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2、绿中,柔和、浪漫的爵士乐手,浅吟低唱,现场笼罩在悦耳的歌声中,浪漫浓情的氛围一涌而起活动流程精美茶歇提供精美茶歇提供活动DIY环节泥塑玩具泥塑玩具串珠串珠子子陶艺陶艺T恤涂色恤涂色环保袋涂色环保袋涂色蜡手制作蜡手制作手工陶艺DIY/成人、亲子活动环节转动的陶艺模具,转出创意和灵感,更转出浪漫感受,现场设置的手工陶艺DIY区域,带给嘉宾别具风格的感受。时间: 2011年12月17日地点: 金茂府会所参与人群:意向客户、已签约客户现场氛围:妙趣横生、欢乐温馨、亲情无限活动流程:活动流程:1.主体活动时间:主体活动时间:11:00-17:002.抽奖时间(奖品为松下家庭吹风机、家庭礼盒套装):抽奖时

3、间(奖品为松下家庭吹风机、家庭礼盒套装): 11:30至至16:30每隔两个小时抽奖一次。每隔两个小时抽奖一次。3.活动期间游戏:泥塑玩具、串珠子、陶艺、活动期间游戏:泥塑玩具、串珠子、陶艺、T恤涂色、恤涂色、环保袋涂色、蜡手制作。环保袋涂色、蜡手制作。4.全场精美茶歇提供全场精美茶歇提供5.爵士乐队浪漫演出爵士乐队浪漫演出嘉宾到来时,摄影师将捕捉一个个精彩瞬间,并由专人用佳能彩喷速印机打出照片,免费赠送给到场嘉宾。流畅的活动对接流畅的活动对接流畅的对接流畅的对接活动前期活动前期一、活动前期准备阶段工作人员分工工作单(The preparatory phase of the activitie

4、s of the division of staff working alone)二、甲方配合事宜工作单(Working with Single-Party)三、活动场地配合事宜工作单(Working with venues alone)四、活动前期准备倒计时节点工作单(The preparatory activities in the work of a single node countdown)五、重大资源确认工作单(Significant resources to confirm the work of a single)六、活动舞美、灯光、音响工作单(分舞美、灯光、音响三项)Stag

5、e activities, lighting, sound work of a single (Stage, lighting, sound three)七、活动特效工作单 (Activities of the special effects work alone)活动执行利器活动执行利器。活动前期活动前期八、活动服装工作单 (Apparel activity worksheets)九、活动化妆工作单(Make-up activities worksheets)十、活动道具工作单采买道具工作单 (Worksheet - Purchase)十一、活动道具工作单仓库及租用道具工作单(Workshe

6、et - storage)十二、活动道具工作单特种制作工作单(The activities of the work - the production of special worksheets)十三、活动道具工作单平面视觉制作工作单(Activities of the single-prop work - the work of a single plane visual production)十四、活动创意配合事宜工作单(Working with the creative activities of the single - creative)活动执行利器活动执行利器。活动前期活动前期十五、

7、活动平面配合事宜工作单 (Working with the activities of single-plane)十六、活动视频设备工作单 (The activities of the work of a single video equipment)十七、活动视频内容制作工作单 (Video content creation activities, worksheets)十八、活动视频转播车工作单(The activities of the work of a single car video broadcast)十九、活动接待及后勤工作单(Reception and logistics a

8、ctivities in a single)二十、活动贵宾接待工作单(VIP reception activity worksheets)二十一、活动媒体宣传工作单 (The activities of media publicity alone)活动执行利器活动执行利器。活动前期活动前期二十二、活动摄影摄像工作单 (Photographic work ofthe single-camera activities)二十三、活动外围团队工作单主持人工作单 (The external activities of the team work alone - the work of a single

9、host) 二十四、活动外围团队工作单演出团队工作单 (The external activities of the team working alone - to perform the work of a single team)二十五、活动外围团队工作单个人工作单(The external activities of the team work alone - the work of one individual) 二十六、活动外围团队工作单嘉宾工作单 (The external activities of the team work alone-a single work of the

10、 distinguished guests)二十七、活动外围团队工作单礼仪团队工作单 (The external activities of the team work alone - a single work of the team etiquette)二十八、活动外围团队工作单工人团队工作单 (The external activities of the team work alone - the work of a single team of workers)活动执行利器活动执行利器。活动前期活动前期二十九、活动外围团队工作单保安团队工作单(The external activiti

11、es of the team work alone - a single work of the security guard)三十、活动外围团队工作单志愿者团队工作单(The external activities of the team work alone - a single work of the volunteer team)三十一、活动外围团队工作单报批团队工作单 (The external activities of the team work alone - the work of a single team for which approval is sought)三十二、

12、活动外围团队工作单公安团队工作单(The external activities of the team work alone - a single work of public security team)三十三、活动外围团队工作单交管团队工作单(The external activities of the team work alone - the work of a single team Tube pay)三十四、活动外围团队工作单消防团队工作单(The external activities of the team work alone - a single work of the fire team)三十五、环境卫生及保洁工作单(Sanitation and


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