



1、单元测试卷冀教版小学英语五年级下册专项训练三:完形与阅读一、完形填空。AThiS is Bill. He1from Australia. He is2 friend. We arein3 Same class. We are4friends. He5to Play basketballVery much. He6a ball at the store to play basketball. He likes to WearShOrtS7Tshirts. He likes to play basketball8me.His home is farfrom our school. He9IunCh

2、 at school. After school, he goes back home inthe10.()1. A. comeB.COmingC. comes()2. A. IB.meC. my()3. A. theB.aC. an()4. A. badB.goodC. well()5. A. likesB.likeC. liki ng()6. A. buy ingB.buyC. buys()7. A. orB.andC. but()8. A. WithB.forC. of()9. A. hadB.haveC. has()10. A. morni ngB.after noonC. dayIt

3、1SatUrday yesterday. I2to the shop With my Pare nts. MyParents=S_4vegetables. BUt I bought some juice. BeCaUSeI5thirsty. The n We_6to the park. Weat some beautifulflowers. My father and I8a kite. And my mother9PiCtUreS for us.We10 a nice day.()1. A. isB. WereC.WaS()2. A. walkB. WaIkedC.Walks()3. A.

4、buyB. buysC.bought()4. A. someB. aC.an()5. A. feelB. feltC.feels()6. A. WentB. goingC.go()7. A. lookedB. SaWC. WatChed()8. A. flyi ngB. flyC. flew()9. A. tookB. takeC. tak ing()10. A. hasB. hadC. have、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。AHere are SOme Students On the PlaygrOund. Look! Mike and BOb are Playing football.

5、 LUCy is running. TeSS and Lynn are playing basketball. Peter is talking With his CIaSSmate. What is Amy doing? She is listening to music. They are all having fun. ()1. Mike and Bob are play ing cards.()2. LUCy is jump ing.()3. TeSS and Lynn are play ing basketball.()4. Peter is talki ng With his te

6、acher.()5. Amy is liste ning to music.BIn the morning, Lily and Jenny are Very hungry. They go to a shop to buy SOmething to eat. Lily would like some bread. Her favourite food is bread. Jenny WantS to have some biscuits. And Lily buys a bottle of juice, too.()1. Lily and Jenny are Very thirsty.()2.

7、 JennyWantS to have some juice to drink.()3. Lily only buys some bread.()4. JennyWantS to have some biscuits.()5. Lily and Jenny go to a shop in the after noon.CIt's SUn day today .In the mornin g, I go to the zoo With my Pare nts . We go there by car. We walk around the zoo. We See many ani mal

8、s. The elepha nts play games. The mon keys jump UP and dow n. They are Very lovely. We take many pictures. Later We are Very tired. My mum buys some ice Cream for us. We have a nice day.()1.Wego to the zoo on SUn day morning.()2.Wego to the zoo by bus.()3.WeSee many ani mals in the zoo.()4.Mymum buy

9、s some ice Cream only for me.()5. We feel sad.冀教版小学英语三、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。AThere is a Park near OUr school. We Can See many tall trees and beautiful flowers there. Some flowers are orange, and some are red. It is SatUrday today. There are many ChiIdren in the park. Some are running and jumping. Some are t

10、alking and singing. Ann and her brother Bob are play ing With a ball. Their Pare nts are Sitt ingUn der a big tree. All the people are hav ing a good time.()1. The Park is.A. n ear my homeB. n ear our schoolC.far from our school()2. There are manyin the park.A. an imalsB. trees and flowersC.grass()3

11、. Annand Bob arein the park.A. flyi ng a kiteB. play ing With a ballC.jump ing and running()4. Ann and Bob's Pare nts are.A. beside the treeB. on the treeC.Un der the tree()5. EVery one is Very.A.happyB. hungryC.SadBLinda is my good friend.She gets UP at 6 30 every morning. She has breakfast at

12、home and goes to school at SeVe n forty. She has IUnCh at school. BUt on SatUrdayS and SUndays She has IUnCh With her family. She has dinner at home. After dinner, She does her homework. She does n't WatCh TV from Mon day to Friday. She WatCheS TV only on Weeke nds. She goes to bed at half PaSt

13、nine.()1. Linda is a.A. boyB.girlC.baby()2. From Mon day to Friday, She has IUnCh.A. at homeB.at schoolC.in a restaura nt()3. After dinner, She.A. reads a bookB. WatCheS TVC.does her homework()4. She WatCheS TV on.A. MondayB. SatUrday and SUnday C. Friday()5. She goes to bed at.C. nineA. half PaSt e

14、ight B. half PaSt nineMy name is Betty. It WaS SUnday yesterday. In the morning, I WaIked to the Park With my father. I WaIked Very slowly. BUt my father WaIked quickly. Then We had breakfast at half PaSt SeVe n. At half PaSt nin e, I clea ned my bedroom and WaShed my clothes. In the afternoon, I Sa

15、W my frie nd Lily and Lin da. eve ning, We had SUPPer at my home together.We talked happily. In the)1. It WaSyesterday.A. SUn dayB. Friday)2. My father WaIked.A. slowlyB. quickly)3. What time did We have breakfast?C. SatUrdayC. SlOW(A. At 6:30B. At 7:30C. At 9:30)4. At half PaSt nine, IA. played; had breakfastC. clea ned my bedroom; WaShed my clothes)5. Lily and Lindaat my home.A. had SUPPerB. had IunChandB. WatChed TV; WaIkedC. had breakfast冀教版小学英语五年级下册专项训练三:完形与阅读一、A1.C2. C3. A4. B5.A点拨:主语是第三一人称单数。6.C7.


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