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1、精品自学考试资料推荐全国 2018 年 7 月自学考试英语国家概况试题课程代码:00522请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上,全部题目用英文作答I MultipIe Choice Questions (50 points , 1 point for each)Directions : In this part of the test,there are 50 unfinished statements or questions For each of the unfinished statements or questions , four suggested answers marked A ,

2、B, C and D are given Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on your Answer Sheet1 .Christianity was first brought to England by.A.the RomansB.the CeltsC.the Anglo-SaxonsD.the Danes2

3、.The names such as Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday came from.A.ChristianityB.Teutonic religionC.DruidismD.Catho1icism3 .At about 700 BC , began to arrive in England from eastern and central Europe, nowFrance, Belgium and southern Germany.A.the CeltsB.the Beaker FolkC.the RomansD.the Anglo-Sa

4、xons4 .made a treaty with the Danes allowing them to keep the northern and eastern parts ofEngland, which later became known as the Danelaw.A.King EthelredB.King AlfredC.King EdwardD.King Harold5 .Many hundreds of rebels were put to death byas he passed triumphantly with an armyof 40 , 000 men throu

5、gh Kent and Essex.A.King Henry IIB.King RichardC.King JohnD.King Edward III6 .For electoral purposes Britain is divided into constituencies , each of which has representative(s) in Parliament.A.651 , oneB.561 , twoC.651 , twoD.561 , one7 .The Wars of the Roses broke out shortly after .A.the Black De

6、athB.the Watt Tyler s UprisingC.the Hundred Years WarD.the Glorious Revolution1 .It was during the reign ofthat the name Great Britain came into being in 1707.A.E1izabeth IB.Henry VIIIC.Charles ID.Anne9 .Real religious Change came in Edward VI s time.People call his switch to theology“ the Reformati

7、on ”.A.PuritanB.ProtestantC.CatholicD.Christian10 .The English Civil War has been seen as a conflict between.A.the Commons and the LordsB.the King and the BaronsC.the Parliament and the KingD.the Crown and the Church11 .After William and Mary were crowned jointly in Westminster Abbey on their accept

8、ance of theBill of Rights , the age ofbegan.A.monarchyB.constitutional monarchyC.capitalismD.federal government12 .As a result of the First World War settlement , the was established.A.League of NationsB.British CommonwealthC.British East India CompanyD.United Nations1.1 In Britain , the election of

9、 returned the to power and Margaret Thatcherbecame the first woman prime minister in Britain.A.1979 , Conservative PartyB.1983, Labor PartyC.1979, Liberal DemocratsD.1983, Democratic Party14. The House of Commons is headed by.A.the Prime MinisterB.the SpeakerC.the Lord ChancellorD.the Monarch15. The

10、 Witan, the basis of the Privy Council was created by.A. the CeltsB. the Anglo-SaxonsC. the NormansD. the Romans16. Which of the following is NOT one of the members of the Lords Temporal in the House of Lords?A. All hereditary peers and peeresses of England, Scotland, Great Britain and the United Ki

11、ngdom.B. Life peers created to assist the House in its judicial duties.C. Senior bishops of the Church of England.D. All other life peers.17. Margaret Thatcher believed in the following EXCEPT.A. self-relianceB. the strengthening of trade unionsC. privatizationD. the use of monetary policies to cont

12、rol inflation18. Established Churches in Britain are.A. the Church of England and the Church of WalesB. the Church of Wales and the Church of ScotlandC. the Anglican ChurchesD. the Church of England and the Church of Scotland19. appeal to people wanting news of more entertaining character in Britain

13、.A. Popular newspapersB. Quality newspapersC. “ Mid-market ” newspapersD. Daily newspapers20. is the most popular sport in England and in Europe.A. RugbyB. TennisC.SnookerD. Football21. The Open University is a non-residential university based in the new town of.A. Milton KeynesB. GlasgowC. Edinburg

14、hD. Cambridge22. From 1980 to 1989, the population between the age of 25 and 44 increased by 28.1% in America because.A. those who were born during the period of large inflow of immigrants reached this age bracketB. those who were born after the World War II reached this age bracketC. those who were

15、 born during the World War I reached this age bracketD. those who were born before the World War II reached this age bracket23. On April 6, 1789, George Washington was elected the President of America and took the oath of office in.A. Washington D.C.B. PhiladelphiaC. BostonD. New York24. After, the

16、United States saw great developments in industry, agriculture, science andtechnology, and population.A. the Civil WarB. the War of IndependenceC. the Vietnam WarD. the Second World War25. is a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory camefrom the British philos

