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1、中考题型一单项选择 1.基础语法(一 )名词近两年河北及全国对名词的测试,重点考查名词的词义辨析和语义识别。名词所有格形式一直是中考热点。名词在中考中所占分数不多, 一般为 24 分,占全卷分数的2%左右 ,题型多为填空题、选择题。随着“淡化语法,注重语言运用和交际”这个理念被广泛认同,预计 2015 年中考对名词的考查仍会呈上升趋势。20112014 年河北中考试题分析表名词年份题号题型分值2011 30,52,82 单项选择 ,完形填空 ,词语运用32012 30,53,55,85 单项选择 ,完形填空 ,词语运用42013 29,49,50,51 单项选择 ,完形填空 ,词语应用4201

2、4 30,50,55,81 单项选择 ,完形填空 ,词语应用4考点一可数名词和不可数名词可数名词不可数名词分单、复数两种形式deskdesks;busbuses 没有复数形式tea;meat前面可用基数词、不定冠词修饰three boys;an orange 不可以被基数词或不定冠词直接修饰 ,若表示数量可用“单位词不可数名词 ”a piece of paper;two cups of tea可数名词的复数前可用many,some,any 修饰manyteachers;some friends 可用 much,some,any 修饰muchbread;somemilk 【特例清单】有些名词既是

3、可数名词,又是不可数名词,但意义有所不同。如:work( 工作 )a work( 著作 ) glass(玻璃 )a glass(玻璃杯 ) paper(纸 )a paper(报纸;文件;试卷) wood(木头 )a wood(小树林 ) room(空间 )a room(房间 ) chicken(鸡肉 )a chicken(小鸡 ) fish(鱼肉 ) fishes(各种各样的鱼 ) orange(橘子汁 )an orange(橘子 ) 【经典再现】1the student didnt find much _c_ about the topic on that website.(2014,河北邢

4、台市一模) areport barticle cinformation dstory 2if you go to visit london,dont forget your _d_ because it rains a lot.(2014,唐山路南区一模 ) apassport bmoney cmap dumbrella 3can i help you ,sir? id like to have 100 _b_ i want my students to draw pictures.(2014 ,河北初中毕业升学模拟二 ) apiece of paper bpieces of paper cp

5、ieces of papers dpieces paper 4could you please move over a little and make some _c_ for me? sure,please.(2014,滦南县一模 ) aplace bseat croom dground 5the old man cant hear us well because theres something wrong with his _a_ (2014,淮安 ) aears b nose cmouth deyes 6the boy didnt sleep well last night becau

6、se of the _b_from the factory.(2014,平凉 ) avoice bnoise c music dsong 7could you tell me something about the boy who helped you just now?(2014,秦皇岛二模 ) sorry,i know nothing about him.we are _d_ afriends bneighbors cclassmates d strangers 8how many _c_ would you like? two,please.i have a friend here.(2

7、014,河北预测卷 (二) acup of tea bcup of teas ccups of tea d cups of teas 9lee is new in china ,a _d_ will be helpful for his tour.(2014,保定市毕业考试) anotebook b. ticket cwatch dmap 10oh, a nice photo! is this your uncles child? yes, it is my _d_ (2014,陕西 ) asister bbrother cdaughter d cousin 考点二可数名词的复数形式情况构成方

8、法例词一般情况加-s capcaps; dogdogs;driver drivers以字母 s,sh,ch,x 等结尾加-es busbuses;wishwishes;watchwatches;boxboxes以辅音字母 y 结尾变 y 为 i 再加 -es ladyladies;family families ;story stories以 f 或 fe 结尾变 f/fe 为 v,再加 -es leafleaves;life lives;knife knives以 o 结尾o 前为辅音音素加-es;o 前为元音音素加 -s tomatotomatoes;hero heroes;radiora

9、dios;zoozoos;photophotos;pianopianos复合名词将后一个词变为复数tooth-brushtooth-brushes两部分都变复数man doctormen doctors特殊名词改变内部元音foot feet;toothteeth;manmen;mousemice词尾加 -ren child children单复数同形chinesechinese;sheepsheep ;deer deer 【特例清单】1 “数词名词形容词”构成的复合形容词,中间的名词须用单数形式。如:a ten- story- high building 一幢 10 层高的楼房a 100- m

