1、1教学目标1)掌握本单元的知识点即理解并学会直接引语和间接引语的表达结构及用法。2)通过学习拓展阅读,培养学生乐于助人、乐于奉献的精神。编辑2重点难点教学重点:直接引语和间接引语之间时态和人称的转换教学难点: 1)总结段落大意,并能概括文章的主要内容2)对志愿者活动组织的了解和讨论。编辑3教学策略一、开放式教学策略:以课堂为载体,引导学生慢慢进入广阔的知识天地。二、任务型活动策略:在做中学,在做中练,并在做中逐渐巩固,提高能力。三、尊重差异策略:由难到易,给学生架好梯子,让有能力的学生跳起来采摘丰收果实编辑4学习策略一、自主学习:指导学生在不同要求下热情参与课堂各项活动,学习阅读技巧,运用自主
2、学习法对课文进行快速阅读和深层阅读,达到从整体上理解课文。二、合作学习:注意学习方法,学会提问和倾听他人意见相互交流、互帮互助,学习他人长处,合作完成任务,培养团队精神。编辑5教学手段一、任务型教学途径。二、多媒体辅助教学、视频、图片的利用,引起学生共鸣,激发兴趣。三、为学生创设情景,注重生生互动,把时间大多让给学生,给学生自由发挥的空间。6教学过程6.1第二学时编辑1教学活动编辑活动 1【导入】新课导入歌曲导入 :listening to a song,【let the world be full of love.】编辑活动 2【活动】自学指导学生通过第一次阅读课文思考:1.do you o
3、ften help others? yes,i do / no,i dont2. who do you often help? i often help 3. how do you help them? i help them4. who do you think need help? 5. what can we do for them? 编辑活动 3【活动】教学步骤教学步骤step1 warming up 歌曲导入 :listening to a song,【let the world be full of love. 】 设计意图:通过学生们听比较熟悉的歌曲,为学生创造相对轻松的学习气氛
4、,引出今天所学的内容,帮助别人,让世界充满爱,一个志愿者教师杨蕾的故事。step2 presentation t:there are many people who are still helping others. yang lei is one of them. today let s read the story of her. ask ss to read silently and quickly, and then answer the question after reading. 1. who is yang lei? 2. what did she do? 3. why did
5、 she do that? 4. how would it help? 设计意图:四个特殊疑问句,使学生头脑中形成一条简单的文章主线,对下一个概括大意的任务有很大的帮助。a scan the passage, and choose the main idea of it. a. the life in yang lei s school was very hard. b. yang lei enjoyed helping the students in a poor mountain village. c. yang lei s students liked her very much 设计意
6、图:运用阅读策略,略读课文,了解文章大意,先不注重细节。b read again. put “t” or “f” into the spaces. ( ) 1.teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in gansu province changed the life of yang lei from beijing. ( ) 2.yang lei s mother disagreed with her daughter s decision. ( ) 3.most of the pupils live at home.
7、 they work hard. ( ) 4.the students said the teachers were their friends. ( ) 5. yang lei hated her experience. ( ) 6.yang lei said she could open up her students eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life. 设计意图:快读使学生对文章有一个粗略的了解,并通过一些判断题来加深学生对文章的理解。c ask ss to read each paragraph a
8、nd match the main idea with paragraph. paragraph1 a. she likes being a good influence in the childrens life. paragraph2 b. yang lei enjoyed her time as a volunteer. paragraph3 c. she first worked as a volunteer in gansu. paragraph4 d. the life was very difficult. paragraph5 e. the students studied v
9、ery hard. 设计意图:运用前一单元的阅读策略,培养学生良好的阅读习惯以及归纳总结文章或段落大意的能力,提高他们的阅读技巧。d group work: competition para1 1. where did yang lei teach? 2. how long did she teach there? para2 1. what did yang lei eat there? 2. how about her mother s opinions? para3 1. when did the pupils get up? 2. when did they finish their
10、study? para4 1. how did yang lei say she could help? para5 1. what did yang lei say when she finished her study? 设计意图:采取小组合作形式,提高自主学习能力,另外用竞争的形式,能激发学生学习的积极性。step3 after reading show some pictures of organizations in the world 1. discuss who needs help, which one you will choose and why you work for
11、it? group the work they do the work you do why you work for it greenpeace care for “mother earth ”doctors without borders helps sick people in poor countries unicef helps children in poor countries wwf care for wild animals in danger 2. ask some groups to show it and tell the reasons 设计意图:通过翔实,生动,触目
12、惊心的图片给学生以心灵的触动,激发他们参与社会公益事业,助人为乐的热情,并能提出自己的看法。step 4 homework 1. write a summary of the reading. 2. try to find out more information about volunteer work in china. 设计意图:课堂任务已经归纳出段落的大意,再写一个文章的大意相对来说容易一些。如果有的学生实在有困难,那么可以给学生一段挖空的文字,让学生根据课文内容补充完整。编辑活动 4【练习】达标测评一、根据句意及首字母填空。1.this work costs us nothing.
13、it s all done by v_. . 2.you are too t_. youd better eat more to get fatter. 3.my father is my mother s h_ . 4.ningyang is my h_ . 二、 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.we made a_ (decide) to go to gansu province to teach the children. 2.he is_(fortunately) to have such a good job. 3.the_(start) of the film is rather b
14、oring. 4.he got a stomachache because he_ (eat) too much at lunch. 三、单项选择。1.i want to go out and play with my friends, but my mom always makes me( )at home. a to study b study c studying d studied 2.-you dont look well. whats wrong with you? -last night i watched a football match and didn t go to be
15、d( ) 12 oclock. a when b as c until d while 3.her impolite words made me( ) angry that i left without saying anything. a felt very b feel very c feeling d feel so 4.it is not( ) to teach at top of the nountain all the year around. a a fun b fun c funny d many fun 5.i spent five hours( ) english ever
16、y day. a with b to study c studying d studied 编辑活动 5【讲授】课堂总结通过志愿者杨蕾的支教事迹和想法而引出助人为乐这一中心话题,培养学生拥有热爱社会公益事业、联系自身,增强保护环境,保护动物,扶危济困的意识和品质。编辑活动 6【作业】 homework一.、write a summary of the reading. yang lei, a peking university _ first went to gansu as a _on a one-year program. she was one of the volunteers to
17、teach in _. life in the_ was quite difficult, but her parents _ her, and they thought it was _. the students there worked_. they love having _there. some of them cant go to a higher school, because their families are_, but yang said she could _ their eyes to the _ and give them a _ in life. after fi
18、nishing her study, yang lei_ to the areas, and now shes a math teacher in _. 二、 try to find out more information about volunteer work in china. 三、阅读了文章后,丰富你的词汇:a) 收集你最喜欢的句子 . b) 收集今后你觉得有用的句子. c) 收集文章中最重要的句子. d) 收集你认为自己理解有困难的句子. 编辑活动 7【作业】教学反思教学反思一、本节课下来,大部分学生都能积极投入到课堂教学中来,并积极举手发言。课堂气氛比较活跃,调动了大部分学生听课的积极性,因此合作教学对提高学生实际的语言交流能力、以及与他人的合作能力有很大的促进作用。但很明显的,语言表达能力强的学生参与的机会比较多,代表小组汇报的机会也多,而另有一些学生却习惯于当听众,被动地接受别人的观点。很少发表自己的个人意见,也就是说在小组合作学
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