1、建议类文章=如何保持校园安全Dear Stude nts,AS We know, HOW to keep Safe at school is especially importa nt to US StUde nts,so We should try our best to make SUre We are safe. Here are some tips to help keep US safe.FirSt of all, What We should do is that dangerous things mustn' t be brought to school, SUCh as
2、 kni ves, lighters and so on, because they may hurt others. Secon d, It SUggeSted that We are SUPPOSed to be friendly and get on WeIl WithOthers, so We aren' tallowed to quarrel or even fight. In addition, I think it necessary for US to obey the traffic rules on our Way to school or We may have
3、accide nts. Moreover , it is WiSe of US to Stay away from bad people and n ever Stay OUtSide alone at ni ght. BeSideSWhat We must remember to do is that We ShOUId take Care not to get ourselves injured while We are having SPOrtS.Most importantly” don' ctrowd With each other especially When We go
4、 UPStairS or downstairs, or there may be an accident. Finallythere is no doubt that We' dbetter eat healthy food and keep away from junk food WhiCh is harmful to our health.All in all, I think it is Very importa nt for US to keep safe. Whe n We meet an emergency, We Can turn to our Parents or te
5、achers for help. If everyOneCan follow the rules, I ' m SUre all of US Can live in peace.Yours, Li HUa活动计划类:一般席来时;句式WeWiIll I am goiIlg toDear SUSa n,I ' m so glad that you will ViSit GUangzhou as an exchange StUdent. To help you learn more about the CUItUre in GUan gzhou and get USed to the
6、 life , I have made the follow ing pla ns for you.The first thing Ido iS tOl show you around the city, especially some PIaCeS ofinterest , SUCh as the GUangdong MUSeUm and the CantOn TOWetr. ' S a good Chance to learn about the colourful CantOnese CUItUre and history. After that, I think the mos
7、t important Part that We won' t miss is to taste some traditional delicious food together . For example, We Can taste differe nt kinds of dim-sums as well as wonton noodles. What ' S more, if you are interested in op¾G Uangzhou OPera House is the best PlaCe for US to enjoy some wonderfu
8、l shows I. ' m Certain that you ' ll relax yourself after a long day ' S walk there.There is no doubt that many other exciting activities PrePared Well are Waiting for you. To be honest, the natural beauty is Well worth enjoying, We are going to climb the Baiy Un MOUntain together and ta
9、ke a boat trip on the Pearl RiVer at ni ght. What a good time We ' ll have!I ' m looking forward to your visit! I believe that you will have an Unforgettable experie nce in GUan gzhou.i周査扌艮古次拓:BreakfaSt is important in our daily lives. BUt its importance hasn' t been realizedby all the S
10、tUdentS . OUr school made a SUrVey about Whether StUdentS have breakfast or not, and the result is worry ing.About 55% of StUdentS would Iike to have breakfast regularly every day, so they Can keep healthy and become full of en ergy. However, 25% of them are WiIli ng to have junk food instead. Their
11、 Unbalaneed diet is bad for their healthWhat' S worse , 20% of them are Iikely to go to school WithOUt breakfast. They think they Can evenavoid PUtting on Weight by not eating breakfast . AS a result, this stops them from focusing on CIaSSes, and they may feel hungry in class as well asget SiCk
12、easilyTO make the thi ngs better What We Ought to do is to awake Stude nts awareness Of having breakfast because it plays an important role in keeping healthy. APart from that, it is strongly SUggeSted that We should eat the right kinds of food for breakfast.正反观点或利弊性文竜饲养宠物1. In many cities, keeping
13、Pet dogs is a kind of fashion. However, different people have differe nt opinions on it .Some people think it is a good idea to keep Pet dog SZirStIy , happ in ess Can be brought to people by them. Besides, With themod PeOPIe and Childre n WithOUt brothers or SiSterS WiIl not feel Ionely any more. W
14、hat ' S more, When you are Walking dogs, you Can take some exercise at the Same time. ACCOrding to some people, keep ing Pet dogs is also a good Way to Iear n to Care about lives and help them become more resp on Sible people.HOWeVer, every coin has tWO SideS . OtherS are afraid that dogs may Ca
15、USe some problems. OnOnehand, they are the makers of no ise. It is their fault to stop PeOPle from getting any sleep. On the other hand, a SmaIl number of them Can CaUSe ill nesses. APart from that , keep ing a Pet dog n eeds so much time and money to take Care of it that not every OneCan afford it.