10、eter race 一场百米赛跑2以-s 结尾的名词 ,有的作单数使用,有的作复数使用。(1)以-s 结尾的学科类名词,一般是不可数名词。如:maths,physics, politics 等。(2)表示由两部分构成的物体的名词,形式上可数 ,若表达具体数目时,要借助数量词pair 来表示 ,其单复数形式取决于pair 的单复数形式。如:a pair of trousers。(3)以复数形式出现的书名、剧名、报纸、杂志名词,看作单数名词。如:the new yorktimes(纽约时报 );the arabian nights(一千零一夜)。(4)以-s 结尾的表示国家、组织或公司名称的专有名

11、词,通常被看做单数。如:the united states(美利坚合众国);the united nations( 联合国 )。(5)以-s 结尾的表示群岛、山脉、 瀑布等自然景观的专有名词,通常被看做复数。如:the olympic games( 奥林匹克运动会)。【经典在现】11little mikes mother was proud of him because he drew plenty of _d_ and one of them won the top prize last year.(2014 ,哈尔滨 ) apaint bpainting cpaintinges dpain

12、tings 12would you like some _c_ ?oh,yes,just a little.(2014 ,张家口市一模 ) apears boranges cmilk dgrape 13living in the city has many _a_ such as good schools, big shopping centres and so on.(2014, 河北预测卷一 ) aadvantages bactivities cdifficulties dcommunication 14the students of grade 7 visited mikes farm

13、and saw many _c_ there.(2014,河北预测卷二 ) abird b duck csheep drabbit 15we know that african wild elephants are in _d_now.(2014,河北预测卷七) so we must take actions to protect them. asafety bmystery csecret ddanger 16lily, lets make vegetable salad. how many _a_do we need ? (2014,贵阳 ) atomatoes boranges cpot

14、ato d tomatos 17could you teach me how to use these _b_ to cut the food ,uncle?(2013,唐山路北区二模 ) aglass bknives cpens dfruit 18 now people pay more attention to the safety of _a_.everyone wants to eat healthily.(2013 ,石家庄初中毕业质检题) afood bclothes cbuildings dtravels 19waiter,i just would like several _b

15、_ please be in a hurry.(2013,河北初中毕业升学押题卷 ) aorange bapples cbread dmilk 20there are fifty _d_ in our school. they are all friendly to us.(2014,安顺 ) awoman teachers bwomen teacher cwoman teacher d women teachers 考点三名词所有格类型构成方法例子有生命的名词 (人或动物 ) 在词尾加 s toms book;the dogs ears以 s,es 结尾的复数名词只加 the student

16、s desks;the teachers office不以 (e)s 结尾的复数名词加s mens clothes;childrens day ;womens day无生命的名词时间、世界、国家、城市等一般在词尾加s chinas capital;the worlds population;todays news其他一般用 of 结构the door of the room ;a map of the world 【特例清单】1用 and 连接两个并列名词的所有格:(1)当 and 连接的两个并列的单数名词表示共有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加s。如:mary and her sisters b

17、edroom 玛丽和她姐姐共有的卧室(2)当 and 连接的两个并列名词表示分别拥有各自的物品时, 两个名词都在词尾加s 表示所有关系。如:toms and marys bags 汤姆和玛丽他们各自的包2表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,常在表示职业的名词或姓氏后加上s 代表场所。如:a tailors 裁缝铺; a doctors 诊所; my sisters 我姐姐的家; chaplins 卓别林的家【经典在现】21 _b_ brother is at the top of the mountain.he is waving his hand.(2014, 张家口市一模) alucy a

18、nd lily blucy and lilys clucys and lily dlucys and lilys 22ill pay a _b_ visit to london this summer vacation.how about you?(2014,唐山路北区 ) afive days bfive- day cfive - days dfive - days 23my house is about 25 _c_ drive from the airport.(2014 ,石家庄长安区质检) aminutes bminute cminutes dminutes 24the prices

19、 of _d_ shoes run from $30 to $90.(2013 ,石家庄 ) aman b mans cmen d mens 25dave, is this your english textbook? no,it isnt mine.maybe its _a_ (2013,邢台市一模 ) ajims bhe chim djim 26in a few _b_ time ,the whole mountain will be covered with green grass.(2013 ,廊坊广阳二模 ) ayear b years cyears dyears 27i will

