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1、李斗星研究员发表论文目录a.发表在国际学术刊物(133篇)1. d> x. li. l. stenberg and s andersson: high resolution electron microscope studies on a quenched (nio.5cro.5)7nb6, j. solid state chem., 48 (1983), 368-375.2. jan-olv bovin, d x. li, lars stenberg and hakan annehed: the defect structure of nanbi3c)33, a high resolu

2、tion transmission electron microscopy study, z. krist. 168 (1984), 99-108.3. h. q. ye, d. x. li and k. h. kuo: ciystal stmcture of the h phase deteitnined by hrem, acta cry st., 840(1984) 461-465.4. d> x. lt h. q. ye and k. h. kuo: a hrem study of domain stmctures in the h phase coexisting with t

3、he c phase in a nickel-based alloy, philos. mag., a50 (1984), 531-544.5. d x. li and k. h. kuo: a high resolution electron microscopy study of the defect stiucture of w4nb26o77, j. solid state chem., 56 (1985), 236-240.6. h. q ye, d x li and k. h. kuo: domain structures of tetrahedrally close-packed

4、 phase with juxtaposed pentagonal antiprism. i structure description and hrem image of the c14 laves and p phase, philos. mag.、 a51 (1985), 829-837.7. d x li and k. h kuo: domain stmctures of tetrahedrally close-packed phase with juxtaposed pentagonal antiprisms. iii. parallel and rotation domain in

5、 the p phase, philos. mag., a51 (1985), 849-856.& k. h. kuo, h. q. ye and d x li: merits of high resolution electron microcopy in the study of alloy structures, j. electron microscopy technique, 3 (1986), 57-66.9. k. h kuo, h. q. ye and d x li: tetrahedrally closepacked phase in superalloys, new

6、 phases and domain structures observed by high resolution electron microscopy, j. materials science, 21 (1986), 2597-2622.10. d x li and k. h kuo: some new a related structures deteitnined by high resolution electron microscopy, acta cry st., b42 (1986), 152-159.11. l. c. qin, d x li and k. h. kuo:

7、a hrem study of the defects in zns, philos. mag., a53 (1986), 543-555.12. k. h. kuo, c. dong, d. s. zhou y. x. guo,乙 k. hei and d x li: a friauf-laves (frank-kasper) phase related quasicrystal in a rapidly solidified mgnizsi alloy, scripta met., 20 (1986), 1695-1698.13. k. h. kuo, d. s zhou and d x

8、li: quasicrystalline and frank-kasper phases in a rapidly solidified v4ini36si23 alloy, philos. mag. lett., 55 (1987), 33-39.14. y. c. feng, d. s zhou, d x li. c dong, g van tendeloo and k. h. kuo: three-dimensional modulated structures in rapidly solidified transition-metal-silicon alloy, philos. m

9、ag. lett., 55 (1987), 221-223.15. m l. sui and d x li: electron diffraction and high resolution electron microscopy studies of the superconductor in ba-y-cu-0 system, international journal of modern physics. bl (1987), 371-374.16. d x li and m. l. sui: crystal structures and defects in phases existi

10、ng in basyzcusog, modem physics lett., bl (1987), 135-143.17. d. s. zhou, d> x> li, h. q. ye and k. h. kuo: local translational order in the v41ni36si23 icosahedral quasicrystal, phil mag. lett., 56 (1987), 209-215.1& d s. zhou, h. q. ye, d x. li and k. h. kuo: quasicrystalline and crystal

11、line structures in a rapidly solidified v-ni-si alloy, materials science forum, 22-24 (1987), 163-174.19. d x li: the crystal structure of nanbosif , j. solid state chemistry, 73 (1988), 1-4.20. d x li and s. hovmoller: the crystal structure of nagnbchif determined by hrem and imae processing, j. so

12、lid state chemistry、73 (1988), 5-10.21. h. chen, d> x. li. and k h kuo: new type of two-dimensional quasicrystal with twelvefold rotational symmetry, phys. rev. lett., 60 (1988), 1645-1648.22. d. s. zhou, d x li, h. q. ye and k. h. kuo: a hrem study of the domain structures and plannar defects of