17、opher John Locke.A. The Articles of ConfederationB. The American ConstitutionC. The DeclarationD. The Bill of Rights26. Faced with the serious economic crisis, the administration refused to take stronggovernment action to soften the effects of the Great Depression.A. HooverB.RooseveltC. WilsonD.Trum

18、an27. As a result of, the United States had changed from a debtor nation to a creditor.A. the First World WarB.the SecondWorld WarC. the War of IndependenceD.the Civil War28. The Progressive Movement refers to a number of diverse efforts atreforms.A. political, social, and economicB. political, educ

19、ational, and socialC. political, religious, and socialD. educational, religious, and economic29. Which of the following did NOT account for President Theodore Roosevelt s contributions?A. The adoption of the Hepburn Act of 1906.B. The active use of the Sherman Antitrust Act.C. The withdrawal of 200

20、million acres of public land as forest reserve.D. The passage of the Federal Reserve Act.30. On June 5, 1947, suggested that the U.S. should offer economic aid to Western Europeso as to protect the region from Soviet expansion.A. George MarshallB. Franklin D. RooseveltC. George KennanD. Harry Truman

21、31. President Truman on March 21, 1947 issued an executive order, initiating a comprehensive investigation of the loyalty of all federal employees. This was the beginning ofA. McCarthyismB. cleating out Soviet spiesC. widespread persecution of Communists and progressive peopleD. persecution of feder

22、al employees32. The slave system was formally ended byin 1863 and the Thirteenth Amendment tothe Constitution in 1865.A. the Bill of RightsB. the first ten AmendmentsC. Lincoln s Emancipation ProclamationD. the Articles of Confederation33. After the, the United States replaced France and became the

23、main force in providingaid for the South Vietnam government.A. Paris ConferenceB. Geneva ConferenceC. Yalta ConferenceD. Teheran Conference34. Which of the following is NOT associated with Halloween?A. “ Trick or treat ” .B. “ Spring Break” .C. A night-time children s holiday.D. Pumpkin lanterns.35.

24、 In masterpieces, Leaves of Grass, he praised the ideas of equality and democracy andcelebrated the dignity, the self-reliant spirit and the joy of the common man.A. T.S. Eliot sB. Walt Whitman sC. Theodore Dreiser sD. Ralph Waldo Emerson s36. The American economy is characterized by a high degree o

25、f .A. free-market economy with a dominant public sectorB. planned economyC. monopolyD. government involvement of economy37. The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in.A. 1788B. 1789C. 1790D. 179138. Which is NOT the powe

26、r of the President of the United States?A. He shares certain lawmaking powers with Congress.B. He is the Commander-in-chief of the armed forces.C. He can determine whether legislation conforms to the Constitution.D. He can give reprieves and pardons in federal criminal cases.39. Under to the United

27、States Constitution, takes the responsibility foreducation.A. the Tenth Amendment, the federal governmentB. the Thirteenth Amendment, the stateC. the Tenth Amendment, the stateD. the Thirteenth Amendment, the federal government40. embodies Thomas Jefferson s belief that an education should be practi

28、cal as well asliberal.A. The community collegeB. The vocational collegeC. The junior collegeD. The public college41. In the year 1845, marked the end of one era and the beginning of another in the socialhistory of Ireland.A. the Great FamineB. EnclosureC. the Black DeathD. the English Renaissance42.

29、 Ireland is unique among European countries for.A. its small populationB. its beautiful sceneryC. its excessive rainfallD. its century-long population decline43. Under the Anglo-Irish Treaty, Britain established with dominion status in Ireland in1921.A. the Anglican Church of IrelandB. the Irish Fre

30、e StateC. the Irish Republican ArmyD. Fianna Fail44. New Zealand is justof the International Date Line, so it is the first country to get thenew day.A. southB. westC. eastD. north45. In the years that followed the Land Wars the basic philosophy of race relations became , rather than Maori self-deter

31、mination.A. assimilationB.alienationC. disassimilationD.subjugation46. Who was the first European to discover Canada?A. John Cabot.B.Abel Tasman.C. Samuel de Champlain.D.James Cook.47. In 1931 byCanada was formally declared to be a sovereign nation and became amember of the Commonwealth of Nations.A

32、. the Act of UnionB. the Statute of WestminsterC. the British North American ActD. the Constitution Act48. Since 1945 the Canadian government has adopted a policy of.A. free immigrationB. selected immigrationC. restricted immigrationD. encouraging immigration49. In Australia, is better known as the Great Dividing Range.A. the Eastern HighlandsB. the Great Western PlateauC. the Central Eastern LowlandsD. the Red Centre50. In Australia, the hot, dry environment has a great influence on the following EXCEPT.A. population distributionB. plantsC. animalsD. the built environment11. Answer


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