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1、必修五MODULE 5课文背诵课程(外研版)第一轮:语境记忆单词、短语、句式,逐句理解全文A Life in Sport They called him the prince of gymnasts. When he retired at the age of 26, he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world. They included six out of seven gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 O

2、lympics in Los Angeles (as well as two silver and a bronze). Li Ning was the best. When sports journalists met in 1999 to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth century, Li Ning's name was on it, together with footballer Pelé and boxer Muhammad Ali. But even

3、though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed. He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.But it was this sense of failure that made him determined to succeed in his new life. A year after h

4、is retirement, Li Ning began a new career as a businessman. But he didn't forget his sporting background. He decided to launch a new brand of sportswear, competing with global giants like Nike and Adidas. He made the unusual choice, for a Chinese person, of choosing his own name as the brand mar

5、k. The bright red logo is made up of the first two pinyin letters of Li Ning's name, L and N.人们称他为体操王子。26岁退役时,他己在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。(major 'medadj. 主要的;重要的 )其中包括1982年世界锦标赛总共七枚金牌申的六枚,1984年洛杉矾奥运会上的三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚铜牌)。(as well as 也;和一样;不但而且)李宁是最优秀的。 1999年,当体育记者们在评选20世纪最杰出的运动员时,李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿里一起名列其中。(m

6、ake a list of列出一张单)但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操运动项目上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败的感觉退了役。他在1988年汉城奥运会上表现不佳,这使他感到很失望。(perform p'fm vt. 执行;完成;演奏)但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。退役一年后,李宁开始了他新的事业-从商。但是,他并没有忘记他的运动生涯(背景)。他决定推出一种新品牌的运动服,和全球大公司耐克、阿迪达斯等竞争。( launch lnt n. 发射;发行,投放市场;下水;giant 'dant n. 巨人;伟人;动 巨大对一个中国人而言,他作出了异乎寻常的选择,那就是用

7、自己的名字做商标。那个鲜红色的商标是由"李宁"拼音的两个首宇母L和N组成。Li Ning's sports clothes came onto the market at just the right time. The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase and sport had never been so popular. Li Ning's designs were attractive, and they had a major advantage over

8、their better-known rivals they were cheaper. A pair of Nike trainers, for example, could cost up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product. Success for Li Ning was guaranteed, and it came quickly.In just a few years, Li Ning won more than fifty percent of the national market. Today a Li Nin

9、g product is purchased every ten seconds. But the clothes are not only worn on the athletics track or the football pitch. If you go into a school or university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. The company has also grown internationally. Th

10、e Spanish and French gymnastics teams wear Li Ning clothes, while Italian designers are employed by the company to create new styles. Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.李宁运动服进人市场正当其时。有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。李宁运动服

11、不仅设计吸引人,而且比起那些著名的商业对手,它拥有一个主要优势,那就是价格便宜。 比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双季宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。(cost kst成本 | 费用 | 花费;similar 'sml adj. 相似的) 李宁的成功有了保证,并且来势迅速。短短几年,李宁赢得了超过百分之五十的国内市场。现在每十秒钟就有一款李宁牌产品售出。(purchase 'p:ts vt. 购买;赢得)李宁牌运动服不仅仅出现在径赛场或足球场上,(athletics track田径跑道)如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,你很有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们

12、。公司也有了国际化发展。西班牙和法国的体操队员也穿李宁牌服装。同时,公司还雇用意大利设计师设计新的款式。当中国体育健儿步人2008年奥运会赛场时,他们将身穿李宁牌运动服。句子迁移:1. 有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase.如今,有钱去国外读大学的学生在不断增加。Nowadays,The number of students_.手里拿着书的那位老师正在给学生交流。_.5. A pair of Nike trainers,could cost up to five time

13、s as much as a similar Li Ning product.1). 声音在水中的传播速度几乎是在空气中传播速度的五倍。In water sound travels nearly_. 2). 我们的房间是他们房间的五倍大。3). 他拥有的书是你的五倍。4). 他的钱是我的钱的五倍。6. Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.我无论什么时候同他讲话,他都好像是个很正常的人。_, _a pr

