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1、湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. com每年的中考试卷中,“句型转换题所占分值较大,是为了全面考查学 生在初中阶段所学的词汇(同义或反义)、短语、句型和语法等方面的知识及其它 的z间的灵活运用能力。i .题型介绍所谓“句型转换"就是先给一个完整的句了a,再根据括号内的要求(有 吋没有明确,须自己观察),在第二个句子b的空白处填上适当的词来完成的 句型转换。ii. 题型分类从形式上看,有如下几种形式:某一词或词组的转换;词组与句 子的转换;同义句型的转换;为纠正常犯语言错谋而设计的题 目o从内容上看,此题型涉及的面较广,主要有:句了功能方面的转换。包括 陈述句(肯定与否定)、四种

2、题疑问句、祈使句、感叹句的转换;句子结构方 面的转换。即简单句、复合句、并列句之间的转换;语态的转换。即主动语态与 被动语态之间的转换;常用句型与词汇手段的转换。iii. 具体分类如下湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. com1、陈述句中肯定句变为否定句,大部分是用not来改变谓语结构, 但也有借用否定意义的词,如 nothing, nobody, none, neither, little, few, never, hardly 等,例如:a : tom does well in maths.b : tom doesn't do in maths.a : he has much

3、to do.b : he has nothing to do.a : all of my classmates like art.b : none of my classmates likes art.2、改为疑问句。根据上卜句的结构和词的减少,來判断变为哪一种 形式的疑问句。例如:湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. coma : my brother often has breakfast at school.b :does your brother often have breakfast at school?a:tom,s alreadyweak in english.b:tonfs

4、 alreadyweak inenglish, isift he?a:the red lightchangesevery two minutes.b : how often does the red light change?3、改为感叹句。根据所给的句了结构和单词的词性,來确定使用哪 一种感叹句的形式,例如:a : this is an interesting book.b : what an interesting book this is!或 how interesting this book is!湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. com根据上句,写出一个意思和同(或相近)的下句

5、,此类形式繁多,内 容复杂,涉及面广,归类如下:1、同义词或词组z间的转换。(通常上下句时态保持一 致)。常见的同义词或词组有:(1)四个“花费"(spend一take一cost一take); 三个"至u达” (get toreach一arrive in/at) ; (3)四个“收到来信"(hear from一get a letter from一receive a letter from一have a letter from) ; (4) 两个“擅长于." (be good at 一do well in) ; (5)两个"有空"(be

6、 free一have time) ; (6)三个"入睡” (go to sleep一get to sleep一fall asleep ) ; (7)两个"玩得 开心”(enj cy oneselfhave a good time) ;(8)“给打电话"(callsbtelephone sbringsb. acall一make atelephone tosb. ) (9)“飞往(flyto.goto.byair/plane )(1 0)“自学” (teachoneselflearn. by oneself) (11 )在方面帮助help.with.一help.(to

7、)do.(l 2)在差 be weak in.一do badly in.(l 3)能/会canbe able to(l 4)更喜欢.like.better than.一prefer.to.(1 5)充满了 .be full of.湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. com一be filled with.(l 6攵弃干.give up doing.一stop doing.(1 7幷再 no longernot .any longer( 1 8)照顾/ 保管 take care of.一look after( 1 9)展览 on show一on display (20) ih. stop. f

8、rom doing一keep/prevent. .from doing (21 )由于thanks to一because of (22)举手 hands up一put up one,s hands(23)最后, 终于at last一in the end(24)与同 be different from.一be not the same as. (25)从借入. borrow. from. 一lend .to. (26)乘公汽/火车/ 的士 go to.by bus/train/taxi一take a bus /train/taxi to.(27)乘 自彳亍车去 go to.by bike一rid

9、e a bike to.(28)为感到口豪 be proud of.一be the pride of. (29)步行去 walkto. go to (onfoot (30)独自地by oneself -alone 等。例如a :thechildren hada good timeinthepark.b :thechildren enj eyed themselvesinthepark.2、同义句型之间的转化。常见的同义句型有itseems that 从句>somebody seems (to be) +adj hit's kind of sb. to dfcomebody is

10、kindto do. what does.mean?>what do you mean by.? 或 what's the meaning of.? ©there is som湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. comething wrong withrttsomething is wrong with. not. until. 与when/after/before引导的吋间状语从句的转换 whafs wrong with.?twhat's the matter with.?how is.jwhat's.like.?how do youlike. ?