16、In con CIUSi on, it is com mon for PeOPle to have differe nt opinions. No matter Whether you Iike or not, the on Iy thi ng We ShOUld do is to remember not to kill or hunt them for money or for fun. LiVe in harm ony With them and be ki nd to them.2.In recently years, some districts are planning to in
17、clude SWimming in theexam in ati on of PhySiCaI educati on. And they made a SUrVey about it in some schools. Here' S the result from one school.About 57 Per Cent of StUde nts Would like to have SWimmi ng less ons at school because it Can help build UP our body as Well as guard aga inst ill ness.
18、 APart from that, SWimmi ng is a SUrViVaI skill Whe n We face some n atural disasters. Ano ther reas on is that it is a good ChOiCe to go SWim ming to relax ourselves Whe n We are free.HOWeVer, 43 PerCe nt of StUde nts are aga inst this pla n. OnOnehand, some of them are afraid of getting in the Wat
19、er. On the other hand, it may be dangerous for those Who have no basic skills of SWimming . What' S Worse, StUdents may be more likely to CatCh acold Whe n they SWim at a Iow temperature.EaCh coin has two sides. AS far as I' m COnCerned, it is ste:SnltilIatSWegeSshould have SWim ming less on
20、 s. It Can not only improve my health but also relax myself after classes.(From my point of view, it' S not a good Way to have SWimming lessons at schoolbecause SOmetimeS it ' S difficult to keep the Water clean.)话题IlPad的使用利弊? ReCe ntly, iPadhas bee n Widely USed in class in China. Some of t
21、hem has PrOVed the SUCCeSS of USing iPad for study. And it makes peoplethink about Whether USing iPad for StUdy is good or not.?There are many adva ntages of USing iPad for StUdirSt, it Can PrOVidesome background knowledge WhiCh Can help US have a be卄 er UnderStanding of What We Iear n ,such as phot
22、os, StOrieS and Videos. SeC ond, iPad is SmaIl enough to be easily Carried,so StUde nts Can USe iPad to StUdy any time and any where.?However, every COin has two sides, SO does ipad. AS We all know ,there ' re many APPS in the iPaat are attractive to Students . ThiS may make Stude nts fail to ke
23、ep themselves from doing other things and have difficulty Paying attention to the CIaSS . In addition, StUdents ' eyes may get hurt if they USe it for a long time. LaSt but not least, StUdents maydepend on iPad to get in formatio n and an SWerS on the Internetin Stead of USing dictio nary. ISde
24、nts may not want to work out PrOblemS by USing their own brains. ThiS would be a terrible thi ng.?In my opinion, Whether USing iPad for StUdy is good or not alldepe nds on how StUde nts USe it . The OnIything We ShOUld do is to remember to USe ipad as a tool of StUdy. If so , ipad Can be the great h
25、elper of our study.移动支付的利弊In recent years in China, there has been a rapid growth in mobile Payment, even the small bus in ess Can be fini Shed by thisdva need way. It is obvious that there are some advantages of mobile Payment.FirStly , COmPared With traditional means Iike Paying in CaSh or Credit
26、Card , mobile Payment is faster and more convenient, so it SaVeS people' S time to Pay bills bnot Waiting in line. In addition , note can hardly be used, so many trees WiIl avoid being CUt down. That is to Say , it is also friendly to the enVirOnmentHOWeVer , every coin has two sides, so does mo
27、bile Payment. OnOnehand , We Can' t overlook忽略 the fact that it must be OPerated With a PhOneand a networkOn the other hand, It will arouse 唤起 PUbIiC COnCern over its potential risk 潜在风险, SUCh asthe accoUnt SeCUrity 账户安全 and otherUnexpected problems.In con ClUSi on, it is com mon for PeOPle to h
28、ave differe nt opinions about it .There is no doubt that tech no Iogy is Cha nging our life, so our future life will be better and more COnVenient if mobile Payme nt is accepted by us.Lifeill the futureWith the developme nt of tech no Iogy , life will Cha nge a lot in the future. So What WiIl the fu
29、ture Iife be Iike ? Maybe SOmeth ing WiIl be bey ond our imagi natio n. Let me tell you SOmething amazing and exciting about its Change.The clothes are the first thing I' Il talk about. They will become much Iighter inaddition to being able to control the temperature so that We will keep Warm in
