新世纪大学英语Unit 4Stay hungry, stay foolish公开课课件_第1页
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1、 commencement address delivered by steve jobs at stanford university on june 12, 2005 (abridged)1unit 4 being creativefacts about steve jobs2345story 1: connecting the dotsstory 3: death“stay hungry, stay foolish”1story 2: love and loss21. how much do you know about him?activity 1: brain storm. fact

2、s about steve jobs (pair work & report )5the first company he foundedfounded some other companieseducationparentsbirth/deathfired from this companya missionsome facts about steve jobsmarriagechildrenvsteven p. jobs was born on february 24, 1955, san francisco, california, u.s.a and died in 2011.

3、 spouse: laurence powell. they got to know each other in around 1990. laurence was a student at stanford and steve was invited to give a lecture there.vchildren:4vbiological mother and foster parents. vin the late 1970s, jobs, with apple co-founder steve wozniak, created one of the first commerciall

4、y successful personal computers. after losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, jobs resigned from apple in five years, he founded next and pixar. in 1997, when apple inc. was struggling and having a hard time selling its products, jobs was invited to return back to apple inc., t

5、o save it, and he had served as its ceo since then. studied in reed college for 6 moths and then dropped out. but studied as a drop-in for another 18 months. activity 2: tracking down information6steve: i am not dismissing the value of higher education. i am just saying it comes at the expense of ex

6、perience. the system can only produce the system. teacher: what about your classes?steve: i am not a student anymore, jack. teacher: but you are here, and you are learning. sure sounds like a student to me. steve: i like the idea of art and beauty, but only in the right context. steve: i dont want t

7、o spend my parents money to get a degree and become something as forgettable as an electrician(电工技师).teacher: excuse me, what, a degree is a waste of time now? so.steve: for some. for others it offers validation. job security. (对其他人它是一种证明,工作的保障)julie: its homework for calligraphy class. steve: its b

8、eautiful. julie: he is totally inspiring (给人启发). (书法)my biological motherand she decided to put me up for adoption. (para. 4)7scripts from the movie clip: steve: i am not dismissing the value of higher education. i am just saying it comes at the expense of experience. a system can only produce syste

9、m. i dont want to be a part of it.teacher: what about your classes?steve: i am not a student anymore, jack. teacher: but you are here, and you are learning. sure sounds like a student to me. .steve: i dont want to spend my parents money to get a degree and become something as forgettable as an elect

10、rician(电工技师).teacher: excuse me, what, a degree is a waste of time now? so.steve: for some. for others it offers validation. job security. (对其他人它是一种证明,工作的保障)steve: i like the idea of art and beauty, but only in the right context. julie: its homework for calligraphy class. steve: its beautiful. julie

11、: he is totally inspiring (给人启发). .steve: its beyond understanding. who has a baby and then just throws it away like its nothing?girlfriend: youre talking about your birth parents?useful expressions from text a chinese equivalences truth be toldconnect the dotsdrop out of collegeas a drop-inhave no

12、ideait will all work out okfollow ones curiosity and intuitionoff the well-worn path说实话说实话连点成线连点成线从大学退学从大学退学作为旁听生作为旁听生毫无头绪毫无头绪一切最终会好起来一切最终会好起来跟着好奇心和直觉走跟着好奇心和直觉走偏离常道偏离常道useful expressions from text a chinese equivalences release the finest creation have a falling out side with somebody dawn on somebo

13、dy turn of events computer-animated feature filmlose faith be diagnosed with cancer 推出最好的产品推出最好的产品吵了起来吵了起来站在(某人)那边站在(某人)那边 (某人)渐渐明白(某人)渐渐明白 形势的变化形势的变化电脑制作的动画电影电脑制作的动画电影失去信心失去信心被诊断出患有癌症被诊断出患有癌症useful expressions from text a chinese equivalences have a scanstick a needle intobe trapped by dogmadrown o

14、ut ones own inner voiceone of the bibles of a generationput out several issuessign offbegin anew做一个扫描做一个扫描将一根针插进将一根针插进被教条束缚被教条束缚湮没(某人)内心的声音湮没(某人)内心的声音一代人的权威著作之一一代人的权威著作之一出版了几期(书刊)出版了几期(书刊)停刊停刊开始新的旅程开始新的旅程commencement address(commencement address(毕业典礼致辞毕业典礼致辞) in 2005) in 2005“today i want to tell yo

15、u three stories from my life”steve jobsconnectingdotslove & lossdeathconnect the dots , look backward, drop out, drop in, best decision , calligraphy(书法书法), macintoshparents garage, in ten years, $2 billiondiagnose, cancer surgery, fine11fired, vision, diverge (分歧分歧), start overgetting fired, th

16、e best thing, pixar, time, limited12the first story is about_./when steve jobs _, he found some choices and decisions in the past made his life different from others./ at 17, he entered reed college, but the high tuition and the boring classes made him decide to _of the college, which was the _in hi

17、s eyes./he began to _ on the courses which interested him, like calligraphy, which proved helpful for designing the first macintosh computer. /story one: connecting the dotsstory one: connecting the dotsconnecting the dotslooking backwardsdrop outbest decisiondrop in13the second story is about _. /a

18、t 20, steve and woz started their work in his parents _./ and 10 years later, the apple grew into a business with $2 billion and 4,000 employees./ at 29, macintosh was put into market. / but at 30, steve got _ by the company he started. /he considered _was the best thing in his life. /in the next fi

19、ve years, with faith in what he did, he _and founded pixar, which later created the worlds first computer-animated feature film. /he met laurence and set up the family./story two: love and lossstory two: love and losslove and lossgaragefiredgetting fired from the apple started over14the third story

20、is about _. /steve lived each day as if it was his last day. /at 49, he was _ with _, a tumor in pancreas, he was fearless./ he was lucky, it was not fatal. /for him, death was the single best invention in life, just to clear out the old and make way for the new. /story three: deathstory three: deat

21、hdeathdiagnosedcancer15so dont waste the limited life living somebody else life. do what you love. stay hungry, stay foolish. (如何翻译?)conclusionconclusionunderstanding “stay hungry, stay foolish”vtask: group the following sentences taken from the textbook into two categories, i.e. category of stay hu

22、ngry, and category of stay foolish. 16171.and 17 years later, i did go to college. after six months, i couldnt see the value in it. (para. 5). .i dropped out of college after the first six months. (para. 3)2. i decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. (para. 7)none of this had ev

23、en a hope of any practical application in my life. (para. 8) 3. you can only connect the dots looking backwards, so you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. believing that will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path, an

24、d that will make all the difference. (para. 9) 4. i still loved what i did. the turn of events at apple had not changed that one bit. and so i decided to start over. (para. 11)5. the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. (p

25、ara. 12) 6. if you havent found it yet, keep looking, and dont settle. (para. 14)7. dont be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other peoples thinking. (para. 18)8. dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice, and have the courage to follow heart and intuit

26、ion. (para. 18)181. and 17 years later, i did go to college. after six months, i couldnt see the value in it. (para. 5). .i dropped out of college after the first six months. (para. 3)2. i decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. (para. 7)none of this had even a hope of any pract

27、ical application in my life. (para. 8)learning to organize ideas: steve jobs couldnt see the value of he dropped out of college after the first six months. he looked foolish in the eyes of others at that time, buta. stay hungrya. stay hungryb. stay foolishb. stay foolishpreserve a keen sense of curiosity. (p. 103)feel free to be unconventional, regardless of what others might say. (p. 103)19stay hungry,stay hungry,stay foolishstay foolish求知若饥,虚怀若愚保持饥饿, 保


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