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1、in the dictio nary. B. look for themD. look them overEn glish well.C. Iearni ng _that n ame.C. men ti oningD. to lear ningD. to men tio nthem these days.B. to ViSitC. ViSit ingD. ViSitSS Car is not here. I thi nk heSOmeWhere.B. will go C. has gone D. WentVery much. She draws PiCtUreS every day. C. s

2、portD. le ndingD. .are ,isB.is ,are C. have aretells US not toB. SWimC. take photos D. smokeHe's upstairs.D. What's that?人教版九年级英语上册期中考试卷九年级英语试卷(考试时间:120分钟;卷面分值:150分)I单选.从A、B、C和D四个选项中;选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项;并把 答案填在括号中.(每小题1分;共30分)()1.She Ofte n PraCtiCeS En glishChatt ing With her AmeriCa n frie nds.

3、A. inB. by C. forD. With()2.So I decidedlots of notes in every class.A. tak ingB. tak ing UP C. to takeD. to take UP()3.The boyUP late, but now heUP early.A. USed to get; is USed to gett ingB. USed to getti ng; getsC. id USed to gett ing; USed to getD. is USed to get; is gett ing()4.Are you afraid o

4、fat home, Lucy?No, I have grow n up.A. aloneB. being alone C. Ion elyD. being Ion ely()5.Drivers should not be allowedafter drinking, or they will break the law.A. driveB. driv ingC. to drive D. to driv ing()6. My brother and I will go to the movies tonight.Shall We go together?A. So I do B. So do I

5、C. So will I D. So I will()7. I SaW Lilyn ear the river on my Way home.A. playsB. playi ngC. to playD. PIayed()8 HUrry up! They are Wait ing for.A. WeB. USC. ourD. ours()9. Therea lot of meat on the plate. Would you like some?A .isB. areC. hasD. have()10.you read books,you will have kno WIedge.A .Th

6、e more; the muchB. The more; the moreC. The many; the muchD. The most; the most()11. I hear you ' Ve got a new pan pal. I wonder.A. Where does She liveB. Where is She StUdy ingC. Where will She workD. how old She is()12. -ThiS En glish songby the girls after class.A. often SingS B. often Sang C.

7、 is often Sang D. is often SUng()13.you had Wings, you Can ' t be there in time .A. BeCaUSeB. Unl essC. EVe n though Df)14. Whe n you read En glish n ewspapers or magaz in es, some new words are ofte n foun d., the n you Can A. look at them C. look them UP15. I find it difficult _A. Iear nB. to

8、Iear n16. They all avoidedA. men ti on B. men ti oned17 I haven ' t Seen my Parents for Iong. I am too busyWhy not call them in stead?A. ViSit18. John 'A.goes19. Betty likesA. art B. music C. sport D. SCie nce.20. -Who S the little baby in the photo, SUSan?-It ' S me. ThiS phototen years

9、 ago.A. takes B. is take n C. took D. WaS take n21. -Do you knowfor Shan ghai last ni ght?-At 9:00.A. What time he IeaVeS B. What time does he leaveC. What time he left D. What time did he leave22. Theyhere SinCe they Came to China.A. lived B. have lived C. liveD. Were Iivi ng23. Thank you foryour P

10、en to me .A. borrow B. borrowi ngC. Ie nd24. A bridgehere in a year.A. builds B. built C. is built D. will be built25. In our school Iibrary there a Very small nu mber of books onEn glish,a nd in these years the nu mber of themgrow ing Iarger andlarger.A.have ,is26. The Sign A. tur n right)27. - May

11、 I SPeak to Mr. Black, please? -A. Hold on, please. B. Yes, SPeak ing. C. Who's this?)28. - Mr. Wang, Can you tell me7 / 4II()1. A. haveB. drink B. difficultC. takeC. easyD. cookD. true)2.A. wrong()3.A. foodB. WaterC. drinkD. air()4.A. inB. throughC. WithD. WithOUt()5.A. manyB. muchC. WideIyD. a