14、etty regular guy.只要你愿意,无论什么时候都可以到办公室问我问题。【Key:4. with money to go abroad to go to college was on the increase ; The teacher with books in his hand is communicating with a student. 5.1) five times as fast as in air ; 2)Our room is five times as large as theirs. ;3) He has five times as many books as

15、you. ; 4)His money is five times as much as mine. 6. Whenever I talked to him, he seemed like ; You can ask me questions in the office whenever you like.】But Li Ning's goal when he retired was not to make money. His dream was to open a school for gymnasts. He was able to do this in 1991. Since t

16、hen, he has continued to help young people to achieve their sporting ambitions. Like Pelé and Muhammad Ali before him, who have worked with the United Nations for children's rights and peace, Li Ning has discovered that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he retires from the

17、sport. It starts. And if you are a great sportsperson, anything is possible, as Li Ning's advertising slogan says.但是,李宁退役时的目标并不是赚钱。他的梦想是开办一所体操学校。1991年,他如愿以偿。从那时起,他不断地帮助年轻人实现他们的体育梦想。( ambition æm'b()nn. 野心,雄心;抱负,)在他之前,球王贝利和拳王阿里,他们在联合国为儿童权利及世界和平工作多年。与他们一样,李宁发现:当一个杰出的运动员退出体坛时,他/她的工作并不是结束,而

18、是开始(like像一样;这句很长,注意主干是Li Ning has discovered tha. It starts.)正如李宁广告标语所言,如果你是一位杰出的运动员,"一切皆有可能"。第二轮:背诵逐段突破。第二轮一段第一遍:21短语回顾:126岁时 2世界范围 3. 七分之六/七枚中的六枚 4. 也;和一样;不但而且 5. 列出一张单6. 失败感7. 带着的感觉退了役8. 失望9. 成功做某事 10. 与竞争 11. 做出选择 12. 由组成1 at the age of 262across the world3 six out of seven4as well as5

19、make a list 6. the feeling that he had failed/ sense of failure7. retired with the feeling that8. be disappointed9. succeed (in) doing sth.10. compete with/against 11. make a choice12. is made up of 句子迁移:1. I When sports journalists met in 1999 to make a list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswome

20、n of the twentieth century, Li Ning's name was on it, together with footballer Pelé and boxer Muhammad Ali. 【分析理解句子结构,然后根据上句意思填一个恰当的词,注意主谓一致】Li Ning, together with footballer Pelé and boxer Muhammad Ali, _ written on the list of the greatest sportsmen and sportswomen of the twentieth c

21、entury by sports journalists met in 1999. (Key: was)2They included six out of seven gold medals at , and three at as well as two silver and a bronze. 【按要求完成句子】 1). 他的吉他弹得和你一样好。【填空一空一词】He plays the guitar _ _ _you. 2) 她也会打篮球,也会打网球。【填空一空一词】She can play tennis _ _ _basketball. She can play tennis _ bas

22、ketball _ _.She can play tennis and she _plays basketball. She can play tennis and she plays basketball,_.3).Tom和我们一样喜欢足球。Tom, _ _ _we, _ football.4)不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。【翻译】_. 5).教师不仅要教书(teach),也要引起学生兴趣(entertain)。【用所给词填空注意顺序】A teacher should _ as well as _. 【 key:1. as well as 2. as well as; and,as wel

23、l; also ; too 3. as well as,loves 4 . Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me. 5entertain, teach 】3. 【用It was that强调句式翻译句子.答案见情景导学P.54】1)是汤姆帮我摆脱了困境。2)我是在公园遇到叔叔的。3)他是死于埃博拉的Ebola。第二轮一段第二遍:补空式背诵课文(借助汉语提示)。A Life in Sport They _ him the _ of gymnasts.

