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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载mine is pink教案 教学目标 1,学问目标:( 1)学习carry.back. shoulder. brown. hand新单词( 2)学习 mine is pink.i can carry it句型;2,才能目标:( 1)会读及懂得新单词carry的运用;( 2)能够运用句型对四周事物的描述进行沟通;3,情感目标:培育同学学习英语的爱好及其合作沟通才能教学重点:把握 carry.back.shoulder 等单词在实际生活中的运用;教学难点:能正确运用本课的语言学问进行实际沟通;教具:录音机.图片.;教法:任务型教学法.情形教学法;

2、教学步骤一, warming up1、 greetingt: class begins.ss: stand up、 please.t: good afternoon、 boys and girls. ss: good afternoon、 miss guan.t: ok. how are you today.ss: im fine. and how are you、 miss guan.t: i m very well. thank you ! what day it is today.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载ss: today is wednesday.

3、 t: whats the date today. ss: today is april the third.t: and whats the weather like today. ss: itssunny.t: ok. sit down、 please.2、 revisiont: ok. now、 let s do some revision. do you remember what we have learned in yesterday.broken/ your bag is broken/ this black bagis nice/ it s bigss: broken/ you

4、r bag is broken/ this black bag is nice/ its bigt: ok. very good. do you remember how many colors we have learned. 那大家仍记得我们学过那些关于颜色的单词吗? now、 look at the blackboard. read these words together.ss: pink. blue.red. orange.black. green.purple.yellow 板书)二, presentation and drill1、 lead int: ok、 very good

5、. now、 this cup is mine. mine is pink. please turn to page 20. we are going to learnunit 2 mine is pink. (板书) t: now、 read after me. “ mineis pink”ss: “mine is pink精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载t: yes.“mine”为名词性物主代词,大家仍记得其它的名词性物主代词吗?( ours. yours. his. hers. theirs.its) ss: yes. ours. yours. his. h

6、ers. theirst: ok、 very good. can you use these words to make sentences. for example: this book is mine. mine is new.(板书;替换人称)ss: this book is hers/ his/yours. hers/ his/ yoursis new.these books areours/theirs. ours/ theirs are new.t: ok. now、 let s learn the new words. look at these desks. 棕色的纸) wha

7、t co lour are they.ss: 棕色;t: yes.棕色 brown. now、 read after me. brown.(板书) ss: brown.t:那“这些桌子 /椅子为棕色的”怎么说呀? ss: these desks/ chairs are brown.t: very good.那大家仍记得我们学过哪些与brown 后一音节相同或相像的单词么?(borrow now tomorrow yellow window) t: very good. look、 i carry a bag. 手上提着一个包 do you know the meaning of “carry

8、”.ss: 提着.拿着;t: yes. carry 提着.拿着.背着;now、 read after me. ss: carryt: great. now、 i have got a bag. i carry it over my shoulder/i carry it精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载on my back. /i carry with my hand (老师边说句子边做出背包的位置的动作来教shoulder. back.hand同学跟读.板书)t: ok.now、lets playa game. isay and youtouch. clear.t

9、he whole class、 stand up、 please. 叫同学站起来,老师发指令,同学指身体部位 now、 i say chinese you say english.t: ok.now、listen to the text.the firsttime、 listenand circlethe “new words”. 第一遍录音t: now、 the second time、 listen and repeat. and then finish the blank.板书 bagco lourway of carrying1 red and blueon my back2 pink

10、over my shoulder3 brownwith my handt: ok. well done.从这个表格, 我们可以看出把包背在不同的位 置时, 用的介词为不一样的,当把包背在背上时用的为on;挎在肩上时用 over;用手拿时就用with.那当包坏了,不能背的时用英语怎么表达呢?ss: my bag is broken. i cant carry it at all. 我的包坏了,我背不了它t: yes. good.请同学们看的notat all这个短语,它的意思为精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载“ 根本不, 一点也不”(板书for example: 1

11、 ,my pen is broken. i cant use it at all.、2,my shoes are broken. i cant wear them at all.) t: ok. now、 read the text after me.三, drillt: ok. now、 look at your bags and then make sentences. 让同学用自己的书包举例, 并边说变加上动作 for example “mine is pink. ican carryitwithmyhand.” 板书 随便拿一个包来举例 clear?s1: mine is blue.

12、i can carry it on my back.s2: mine is black. i can carry it over my shoulder. s3: mine is red. i can carry it with my hand.t: very good. now、 the whole class read these sentences after me. t:now.lookat the part2.lookatthe picturesand then make sentences.for example: “my eyes are big. i see with my e

13、yes”.my mouth is big. i eat with my mouth. my legs are long. i run with my legs.my ears are small. i hear with my ears.t: now、 the whole class read these sentences after me.t: next. look at the part 4. let pslay a guess game. you、 come here、please. 先做示范 两人一组,通过问和答的方式来猜出图里画的精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载学习必备欢迎下载为什么 a: is it round.b: yes、 it is.示范完后,老师拿图片,让全班同学猜四.summary五.homework1.誊写模块五的新单词3+1 并熟读课文; 2, 熟读课文 3 遍;3.预习课本上的歌谣;板书设计: pink . blue.red. orange .black. green.purple.yellowbrown.carry .shoulder. back.handunit 2 mine i


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