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1、班别人教版高一英语必修一总复习单项选择题Unit L)1 .-Sorry. I have broken your bikeI'll try to get It.A. repaired B. to repair C. repairing D. to be repaired) 2. After goingIOtS Of difficulties. he SUCCeeded in his businessA. ocr B. throueh C. across D. into)3. PleaSedown What you Iike to do. and then tell me your re

2、asons for that.A. Set B. getC. turnD. CUt) 4. It WaS the first time in my Iife that Ithe WOnderfUl SCeneA. SaWB. had SCenC. have Seen D. See)5. May I have your name, please?-.A. Of COUrSe B. All right C. Yes, PIeaSeD. Call me Jane PleaSe)6. DO you knowhe is getting On With his StUdieS in the new sch

3、ool?A. Whether B. What C. WhenD. how)7. WhCn you have.With your work. PleaSe COme for help at any time.A. trouble B. difficultC. SOmething goodD.doneA. lonely; aloneB. alone; IOnelyC. lonely; IOnely D. alone; alone)8. Let's go for a WaIk after supper.A. Really? B. Why not?C. GoOd idea!D. Go. ple

4、ase.)9. IOny Said he WOUld COme back to ChinaA. tomorrow B. next dayC. the next dayD. after One day)10. He hid himself awayIet his Wife find him.A. in Order toB. SO thatC. not)11. Shenot WaIk alone in the dark.A. Can B. dareC. ShOUldD. in Order not toD. need)12. On the Small island IiVed aInan WhO W

5、aS Ieftyears ago.)13. WOUId you Iike tothe discussion?AJoin B. haveC. join in D. do)14. You'd betterall the InagaZineS and newspapers ad IIeWSPaPerS youhave finished reading in the reading room.A. PUt OnB. PUt UPC. PUt down D. PUt away)15.the PUrPOSe Of finding OUt the secret. Peter Went thereA.

6、 OnB. FOrC. WithD. TO have)16. She WaS Singing SOngSWaIking home A. asB. as SOOn asC. SinCeD. While)17. ThC WhOle family had tofor nearly 20 months because Of the GermanNazis.A. hide awayB. Start OffC. go awayD. drive)18.1 can,t SPendmoney On the IIOlISe because it isexpensive forA. too much; much t

7、oo B. far too; too InUChC. much too; too much D. too many ; much too)19. LOOking at my determined face, the big boyPiCk UP the fight.A. dared IlOt B. daredC. didn't dareD. dared not to)20. Many failed in the exam SO SheA. UPSCt B. feel UPSet C. WaS UPSet D. WaS UPSetting)21 My EngIiSh teacher ga

8、ve mehow to Iearn foreign IangUageSA. advice On B. SOme advices On C. advices On D. an advice aboutUnit2.)1 DlIring the Winter holiday, We ViSited SOme PIaCeS Of interest in OUr hometown ,the FiVe-dragon Pool.A. includeB. havingC. includingD. beside)2. The role the COmPUter hasin OUr everyday Iife i

9、s quite important.A. doneB. PlayedC. madeD. acted)3.his illness, he had to Stay behind , alone at home.A. BeCaUSe Of B. With C. BeCaUSeD. In)4. What has he explained to his students? .A. WhCn he Will go abroad B. HOW to go abroadC. GOing abroad D. To go abroad)5. Great ChangeS have taken PlaCetimeA.

10、 forB. inC. OVerD. On)6. We WiIl finish the taskA. by the end Of this monthB. at the end Of this monthC. in the end Of this InOnthD. in the end)7. Whell younature, you Can See nay tgs you haveit noticed before.A. ClOSe to B. get CIOSe to C. ClOSe D. get CIOSe to the)8. The number Of StUdentS in OUr

11、SChOOlnearly L600 this termA. has reached B. have reached C. Will reach D. reaches)9. The Wayyou talked to your mother is really not PrOPerA. WhiChB. in WhiCh C. in thatD. by WhiCh)10. Reading is One Of the bestOUr EngIiShA. Way to improve B. WayS to improveC. WayS Of improving D. Way in improving)1

12、1 .The government has PrOVided free educationthe teenagers in the county.A. WithB. toC. /D. for)12.Were there any StUdentSOn the playground?A. Play B. to PlayC. PlayingD. Played)13. BelieVe it Or not. there isas Standard EngIiShA. no SUCh a thing B. no SUCh thing C. not SUCh things D. IU) SUCh thing

13、s)14. When I WaS in London, I found the EngliShthere WaS not at all SinIilar toWhat I have IeanIt back homeA. SPOkenB. SPeakingC. SPeakD. to be SPOken)15. -Sorry, Iyou just now. It doesn,t matter.A. ca,t recognize B. don't IeCOgnIZe C. didn't recognize D. haven t recognized)16. ThC PriCe Of

14、this COlOr TV Set has fallen15%.A. UP B. by C. to D. from)17. SOmebody is ringing the door bell. GO and SeeA. WhO is he B. WhO he is C. WhO is it D. WhO it is)18.How Shall I take the medicine?YOU Can follow theOn the bottle.A. VoCabulary B. SPeeChC. 1 essons D. ClireCtiOnSUnit 3)l.For a teacher, the

15、 first thing he ShOUld do in ClaSS is trying to get his StUdentSinWhat Ihey are Iearning.A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. to ShOw interest)2. What did the teacher insist henext?A. do B. doing C. did D. to do)3. BefOre Climbing the tall tree he gave me aIOOkA. determineB. determining C. de

