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1、精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载0938 翻译:十三岁的际遇田晓菲 translation: a turn of event at age thirteen tian xiaofei translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: adam lam第一次知道这世界上存在着一个“北大 ”,为在我七岁的时候;i was seven years old when i first came across 1 the existence of“ pku” in this world.那天,有时从抽屉里翻出一张泛黄的照片,on that day、 i took out a ye

2、llowish photograph from a drawer by chance.上面为一片沉静而漂亮的湖光塔影;the photo had a serene and beautiful scene with glitters and towers reflected off surface of a lake.我目不转睛地凝视着这似曾相识的风景,i gazed fixedly at this seemingly familiar scenery.一些莫名的诧异.欢乐与感动,从自己那布满期望的内心静静升起;an unexplainable bout of surprise、 delight

3、 and fascination emerged unaware from my eager mind.母亲告知我:这,就为北大;my mother told me that was peking university.-10 岁,乘汽车从北大校门口经过;one day at the age of ten、 the bus i took passed by the front gate of pku.身边的阿姨唤我快看快看,an aunt by my side told me to look quickly.我却扭过头去,口里说着:才不呢!but i deliberately turned m

4、y head the other way and said:“ i won t.现在如看了,以后再来上学不就“不新奇 ”了吗?if i see it now、 then all the novelties would be gone when i come to school here later . ”-我从未怀疑过我要成为北大的同学;my compulsion to become a pku student never wavered.那份稚气十足的自信,似乎预示了一段神奇的尘缘;that childlike self-confidence seemed to prognosticate

5、an intriguing destiny.只为我没有想到,我会这么快就实现了童年的理想;the only thing i never anticipated was how soon my childhood dream became reality.而且,在白驹过隙的弹指一瞬,这已为我来到北大的第三个秋天;in a flash、 this is the third autumn since i came to pku.-蓦然回首,我似乎认出了两年前的自己:短短的头发,天真的目光,仍不满14 岁,完全为个一脑子浪漫念头的小女孩,对什么都布满了爱好与奇怪;in looking back、 se

6、emingly i could still remember my two-year-ago self as a little girl with short hair、 innocent eye-expressions、 a young age at less than fourteen、 romanticized thoughts、 and all-encompassing精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载interests combined with curiosity.纷扬的白雪里,依稀看到她穿着蓝色羽绒衣,在冰冻的湖面掷下一串雪团般四处迸溅的悦耳笑声; amid waft

7、ing snow flurries、 i vaguely appear to have a mental image of her wearing a blue down-jacket、 tossing a chain of snowballs into a freezing lake、 and giggling away.如今,秋风又起,now autumn wind starts to blow.树枝树叶交错出金色的穹隆;a golden dome has been weaved by branches and leaves under the sun.落叶遍地,踩上去很松软,似乎此时此刻

8、不胜凉意的心情;ubiquitous soft-to-the-feet fallen leaves somehow reflect my unbearably chilly mood at the moment.眼看 87 级新生穿着军训的绿军衣满校走,我才恍悟到自己已为三年级的“老生 ”了;in witnessing year 87 freshmen in green military-training uniforms strolling all over the campus、 it suddenly dawns on me that i am already an“ old hand”

9、 in my third year.悄立在伴侣般亲切的35 号楼下,不由地感到有些茫然如失in standing silently at the familiar ground floor of unit #35、 i can t help but feel at a loss.-秋天,为成熟的季节了;autumn is the season of maturity.我似乎应当对你说点儿什么,北大;pku、 i am unsure what i should say to you.不为已经和你天天相处整整两年了吗?haven t we been keeping close company wi

10、th each other dsayand nights for two whole years.不为已经长成亭亭少女.就要度过自己的16 岁生日了吗?is it necessary that a grown-up、 refined teenage-girl has to pass her own sixteen-year-old birthday soon.但平经常在嘴边的歌这会儿全都缄默了;all the songs which i regularly sing a few bars have gone dead.我望着熟识而又生疏的你,北大,两年里积攒下来的那么多话,竟全部静静沉淀了下来

11、;in looking at the familiar yet distant you、 pku、 all those questions which i have amassed for two years have quietly been shoved to the back burner.-才进校门,高年级同学就带着我们参观北大图书馆;the moment i set foot on the pku campus for the first time、 senior students brought us along to visit the university library.当时

12、,似乎仍看了一个介绍图书馆的纪录片;it seemed i watched an introductory documentary on the library at that time.精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载入学之初那句颇为雄壮的誓言“我不仅为北大感到骄傲,也要让北大为我感到骄傲”在图书馆大楼的衬托下突然显得惨白无力;the somewhat awe-inspiring oath pledged to the university at initiation went like this:“ not only proud of pku、 but i will also

13、 make pku proud of me.” the oath、 however、 was dwarfed in comparison to the grandeur of the library edifice.我紧闭着嘴,心头涌起一种近乎失望的感觉:400 万册图书!实在难以想像;i was speechless at being overwhelmed by the unimaginable collection of four million books in the building.而其中我所读过的,大致连这个数目字的最小的零头都不到吧!what i had read did n

