



1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载lesson plan外研版学校英语第一册 (三年级起点) module 6 unit 1 happy birthday教学目标1.学问目标:( 1)能在图片的帮忙下听. 说.认.读四个单词:happybirthday here cake present pencil pen( 2)能口头运用 happy birthday.向别人祝愿生日, 并能用 thank you.对别人的祝愿表示感谢;( 3)能听懂.会口头使用here s your这个句型;2.技能目标:能在真实情境中运用所学句型表达自己的观点,会庆祝他人的生日并赠送礼物;3.情感目标:能大胆开口说英语

2、,乐于用英语进行口头表达;待人接物有礼貌,善于表达谢意;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学重点和难点1.重点:( 1)四个单词的听说认读 :happy birthday here cake present pencil pen( 2)“ happy birthday.”“ thank you.” “ heres your.”的口头运用;2.难点:( 1)“here s your ”句型的认读和口头运用;( 2)在庆祝生日的过程中运用所学句子;教学过程本节课内容为外研版学校英语第一册 module 7 unit 1 的第 1 课时, 整个活动设计的环绕“ happy birthd

3、ay here cake 和 happy birthday. thank you . here is your.这几个重点句型来绽开;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学环节老师活动预设同学行为设计意图精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载step1.热身复习step2.趣味操练step3.新课出现step4.爱好拓展step5.家庭作业1.greetings review2.use some pictures to teachthe new words3.chant the words.4 . playgames:hereis your5.use the picture

4、s to ask some questions.6 . playthetapetolet students readtwo times.7.let students act.8.sing the song:“ happy birthday.”9 . writethetaskonthe blackboard andask.the students to finish the homework.1.sing the song“ ten little fings”.2.learn new words.3.read and chant.4.play game.hereisyour.and thank

5、you .5.read and answer questions.6.read and repeat the text.7.act the dialogue.8.summary9.sing the song:”happy birthday. ”10.do homework:(1) make a birthday present.(2) talk to their parents about foreign birthday cultures.1.活跃课堂气氛,使同学快速进入积极的学习 状态,并复习为下一步学习做了铺垫;2.通过嬉戏来操练单词, 可让原本单调操练变得丰富多彩, 吸引了孩子们的眼球

6、,调动了他们的积极性,让他们精神集中, 坚固把握所学;3.通过嬉戏,让同学牢 固 掌 握 “ here s your” 这个句型, 并出其不意地由cake 引入课文教学, 激起同学很大的爱好;4.喜爱表演就为爱表现, 想得到老师的确定为学 生们的天性, 不妨把主动权交给同学; ,5.做作业为为了复习当天所学内容;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载step1.warming up1. daily greeting2. free talk3 . sing the song“ten little fings”step2.presentation and practice1.reviewt

7、:please put up your hand count one to ten 、ok .one two go(.ss do) t:now put up your left hand and count ten to one ,lets go. teacher say students do· ··精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载presentationt show some picture and then teach new words and sentencest: look at the picture 、read after me ca

8、ke 、c-a-k-e .t teach new words one by one.teacher ask students spell the new wordspractice1.mechanical practice.the whole classevery group some students2.chant the words. 3.play game.step3.learn the text1.listening activitiest play the tape and ask ss underline the news words and sentences.t give so

9、me questions to ss、and ask ss find the answer from the text.2.reading1) read after the tape.2rad after teacher. 3students read the text.4studentsact the dialogue.step 4 . summary 1.teacher ask one student come to blackboard and teach thewhole class the words and sentences on blackboard.2.sing the song:“ happy birthday” .step 5.homework(1) make a birthday present.(2) talk to their parents about foreign birthday cultures.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载教学反思本次试讲复习了上节课的内容,为新课内容做了铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用;在教学中我运用了直观化.趣味化的教学模式;照实物.图片.录音机和多媒体等;把歌曲引入课堂,来培育同学英语的爱好,增强记忆力;所以,这


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