24、 When he r_ at the age of 26, he _ _ 106 gold medals in m_ c_ a_ the world. They i_ _ _ _ _ gold medals at the 1982 World Championship, and three at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (_ _ _ two silver and a bronze). Li Ning was the best. When sports j_ met in 1999 to _ _ _ of the greatest sportsmen a

25、nd sportswomen of the twentieth century, Li Ning's name was on it, _ _ footballer Pelé and boxer Muhammad Ali. But _ he everything it was possible to win in his sport, Li Ning the feeling that he . He was d because he had not p well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.But this that made him d to s i

26、n his new life. A year after his r_, Li Ning began a new _ as a businessman. But he didn't forget h_ _. He d_ to l_ a new b_ of sportswear, _ _ global giants like Nike and Adidas. He _ the unusual _, for a Chinese person, _ c_ his own name _ the brand mark. The bright red logo _ _ _ _ the first

27、two pinyin letters of Li Ning's name, L and N.人们称他为体操王子。26岁退役时,他己在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。(major 'medadj. 主要的;重要的 )其中包括1982年世界锦标赛总共七枚金牌中的六枚,1984年洛杉矾奥运会上的三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚铜牌)。(as well as 也;和一样;不但而且)李宁是最优秀的。 1999年,当体育记者们在评选20世纪最杰出的运动员时,李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿里一起名列其中。(make a list of列出一张单)但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操运动项目上所能赢得的一切,李

28、宁还是带着一种失败的感觉退了役。他在1988年汉城奥运会上表现不佳,这使他感到很失望。(perform p'fm vt. 执行;完成;演奏)(it was that强调句式)但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。退役一年后,李宁开始了他新的事业-从商。但是,他并没有忘记他的运动生涯(背景)。他决定推出一种新品牌的运动服,和全球大公司耐克、阿迪达斯等竞争。( launch lnt n. 发射;发行,投放市场;下水;giant 'dant n. 巨人;伟人;动 巨大对一个中国人而言,他作出了异乎寻常的选择,那就是用自己的名字做商标。那个鲜红色的商标是由"李宁&qu

29、ot;拼音的两个首宇母L和N组成。第二轮一段第三遍:补空式背诵课文(借助汉语提示)。A Life in Sport They called. When he retired, he . They included , and three (as well as ). Li Ning . When sports journalists and century, Li Ning's name, together with . But even though he, Li Ning that . He was because he .But it was that . A year afte

30、r his retirement, Li Ning . But he didn't . He decided to, c. He made , for a Chinese person, of as . The bright red logo , L and N.人们称他为体操王子。26岁退役时,他己在世界重大比赛中获得了106枚金牌。(major 'medadj. 主要的;重要的 )其中包括1982年世界锦标赛总共七枚金牌申的六枚,1984年洛杉矾奥运会上的三枚金牌(以及两枚银牌和一枚铜牌)。(as well as 也;和一样;不但而且)李宁是最优秀的。 1999年,当体育记

31、者们在评选20世纪最杰出的运动员时,李宁和球王贝利、拳王阿里一起名列其中。(make a list of列出一张单)但即使是已经赢得了自己在体操运动项目上所能赢得的一切,李宁还是带着一种失败的感觉退了役。他在1988年汉城奥运会上表现不佳,这使他感到很失望。(perform p'fm vt. 执行;完成;演奏)但就是这种失败感使他决心在新的生活中取得成功。退役一年后,李宁开始了他新的事业-从商。但是,他并没有忘记他的运动生涯(背景)。他决定推出一种新品牌的运动服,和全球大公司耐克、阿迪达斯等竞争。( launch lnt n. 发射;发行,投放市场;下水;giant 'dant

32、 n. 巨人;伟人;动 巨大对一个中国人而言,他作出了异乎寻常的选择,那就是用自己的名字做商标。那个鲜红色的商标是由"李宁"拼音的两个首宇母L和N组成。第二轮二段第一遍:短语回顾:13. 正在增加14. 比占优势 15. 一双 ; 一副 ; 一对16. 有了保证17. 赢得了百分之五十的市场18. 五倍之多19. 很有可能20. 雇用设计师21. 步入运会赛场 13. on the increase14. have an advantage over15. a pair of16 be guaranteed 17. win fifty percent of the l ma

