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1、软件工程专业培养方案一、专业名称与代码: 软件工程 W 二、专业培养目标: 本专业以软件企业人才需求为导向,适应企业需求为目标,以计算机、软件工程课程 体 系为核心,注重知识、能力、素质综合提高,培养具有良好素质、道德修养、扎实的软件理论和软件工程 专业基 础知识,具有良好的软件设计与实现能力以及懂得工程管理标准、具备良好的交流能力和创新精神的软件设计与开发的工程技术人才。三、业务培养要求: 系统掌握软件工程学科的根本理论和根底知识,掌握软件开发的根本技能、方法和相 关 知识,具有熟练使用多种主流软件工具解决实际问题的能力和控制软件质量的能力;了解并掌握一定的管 理知识 和行业标准,理解工程工

2、程的组织与管理。掌握一门外语,具备良好的阅读、理解专业外语资料的能力和与国外同行进行交流和沟通的能力。毕业生应获得以下几方面的知识、能力和素质:1、具有良好的计算机软硬件根底;系统地掌握软件工程技术专业根本理论、根本知识和根本技能与方法、 了解 软件工程的应用研究、开展方向。2、具有扎实的外语和数学根底,掌握一定的人文社科与自然科学根本理论与根底知识。3、具有一定的计算思维能力、算法设计与分析能力、程序设计能力、计算机应用系统的认知、分析、设计和应用能力。理解软件需求分析、设计、开发、测试和维护等软件过程,熟悉软件过程管理的根本流程,掌握软件工程化开发的方法、技术和工具。4、具有主动学习、概括

3、总结和信息获取的能力;具有良好的文字和口头表达能力;具有较好的实际动手能力和创新思维能力。5、有良好的思想道德素质、文化素质、心理素质和身体素质。四、主干学科: 软件工程、计算机科学与技术五、 主要课程:面向对象程序设计、计算机结构与组成、离散数学A、数据结构、数据库概论A、操作系统原理A、算法设计与分析、计算机网络、面向对象软件工程与UML、Java和.net软件开发、软件需求、软件体系结构与设计、计算机图形学 A 、实用数据库、软件工程管理、软件测试、软件过程与CMMI 等。六、主要实践性教学环节:计算机高级语言课程设计、面向对象程序设计课程设计、CPU 设计与仿真课 程设计、 数据结构课

4、程设计、 计算机网络课程设计、 软件开发技术课程设计、 数据库课程设计、 软件工程综 合实习、 软件企业工作性实践、毕业设计。七、学制: 四年八、授予学位:工学学士九、相近专业:计算机科学与技术、信息工程Educational Programme of Software Engineering MajorMajor name and code:Software Engineering W Education goal: The students are cultured to have good personality , professional morality, founded know

5、ledge of software theory and engineering. It will train the student to have the senior ability to design and implement the software system, the project management, and have the basic ability to communicate in group, and the ability to take part in the world competition and creativity. After graduati

6、ng, the students can design and develop the computer software or manage software project.Professional requirement:Basically, students should systematically master the fundamental theory and knowledge ofsoftware engineering. And they be required to master the techniques, methods and related knowledge

7、 of software development. The students have basic ability to propose his problems and get information, analyze and then solve it independently. In the area of software engineering, the students should grasp the founded fundamental theory and have a strong ability of engineering project practice. The

8、y should have ability to use the engineering methods, technology and tools to do the software analysis, design , development and mountainous. They should also have a basic knowledge of the management and rules of the area and have ability to organize and manage the project, cooperate with others, te

9、chnique creativity and market development. The students should know a foreign language, to have the ability to use the language to read and understand the professional papers and communicate with foreign specialists.Requirement to graduate:1. To master a foreign language and mathematics; to have som

10、e basic knowledge and theory of social and natural science.2. To master the basic knowledge and theory of software engineering; to have a basic knowledge of computer software and hardware.3. To master the software development process of requirement analyses, design, development and maintenance and h

11、ave the ability to implement it. To master the engineering method, technology and tools of software development. To master the basic technology of software process and management.4. To have a basic knowledge of management and rules of the area.Main Subjects: Software Engineering, Computer Science an