20、have a _d_ trip next week.(2013,唐山丰南区二模) afive days bfive- days cfive days dfive - day 28i dont think cooking is just _c_ work.(2013, 沧州一模 ) amothers bmotherss cmothers d mothers 29everyone _c_ have at least eight _ sleep at night.(2013 ,衡水五校联考二模) aneed;hours bneed to;hours cneeds to;hours dneeds;ho

21、urs 30_c_ mothers both work in the same hospital.(2013 ,唐山市路南区一模) atim and peters btims and peter ctims and peters dtim and peter (二 )冠词纵观近五年的河北中考,每一年在单项选择题中都有至少一题考查的是冠词的用法。其考查重点集中在表示特指和表示类别的定冠词和不定冠词的用法上。对零冠词的考查主要以固定短语的形式出现。预计2015 年河北中考对冠词的考查与往年区别不大。20112014 年河北中考试题分析表冠词年份题号题型分值2011 26 单项选择12012 26

22、单项选择12013 26 单项选择12014 26 单项选择1 考点一不定冠词 a(an)用法例子1.a 用在辅音音素前,an 用在元音音素前。this is a useful book.he is an honest boy.2.用于第一次提到的、表示人或物的可数单数名词前 , 表示 “一个 ”, 相当于 one。here is a map of the united states.续表:3.用在可数的、 单数形式的普通名词前,表示价格、 速度、 时间、 频率等度量上的“每一 ”等。an apple a day keeps the doctor away.we take computer l

23、essons once a week.4.抽象名词在某些情况下可以与不定冠词连用,表示 “ 一种、一场 ”等。its a pleasure to have a chat with you.5.用在单数名词前,表示一类人或物中的任何一个。a knife is used for cutting.6.用在序数词前表示“又一、再一 ”等。he copied the article a third time.7.用于固定短语中。have a look,a lot of,have a good time,a few 【特例清单】1有些单词虽然是以辅音字母开头,但使用不定冠词an。如: hour 和 hon

24、est以辅音字母 h 开头 ,但 h 并不发音 ,因此用 an。2有些单词虽然是以元音字母开头, 但使用不定冠词a。如: useful 和 university 以元音字母 u 开头 ,但 u 发/ju/音,故使用 a。3表示成套的东西时,两个并列的名词前只能用一个不定冠词。如:a knife and fork 一套刀叉a table and chair 一套桌椅【经典再现】1_c_ old man in front of tom is _ artist.(2014,滦县一模 ) aan;an ba;the cthe; an dthe;a 2there is _b_ new magazine

25、on the desk.(2014 ,唐山路北区一模) athe ba c an d/ 3hes such _b_ honest boy that everyone likes him.(2014 , 定兴县一模 ) aa ban cthe d/ 4how was your weekend in baoding? the restaurants in baoding are really nice.i had _a_ wonderful time.(2014, 保定市毕业试题 ) aa ban cthe d/ 5there is _c_ apple tree in my garden.its

26、over 20 years old.(2014 , 石家庄十八县市联考) athe ba c an d/ 6my mother is good at cooking and she is _a_ wonderful cook.(2014,邯郸市二模 ) aa ban cthe d/ 7how many minutes are there in _b_ hour ? (2014,定州市一模 ) aa ban cthe d/ 8the old woman with _a_ orange hat is my grandmother.(2014,河北初中毕业预测卷二) aan bthe ca d/ 9

27、we judge _b_ person not by what he says but by what he does.(2014,河北初中毕业预测 ) aan ba c/ dthe 10lee min- ho is _c_ actor from south korea. he sang _ chinese pop song on the 2014 cctv new years gala.(2014 ,连云港 ) athe;an b/; the c an;a da; / 考点二定冠词 the用法例子1.用于谈话双方都清楚的名词前,表示特指。tom,come to the blackboard

28、,please.2.用于再次被提到的名词前。there is a book on the desk.the book is toms.3.和一些名词连用,表示类别。the light bulb was invented by edison.4.用于被形容词、 介词短语或定语从句修饰的名词前。hand me the new book,please.5.用于形容词的最高级或序数词前。tom is the tallest in our class.6.用在世界上独一无二的事物或乐器前。the sun,the moon,play the piano7.用于姓氏的复数前表示“一家人 ” 或“夫妇”。th

29、e greens are at breakfast table.8.与某些形容词连用表示一类人或事物。the young should help the old.9.用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前。the great wall ,the united states10.用于一些固定短语中。by the way, in the end 【经典再现】11this novel can make you laugh and cry at _c_ same time.( 唐山路南一模) aa ban cthe d/ 12this is _d_ way ive told you.(2014,邢台市一模 )

