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1、精品文档国外生物安全法律法规转基因生物法洲国家或区域组织法规名称欧洲欧盟转基因微生物封闭使用法令(1990)Council Directive90/219/EEC of 23 April 1990 on thecontained use of gen etically modified micro-orga ni sms转基因微生物封闭使用法令(1998年修订)Council Directive 98/81/EC of 26 October 1998amending Directive90/219/EEC on the contained use ofgen etically modified

2、micro-orga nisms转基因微生物封闭使用法令(2001年修订)Council Decision of 8 March 2001supplementingDirective 90/219/EEC as regards the criteria:or establish ing the safety, for huma nhealth and the environment,of types of geneticallymodifiedmicro-orga nisms转基因食品和饲料条例(2003)Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 of the European

3、 Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on geneticallymodifiedood and feed转基因生物环境释放法令(2001)Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of theCou ncil of 12 March 2001on the Deliberate Release into theEnvironment of Genetically Modified Organisms and RepealingCou ncil Directive 90

4、/220/EEC关于转基因咼等植物环境释放结果报告格式的决疋(2003)Commissi on Decisi on of 29 September 2003 Establish ing Pursuant to Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Coun cil a Format for Prese nti ng the Results of:he Deliberate Release into the En vir onment of Gen eticallyModified Higher Pla nts fo

5、r Purposes other tha n Plac ing on:he Market关于根据转基因生物环境释放法令建立有关转基因生物基因 操作信息的详细登记程序的决定(2004)Commissi on Decisi on of 23 February 2004 lay ing dow n detailed arra ngeme nts for the operati onof the registersforecord ing in formatio n ongen eticmodificati ons inGMOsprovided for in Directive2001/18/EC o

6、f the EuropeanParliame nt and of the Coun cil关于建立转基因生物惟一标识系统的条例(2004)COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 65/2004 of 14 Jan uary 2004 establishinga system for the development and assignment ofunique identifiers for genetically modified organisms转基因生物可追溯性和标识以及转基因食品和饲料可追溯性条例(2003)Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003

7、 of the European Parliament and of the Cou ncil of 22 September 2003 Co ncer ningtheTraceabilityand Labell ingofGen eticallyModifiedOrga ni sms and the Traceability of Food and Feed ProductsProduced from Gen etically Modified Orga nisms and Ame ndi ngDirective 2001/18/EC转基因生物越境转移条例(2003)Regulation (

8、EC) No 1946/2003 of the European Parliament andof the Council of 15 July 2003 on Transboundary Movementsof Genetically Modified Organisms保加利亚转基因生物法Gen etically Modified Orga nisms Act克罗地亚食品法.pdfCroatia Food Act自然保护法Nature Protectio n Act捷克转基因生物及其产品使用的详细规定法令Decree of 15 April 2004 on Detailed Conditi

9、ons for the Use of Gen etically Modified Orga nisms and Gen etic Products转基因生物及其产品使用法Act of January 22, 2004 on the use of genetically modified orga ni sms and gen etic products爱尔兰转基因生物封闭使用条例Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations(2001)转基因生物有意释放条例Gen eticallyModifiedOrga nisms (De

10、liberateRelease)Regulations (2003)转基因生物越境转移条例Gen eticallyModified Orga nisms (Tra nsbou ndaryMoveme nt)Regulations (2004)爱尔兰环境保护局法rela nd En viro nmen tal Protecti on Agency Act立陶宛转基因生物人体健康和环境风险评估条例_ithuania Order on the Regulation of Risk Assessment of GMOsOr Huma n Health and En vir onment挪威转基因生物生

11、产和利用法The Act relati ng to the producti on and use of gen etically modified orga ni sms (Ge ne Tech no logy Act) Act No. 38 of 2 April 1993转基因生物运输和进口条例Regulati onsrelati ngto the tran sportand import ofgen etically modified orga ni sms罗马尼亚关于凭借现代生物技术获得的转基因生物的获取、测试、利用、商业化法Roma nian Law on the Obta inin

12、g,Testi ng.Use andCommercializationof the Genetically Modified OrganismsResult ing from Moder n Biotech no logy, as or in Products俄罗斯联邦基因工程行为国家管制条例Federal Act of the Russian Federation on State Regulationof Genetic Engineering Activity (1996)斯洛伐克转基因生物利用法Slovak Act no151 2002 Use of GMOs斯洛文尼亚转基因生物管理法

13、Slove nia Act of GMO Man ageme nt西班牙转基因生物法Spain Real Decreto 178-2004 GMO瑞士转基因饲料添加剂和加工原料的审批程序法令SwitzerlandOrdinance on the Approval Procedure of GMFoodstuff Additive and Process ing Aid转基因生物封闭使用法令Switzerla nd Ordinance on the Contained Use of Tran sge nicOrga ni sms转基因生物环境释放法令Switzerla ndOrdinance o