30、 Winter and cool in summer. What ' S more, WlSaVeI healthier and more kinds of delicious food from all over the world. APart from that, We WiIl comfortably IiVe In the house WhiCh WiIl be more In tellige nt as WeIl as more en Vir onmen tally-frie ndly as a result of the solar power USed by all e
31、lectrical appliances . Finally,the most amazing and exciting thing is about the Way of going out. It will be more COnVenientand Safer .We WiIl no more be WOrried about any traffic jams or accidents because the CarS are all computer-programmed. That is to say,we Can be Safely taken anywhere We Want t
32、o go by Car WithOUt drivers and do What We Want While travelling as well. CarS will also have WingS to fly and they Can eve n Cha nge into a ShiP easily to go Un der the sea.HOPefUlly, our future Iife WiIl be WOnderfU I and colourful. Let' S work together tomake it come true. I Can ' t Wait
33、to IiVe in the future.My dreamChi na dreams are made UP Of all Chin ese peopleEVesyctirnamsam askedWhat I ' d IikeO do in the future. WithOUt hesitation 毫不犹豫,I firmly tell them that being a teacher is my dream job.The teacher is the engin eer of huma n soul as Well as the most lofty Career in th
34、e sun. I dream of becoming a teacher When I' m older, and I hope to work in my old schoolbecause I Want to reward my teahers for teachi ng me so well, I' ll also try my best toteach my StUdents as my teachers taught me. To achieve my dream, I' ll have to StUdyharder from now on, I '
35、ll never give UP my dream no matter What difficulties I meet. I SUre my dream will come true as long as I hold on to it.Where there S a Will there心、想事成y If every one does so, I stron gly believeour China dreams must come true and China will get better and better.美化广州行动Dear Sir,I ' m a junior StU
36、dent named Debbie from HUaDiStriCt . It is reported that GUan gzhou rece ntly has bee n in haze WeatheIeCaUSe of the harmful gases from factories and CarSaS well as the dust PrOdUCed by buildi ng SiteS. It has done harm to people ' S health, WhiCh also makes our City worse than befBu. What shoul
37、d We do to stop it from being worse.e following things. On one hand, We should take action to deal With the enVironmental problems. For example, We must PreVe nt factories giving out harmful gases and reduce the dust from building sites. On the other hand, it ' S of great hetp hold some activiti
38、es to Call on PeOPIe to Pay more atteDiion to the enVironmentLast but not least , the government ought to take PrOPer action tcawake PeOPIe ' S awareness of reducing air POlIUtion and beautifying our City by controlling the number of CarS on the roads.In con clusi on, I hope every OneCan try the
39、ir best to make a con tributi on to making our City more and more beautiful.SinCereIy yours,Debbie致学弟学妹的建议Dear fellow StUde nts,Now We will leave our school and en ter a SeniOr middle school. I have some PerS onal SUggeStiO ns to Share With you.FirSt , you should form some good habits. For example,
40、you' d better Iisten toteachers CarefUIly in class and take some notes to help you go over What you have Iearnt. In addition , I find it necessary to keep a healthy IifeStyIe because it is the key to SUCCeSS of study. You ought to keep a bala need diet and have a good habit of hav ing enoUgh sle
41、ep. If so, you Can focus your attention on your classes. Meanwhile, you should get on well With your CIaSSmateS and show respect for teachers. Being frie ndly to OtherS is What you have to remember Then Sharing things With OtherS Can further help you Moreover, reading is a good habit because it Can
42、not onIy enrich your knoWledge but also ope n your eyes and min ds. So no matter how busy you are, read ing habits should be kept by you every day. APart from that, it is normal for US StUdents to feel Under StreSS . A good Way to relax yourselves is to do more exercises in your SPare time as well a
43、s WatCh some movies WhiCh Can make you happy.In con clusi on , SWeet comes from sweat. I hope my SUggeSti OnSCan make a great differe nce to your StUdy and your life.ChineSe traditional handicraftsChi na is a big COUntry With all kinds Of Unique han dicrafts .I would Iike to in troduce some of them.
