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1、牛津英语五年级一一牛津英语5a英语语法(五)代词牛津英语5a英语语法(五)代词一代词:代词是代替名词以及起名词作用的短语、分句和句子的词。二代词的种类:1. 人称代词主格 i, you, he, she, it, we, you, they宾格 me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them2. 物主代词形容词性的物主代词my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their名词性的物主代词 mine, yo urs, his, her s, its, ours, yours,their s3 反身代词 my self, hersel f,

2、 themselve shellip;4 .相互代词有:each other, onean otherhellip ;5提示 代 词 有: this, that, t hese, those,thosehellip ;6.疑问代词 wh o, what, whos ehellip;7 关系代词 which, that, whohel lip;8. 连接代词 what, who, w hosehellip;9. 不定代词没有指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词all, each, both, either , neither, on e, anyhellip ;10. 指示代词 t h

3、at, this, th ese, those三代词的使用方法1 人称代词是表示quot;我quot; > quot ;你quot;、 quo t;他 quot;> qu ot;她 quot;、 q uot;它 quot;、 quot; 我们 quot ;、quot;你们 quot;、quot;他们quot;的词。人 称代词有人称、数和格的变化。物主代词表示所有关系的 代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容性物主代词 和名词性物主代词二种。表示quot;我自己quot;、qu ot; 你自己 quot;、quot;他自己 qu ot;、quot;我们自己 quot;、 quo t

4、;你们自己quot;和quot;他们自己q uot;等的代词, 叫做自身代词,也称为quot;反身代词quot;。详件见下表: 人称代词物主代词反身代词 主格宾格形容词性 物主代词名词性 物主代词第一人称单数 imemymine myself复数 w eusourourso urselves第二人称单数 youyou youryoursyo urself复数 y ouyouyouryo ursyourselv es第三人称单数h ehimhishish imselfshehe rherhersher self ititits itsltself复数 the ythemt heir theirs

5、 t hemselves 句法功能作主语,其中she指 带代国家,it可指代天气时间等。作宾语介 词宾语表语作定语作主语,宾语, 介词宾语,表语 书信yourshelli p;作宾语,介词 宾语,表语主 语同为语 根据上表的例句如下:she doesnrsquo;tbelieveuswhenhearr ived, johnwe ntstraightt othebanky oursquo; ilf indyourbook samongmineo nthebooksheif.-whois it?-itrsquo ; smeourr oomisonthef irstfloor, a ndtheirs

6、iso nthesecond.theythink toomuchofth emselvesaweeklater, imyselfhadt ogotoporis.helpyoursel f!wecookfor ourselvesisawherwit hthem, atlea st, ithought itwasher.th ecapisjackr squo; s.注意:在连续使用两个以上人称代词时,通常单数yo u放在第一位,i放在最后;复数we放在第一位,they放 在最后。简单记成:单数2, 3, 1 ,复数1, 2, 30都是三人称, 女后男在先。例如:youandl canhelpeac

7、h otherthe ycouldnrsqu o; thaveseen tomandmethe re.you, to mandlarelea vingnextmon th.youort heymustpass theexamw e, youandthe yshouldgoth eretogether 2. 疑问代词(w ho, whom, whi ch, what, who se)用来构成 疑问句,在句中可以起名词词组作用。指人:who, wh om, whose指物:what既可指人乂可指物:which w ho与whom, (wh om是who的宾格)whotoldyou thetruth

8、?wh omareyoutal kingwith? whose, whic h, what (在非限定的数量中选择用what , 在限定的数量中选择w hich)whoseb ookisthis?whatwasthe directional flowofu. s. t erritoria lexpansion? whichbookyoulikebetter , theenglish bookorthech inesebook?whatareyou readingnow?whatrsquo : syourfathe r?whosebo oksarethese onthedesk?注意:疑问代词用

9、于对介词宾语提问时,过去的文体 中介词和疑问代词通常一起放在句首,现代英语中,疑问 代词在句首,介词在句未。for whatdomoststudentsstud y?whataxeyoulookingfor ?3. 指示代词th is, these, th at, those被用作名词中心 词的修饰语时属于限定词,而单独用来代替名词词组时是 代词。thisistheb uswewant pu ttheseinyou rbagmyid eaisthis ho wdoyouthink ofthisidea?注意:that和t hose有时用来代表前面提到的名词, 以避免重复。thebest coa

10、listhatf romnewcastl e.thosewh owishtogoma ysignuphere 4. 不定代词用法辨析neitherhe llipjnorhel lip;没有 helli p;也没有eith erhellipjor hell ip;不是 he 11 ip;就是 hell ip; both 两者都 h ellip;one hellip: theo therhellip;两个中的一个,另一个a nother 再一个,又一个every作定语,每一个(可以形成合成词everybod yeverything hellip;)eac h每一个,一个个的加以考虑时用.none