12、d TechnologyMain Courses: Object-Oriented Programming, Computer Structure and Composing, Data Structure, Discrete Mathematics, An Introduction of Database A, Operating System, Algorithms Design and Analysis, Computer Networks, Object-Oriented Software Engineering & UML, Java & .net Software

13、Development ,Software Requirements, Software Architecture and Design, Computer Graphics A, Practical Database , Software Project Management ,Software Testing, Software Process and Capability Maturity Model,etc.Main Designs and Practices:Course Design of Computer High-Level Language, Course Design of

14、 Object-OrientedProgramming,Simulation ,Course Design of Data Structure, Course Design forComputer Network , Course Design of Java .net , Course Design of Database, Comprehensive Practice for SoftwareEngineering, Software Enterprises Practice ,Graduation Design Thesis Educational system:4 years Degr

15、ee: Bachelor of Engineering Related majors: Computer Science and Technology,Information Engineering软件工程专业本科教学方案表Un dergraduate Course Descripti ons of Software Engin eeri ng课程类别课程课程名称学学学时分类Hrs Sort学期学分分配Credit Allotme nt for Each SemesterCoursesClassified编号CodeCourses Name分Crs时Hrs讲课lectur实验sE xp.1st

16、2nd3rd四4th五5th、八6th七7th八8th马克思主义根本原理Prin ciples of Marxism348483通识必修毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论Mao Tse-t ung Thought andIntroduction to the TheoreticalSystem of Socialism with Chin eseCharacteristics464644教育 课程Compulsory中国近现代史纲要The Esse ntials of Moder n Chin eseHistory232322Libeal*0思想道德修养与法律根底MoralityEduc

17、atio n &Fun dame ntals of Law348481.51.5*0体育Physical Educati on69691.5Educati onCou *ros es大学英语College En glish12192193.5计算机咼级语言程序设计(C)Computer High-level Lan guage(C)3.55640163.5信息导论In formati on In troductio n116161课程类别CoursesClassified课程编号Code课程名称Courses Name学分Crs学时Hrs学时分类

18、Hrs Sort学期学分分配Credit Allotme nt for Each Semester讲课lectur实验sE xp.1st2nd3rd四4th五5th、八6th七7th八8th军事理论Military Theory232322选修ElecTX35Z自然科学类Natural Scie nee232TX35S社会科学类Social Scie nee232TX35R人文艺术类Huma nities & Arts232tiv TeX35J经济管理类Economy & Man ageme nt232其他类Other Courses232小计Sum46.57445681612

19、8.579学科基*1高等数学AAdva need Mathematics A12.52002005.57线性代数ALin ear Algebra A3.556563.5面向对象程序设计BObject-Orie nted Programmi ng B34828203课Discipl计算机结构与组成Computer Structure and aCmome npt°asl Cngo urses4.57260124.5isciplinary Fundame ntal Courses自然地理与地质学2.540402.5PhysicaGeography_a ndPeology课程类别Cours

20、esClassified课程编号Code课程名称Courses Name学分Crs学时Hrs学时分类Hrs Sort学期学分分配Credit Allotme nt for Each Semester讲课lectur实验sE xp.1st2nd3rd四4th五5th、八6th七7th八8th离散数学BDiscrete Mathematics B464644数据库概论AAn In troducti on of Database A3.55644123.5数据结构Data Structure46448164操作系统原理 AOperati ng System3.55644123.5概率论与数理统计AP

21、robability and Statics A3.556563.5地理信息系统原理The Prin ciples of GeographicIn formati on System34828203算法设计与分析Algorithms Desig n and An alysis2.5403282.5小计Sum50800700100917159Mai nS计算机网络Computer Networks4.57260124.5面向对象软件工程与UMLObject-Orie nted Software Engin eeri ng & UML34828203pecializedJava和.net软

22、件开发Java & .net SoftwareDCeovuerlsoepsm ent46444204软件需求Software Requireme nts23220122课程类别CoursesClassified课程编号Code课程名称Courses Name学分Crs学时Hrs学时分类Hrs Sort学期学分分配Credit Allotme nt for Each Semester讲课lectur实验sE xp.1st2nd3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th软件体系结构与设计Software Architecture and Desig n34832163计算机图形学 AC