14、ot amount to even the smallest round-off residual of this number.不知怎么,我回忆起了1983 年在青岛过夏令营时发生的一件事情:for reasons unknown、 an incident which happened in the 1983 qing dao summer camp came to mind.记得那时灯已熄了,我们在黑暗里躺在床上,随便聊着天儿;i remember light went out at the time and we were chitchatting lying in bed in the

15、 dark.我和领队的那个女老师正说得津津有味,between the female teacher in-charge and i、 we were having an interesting conversation.我上铺的女孩却突然哭了起来;suddenly the girl at the upper deck of my bunk bed started crying.我们诧异地问她怎么了,in surprise we asked her what it was all about.她哽咽着答道: “你们知道得那么多,可我什么也不懂”she sobbed and said:“ the

16、 two of you know so much、 but i know nothing” 如今,我和女老师的谈话早忘得干干净净了,可那女孩子的哽咽反倒长期而清楚地留存在心中;to this date i have completely forgotten what my conversation with the teacher was all about、 but the sobbing of the girl has remained clear in my mind for a very long time.当我随着面孔尚未记熟的新同学一起走出图书馆的时候,我似乎刚刚懂得了那由于自己的

17、无知而抽泣的女孩when i walked out of the library with newly acquainted schoolmates、 it seemed i could empathize with the girl whose sobbing was caused by her own ignorance.-自从当心翼翼地佩戴上那枚白色校徽起,北大就不再为照片上的影像,不再为车窗外一掠而过的建筑,不再为小女孩心中收藏的理想,since the moment i carefully started wearing the white school badge、 pku has

18、 no longer been an image in photo、 a passing structure outside of bus window、 or a treasured dream in the mind of a little girl.而成了需要用全部清醒的意识来应付的.不折不扣的现实;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载it is a hardened reality that i have to deal with by applying every effort of my waking mind.假如一生可以被分成很多阶段,那么与北大的际遇,便为又一个新的

19、开头;if my lifetime could be divided into many stages、 the turn of event in entering pku was a brand new beginning.-可不,为开头 开头做美得有点迷离的梦,开头对从未涉足过的世界进行探寻;sure enough it was a startthe start to make a dream so beautiful it was hazy、 and to explore a world i had never set foot on.当我在图书馆里一排一排落上了些许灰尘的书架间徜徉,我

20、觉得自己就像为童话里的女孩,怀着兴奋担心的心情启开了闪闪发光的仙宫大门,when i wandered around rows of rows of slightly dust-coated bookshelves in the library、 i felt i was a little girl in a storybook who had just excitedly yet stirringly opened the glitzy front gate of a fairyland kingdom.有时,并不急着翻检借阅,sometimes i was in no hurry to g

21、o through titles or check out books.只在书垛给我留出的窄窄小径上渐渐地走来走去,以目光抚爱每册图书;instead、 i simply sauntered in the narrow aisles between stacks of books and caressed each volume with my eyesight.中文的.英语的,都在以互不相同的缄默的声音,向我发出低低的絮语和呼吁;渐渐地,chinese and english books whispered softly to me and called my name in differe

22、nt unspoken voices.我的心情也变得和它们一样:沉静,愉悦,安详;gradually my mood became harmonized with theirs calm、 joyous and serene.-就这样,简洁而又美好地,北大为一个期望以有限的生命拥抱永恒的小女孩打开了一扇神奇的窗子,just like that in an austere and wonderful manner、 pku opened a magical window for a little girl who wished to embrace eternality with a limit

23、ed life.从这微风吹拂的窗口,透进一片纯洁的真理之光;through this window softly brushed by breeze、 unadulterated rays of truth were let through.宇宙与人开头以全新面目向我揭示和出现,universe and mankind were revealed and presented to me in a new light.我开头思索,开头疑问,开头摒弃,开头信任;i began to ponder、 query、 exclude、 and believe.北大为我展现了一个动人的新世界,在这令我惊喜

24、的天地里,我期望生活,期望制造,期望有一副轻灵的翅膀,摆脱这繁重的肉体的束缚,在无际的天空自由地翱翔!精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载pku showed me a brand new world just so that in this pleasingly surprised realm、 i began to crave for living、 creating、 and possessing a pair of wings with which i could liberate myself from the burden of this weighty body and

25、 fly freely in the blue yonder.-喜爱读北大的书,更喜爱读北大的人;i love to read pku books、 and even more i love pku students.有时,我特殊情愿静静地站在图书馆阅览室的门口,看那些伏案读书者专心而入迷的表情;sometimes i particularly like to stand q uietly by the door of the library s study room and watch absorbed expressions of students leaning over desks.也

26、情愿一边走向第三教学楼,一边听身旁经过的人高声争论着什么问题i also like to eavesdrop on arguments of issues from people walking alongside me on my way to the third floor lecture halls.吸引我的,往往不为他们争论的题目,而为北大人特有的敏锐,同学特有的纯洁,言谈的犀利与机灵,精神状态的朝气蓬勃;what fascinate me are not topics of their arguments、 but the uniqueness in pku people s sen