30、 aan ba c/ dthe 13i like the picture very much because _c_ colors match well.(2014,石家庄新华区质检) aa ban cthe d/ 14how do you feel about _a_ book with green cover? its interesting.(2014 ,张家口市一模) athe ba c an d/ 15few students raised their hands when the teacher asked _c_ question “who likes grammar?” (20

31、14,石家庄长安区质检) aa ban cthe d/ 16jack bought _b_ useful book. _ book is also very interesting.(2014,大城县三模) aan;the ba;the cthe;/ da;a 17do you know _c_ girl in green? she is our monitor.(2013 ,河北 ) aa ban cthe d/ 18my cousin went abroad at _c_age of eighteen.(2014 ,杭州 ) aa ban cthe d/ 19he began to pla

32、y _c_ violin at the age of five.(2013 ,河北初中毕业升学押题卷) aa ban cthe d/ 20_b_ man riding a motorbike is _ university teacher.(2013,唐山市路南区一模) aa;an bthe; a cthe;an da;the 考点三不用冠词的情况用法例子1.在专有名词或不可数名词前。paper is made of wood.2.名词前有指示代词、物主代词或不定代词作定语。go along this road.every student likes english in our class.

33、3.复数名词表示一类人或事物时。my parents are teachers.4.在节日、日期、月份、季节前。today is childrens day.its hot in summer.5.在一日三餐、球类运动、学科的名词前。he went to school without breakfast.lets play football after school.6.在某些固定短语中。in bed,in hospital ,on foot 【特例清单】1如果三餐名词之前有定语修饰时, 可加不定冠词。如:we had a wonderful lunch.2如果季节、月份或日期名词被一个限定词

34、修饰时,前面可加定冠词。如:he came to beijing in the winter of 1999.3由 festival 组成的中国特有的节日前要加定冠词the。如:the spring festival 春节the lantern festival 元宵节4某些短语中有无冠词the, 意义会大不相同。如:(1)go to school 去上学; go to the school 到(所指的 )学校去(2)at table 用餐 ,在吃饭; at the table 在桌边(3)in hospital 生病住院; in the hospital 在医院里 (并非生病住院 )(4)i

35、n front of 在 前面 (范围之外 );in the front of 在 前部 (范围之内 )(5)by sea(by ship)乘船 , 走水路; by the sea在海边(6)in class 在上课; in the class 在班上(7)in place of 替代; in the place of 在 地方【经典再现】21what _b_ cold weather! yes.but its _ unusual experience for us who always live in a hot place.(2014,秦皇岛市海港区二模) a/;a b /;an can;

36、/ da; an 22my cousin was good at playing _d_ chess.(2014 , 石家庄 28 中质检 ) aa ban cthe d/ 23we all like to go swimming in _d_ summer.(2013,廊坊广阳二模) aa ban cthe d/ 24_b_ children in our neighborhood have _ good time on _ childrens day.(2014,河北方舟预测卷一) a/;a;the bthe;a;/ ca;the;/ d/; /;the 25the whites ofte

37、n go to _a_ church on saturdays and go to _ cinema on sundays.(2014,河北预测卷五 ) a/;the b the;the c the;/ d/;/ 26hurry up !if we miss _c_ last bus ,well have to go home by _ taxi.(2014 ,河北预测卷三 ) athe;the b the;a cthe;/ da;/ 27lets play _a_ soccer. i dont have _ soccer ball.(2013 ,宜宾 ) a/;a b the;a ca;th

38、e d/;the 28what do you usually have for _d_ breakfast? a piece of bread and _ egg.(2013,天津 ) aa;an b/;the ca;the d/;an 29i think its really _d_ hard work for me to finish the job in twenty minutes.(2013, 杭州) aa ban cthe d/ 30would you like to come to my party this afternoon? id like to, but my mothe

39、r is ill in _d_ hospital, i will go to _ hospital to see her. a/;a b a;the cthe;the d/;the (三 )代词近几年河北及全国中考对代词的考查重点是不定代词、物主代词、反身代词和关系代词。代词在中考中所占的分数不多,一般为24 分,占全卷总分数的2%左右。题型多为单项选择、词语运用和完形填空等。预计2015 年河北中考对代词的考查仍以不定代词和人称代词为主 ,继续贯彻“交际性原则”,语境将会变得复杂,从而考查学生对语言的使用能力。20112014 年河北中考试题分析表代词年份题号题型分值2011 27,43,8