13、 the c phases in a rapidly solidified v-ni-si alloy, philos. mag., 58 (1988), 865-879.23. d. s zhou, h. q. ye, d x. li and k. h. kuo: microdomain structure displaying apparent decagonal symmetry, phys. rev. lett., 60 (1988), 2180-2183.24. de xe li, r. p. schneider, jr., and b w wessels: high resolut

14、ion transmission electron microscopy of inasxpi-x/inp heterostructures, in "heteroepitaxial approaches in semiconductors. at macrander and tj. drummond, editors, the electrochemical society softbound proceedings series, pv89-5, pennington, nj (1989), p89-105.25. r. p. schneider, jr., d x li and

15、 b. w. wessels: structural and optical properties of highly strained inasxpi.x/inp, heterostructures, ibid, p77-88.26. r. p. schneider, jr., d x li and b. w. wessels: structural and optical properties of highly strained inasasxpi.x/inp hctcrostructurc, j. electrochem. soc., 136 (1989), 3490-3494.27.

16、 x. k. wang, k. c. sheng, s. j. lee, y. h. shen, s. n. song, d x. li, r. p.h. chang and j. b. ketterson: oriented thin films ybacu(f)o with high tc and jc prepared by e-beam multilayer evaporation, appl. phys. lett., 54 (1989), 1573-1575.2& m. s. wong, w. a. chiou, f. r. chen, d x li and r. p. h

17、. cahg: transmission electron microscopy study of diamond films grown by plasma deposition, mat. res. soc. symp. proc., 139 (1989), 363-36&29. s. n. song, d. x li, j. b. kcttcrson and s. m. hues: structural studies of artificial si/nb superlattice films, j. appl. phys.y 66 (1989), 5360-5366.30.

18、d. x. li, x. k. wang, d. q. li, r.p.h. chang and j. b. ketterson: microstructure studies of epitaxial ybazcgo?© films, j. appl. phys., 66 (1989), 5505-5509.31. j. m. chabala, r. p. h. chang, j. b. ketterson, r. levi-setti, d x li, y. l.wang, x. k. wang: ion inicroprobe characterization of e-bea

19、m deposited ybacu(f)o films: effects of post-deposition processing, physics c, 162(1989), 75-76.32. x. k. wang, d x li , d. q. li, y. p lu, s. n. song, y. h. shen, j. q. zheng, r. p. h. chang and j.b.ketterson: superconducting ybazcgo?© thin films with three different orientation, j. appl. phys

20、., 67(1990),4217-4220.33. d x li, p. pirouz, a. h. heuer, s. yadavalli and c. p. flynn: hrem study of ceramic/ceramic interface: mgo/abch, mat. res. soc. symp. proc., 221 (1991), 331-336.34. d x li, p. pirouz, a. h. heuer, s. yadavalli and c. p. flynn: interface characterization in a nb/mgo/nb/ai2o3

21、 multilayer, mat. res. soc. symp. proc., 221 (1991), 939&35. d. x. li, p. pirouz, a. h. heuer, s. yadavalli and c. p. flynn: a high-resolution electron microscopy study of mgo/auos interface and mgabo4 spinel fonnation, philos. mag., a65 (1992), 403-425.36. b. m. davis, d. x. li, d. n. seidman,

22、j. b. ketterson, r. bhadra and m. grimsditch: elastic and nanostnictural properties of cu/pd superlattices, j. mat. res., 7 (1992), 1356-1369.37. d x li, p. pirouz, a. h. heuer, s. yadavalli and c. p. flynn: the characterization of nb/alqs and nb/mgo interfaces in the nb/mgo/nb/ahoj multilayer, acta

23、 metal i., 40 (1992), s237-247.38. j. y. dai, d x li, h. q. ye, g. j. zhang and z. z. jin: characterization of tib2-ti(cn)-ni ceramics by transmission and analytical electron microscopy, mater. lett., 16 (1993), 317-321.39. d x li, d. h. ping, y.x. lu and h. q. ye: chaiacterization of the microsti*u

24、cture in tib whisker reinforced titanium alloy matrix composite, mater. lett., 16 (1993), 322-326.40. x. d. liu, j. t. wang, d. h. ping and d x li: stmcture and property of polycrystalline (feo.99moo.oi)78si9b 13 alloys, j. appl. phys., 74 (1993), 4501 -4505.41. d. x. li, d. h. ping, h. q. ye, x. y.