16、terminationD. determined)4. He is SUCh a PerSOn WhO neverhis healthA. CareS Of B. CareS about C. takes CareD. CareS)5. They PerSUaded the OId man to Iet them go On Playing That meansA. he gave UP B. he gave in C. he didn't Iet them do SO D. they failed)6. HCa tree When he WaS trying to PiCk a bi

17、g Orange thereA. fallen downB. fall OffC. fell from D. fell Off)7. -Good IUCk On your journey!-A. It doesn,t matter B. Tllallk you C. GOOd IUCkD. ThatS all right.)8. It WaSfor US to go hiking in the mountain.A. great funB. a great fun C. funny D. Of great funny)9. After theytheir tents, they Went Of

18、f to IOOk for SOmething to cat.A. Set UP B. PUt On C. PUt UP D. Set OUt)10. These days I Oftena WhOle night.Oh, I am SOrry to hear that. I think it's better for you to See a doctor.A. keep awake B. Stay awake C. get SleePy D. fall asleep)11. We Can hardly Wait to See him. Tllat is,A. he can'

19、t be Seen by USB. We Can See hnC. it is hard for US to See himD. We Want to See him at OnCe)12. My advice is PraCtiSingEngliSh every day, and you may improve yourEngIiSh A. to read B. reading C. on D. read)13. When you are traveling , it is better for you to Write about the travels inA. What is Call

20、ed a travel journal B. that is Called a travel journalC. the One What is Called a travel journal D. the One is CalIed a travel journal)14. What do you think about the journey?-In my opinion, for One thing it is good to get CIOSe to nature,We Can IearnSOmethiIlgCaiI t get &om the textbook.A. for

21、the other; WhiCh B. for another ; that C. for the other; that D. for another; What)15. Reading is just IikeA. See the WOrld Of the OtherSB. SeeiIlg the World through other,s eyesC. to See the WOrld Of Other PeOPle D. to See the WOrld Of OtherS)16. Wca bike travel around the COUntrySide this Winter h

22、olidayA. make B. tookC. doD. rode)17.1 am WOndering Whether Ifor my SChOOl today Or tomorrow.A. am IeaVing B. 1 eaveC. am going to IeaVe D. am to IeaVe)1 & Sorry, Iyou just now. WOUld you PleaSe Say it again?A、didn,t IiSten to B. don't IiSten to C. WaSn,t IiStenmg to D. WOUld not IiSten to)1

23、9.-Would you Iike to join us?一一Sure, IA. WOUldB. WOUld Iike to C. WillD. is going to)20. ThiS is a PIaCe that many PeOPle thinkto ChangeA. needB. needsC. to need D. needingUnit 4)1 .If youfor the test, you Can go OUt to Play for a WhileA.are Well PreParing B. are Well PrePared C. PrePare D. have Pre

24、ParCd)2.She WaS badlyin a Car accident. SO SOme IaWS must be Set up.A. damaged B. injured C. WOUnded D. destroyed)3. TheSe flowers IOOkbutsmelly.A. nicely; are SmeIt B. nice; are Smelt C. nicely; Smell D. nice; SmeIl)4. ThC CiVil Warfour years before it WaS OVer.A. WaS IaSted B. is IaSted C. IaStedD

25、. has IaSted)5.is known to us, the PRC WaS founded On Oct. L 1949.A. ItB. AsC. That D. What)6. Then We met a man WhO knew the Way to the river and We knew that We ran.A. to the WrOng Way B. into the WrOng WayC. to the WrOng direction D. in the WrOng direction)7.-I have just PaSSed my driving test. A

26、. COngratUlatiOnS B. CheCrS C. BeSt WiSheS D. GOOd IUCk()8. Ii WaS SeVeral minutesWe realized What WaS happeningA. SinCe B. after C. before D. When()9. David,you know , has not been Well lately.A. WhiCh B. asC. that D. WhO()10. Would you Iike to COme to the dinner Party here On SatUrday.Thallk you.

27、d IOVe to , be OUt Of town at die weekend.A. because B. and C. SOD. but()11 DriVe carefully,in SUCh a foggy day.A. SPeCially B. especially C. SPeCial D. especial()12 It WaS OnIyWe UnderStandWaS Said to USWe began toStart OUr WOrk.A. what; that; When B. when; what; that C. what; what: that D. that; w

28、hat: When()13. The room is niceA. IiVing inB. to be IiVed C. to IiVe D. to IiVe in()14. It SeemedWOrld WaS atend A. that; anB. the; anC. the; the D. that;/()15 The quakein Beijing.is One hundred kilometers away.A. WaS felt; WhiCh B. felt; Where C. WaS felt: that D. felt: WhiChUnit5()I .Our teachers

29、Often give USOn how to improve OUr IearningA. an advice B. much advice C. SOme advices D. the advice()2. ThC doctorhim to drink IeSS and exercise more.A. hopedB. SUggeStedC. insistedD. advised()3. When he WaS ten, EdiSOn ShOWed interest in SCienCe anda Small Iab at home.A. Set UPB. PUt UPC. Send UP

30、D. build UP)4. Aftera SeCOnd time, he PaSSed the test.A. to try B. tryingC. having tried D. tried)5. The experiment has reached a Stagethey Can almost do nothing about it.A. WhiChB. thatC. WhereD. When)6. Only thenrealize that We had WrOnged himA. We Came to B. did COme We to C. We did COme to D. di

31、d We COme to)7. KeeP up, Jae. Don,t. DO you know the Saymg TaIlUre is the mother Ofsuccess"?A. IOSe heartB. IOSt your heart C. IOSe your heart D. get IOSt heart)8.1 Will never forget the timeI IiVed in the COUntrWith my grandparents.A. thatB. WhiChC. WhenD. at WhiCh)9. He WOUld ratherhis Iife than Ii


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