11、-> what doyou think of? it's time thatrvtlts time fo r sb. to da. it's said that. people say that can i help you? what can i do for you?彳列如:a : iwentto bedafter i finished my homework b : ididn'tgo tobed until i finished myhomework 3、if引导的条件状语从句的转化。例如:a :if itdoesntrain tomorrow, they

12、9 1 goto the parkb :unlessit rainstomorrow, they' 1 go tothe park a :if you dorfthurry, you' 11 be late.b :hurryup, oryou' 1 be late.湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. coma : fish cant live if there is no water.b : fish cant live without water.4、现在完成时态中的一句多译。在现在完成时态中,结束性动词不 能与时间段连用,必须改成相应的延续性动词。常见的动词转换

13、有:buy一have, borrow一 keep, die一be dead, open一be open, j (in一be in+组织/be a + 成员, begin一be on, leavebe away from, close一be closed, arrive in/ get to/ come/gotobe in/at, finshbeover,gotosleep一be asleep 、get upbe up.例如:theoldman died fivemonths ago.theoldmanhas been dead since five months ago.theoldmanha

14、s been dead forfive months.ifsfivemonthssince the old man died.fivemonthshaspassed since theold man died.5、简单句与复合句之间的转换。含宾语从句的复合句与简单句的转换。例如: 湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. coma :i saw they were playing football on the playground.b : i saw them playing football on the playground.a :theteacherfoundthatshewas ver

15、y clever.b :theteacherfoundherveryclever.a :hefound that itwashardto learn english wellb :hefound ithardtolearnenglish well.a :weare surethatwewillwin to first match.b :weare suretowinto first match.由疑问代词/副词引导的宾语从句可转化为“疑问句+不定式"结构。例 如:a : could you tell me howi cangettothe railwaystation?b : cou

16、ld you tell me howto gettotherailway station?湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. coma : we dont know what weshoulddonex匚b : we dont know what todo next.由 when/after/before/while/since/until 引导的吋间状语从句 口j转化为when/after/before/while/sine/until + doing.例如:a :theywenthome afterthey finishedtheir work.b :thewenthome after

17、finishingtheirwork a :mrsmithhas taughtenglishsincehe came tc)china.b :mrsmithhas taughtenglishsincecoming tochina.whensb.+be+ 数 词 +years ol4> 龙th eage o fr 岁数a : when he was twelve years old, edison started writing his own newspaper.b : at the age of twelve, edison started writing his ownnewspap

18、er.湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. com 出so.that引导的结果状语从句口j转化为tooto do或enough todo. .例女1 :a :theboxis so heavy that ican'lcarryit.b :theboxis too heavy for me tocarry.口戈.theboxisn'tlight enoughfor metocarry.a :thechildisso old that hecangoto school.b :thechildisold enough togo toschool.由sothat引导的目的状语从句可转

19、化为inordertodo例如:a :myfathergotup early thismorningsothathecouldcatch theearlybus.b :myfathergotup early thismorninginordertocatchtheearlybus.由because '引导的原因状语从句可转化为becauseof.例如:湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. coma : we didn'tgoto theparkbecauseitrainedb : we didn'tgoto theparkbecauseofthe 定语从句可以转化为介

20、词短语或分词短语。例 如:a :themanwho ison thebikeisjim.b :themanon thebike isjim.a :themanwho isdrivingtheredcar is myboss.b :themandrivingthe redcarismy boss.a :thegirlwho iscalled maryismy sisterb :thegirlcalled mary ismy sister.6、用并列连词neither. nor; either.or. both.and.;notonly.but also 连句。例如:湖北英语教学网www. hb9

21、1 0. coma :i haven, seena tvplayforlong, and1 lily hasn'teither.b :neither i norlily hasseenatv playfor long.a :tom is good at maths,andheis goodat french, too.b :tom is goodat bothmathsand french.neither. .n or., either. or和 not only.but also 连接两个主语时,谓语动词复数。7、主动语与被动语态的互变。“主动"变“被动"实行“三变二不变"原则。“三变"即是主语,谓语和1、2、依靠近它的主语而定,即“就近原则”,但是both.and用来连接两个主语时, 谓a : they make watches in the town.b :watches are made:by them in the town.湖北英语教学网www. hb91 0. coma :i can finish thework bef


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