40、1 单项选择 , 词语运用32012 27,34 单项选择22013 27,30,54 单项选择 , 完形填空32014 27,29,53 单项选择 , 完形填空3考点一人称代词人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称i me we us第二人称you you you you第三人称he,she,it him,her,it they them 【特例清单】1人称代词的排列顺序分三种情况:复数人称按照weyouthey;单数人称按照you he/shei;第三人称男女并用时按照 heshe。2在包含双宾语的句子中,如果直接宾语是人称代词it 或 them,间接宾语要放在直接宾语的后面。如:pleas

41、e pass it to me.(不能说 please pass me it.)3lets 和 let us 用法不完全相同:lets 是 let us 的缩写形式 ,多用来表示劝告或建议,包括谈话的双方;而let us 则不包括对方。另外 ,lets 的反意疑问句用shall we 来反问 ,let us 的反意疑问句则用will you 来反问。4代词 it 的用法(1)用来代替上文中提到的特定事物,可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。如:your father has bought you a new computer.do you like it?(2)当说话人对所涉及的人的身份、姓名

42、不清楚或看不出来、听不出来时,常用 it 来代替和当时某一事物、某动作有关的那个人。如:there was a knock at the door.“who is it ?”mother came to the door and asked.(3)为了保持句子的平衡,可以用it 来代替动词不定式,在句子中作形式主语或形式宾语。如:its very interesting to swim in the river.【经典再现】1im talking to you ,jack.please listen to _a_ carefully.(2014 , 唐山路南区一模) ame bmine cyo

43、u dyours 2aunt tina will visit us soon. _b_ is arriving tomorrow morning.(2014,重庆 ) ahe bshe chis dher 3i hear mr smith will teach _d_ english next term.(2014,秦皇岛市二模) awe bour c ours dus 4danny will invite my friends and _c_ to his birthday party next sunday.(2014,邯郸市二模 ) ai bmy c me dmine 5i have s

44、ome news for _c_ _ is good news.(2014,河北中考预测卷三) ayour;it b your;they cyou;it dyou;they 6susan, go and join your sister in cleaning the yard. why _c_? john is sitting there doing nothing at all.(2014 ,黄冈 ) ai bmyself cme dmine 7my parents give _b_ some old pictures that brought back sweet memories.(2

45、014 ,河北省教研实模拟卷一) ai bme cmy dmine 8this morning diana invited _c_ to _ birthday party.(2014,河北省教研室模拟) ai;her bi;hers cme;her dme;hers 9the best and most beautiful things cannot be seen._b_ must be felt with heart.(2013,唐山路北区二模) ayou b they cit di 10you look like your twin sister.i cant tell the diff

46、erence between you and _c_(2014,河北初中毕业升学押题卷蓝) ashe bhim cher d herself 考点二物主代词种类单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称第二人称第三人称形容词性my your his/her/its our your their名词性mine yours his/hers/its ours yours theirs 【特例清单】1his 和 its 既可以作形容词性物主代词,又可以作名词性物主代词。如:my computer is new and his is old.2名词性物主代词常与介词of 连用 ,构成名词所有格。如:so

47、me friends of mine 我的一些朋友【经典再现】11her room is beautiful.but i dont think her room is bigger than _a_(2014,滦南县一模 ) amine bme ci dmy 12our school library is a lot better than _d_ (2014,张家口市二模) athey b their cthem dtheirs 13i know _a_ favourite subject is physics.(2014,石家庄长安区质检) ahis bhe ches dhim 14are

48、 there any differences between your ideas and _d_ ? (2014, 石家庄十八县市大联考 ) ahe bhim c her dhis 15who taught _c_ chinese,ferry? _ classmates.they helped me a lot.(2014,河北中考预测卷一) ayour;my byou;mine cyou;my dyour;i 16can i borrow your pen ?i cant find _d_ (2014,河北中考预测卷) amy bme c myself dmine 17mike , is

49、that new bike _c_ ?yes.my mother bought it for me yesterday.(2014 ,河北省教研室模拟卷五) ayou byour c yours dyourself 18it is a good habit of _d_ to read a few lines before going to bed.(2013,河北 ) ai bme cmy dmine 19this is not marys book. _c_ is over there.(2013 ,邯郸一模 ) ashe bher chers dherself 20how do you