27、sitivityalong with its students innocence in demeanor、 sharpndeisasloignues、 and vivaciousness in spirits.更情愿站在广告栏前,一张一张细细地读那些五光十色的海报,为的为永不厌倦地重温北大清爽自由的气氛;as well i like to stand in front of the bulletin board and thoroughly read those multi-color posters so that i could untiringly bereminded of pku

28、s refreshing anlidberal campus atmosphere.-写到这里,不由吐了吐舌头,由于北大老师们的肖像,也一视同仁地留在了我的写生画册上:精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载when i write to this point、 i canmischt iheevlopubsulytstick out my tongue because portraits of pku精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载lecturers、 without exception、 appear in my sketch album.有的绅士风度,有的和气可亲,这

29、个怪僻,那个潇洒,或于谈笑风生间“樯橹灰飞烟灭 ”,或于古朴凝重之中形成另一番风格these teaching staff members come in all types: gentleman-like、 kind、 approachable、 quirky、 handsome、 etc. in handling their thorny tasks、 some are relaxed and humorous、 while others are old-school and serious.我喜爱由这些亲切的手牵引着走上令人耳目一新的通幽曲径,我喜爱师生之间那种平易而自然的关系;i en

30、joy their personal guidance in imparting new knowledge and easygoing manners in fostering teacher- student relationship.严谨治学,恳切做人,我第一次体会到了“老师 ”二字的真正含义;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载their meticulousness in tutoring and sincerity in demeanor have helped me realize、 for the first time、 the true meaning of“ te

31、acher”.我常想,北大就为一条生命饱满的河流,它从九十年前的源头动身,向那布满期望的将来流淌;in my mind、 pku、 which is a vivacious river initiated ninety years ago、 will continue to flow towards the future full of promises.尽管两岸风景变换,河上却始终有着期望渡向漂亮彼岸的船客,也有着代代相传的辛勤的舵手与船工;despite changing sceneries on both sides of the water、 there are always rive

32、r-crossing passengers wishful for the promised land on the opposite shore beside hereditary boat-hands and captains toiling for the expeditions.-哦,北大,北大,你委于我心的实在为太多,太多;oh my pku、 what you have entrusted to me is too heavy a load.因此,当有人问我高校两年收成了什么又失落了什么的时候,你叫我怎能以轻巧的“得失 ”二字,来衡量这因浸透了汗水.泪水与欢乐而特殊充实的时间?so

33、 when people ask me what i have gained and lost during the past two years in university、 how can you ask me to loosely use“ pluses and minuses” to gpaaurgteicuthlaerly fulfilling times during which there have been boatloads of sweat、 tears and laughter.-“没 有什么使我停留/除了目的 /纵然岸旁有玫瑰.有绿阴.有安静的港湾/我为不系之舟; ”

34、“ nothing can make me stay other than the destination、 evnethough there are roses、 tree shades、 and peaceful coves. i am a boat tied to nowhere.”-不止一次把这些诗句静静念给你,北大;pku、 i have whispered these poem-lines to you more than once.千言万语,有时只能凝结为这最浓最浓的几行;messages from thousands of words sometimes can only be

35、 condensed into a few most pertinent lines.为的,我为一只不系之舟,yes、 i am a boat tied to nowhere.曾经那样安恬地依偎在未名湖的臂抱里,但我的心无时无刻不在憧憬大海的波涛;once i complacently cozied up to the arms of a no-name lake but at no time that i have not yearned for waves of the ocean.我没有遗忘我的誓言,i have not forgotten my oath.我期望发觉新的大陆,期望从海洋

36、深处为你.北大,撷取最辉煌的珍宝;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载pku i have longed to discover new world and fetch glittering pearls for you at deep sea.-不过,自七岁起便结识便喜爱的地方为永久无法遗忘的;however、 a place which i have acquainted with and compassionate about since i was seven years old can never be wiped out of my mind. “让我俯首感谢全部星球的相

37、助”,为了我能在北大校内里度过一生中最美好的时期;精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载“ let me bow to thank the help of all stars my life in the campus of pku.allowi”ng mfoer btoeisnpgend the most wonderful times of精品学习资料精选学习资料 - - - 欢迎下载正为在北大,我从那个无忧无虑的小女孩,一步一步艰巨地走向成熟;it was precisely in pku that i have gone from a worry-free little gir

38、l through arduously progressive steps to maturity.北大早已不仅仅为培育我的母校,它为师长,为伴侣,pku has become not only my nurturing mother-school、 but also a mentor and a friend.为我的一部分,一部分的我;it is one of my parts、 and partially an integral part of me.它收藏在内心最松软的角落里,inside the most delicate corner of my heart is where it is treasured.流淌在我的血液里,和愚蠢又美好的少年的回忆一起,永久无法分割开来;it is flowing in my blood and has integrated as an inseparable part of my youthful memories with both the silly and delightful ones.-“啊,或许有一天意志为我,不系之舟为我;纵然没有聪明,没有绳索和帆桅;”“ oh、 maybe on


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