期英语抽测中的短文理解方面的题目进行数据分析,发现,我和同年级 的老师在得分上有差距。:2009学年五年级下学期英语期末考试学科知识点得分率分析表知识点知识点内容相关试题区得分率银河列 海娴银河邢斌r10313500070听力短文理解28,20.750.870.81f10313500080阅读理解72j3j4j5.76j7 av m v mm 0.750.9 m0.83 -因此,对研究前几个单元的阅读测试也做了小题精细测

2、评,六年级英语上册ml-2单元测试阅读十二1 判断fred住在哪儿(where)十二2 为谁举行party(who)十二4 fred为什么开心 (why)十二5十二3 孩了们明天将要去哪(where)题冃内容分值总扣分数总扣分人 数正确率判断人物关系(who )1. 537.52545. 65根据短文信息推理人物关系1.5302056. 52如文信息细节考查(what's wrong)1.512882.61mrs将要做什么(whatw订1 do )1.5211469. 5706100. 56763. 59close friends的中文意(猜 词义)六年级英语上册m3 4单元测试阅读题

3、从以上图表我们足以看到学生对于阅读理解题目屮特殊疑问句的理解很缺乏。而且, 学生的阅读理解能力普遍很低,因此,我们认为从高年段开始在英语的拓展延伸课中渗 透阅读技巧,培养学生英语阅读能力非常必要,对高年段学生的英语综合水平的提高也 有帮助。二、本题组学生答题情况1、答题的总体情况:木大题是学生认真阅读短文,根据短文大意判断t或f,测试m3-4是要求根据对 话内容选择适当的答案,学生ml-2完成答题的情况中第一和第五小题比较理想。学生 对特殊疑问词的掌握都比较好,但是第四小题错谋率比较高,绝大多数学生不理解have a wedding这个词组的意思。本题组平均分为:7. 57分,标准差为:2.2

4、8。m3-4测 试中,第三四题争取率比较高,但是第一题错的同学多,是因为不会判断人物关系。木 题组平均分为:3.82分,标准差为:2.14 o阅读小题扣分情况和止确率"题h内容题目分值总扣分数总扣分人 数正确率判断fred住在哪儿(where)218980. 85为谁举行party(who)2201078. 72孩了们明天将要去哪儿(what)2201078. 72fred为什么开心(whv)2381959. 57close friends的中文意(猜词义)218980. 850101145775. 74题目内容分值总扣分数总扣分人 数正确率判断人物关系(who)1.537.5254

5、5. 65根据短文信息推理人物关系1.5302056. 52短文信息细节考査(what's wrong)1.512882.61mrs将要做什么(will do )1.5211469. 5706100. 56763. 592. 存在问题情况分析1. 学生短文屮的细节内容不会融会贯通;2. 学生的阅读理解能力太弱,不会对一些问题进行分析推理就只是对表面的文章的 文字进行搜集,导致错误出现。比如m1-2中,学生看到-is going to have a wedding 就在题目中选择t,根本不会去看细节。3. 短文和对话中人物关系判断失误,不会去理解导致m3-4题目中第一题止确率只 冇45.

6、65,偏差在于不理解文章大意。4阅读的综合水平太低,平均分不高。三、改进策略:1、在课堂上应给予阅读习惯和阅读方法的指导。2、在课堂上多预留让学生阅读英语的时间,好好利用拓展读与写,培养学生找 信息句的能力。3、加强教学的灵活性,不要把语言能力的培养变成简单的背书,丰富学生的语言体 验,使学生真&理解语言。4、加强如础知识的矗学捉别是词汇教学,要扎实过关,为学生能读懂简单的英语阅 读文章打好文字基础。四、针对此题的训练题:one day jack and david went fishing jack took his dog tony with him. on the river b

7、ank, when the dog saw a bird, he ran after it and tried to catch it. “ all the fish are frightened and swim away, " said david“ be quiet, tony, " jack shouted at the dog but tony did not listen to him“ shall we go home now, david?” said jack“ next time i shall not bring him here again:&quo

8、t;wait," said david. “ a fish is biting my line. "look out!m shouted jack. but it was too late. the boy sell into the watc匚"help! help!” david shoutcd but jack couldnt swim, cithc匚 just then tony came out!he jumped into the water and pulled the boy onto the bank and saved his life.1 w

9、hat did jack and david do that day?a. they went swimming. b. they went fishing. c they took a walk.an old mantom was very old, and he lived by himself a long way from town. so he knew less about the world one day he went into town to buy something in some shops then he went into a resaurant and sat

10、down at a table. when he looked around, he saw many old people put eyeglasses on before reading their newspaper, so after lunch he walked to a shop to buy some glasses.the man in the shop made him try on a lot of glasses, but tom always said, “ no, i carft read with these】the man became more and mor

11、e surprised. he said, “ excuse me, but can you read?"“ no, of course i can't l tom said"i think the good glasses can help me/51, where did tom live?a. a town b. a city ca place of a long way from the town2did tom know much about the world?a, yes、he did b no, he didrft c, sorry i don

12、9;t know .3. where did tom see many old people?a a shop b a restaurant c a supermarket4. what did he do after lunch?a went to a shop b went to a restaurant c went to a supermarket5 which is ture?a tom cant read b tom like glasses very much c tom is a young man.one day mr and mrs white went shopping

13、by car. they stopped their car near a store they bought a lot of things and they wanted to put the things in the car. but mr white couldn't open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. the policeman was very friendly to help them. just then a man came up and shouted: “ what are you doing with my car?"mr and mrs white took a look at the car's number and they were frozen there.1( wasn5t their ca匚1. what did mr and mrs white doinga they went shopping b they took a walk. c they went swimming.2. wher


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