12、 bit()6.A. andB. itsC. toD. or()7.A. evenB. everC. almostD. still()8.A. BeCaUSe B. IfC. Si nceD. For()9.A. WOrriedI B. angryC. tiredD. afraid()10.A. hearB. lookC. guessD. know.III.阅读理解(每小题1分;共40分)阅读理解选择题(每题2 分;共20分)阅读下面短文;每篇短文后有几个问题;从题中所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中;选出一个最佳选项;并将答案写在括号中.9. ” rm SUre I will an SWer h

13、im or her:A. B “ OW S B. On foot )Mrs. Wils onA. SPe nt more moneyC. lost some moneyAIf some one asks me: “ Do you like music?course, I do. ” because I think music is an important Part of our lives. Different PeOPleO. have differe nt ideas about music. For me, I like rock music because it's so e

14、xcit ing. And my favorite rock band, the“ Foxy Ladie酷妹) is one of the most famous rock bandsin the world. I also like pop music. My CIaSSmate Li Lan loves dance music, because She enjoys dancing. My best friend, Jane, likes jazz music (爵士乐).She thinks jazz is really cool.“I like dance music and rock

15、 Very much.) SayS my brother,are amaz ing. 'But my mother thi nks rock is bori ng.“I like SOmeftefe的ngmusic, ) She says. That's Why She likes COUntry music, I think. 文)?1 (A. it's an excit ing Part of Our livesC. it's an importa nt Part of our lives (B. ROCk and dance music.

16、 D. CIaSSiCaI and POP musicC. Jane. D. The writer's motherA. 4.B. 5.D.7money that you SaVed ! “ Well done,(6.7.8.D. CareleSSD. By taxiA. What I Can do to help youB. Where Can I get my score for this exam in ati onC. Why I n eed some helpD. Where I Can SearCh for the information about education i

17、n our PrOVinCe)29. Staying With families and friends is one of things in the world.A. the happiest B. happierC. the happy D. happiest)30.Are you SUre you Can do well in today's test, Frank? I've got everything ready.A. It's hard to Say B. I think soC. I'm afraid not. D. I hope not完形填

18、空(共10小题;每题1分;共10分)Water is the most importa nt of all the things We eat and 1. Not many PeOPIeUn dersta nd this, but it's quite 2. The huma n body Can go WithOUt 3for along time, yet two or three days 4Water Can USUaIly make PeOPle die. ManyPeOPle don't know how 5Water the huma n body n eeds

19、 6work well, andmany PeOPIe do not drink eno ugh, 7in hot weather. OUr body is mostly Waterabout 67%-75%. 8We don't have eno ugh, we'll feel 9and many will get ill.So, you 10, how importa nt the Water is to US all.).The Writer likes music because he thinks.B. it's an amaz ing Part of our

20、 livesD. it's an in terest ing Part of our lives ) What kind of music does the Writer like?A. Rock and pop music.C. JaZZ and country music. )Who likes dancing?A. The writer. B. Li Lan.)The writer's mother thi nks that COUntry music is.A. amaz ingB. bori ngC. relax ingD. in terest ing)How man

21、y people's ideas about music are talked about in this PaSSag短C. 6. BOne day MrS WiSOnWent shopp ing With TraCy and Ben. They Went to the SUPermarket in the new shopping center.“ WhyJdaIy things here? ” TraCy Wanted tOnow.“ BeCaUSe they are CheaPer here than at the COrner store near our home,” Mr

22、s. Wilsaid. “ Help me CheCk the prices, please.” The Wilsons Were not rich and Mrs. WilsonWaS always CarefUI With her money. She looked CarefUIly at the PriCeS of things. She bought lots of things in the supermarket. When they got home, the ChiIdren said, don't think you SaVed money by going to

23、the supermarket. ”“ Of COUKrSe ” Mrs.Wilson Said “ EVerything WaS CheaPer there. ”“We know, ” the ChiIdren said,Came home by taxi because We had too much to carry. The taxi fare WaS more tha n the” MrSWiISon added everything up. Her ChiIdren Were right.” She said. “ NeXt time we'll do the shoppi

24、ng nearby.”Who are TraCy and Ben?A. Mrs. Wils on's frie ndsB. Mrs. Wils on's daughtersC. Mrs. Wils on's sonsD. Mrs. Wils on's daughter and sonThe things at the COrner store Weretha n those in the supermarket.A. CheaPer B. ni Cer C. more expe nsive D. BetterMrs. Wils on WaS alwaysWith