33、rket18. five times as much as19. the chances are (that)20. employ designers21. step out onto the track句子迁移:2. 有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加The number of young people with money to spend was on the increase.如今,有钱去国外读大学的学生在不断增加。Nowadays,The number of students_.手里拿着书的那位老师正在给学生交流。_.5. A pair of Nike trainers,could cos

34、t up to five times as much as a similar Li Ning product.1). 声音在水中的传播速度几乎是在空气中传播速度的五倍。In water sound travels nearly_. 2). 我们的房间是他们房间的五倍大。3). 他拥有的书是你的五倍。4). 他的钱是我的钱的五倍。7. Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.我无论什么时候同他讲话,他都好

35、像是个很正常的人。_, _a pretty regular guy.只要你愿意,无论什么时候都可以到办公室问我问题。【Key:4. with money to go abroad to go to college was on the increase ; The teacher with books in his hand is communicating with a student. 5.1) five times as fast as in air ; 2)Our room is five times as large as theirs. ;3) He has five times

36、as many books as you. ; 4)His money is five times as much as mine. 6. Whenever I talked to him, he seemed like ; You can ask me questions in the office whenever you like.】第二轮二段第二遍:补空式背诵课文(借助汉语提示)。Li Ning's sports clothes came _ the _ at just the _ time. The number of young people with money _ _

37、was _ _ _ and sport _. Li Ning's d_ were a_, and they _ a major _ _ their better-known r_ they were cheaper. A pair of Nike _, for example, could _ _ _ five times _ _ _ a similar Li Ning _. Success for Li Ning _ _, and it came quickly.In just a few years, Li Ning _ more than fifty _ _ the nation

38、al _. Today a Li Ning product _ _ every ten seconds. But the clothes are _ _ _ on the a_ track or the _ _. If you go into a school or university _, the _ are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo. The company has also grown i_. The Spanish and French g_ teams wear Li Nin

39、g clothes, while Italian _ are e_ by the company to c_ new s_. W_ Chinese athletes _ _ _ the track during the 2008 Olympics, they _ _ _Li Ning tracksuits.李宁运动服进人市场正当其时。有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。李宁运动服不仅设计吸引人,而且比起那些著名的商业对手,它拥有一个主要优势,那就是价格便宜。 比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双季宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。(cost kst成本 | 费用 | 花费;

40、similar 'sml adj. 相似的) 李宁的成功有了保证,并且来势迅速。短短几年,李宁赢得了超过百分之五十的国内市场。现在每十秒钟就有一款李宁牌产品售出。(purchase 'p:ts vt. 购买;赢得)李宁牌运动服不仅仅出现在径赛场或足球场上,(athletics track田径跑道)如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,你很有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。公司也有了国际化发展。西班牙和法国的体操队员也穿李宁牌服装。同时,公司还雇用意大利设计师设计新的款式。当中国体育健儿步人2008年奥运会赛场时,他们将身穿李宁牌运动服。佳句再现:4. The

41、 number of young people _was_.5. A pair of Nike trainers,could _a similar Li Ning product.6. _Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, _Li Ning tracksuits.【Key: 4. with money to spend; on the increase 5. cost up to five times as much as 6. Whenever; they will be wearing】第二轮

42、二段第三遍:补空式背诵课文(借助汉语提示)。Li Ning's sports clothes came onto . The number of young people and sport . Li Ning's designs were , and they had they were. A pair of Nike trainers, for example, . Success for Li Ning , and .In just a few years, Li Ning . Today a Li Ning product . But the clothes are n

43、ot only or . If you go into or , the chances are .The company internationally. The Spanish and French , while Italian designers . Whenever Chinese athletes , they will .李宁运动服进人市场正当其时。有钱消费的年轻人的数量在增加,而体育运动也得到前所未有的普及。李宁运动服不仅设计吸引人,而且比起那些著名的商业对手,它拥有一个主要优势,那就是价格便宜。 比如,一双耐克运动鞋的价格可能是一双季宁牌同类产品价格的五倍之多。(cost k