11、否定意思,quot;没有一个 hellipjq uot;5. 其它代词在高中部分会有进一步讲解。练习题:1. th eweatheringuangzhouishotterthaninshe nyanga. t hatb. itc. th isd. one2. mr. greeniso urenglishte achercomesfromu.s. a.a. heb. s hec. itd. the y3. mybike isbroken ma ylborrow?a. y oub. yoursel fc. yoursd. y our4. woul dyoulikesom etea?yes, ju

12、st一一a. afew b. fewc alit tl ed. lit tie bit5. wouldyoulikesometeaorcoffee?. thanks, irs quo; vehaden ougha. ei therb. neith erc somed. b oth6.ibou ght exercisebookswith_mon ey.a. afew ,afewb. afew , alittlec. a little,afewd. alittle, a little7. i madethecake by help, tom.a.oursel ves,yoursel fb. mys

13、elf, y ourselfc my self, youd. m e, him8. en joy, mayan dmary.a. y ourselfb my selfc yours elvesd them selves9. houseisthi s?itrsquo; s minea. wh atb. whoc. wh osed. whose10. sheisas tudentandn ameismary.a. sheb. her c hersd his11. shewil lgoskatinga ndlwilldoa . suchb. same c thesameas d. thesame12

14、. ishe?heis abusdriver.a. whob. wh ichc. thatd. what13. hatisthi s?itrsquo; sa. whose, m eb. who, mine c whom, hisd whose, mine14. thepop ulationofch inaislarger thanof japa n.a. oneb it c thatd. tho se15. lili isclevertha ninh isclassa anybodyb a nyoneelsec elseanyoned somebodyelse16. likemu sica.

15、bot hofthemb. bo thoftheyc t hebothgirlsd.boththem1 7.couldyougivemesome ink?sorry, i haveinmybottle. a. afewb fewc alittl ed. little18. hehastot ellusa. s omethingimp ortantb. imp ortantsomet hingc anyth ingusefuld. usefulnothi ng19. woul dyoulikecof fee?yes, irsquo; dlike.a. any, a nyb some, so me

16、c some, an yd. any, some20. ofthetea chersareoki nourschool.a. everyb eachc eithe rd. all21. ofthethreeforeigners,o neisfromlondon,arefromthe usaa. two othersb the othertooc a nothertwod. theboth22. whichwould youlike,sir eaorcoffee?idonrsquo ; tmindisoka eitherb ne itherc anyd both23. h elptosomech

17、i cken, boysan dgirlsa. youb. yoursc yourselfd. yourselves24. whatdoy ouusuallyha veforbreakf ast?milkandeggs a. little, alittleb.afew, fe wc.alittle,afewd. afew, alittle25.whotaught_ histor ylastyear?nobody !helea rnedita.hi m, himselfb his, himself c. himself,himselfd. his , him26. th ereisnrsquo

18、; tpa perhere .willyougoandge tforme?a. a ny, anyb any , somec much , manyd many , much27.t hefarmerisb usybecauseh ersquo;sso sheeptokee pandso_wor ktodo.a. m uch, manyb m any, muchc m any, alotd a lot, much2 8. onsideoftheri vertherersq uo;remanytalltreesa everyb allc bothd. each29. whosep hotoist

19、his?itrsquo; sa. meb minec myd. myself30. whoisp layingthepi anointhenex troom?islipingr squo; sbroth er.a. thisb. thatc. itd. h e31. theol dmanhastwos ons, butofthemliveswithh im.a. both b. nonec nei therd. all32. youhavem oreapplesth anl, butarebiggerthan.a. my, yo urb. my, your sc mine, you rd. m

20、ine, you rs33. ther eis meatathome wouldyoupleasegoandbuy?a. some, alittl eb alittle, anyc.little , somed little, any34. myparentsareworkers bothworkinthesame factory.a . themb. they c. hed. she35. canyouco meonfridayo rsaturday?i rsquojmafraidda yispossible a. either b. samec nay d. neither36. heca

21、nrsq uo;thearyou , becausethe reisnoiseherea verymuchb toomuchc mu chtood. soma ny37. allo fuswereinvi ted, butofuscame a. neithe rb nonec bo thd any38 thereisnrs quo;twater in thecup a. anyb. manyc somed. the39. wehavesuga r. really?le trsquo; sgoandbuysomea fewb. afewc litt led. alittle40.t hereis

22、nrsqu o;tmilkint hefridge yo ursquojdbet terbuysomea. nob. any c somed. afe w41. helptosomem eot, mary.a. themselve sb. ourselve sc yourself d. himself42. thoughth eyhadcleane dthedoor, th erewasstillw ateronit.a. littleb. a littlec few d. afew43. theoldmanke ptoneblackdogandtwowhite.a. onee onesc tho


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