25、 her mon ey.A. CarefUIlyB. Care C. CarefUIC. By train in the end.B. Paid less moneyD. SaVed a little moneyC判断正误题Uh正确的划T,错误的划F),When I grow up, I ' moing to do What I Want to do.I ' m going tm ove SOmeWhere interesting. PariS SOUndS like a City that I could enjoy.There are lots of art exhibit

26、ion艺术展)there.1 Want to be an artis,tSo how am I going to do it? First, I PartJtime job for a year or two and SaVe some mon ey.A nd I school in Paris.And I Want to learn FrenCh at the Same time.Next, I exhibiti ons because I Want to be rich and buy a big house for my Pare nts.l also Want to travel al

27、l over the world.One day, I11121314' m going to find a' m going to be a StUdent at artm gOi ngD°ea°l(rtmay be more importa nt tha n sleep. We all n eed to dream,( ( ( () ) ) )' m going4o rwtersomiet and beautiful. The City that the Writer could enjoy The Writer WantS to be an a

28、rtist.The Writer also WantS to learn JaPanese When he StUdieS art.The Writer WantS to be a man With a lot of money and buy his Parents a bighouse.15(The Writer is thirsty for travelling all OVer the world.C任务型阅读(共8小题;第76至82题每题2分;每83题1分;满分为15分)It is Said that more than four million PeOPle die each ye

29、ar from smoking. That number is frightening. Yet PeOPle around the world COntinUe to smoke. In the United States, about forty-seve n-millio n adults smoke. ThiS year, more tha n 430,000 AmeriCa ns died of diseases WhiCh have SOmeth ing to do With smok ing. The AmeriCa n Can Cer SOCiety (美国癌症协会)SayS

30、smoking harms the body greatly. It WantS that smoking even a number of CigaretteS is dangerous. It is (19)戒烟是不容易的).However,doctors Say you PrObabIy will live Ionger if you do stop smoking. You will feel better and look better. You also will PrOteCt the health of family members who breathe you smoke.

31、 There is not one right Way to stop smok ing, doctors say. Any Way Can help. You Can take long walks or SPe nd time in PIaCeS Where smok ing is not allowed. Also, you Can eat a small PieCe of fruit (20)VegetabIe in Stead of hav ing a cigarette. The sooner youstop SmOking ,the more you will reduce yo

32、ur ChanCeS of getting CanCer and other diseases.Stop smok ing before smok ing stops you!16. 写出“ more than的近义词.17. more tha npeople die each year from smok ing.18. What does the AmeriCa n Can Cer SOCiety Say about smok ing?19.根据短文中所给汉语完成句子.It ' S20在空白处写出一个连词使句子通顺.IV选词填空(共10小题;每题1分;满分为10分)阅读短文;用方框

33、内所给单词的正确形式填空; 使短文意思通顺、完整.请将答案写在相 应的题号上.每词限用一次.sleep ,dream, like, aga in, about, thi nk, Wake up, quick, much ,whyV补全对话(共5小题;每题2分;满分为10分) 根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话;使对话的意义连贯、完整.其中一项是多余的.A: Hi, Lily . Good n ews for you.B: 1.B: Wow! rm so glad to hear that.2.?A: OUr English teacher did. She Said three of th

34、e StUdents in our class won the PriZe.B A B A BWhat about you?3., too. I thi nk I WaS lucky this time.So great! Con gratulati ons!It's a great day for US today. Let's go out and relax ourselves, shall we? Good idea. BUt 4.?A: To the Park, OK?B: All right. BUt I have to go home and tell my mo

35、ther first. See you later. A:5.A. See you.B. Where shall We go?C. I am the Winn er .D. When shall We meet?E. What is it?F. Who told you about this?Vl词汇题用所给词的适当形式填空(每题1分;共10分)HiS (die) made me sad.The little boy felt a little(WOrry)Are you in terested in(collect) StamPs.I felt Very(excite) about the(excite) n ews.I hope everythi ng(go ) well.SCientists Say the world's POPUlation has _i two years. quickly in the last7. Books are my best friends. I C


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