



1、传统意义上的小学数学教学模式面临着很大的不足,主要表现为生活实际与数学教学相 脱离,学生的学习效果与实际应用数学的能力比较差。在生活实际川,时时处处少不了数学 计算。因此,为了提高学生的学习效果与实际应用数学的能力,实现小学数学教学的生活化 变得十分迫切,与此同时,这也是社会发展的要求。下面,笔者对新课改下的小学数学生活 化教学的有效策略进行了简要分析。一、通过现代化的教学方式,实现小学数学教学的生活化大部分的数学知识都是抽象的,倘若借助单一的教学方法,不注重教学知识的生活化, 那么将难以提高教学效率与教学质量。这就需要教师在备课的时候,认真分析每一部分的教学知识跟学生生活实际间的联 系,借助

2、先进的现代化教学设施,设置关于学生生活实际的教学知识。例如,教师在教授“图 形的变换(轴对称)”这部分内容的时候,通过传统的教学方法难以使学生学习和理解这部 分知识,而教师能够结合学生实际生活中能够看到的事物,像蝴蝶和树叶的图片,通过多媒 体教学课件呈现给学生,且将蝴蝶和树叶的对称轴用虚线标注出来,这样学生在观察的过程 屮能够将这些图片跟白身的生活实际相统一,从而使复杂的知识变得简单化。总之,教师在 教学的过程中应当通过现代化的教学方式进行,进而实现教学结构与教学知识的调整,让学 生的数学学习跟实际生活相接近,最终实现理想的教学效果。二、关注学生平时生活的点滴,激发学生的数学学习兴趣数学知识源

3、自实际生活,实际生活当中到处都有数学的影子。可以说,在实际生活当中的任何角落都少不了数学知识,并且实际生活也是数学实 际价值的体现来源。数学教学注重学生的实际生活感受,倡导有效地统一生活情境与数学知 识,在解决实际生活问题的基础上,让学生巩固和复习数学知识,从而增强学生的数学应用 技能。在平吋的小学数学教学中,教师应当启发学生对实际生活当中的一些数学问题进行观 察,体会实际生活跟数学知识之间的密切联系。例如,教师在讲解“长度单位”的时候,能 够要求学生口己动手测量教室的长度、黑板的宽度、手指的长度、课桌的高度等等,如此一 来,学生可以明确在精确测暈屮长度单位的重大作用。并且,学生在潜移默化屮能

4、够更加容 易地学习和接受数学知识,不再感觉到数学知识是单调、乏味的,而是富有灵性、魅力的, 跟实际生活不可分割,从而能够激发学生持久的数学学习兴趣与动力。同时活跃了课堂教学 的氛围,从而使小学数学教学课堂焕发生机。三、注重小学数学教学延伸和拓展的生活化,实现数学教学的升华除课堂教学的生活化外,教师也应当注重小学数学延伸拓展的生活化。在教学课堂上, 有效地统一实际生活与数学知识,能够促使学生真实、深刻地认识到数学知识的实用价值。 而延伸拓展的生活化能够让学生更进一步感受到在具体生活问题中数字知识的意义,如此一 来,学生不但巩固了学到的数学内容,而且还激发了学生的思维意识。教师可以要求学生通 过写

5、数学tl记的方式记录下买东西过程屮用到的数学知识有哪些,以及应用的整个过程。这 样学生不但能够积极主动地探究实际生活当中的数学,而且也懂得了实际生活当中吋吋处处 都有数学知识,从而增强学生“学习数学和应用数学”的观念。教师还可以要求学生自主地 归纳学习数学的心得体会,这不但能够让学生系统地思考、梳理数学知识和数学问题,而且 还能够推动学生更进一步分析数学知识。除此z外,教师还可以要求学生通过我与数学 作为题目,编写一些小故事等。总之,借助归纳与概括性的数学课外延伸拓展练习,学生不 但能够更进一步地学习和掌握数学知识,而且还能够切实体会到自己的身边就有数学知识。总而言z,对于小学生而言,小学数学

6、教学的生活化有着十分关键的作用,不但可以激 发学生的数学应用意识,而且可以激发学生的思维能力。教师在小学数学教学小,应当有效 统一现代化教学方式与实际生活,关注学生平吋生活的点滴,注重小学数学教学延伸和拓展 的生活化。只有如此才可以确保小学数学教学切实实现生活化,从而激发学生持久的数学学 习兴趣与学习动力,提高学生的数学学习成绩。in the traditional sense of the elementary school mathematics teaching mode is facing great shortage, main show is separated from actu