25、 qin and x. j.wu: hrem studies of the microstructure in nanocrystalline materials, materials lett., 18 (1993), 29-34.42. j. y. dai, d x li, h. q. ye and g. j. zhang: study of ni3isii2 intergranular phase in ti(cn)-tib2-ni ceramics, j. mat. sci. lett., 13 (1994), 790-792.43. j. y. dai,乙 p. xing, y. g

26、. wang, d x li, j. t. guo, l. l. he and h. q. ye: hrem study oftib2/nial interfaces in a nial-tib2 in-situ composite, mater. lett., 20 (1994), 23-27.44. j. y. dai, y. g. wang, d x li and h. q. ye: atomic stmeture at ti(c,n)-tib2 interfaces in ti(c,n)-tib2-ni ceramics, philos. mag., 70(1994), 905-916

27、.45. j. y. dai, d x li, h. q. ye,乙 x. jin and j. h. zhang: a hrem study of y/y/7a-mo directionally solidified eutectic alloy, part i. the as-solidified state, j. mat. sci., 30 (1995), 248-252.46. j.y. dai, d x li, h. q. ye,乙x. jin and j.h. zhang: a hrem study of y/y/va-mo directionally solidified eu

28、tectic alloy, part ii. the as-aging treatment, ibid, 36 (1995), 253-257.47. d. h. ping, d x li, h. q. ye, x. d. liu and 乙q. hu: hrem studies of the microstructure in nanocrystalline (feo.mmoo.owssigb alloys, mat. sci. eng., a194 (1995), 211-217.48. d. h. ping, t. s. xie, d x li and h. q. ye: high re

29、solution transmission electron microscopy studies of the microstructure of nanocrystalline ti7oni2osiio alloy, nanostructured materials, 5 (1995), 457-464.49. l. p. zheng, r. s. li and d x li: simulation of isotope effects in the sputtering of 6,cu-65cu, vacuum, 46 (1995), 277-280.50. d. h. ping, g.

30、 p. li, y. g. wang, y. d. yu, d x li and h. q. ye: microstructural evolution of thecrystallization of a ti-si-nd amorphous alloy, mater. lett., 24 (1995), 121-125.51. d. h. ping, d x. li and h. q. ye: microstructure characterzation of nanocrystalline materials, mat. sci. lett., 14(1995), 1536-1540.5

31、2. d x li and h q. ye: current status of hrem and its application to materials science and condensed matter physics, j. mater. sci. tech. , 11 (1995), 235-259.53. f. z. li, d. s. sun, q. ao, j. y.dai and d x li: hrem study on the ion-nitrided layers, chinese sci. bull, 40(1995), 1137-1140.54. y. c.

32、wang, d x. li and h. q ye; read-shockley dislocation core structure investigation of a z=7(001 21.8°) grain boundaiy in h. c. p. metals, scripta mater., 34 (1996), 735-739.55. j. y. huang, a. q. he, y. k. wu, h. q. ye and d x li: structure evolution in the cu-fe system during mechanical alloyin

33、g, j. mater sci., 31 (1996), 4165-4169.56. j. y. dai, y. d. u, g. j zhang, d. x. li. y. g. wang and h. q. ye: high resolution electron microscopy study of interfacial structure in tib2-tio.9wojc-sic in-situ composite, philos. mag. 74 (1996), 269-279.57. y. c. wang, d. ping, d x li and h. q. ye: a hi

34、gh-resolution transmission electron microscopy study of the 1011 twin-boundaiy structure in a-ti, philos. mag. lett., 74 (1996), 367-373.58. 乙 r. liu, d.乙 wang,乙 k. yao, j. f. mao and d. x li: interface characterization of a p-sic whisker-al composite, j. mater. sci., 31(1996), 6403-6407.59. j. f. m

35、ao, d. x. li,乙 r liu, d.乙 wang and c. k. yao: interface characterization of a p-sic whisker-al composite, mater sci., 31(1996), 6403-6407.60. y. x. lu, d x li, n. l. shi,乙 y. ma and j. bi: sic fibre-reinforced ti-based composite, trans. nonferrous met. soc. china, 6(1996), 72-75.61. j. y huang y. d.