44、The first One I ' Il introduce to you is DOUghltOy.both colourful and lively because of being Pain ted With differe nt bright colours as well as being in the ShaPe of famous people and ani mals,such as the Mon key King . Ano ther importa nt han dicraft WhiCh won ' t beissed is ShadOW PUPPetS
45、 WhiCh are mainly in five colours SUCh as green ,black .its moveable hands and legs Can make its show wonderful and lively. I' m SUre that you will be SUrPriSed at it , and so will yourfriends. In addition , SUgar Painting plays an important role in memory of ChiIdhood because it is not only bea
46、utiful but also has a good taste most ChiIdre n enjoy. It is completely made of sugar, so it is usually in the colour of sugar, yellow or golde n. There is no doubt that the last han dicraft I' d like to describe is also the mostimporta nt and traditi onal in Chin ese cultures, WhiCh isPaPer CUt
47、ti ng. For PaPerCUtting, nothing is required except for a Pair of SCiSSOrS and some red paper. Skilled craftspeople Can CUt out different kinds of Patterns, SUCh as ChiIdren, animals ,flowers , and so on. They are usually StUCk on the Windows or IanternS to express the feeli ngs of joy,best WiSheS a
48、nd good luck.AIl in all, I ' m looking forward to your visit! HOPefUIly you as well as your friends can be in terested in these han dicrafts.话题2保护环境We have only one earth and it is the home to huma n beings as well as ani mals. However, as time goes by, people are doing SOmethi ng that makes the
49、 earth in dan ger of being POIlUted. It is a Pity / there is no doubt that POIIUti on is bei ng CaUSed by our bad habits. For example, People CUt dow n so many trees that the forest is destroyed. It is awful of people to throw rubbish everywhere. Besides, even some factories give out harmful gases W
50、ithOUt doing anything to it and pour some WaSte Water into rivers directly. AS a result, the rivers get dirty and the air is also SeriOUSIy polluted. WhatWoSSe,the gree nhouse effect CaUSe the Earth temperature toin crease, so We have more abno rmal Weather tha n before.It ' S our duty to PrOteC
51、t the enVirOnment. First, We should SaVe Water and electricity by turning off the taps, fans, TV SetS and IightS in timeWhen they aren ' tn eeded. I SUggeSt that the StUde nt who IeaVeS the CIaSSroom last should turn off the IightS to SaVe electricity. What' S more, Water should be reused by
52、 us. Don' t let tllast drop of Water becomes the last drop of our tear. Moreover , it is good to make full USe of paper. We should USe both SideS of the paper. By doing this, We Can SaVe many trees. We Can also pla nt more trees or refresh the air around us. APart from that, remember to go shopp
53、 ing With cloth bags in Stead of PIaStiC bags, as PIaStiC bags do harm to the en Vir Onment, PIeaSe try your best not to USe PIaStiC bags. LaSt but not least, It ' S also a good Way to PrOteCt the enVirOnment if We ride bikes or walk to school.In short , PrOteCt ing the en Vir Onment is SaV ing
54、ourselves. I think if each of US Can Start out small and take effective actio n to PrOteCt our en Vir Onment, We Can make a differe nce to it.My Life in LOndOnFour mon ths ago, I took Part in an excha nge PrOgramme and got the Cha nce to go to En gla nd. I lear nt a lot duri ng my Stay in London.AS
55、We know, London, the CaPitaI of England ,lies in the SOutheaSt of England . On weekdays, I had lessons With my classmates. I failed to Understand a lot during the first few days. For this reas on, I had to SPe nt lots of time PraCtiS ing SPeak ing En glish and I took Part in all kinds of activities
56、to improve my oral English as well as make my life colourful. At the Weekends, it WaS a PleaSure for me to go shopping and eat some delicious food. What ' Sthmoeewas no doubt that ViSiting PiaCeS of interest in London SUCh as the London Eye and Big Ben WaS exactly the most excit ing thing that I
57、 had ever done . AS a result, I had a better Un dersta nding ofthe CUItUre and history ofEn gla nd.In short, it WaS a VaIUabIe education for me. On one hand ,It Can not only enrich my knoWIedge but also help me get some social skills . On the other hand, through this experie nce, I became more in depe nden t. I am look ing forward to my n ext excha nge programme.话题 3 Readi ngReadi ng FeStiVaIThe activity o f “ Reading FeStiVaI ” is being held in our school from NOVember, 2017. R
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