7、al life and mathematics teachi ng, students' lear ning effect and the practical application of mathematics ability is bad in actual life, everywhere without mathematical calculation. therefore, in order to improve the students' learning effect and the practical application of mathematics abi

8、lity, realizes the elementary school mathematics teachi ng life become very urge nt, at the same time, this is also the requireme nt of social development. here, the author of the new curriculum reform of elementary school mathematics teachi ng life effective strategies are briefly an alyzed a, thro

9、ugh the moder n teachi ng mode, realizes the eleme ntary school mathematics teachi ng lifemost of the mathematics kno wledge are abstract, if by means of the single teachi ng methods, does not pay atte ntion to teachi ng knowledge into daily life, so will be difficult to improve teachi ng efficiency

10、 and teachi ng qualitythe amount which requires the teacher at the time of preparation, careful analysis of each part of the relati on ship betwee n teachi ng kno wledge to students actual life, with the help of adva need moder n teachi ng facilities, set up the knowledge about the actual teachi ng

11、stude nt life. for example,www.fsjct. net www.sa nheshun. net a teacher in teachi ng "graphics tra nsform (axisymmetric)'1 this part, through the traditi onal teachi ng methods is difficult to make stude nts to learn and understand this part of knowledge, students and teachers can combine t

12、he actual to see things in life, like a butterfly and the images of leaves, presented to students through multimedia teaching courseware, and the butterfly and the axis of symmetry of leaves marked with dotted line, so that students in the process of observation to the images with own life reality u

13、rdf ies, making it easier to complex knowledge. in short, teachers in the teachi ng process shall be con ducted by moder n teachi ng way, thus realize the adjustme nt of the teachi ng structure and teachi ng kno wledge, lets the stude nt mathematics study and close to real life, achieve ideal teachi

14、 ng effect second, pay attention to the student life at ordinary times, stimulate students' interest in maths studymathematics knowledge derived from real life, real life is filled with maththe child. can say, in real life are integral to any corner of mathematical knowledge, and the source of r

15、eal life, too, are indicators of mathematics real valu e. mathematics teachi ng pays attention to students' real life feelings, advocate the life situation and mathematics knowledge effectively, in solving a problem on the basis of actual life, let the students to consolidate and review the math

16、ematical knowledge, to enhance the students' mathematics application ability. in the usual elementary school mathematics teachi ng, teachers should in spire stude nts for some math problems in real life to observe and un d erst a nd real life with the close relati on ship betwee n mathematical k

17、nowledge. teachers, for example, in the interpretation of the hlength': can require students to measure the length of the classroom, blackboard myself, finger length, the width of the height of the desk, and so on, so that students can clear length of the major role in the precise measurement. a

18、nd students can more easily in the osmosis and accept mathematics kno wledge, no ion ger feel mathematical kno wledge is monot onous and bori ng, but the rich spiritual, charm, with real life in separable, so that they can arouse the students' in terest in maths study and lasting power. at the s

19、ame time, active atmosphere of the classroom teachi ng, making the elementary school mathematics teachi ng classroom third, pay atte ntion to the eleme ntary school mathematics teachi ng life extension and expa nsion, to achieve the sublimati on of mathematics teachi ngin additi on to life outside o

20、f classroom teachi ng, teachers should also pay atte ntion to the eleme ntary school mathematics extensi on to expand into daily life. in teachi ng class, un 讦 ied the actual life and mathematics knowledge effectively, and would help students really understanding to mathematics knowledge of practica

21、l value and extension to expand into daily life can let students feel further the meaning of digital knowledge in specific life problem, in this way, stude nts learned not only con solidated the mathematical conte nt, but also in spire the stude nts' mind. teachers can ask students through math

22、diary recorded the shopping what are used in the process of mathematics knowledge, and the whole process of application. so that students can not only actively explore the actual life of mathematics, but also understand the real life everywhere all have mathematical knowledge, to enhance students

23、9; learning mathematics and applied mathematics hconcept. teachers can also require students to independently of inductive learning mathematics, it not only can make students systematically thinking, combing mathematics knowledge and mathematics problem, but also can promote students mathematics kno

24、wledge further. in addition, the teacher can also ask students through hl and mathematicsh as topic, write a small story, etc in a word, by means of induction and general mathematics extracurricular extension development practice, students will not only further learning and mastering mathematical knowledge, but also to realize


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