36、 yu, y k wu, d x li and h. q. ye: microstructure and homogeneity of nanocrystalline co-cu supersaturated solid solutions prepared by mechanical alloying, j. mater. res., 12 (1997),936-946.62. j. y. huang, y. d. yu, y. k. wu, d x. li and h. q. ye: microstructure and nanoscale composition analysis of

37、the mechanical alloying of fexcuioo-x (x=16, 60), acta mater., 45 (1997),113-12463. l. g. yu, j. y. dai,乙 p. xing, d x li , j. t. guo and h. q. ye: hrem observation of interfacial structures in nial matrix in situ composites reinforced by tic particulates, j. mater. res. 12 (1997).1790-1795.64. y. d

38、. yu, d. h. ping, y. c. wang, j. y. huang, d x li and h. q. ye, characterization of nanostructure at gbs by feg-tem and computational calculation, j. surf. analys., 3(1997), 203-212.65. y. g wang, d. h ping, d x li and j. s zhang: transmission electron microscopic characterization of zirconia reinfo

39、rced with silicon carbide fibres, j. mater. scl, 32(1997), 2501-2507.66. h. y. peng, y. d. yu and d x. li: high resolution electron microscope studies of martensite around %s precipitates in a cu-al-ni-mn-ti shape memory alloy, acta mater, 45(1997), 5153-5161.67. m. y. zheng, k. wu, m. zhao,乙 k. yao

40、, j. h. li and d. x. li: precipitates in aged sicw/az91 magnesium matrix composite, j. mater. sci. lett., 16(1997), 1106-1108.6& y cui, l. geng,乙 k. yao, h. y peng and d x li: a new advance in the development of high-performance sicp/ai composite, j. mater. sci. tech., 13(1997), 227-229.69. y. x

41、. lu, d x li, d. h. ping, j. bi and z. y. ma: microstructure of tib whisker reinforced ti matrixcomposite, j. mater. sci. thch., 13(997), 41-44.70. d. w. meng, x. l.wu,乙 l. pan, d x li, hrtem study of three new regularly mixed layer structures of b8 s6 type in ca-re fluorocarbonate minerals, j. rare

42、 earths. 15(1997), 38-44.71. x. l. wu, d. w. meng, g. y. yang, d x li, j. y. dai and k.y. hui: syntatic intergrowth stnicture in thecalcium-rare earth fluorocaibonate minerals, j. rare earths. 16(1998), 196-203.72. x. l. wu, d. w. meng,乙 l. pan, g. m. yang and d x li: transmission electron microscop

43、ic study of new, regular, mixed-layer structures in calcium-rare-earth fluorocarbonate minerals, mineralogical magazine, 62(1998), 55-64.73. j. zhu, x. f. duan, d x li and h. q. ye: application of microdiffraction related to hrem. microscopy research and technique, 40(1998), 122-135.74. f.乙 li, d. s

44、. sun, o. ao, j. y. dai, d x li and h.q. ye: fine stnicture and interface structure of ion-bombardment nitrided layers, science in china, e41(1998), 579-585.75. k. wu, m. y. zheng,乙 k. yao, t. sato, h. tczuka a. kamio and d> x> li: crystallographic orientationrelationship between sicw and mg i

45、n squeeze-cast sic/mg composites, j. mater sci. lett, 18(1999), 1301-1303.76. m. y. zheng, k. wu,乙 k. yao, tatsuo sato, hiroyasu tezuka, akihiko kamio and d x. li: interfacial bond between sicw and mg in squeeze cast sicjmg composites, mater. letter. y 41(1999), 57-62.力.s. j. zhao, d x li, s. q. wan

46、g, l. l. he, h. q. ye, j. q. you and q. b. yang: molecular dynamics study of gi-ain-boundary-induccd melting in b2 nial using a many-body potential, j. mater. sei. technol., 15(1999), 323-327.78. d x. li. d. h. ping, j. y. huang, y. d. yu and h. q. yc: microstructure and composition analysis of niin

47、ostructured materials using hrem and feg-tem, micron, 31(2000), 581-586.79. b. y. jiang, x. h. liu, l. p. zheng and d x li: monte carlo simulation of mg segregation to ni?al grain boundary, mater. letters, 44(2000), 319-324.80. d x li, j. c. rao,乙 x. zhou, h. y. peng and j.乙 lan: microstructures in