23、omputer Graphics46444204Web软件开发Web Software Developme nt23220122实用数据库(SQL Server, Oracle)Practical Database34828203软件工程管理Software Project Man ageme nt2.540402.5软件测试Software Test ing2.54028122.5软件过程与 CMM ISoftware Process and CapabilityMaturity Model In tegrati on3.55636203.5小计Sum3454438016411.516.56

24、专业选修课Specialized Elective Courses12192合计Total142.5228016482802125.52229.516.56IField劳动教育Labor Educati on11周1Courses军事训练Military Training22周2课程类别CoursesClassified课程编号Code课程名称Courses Name学分Crs学时Hrs学时分类Hrs Sort学期学分分配Credit Allotme nt for Each Semester讲课lectur实验sE xp.1st2nd3rd四4th五5th、八6th七7th八8th计算机咼级语

25、言课程设计CCourse Desig n for ComputerHigh-Level Lan guage C21.5周2面向对象程序设计课程设计Course Desig n ofObject-Orie nted Programmi ng21.5周2CPU设计与仿真课程设计Simulatio n1.51周1.5自然地理与地质学实习Physical Geography and GeologyPractice32周3数据结构课程设计ACourse Desig n for Data structure A32周3计算机网络课程设计BCourse Desig n for ComputerNetwork

26、 B1.51周1.5软件开发技术课程设计Course Design of Java .net32周3数据库课程设计Course Desi gn for Database32周3软件工程综合实习Comprehe nsive Practice forSoftware Engin eeri ng64周6软件企业工作性实践Software En terprises Practice2416周24课程类别CoursesClassified课程编号Code课程名称Courses Name学分Crs学时Hrs学时分类Hrs Sort学期学分分配Credit Allotme nt for Each Semes

27、ter讲课lectur实验sE xp.1st2nd3rd四4th五5th六6th七7th八8th毕业设计(论文)Graduati on Desig n (Thesis)2416周24小计Sum7652周56.534.5362424Self-re gZZ09 Y大学英语(自主学习)CollegeEn glish(Self-regulate Lear ning)3ZZ35S社会调查 Social In vestigati on2ulate Lear n其它(学科竞赛、创造创造、科研in报g告)Others(C on test, I nven ti onInno vatio n & Rese

28、archPrese ntatio n)3小计Sum8总计Total226.52280+52周16482802632253419.5122424Speci嵌入式软件开发Embedded SoftwareDevelopme nt2.54024162.5编译原理BCompiler Prin ciple B3484083移动计算技术Mobile Computi ng Tech no logv2.54028122.5alized Elect人ive机C交o互ur技se术sHuma n-Computer In teracti onTech niq ues2.54024162.5课程类别CoursesCla

29、ssified课程编号Code课程名称Courses Name学分Crs学时Hrs学时分类Hrs Sort学期学分分配Credit Allotme nt for Each Semester讲课lectur实验sE xp.1st2nd3rd四4th五5th、八6th七7th八8th设计模式Desig n Patterns2.54028122.5人工智能BArtificial In tellige nee B2.540402.5机器人与机器智能Robot and Mach ine In tellige nee2.54028122.5物联网技术概论In troductio n to In ter n

30、et of Things232322野外生存体验Field Survival Experie nee232322云计算与软件效劳Cloud Comput ing and SaaS23224821Lin ux软件开发Linux Software Developme nt232161621信息系统与电子商务In formati on System andE-Bus in ess232161621基于多核的并行编程Parallel Programmi ng in Multi-core En vir onment232161621手持设备软件开发Software Developme nt onHan

31、dheld Devices232161621软件新技术专题Topics on New Tech no logy in Software116161课程类别课程编号Code课程名称学学学时分类Hrs Sort学期学分分配Credit Allotme nt for Each SemesterCoursesClassifiedCourses Name分Crs时Hrs讲课lectur实验sE xp.1st2nd3rd四4th五5th、八6th七7th八8th仃业新技术专题Topics on New Tech no logy inBusin ess116161遥感图像处理Remote Sensing ImageProcess ing2.54028122.5网络GISWeb GIS2.54028122.5城市网络模型与算法Urba n Network Modeli ng andAlgorithms23220122S数字测图Digital Map Survey232322城市规划原理City Pla nning348483( 跨激光雷达


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