44、st成本 | 费用 | 花费;similar 'sml adj. 相似的) 李宁的成功有了保证,并且来势迅速。短短几年,李宁赢得了超过百分之五十的国内市场。现在每十秒钟就有一款李宁牌产品售出。(purchase 'p:ts vt. 购买;赢得)李宁牌运动服不仅仅出现在径赛场或足球场上,(athletics track田径跑道)如果你走进任何一个地方的中学或大学校园,你很有可能看到身穿印有那个熟悉标志的李宁运动服的学生们。公司也有了国际化发展。西班牙和法国的体操队员也穿李宁牌服装。同时,公司还雇用意大利设计师设计新的款式。当中国体育健儿步人2008年奥运会赛场时,他们将身穿李宁牌

45、运动服。佳句再现:4. The number of young people _was_.5. A pair of Nike trainers,could _a similar Li Ning product.6. _Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2008 Olympics, _Li Ning tracksuits.【Key: 4. with money to spend; on the increase 5. cost up to five times as much as 6. Whenever; they will

46、 be wearing】第二轮三段第一遍:短语回顾:22. 赚钱23. 从那时起24. 继续做.25. 实现他们的体育梦想26. 退出22. make money.23. Since then24. continued to do 26. achieve their sporting ambitions26. retires from 句子迁移: 7.But Li Ning's_ when he retired _ _ _ _ money.8. _ _, he has _to help young people to_ _ _ _.9. Li Ning has _that the wo

47、rk of a great sportsman does not finish when he _ _the sport.10. And if you are a great sportsperson, _ _ _, _ Li Ning's advertising slogan_.(Key:7 goal; was not to make 8.Since then; continued; achieve their sporting ambitions 9. discovered ; retires from 10. anything is possible; as; says)第二轮三

48、段第二遍:补空式背诵课文(借助汉语提示)。But Li Ning's_l when he retired _ not _ _ money. His dream _ _ _ a school for g_. He was _ _ _ this in 1991. Since then, he has c_ _ help young people to _ their sporting a_. _ Pelé and Muhammad Ali before him, _ _ _ _ the United Nations _ children's rights and peac

49、e, Li Ning _ _ _ the work of a great sportsman _ _ _ when he _ _ the sport. It_. And _ you are a great sportsperson, _ _ _, _ Li Ning's advertising _ _.但是,李宁退役时的目标并不是赚钱。他的梦想是开办一所体操学校。1991年,他如愿以偿。从那时起,他不断地帮助年轻人实现他们的体育梦想。( ambition æm'b()nn. 野心,雄心;抱负,)在他之前,球王贝利和拳王阿里,他们在联合国为儿童权利及世界和平工作多年。与

50、他们一样,李宁发现:当一个杰出的运动员退出体坛时,他/她的工作并不是结束,而是开始(like像一样;这句很长,注意主干是Li Ning has discovered tha. It starts.)正如李宁广告标语所言,如果你是一位杰出的运动员,"一切皆有可能"。第二轮三段第三遍:补空式背诵课文(借助汉语提示)。But Li Ning's goal when he retired . His dream was to . He was able to . Since then, he to achieve. Like Pelé and Muhammad A

51、li before him, who the United Nations for , Li Ning has discovered that when he . It. And if , , as.但是,李宁退役时的目标并不是赚钱。他的梦想是开办一所体操学校。1991年,他如愿以偿。从那时起,他不断地帮助年轻人实现他们的体育梦想。( ambition æm'b()nn. 野心,雄心;抱负,)在他之前,球王贝利和拳王阿里,他们在联合国为儿童权利及世界和平工作多年。与他们一样,李宁发现:当一个杰出的运动员退出体坛时,他/她的工作并不是结束,而是开始(like像一样;这句很长,注意主干是Li Ning has discovered tha. It starts.)正如李宁广告标语所言,如果你是一位杰出的运动员,"一切皆有可能"。佳句再现:7.But Li Ning's_ when he retired _ _ _ _ money.8. _ _, he has _to help young people to_ _ _ _.9. Li Ning has _that the work of a great sportsman does not finish when he _ _the sport


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