48、advanced materials characterized by hrem and nano-scale analysis, mater. character., 44(2000), 391-402.81. y. x. chen, c. y. cui, l. l. he, j. t. guo and d x. li: theoretical and experimental studies of the dislocation structure at nial-cr(mo) interfaces, mater. lett., 44(2000), 186-191.82. y. x. ch

49、en, c. y. cui, l. l. he, j. t. guo and d x. li: equilibrium position of misfit dislocation at nial-cr(mo) interface, j. mater sci. lett, 19(2000), 519-521.83. y. x. chen, c. y. cui,乙 q liu, l. l. he, j. t. guo and d x li: microstructure and phase stability studies of heusler phase ni2alhf and g-phas

50、e nihfbsi? in a directionally solified nial-cr(mo)-hf eutectic alloyed with hf, j. mater. res., 15(2000), 1261-1270.84 y. x. chen, d x li and g. d zhang, electron microscopy studies of interfacial reaction in a (sicw+b4cp)/zk60a hybrid composite, script a metall, 43(2000), 337-34185. c. y. cui, y. x

51、. chen, j. t. gou, d x li and h. q. ye, preliminary investigation of a directionally solidified nial-28cr-5.5mo-0.5hf composites, mater. lett., 43(2000) 30330&86. w. zhang, m. l. sui, d> x. li. k. y. hu, x. n. guo, g. h. he and b. l. zhou: formation of nanophases in a cu-zn alloy under high c

52、urrent density electropulsing, j. mater. res., 15(2000), 2065-206887. 乙 q. liu, de x. li. x. l. xu, l. wang and 乙 k. hei: study on the diffraction patterns of am-fei6n2 with jack-1 and jack-2 structural parameters, j. mater. sci. technol. 16(2000), 362-366.8& m. g. wang, d x li, l. l. he and h.

53、q. ye: microstnitural characteristics of la()?ca().3mno3 films and multilayers, j. mater. sci. and tech., 16(2000), 601-60489. z. x. zhou, h. x. peng, z. fan ana d x li: mmcs with a controlled non-uniform distribution of submicrostructure ai2o3 particles in a 6061 al matrix, mater. sci. and techno i

54、. y 16(2000), 908-912.90. d. y. ding, d.乙 wang, w. l. zhang, c k. yao, j. c. rao and d x li: intefacial reactions and mechanical properties of 6061 al matrix composites reinforced with alumina-coated ai18b4o33 whiskers, materials letters, 45(2000), 6-11.91. x. l. wu, y. j. han, d. w. meng, w. r. yan

55、g and d x li: tem and hrtem study of microstructures in omphacite from uhp eclogites at shima, dabie mountains, china, acta geologica sinica. 74(2000), 154-162.92. t. n. jin, y. d. xiao, w. x. li,乙 ml yin and d x li: microstructural characterization of the intermetallic phase in a spray-deposition a

56、l-8.5fe-1.3v-1.7si alloy, trans of nonferrous met. soc. china, 11(2001), 166-172.93 z x. zhou, z fan, h x. peng and d x. li: high resolution electron microscope observation of interface microstructure of a cast al-mg-si-bi-pb(6262)/a12o3p composite, j. of microscopy, 201(2001), 144-152.94. j. c. rao

57、, y. zhou and d< x. li: ll2- and ll0-like cation-ordered structures in zrorypch ceramics, j. mater. res., 16(2001), 1806-1813.95. y. x. chen, r yu and d x li, orientation relationships and interfaces between nial and g-phase ni16hf6si7, mater. lett., 49(2001), 252&96. l p zheng, d z. zhu, b.

58、y. jiang, x.h. liu and d x li: monte carlo simulation of concentration distribution of ni3ai-5at%mg grain boundary, nuclear instru and meth in phys. res., b 173(2001),441-446.97. j. t. guo, c. y. cui, y. x. chen, d x. li and h. q. ye: microstructure, interface and mechanicalproperty of the ds nial/cr(mo,hf) composi te, in te nneta 11 i cs, 9(2001), 287-297.98. l. h. zhang, m. l. sui, l. zhang, k. y. hu and d x li: investigation of morphological stability of ultrathin pb films, appl. phys. lett., 78(2001), 3621-3623.99. 乙 q. liu, d x li,乙 k. hei and h. hashimoto: ident


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