50、like their school? its really beautiful.but i dont think it is as big as _d_(2013,石家庄十八县大联考) aus bwe cour dours 考点三反身代词的构成人称单数复数第一人称myself ourselves第二人称yourself yourselves第三人称himself/herself/itself themselves 【特例清单】by oneself(亲自 )for oneself(为自己 )call oneself(称自己 ) teach oneself(自学 )help oneself to

51、sth(随便吃 )lose oneself(迷路 ) enjoy oneself(自得其乐 ) 【经典再现】21henry is old enough to think for _d_dont worry about him.(2013 ,石家庄十八县联考二 ) amyself byourself cherself dhimself 22i hope you and your sister jane will enjoy _d_ at the dancing party.(2014 ,保定毕业 ) amyself byourself cherself dyourselves 23the man

52、 called his professor for help because he couldnt solve the problem by _b_(2014,河北省教研室模拟卷三) aherself bhimself cyourself dthemselves 24ill have a tennis game tomorrow.im a little bit nervous.(2014,随州 )believe in _c_ youre the best in our club. aherself bmyself cyourself dhimself 25jim,please help _b_

53、 to some bread. thank you.(2013 ,聊城 ) ayou byourself chim dherself 26.its very important for us to learn how to learn by _a_(2013, 陕西 ) aourselves bitself cmyself dthemselves 27.dont worry. we are old enough to look after _d_ (2014,陕西 ) amyself bme cus dourselves 28my mother and i will have a picnic

54、 next sunday. enjoy _d_ (2012,唐山市丰南区一模) ahimself bthemselves cyourself dyourselves 29dont worry about me.im old enough to think for _d_(2012,河北 ) ahimself bherself cyourself dmyself 30how was their last weekend? great.they had a picnic in the park and enjoyed _d_ (2012,藁城一模 ) athem bthey ctheir dthe

55、mselves 考点四疑问代词的用法格指人指物指人或物主格who 谁宾格whom 谁what 什么which哪个 ,哪些所有格whose 谁的whose 谁的whose 谁的【特例清单】1疑问代词who 作主语时 ,即使被问者是复数,其谓语动词也通常用单数形式。如: who is coming to have dinner tonight? susan,linda and tom.2疑问代词what 作定语时 ,意为 “什么 ”,不限制范围;which 作定语时 ,意为 “ 哪(几)个”, 指在一定数目中进行选择,限制在一定范围内。如:what girls do you like best?w

56、hich girls do you like best?【经典再现】31_a_ is the population of the usa? 296 million.(2013 ,石家庄 3 区联考 ) awhat bhow many chow much dwhich 32_c_ model plane is this ?(2013,徐州 ) i think its jims.look ,his name is on it. awho bwhat cwhose dwhere 33can you write to me if you are free? no problem.but _c_ is

57、your e- mail address?(2014,廊坊市大城县升学考试) awhere bwhich cwhat d how 34._d_ are they talking about over there ?(2014,唐山路北区一模) awhose bwhere cwhich dwhat 35_c_ does your new friend look like? he is tall with short blond hair and big blue eyes.(2014 ,河北省教研室模拟卷六) ahow bwho cwhat dwhere 考点五指示代词的用法单数this这,这个

58、that那,那个复数these这些those那些such 这样的人或物same同样的人或物【特例清单】1在打电话的语境中,常用 this 和 that 代替 i 和 you。如: hello! is that mrs.white? sorry, mrs.white isnt here.this is kate ,her daughter.2指上文的事情,可以用 this,也可以用that 替代;指下文的事情,则要用 this 替代。如:my bike broke down.this/that is why i was late.this is my idea.we should start o

59、ut at once.【经典再现】36a latest english newspaper ,please! only one copy left.would you like to have _a_,sir?(2014,唐山路北区一模) ait bone cthis dthat 37how far is the natural park? oh,_b_ will take over one hour for the car to go there.(2014 , 石家庄 28 中三模 ) athis bit cwe dthat 38cars made in germany are bette

60、r than _b_ made in japan.(2014, 邢台市一模 ) athat bthose cthem dit 39what lovely teddy bears !i want to buy _b_ (2013, 唐山路北区一模) ait bone cthis dthat 40bob, can you see the boys over there? _a_ are my cousins. lets go and say hello to them.(2014 ,兰州 ) athose bthis cthat dthese 考点六不定代词的用法序号不定代词用法例句1 some


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