14、n the Release ofTran sge nicOrga ni sms into the En viro nment转基因生物越境转移法令SwitzerlandOrdinance on the Transboundary Movement of GMOs美洲阿根廷生物安全管理体系分析An alysis of a Nati onal Biosafety System:Regulatory Policies and Procedures in Argen ti na玻利维亚关于卡塔赫纳议定书委员会和生物安全法规的决定Regulati onof Decisi on391 of the Com

15、missi on of theCartage na Agreeme nt and of the Biosafety巴西国家生物技术委员会机构法Nati onal Tech ni cal Biosafety Committee In stituti onal Acts生物安全法(1995)_aw 8974 ( 1995)加拿大在加拿大开展新异植物田间试验的法令Directive Dir2000-07: Con ducti ng Confined Research FieldTrials ofP|a nts with Novel Traits in Can ada决定新异植物环境安全的评估标准法令

16、Directive 94-08 (Dir94-08)Assessme nt Criteria for Determi ning En vir onmen talSafety of Pla nts With Novel Traits饲料法zeeds Act肥料法Fertilizers Act动物健康条例Health of Ani mals Regulati ons新异植物及其产品进口许可要求mport Permit Requireme nts for Pla nts With Novel Traits :ln cludi ng Tran sge nic Pla nts), and Their P

17、roducts新物质申报条例New Substances Notification Regulations有害生物控制产品法Pest Control Products Act植物保护法Plant Protection Act种子法Seeds Regulati ons由生物技术开发的兽用生物制品条例Guideli nesfor the Regulati onof Veteri naryBiologicsproduced by Biotech no logy古巴生物安全法Decree Law No. 190 of Biological Safety墨西哥墨西哥生物安全法Mexico Biosafe

18、ty Law美国植物保护法Plant Protection Act联邦食品、药品和化妆品法Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)联邦杀虫剂、杀真菌剂、火鼠剂法Federal Insecticide,Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)有毒物质控制法Toxic Substa nces Control Act (TSCA)非洲埃及生物安全条例(1994)Biosafety Regulati ons and Guideli nes Egypt Jan uary 1994国家生物安全体系分析An alysisof

19、 a Nati onalBiosafetySystem: RegulatoryPolicies and Procedures in Egypt南非转基因生物法Genetically Modified Organisms Act No. 15 of 1997亚洲印度印度重组DNA安全性指南与条例The In dia nRecomb inantDNA SafetyGuideli nesandRegulati ons印尼农业基因工程生物技术产品条例The Provisionson Biosafetyof GeneticallyEngineeredAgricultural Biotech no log

20、y Products日本管制转基因生物使用、保护和持续利用生物多样性法_aw Concerning the Conservation and SustainableUse ofBiologicalDiversitythrough Regulations on the Use of_iving Modified Organisms (Law No. 97 of 2003)管制转基因生物使用、保护和持续利用生物多样性法的实施条 例Regulations related to the Enforcement of the Law concerning :he Con servati onand Su

21、stai nableUse of BiologicalDiversity through Regulations on the Use of Living Modified Orga ni sms管制转基因生物使用、保护和持续利用生物多样性法第3条实施细则Basic Matters under the Provisions of Article 3 of the Lawcon cer ning the Con servati onand Susta in ableUse ofBiologicalDiversitythrough Regulations on the Use ofving Mod

22、ified Orga ni sms对II类转基因生物的工业利用米取封闭措施的办法The Mi nisterialOrdinance Providi ngCon tai nment Measures toBe Take n in the In dustrial Use of Type 2 Use of Liv ingModified Orga ni sms对II类转基因生物的研发米取封闭措施的办法The Mi nisterialOrdinance Providi ng Con tai nment Measures toBe Take n in Type 2 Use of Liv ing Modi

23、fied Orga ni sms forResearch and Developme nt韩国转基因生物越境转移法(2001)Korea, Republic of Biotech no logyLaw on Tran sbou ndaryMovement, etc., of Living Genetically Modified Organisms(2001)农业转基因产品管理框架Regulatory Framework For Gen etically ModifiedAgricultural Products in Korea马来西亚转基因生物环境释放条例Release of Ge netically Modified Orga nisms (GMOs) into theEn vir onment菲律宾菲律宾生物安全指南Philippi ne Biosafety Guideli nes (PBG)关于凭借现代生物技术获得的植物及其产品的进口和环境释 放条例Rules and Regulations for the Impo


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