《中考英语总复习》考点52 短文填空之选词填空-备战2020年中考英语考点一遍过_第1页
《中考英语总复习》考点52 短文填空之选词填空-备战2020年中考英语考点一遍过_第2页
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《中考英语总复习》考点52 短文填空之选词填空-备战2020年中考英语考点一遍过_第5页
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1、考点五十二 短文填空之选词填空选词填空是指把一篇文章的关键词语挖空,词序打乱,让学生根据短文内容选择正确的词语填空。此类题型主要是要求学生在正确理解和把握文章的基础上,通过分析行文线索来填写空缺单词,补全短文。二、满分技巧短文填词答题技巧口诀空前空后要注意, 名词单复要牢记。要有s不能弃。动词注意要变形, 皇帝、大臣要分清。形、副注意要用三级, 副词用法要谨记。要用数词请留意, 千万别忘基和序。填入代词需慎重, 五格变化记心中。atheatre and about know study because interest difficulty write playwilliam shakespe

2、are, the great english writer of drama, was born in 1564 in stratford-on-avon. we do not know everything 1 shakespeares early life. but we know that he 2 at grammar school in stratford, and that he became 3 in the theatre when he was still a boy. in 1586, shakespeare went to london, where he worked

3、in a theatre for some years before he began 4 his own plays. shakespeare soon became well 5 in london. every play he wrote was very good 6 new to the people of the capital. queen elizabeth liked shakespeares 7 . by the end of the 16th century, shakespeare and his friends had enough money to build th

4、eir own 8 . perhaps we may think that shakespeare hadnt any 9 in his life. however, some writers were against him 10 their plays were worse than his.ba. friends b. had c. until d. but e. invited f. in g. mothers h. beautiful i. because j. put k. on l. andwe are going to have a party in our house thi

5、s evening. it is my 1 birthday. and she has 2 my uncle and aunts and some of her 3 . mother and i are asked to cook most of the food for the party, and father is getting the drinks. the living-room looks very pretty. balloons of all colors are handing from the lights and we have taken the carpets aw

6、ay 4 we are going to dance there after dinner.in the dining-room we 5 out the best plates and glasses and tablecloths, and it all looks 6 . we are going to have soup, fish, chicken, fruit and cheese. we are going to dance 7 midnight, and after that, we will have more food, because we will be hungry

7、after all that dancing.last year my mother 8 her birthday party in a restaurant, 9 it is cleaner and cheaper at home. when it is my birthday, i am going to invite my friends and have a party in the garden. i will hang pretty lights 10 the trees and we will grill our food in the garden and dance on t

8、he grass.cteach interest one he wonder realizeborn love for in succeed learnwang feng is a chinese rock musician. he was 1 into a musical family in beijing. 2 by his father, wang started practicing the violin when he was five years old. wang often 3 why he should play the violin,or why he had to sta

9、y at home practicing while other kids at his age were playing outside. at the age of 14, 4 the first time in his life, wang 5 the beauty of the music through a piece of music. after that, wang became 6 in music and decided to create beautiful music of his own.at the age of 17, wang began to listen t

10、o rock music. in 1994, wang and his friends formed their own rock band no. 43 baojia street. the band made their 7 album(专辑)no. 43 baojia street in 1997. this album included songs like little bird and good night beijing.in 2000, he joined the warner music and became a singer of it. four years later,

11、 in 2004, he made the song flying higher. it was a big 8 at that time. and its still 9 by many people now. in 2005,he made his sixth album blooming life.on the 9th global chinese music awards, the song in spring won the best lyrics award. wang feng 10 got the award for the best producer, and the alb

12、um belief flies in the wind won the best album award.a(2019 四川省自贡市)将下列单词的适当形式填入空格每空限填一词,每词只能用一次continue make place careful who same stop before good somethinga man named bill once visited a temple that was still being builthe saw a sculptor (雕刻家)(1) a sculptureas he watched the man work on the sculp

13、ture, he noticed that there was a similar sculpture lying nearbyhe felt strange and asked the sculptor, "why are you creating two (2) sculptures? do you need two to put in different (3) ?""no" the man said without looking up, "we need only one, but the first one became damag

14、ed(损害)(4) i could finish it, so i' m working on a new one"bill picked up the damaged sculpture and examined it (5) but he couldn't find (6) wrong with it"where is the damage?" he asked"there is a scratch (划痕) on the sculpture's nose " the sculptor said while (7)

15、his workbill then asked "where are you going to place the sculpture?"the sculptor replied that it would be placed on a platform which is 20 feet in height" if the sculpture is up that high,(8) is going to notice that there is a scratch on the nose? " bill askedthe sculptor(9) his

16、 work, looking up at the man and said," i will know it"the sculptor chose a high standard of excellence in his work even if other people didn't notice it, it mattered to him that his work should be of the (10) quality(质量) this is an attitude we should work hard to haveb(2019 湖北省孝感市)阅读短

17、文, 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 使短文通顺、连贯。方框中每词限用一次, 有两个词多余。across; forever, through; who; share; which; memories; separategood morning, everyone. standing here, i know it's time to say goodbye. when i look back to the past three years, many beautiful _52_ rush to my mind. when i walk by classrooms, it seems

18、that the lessons will never stop. i can't forget the sunshine coming in _53_ the windows. i can't forget the library where i used to go. i can't forget tidy uniforms and lovely smiles. i'll remember the important people _54_ helped and supported me-my teachers and my friends. these m

19、oments are so unforgettable that i feel like _55_ them with you.although we have to go our _56_ways now, i hope we can value the happy time we spent together. my dear school, i love you, _57_. and i really don't want to say goodbye.c(2019 湖北省随州市)从方框中选择适当的单词,并用其适当的形式完成短文,每词只能用一次,每空一词。century or p

20、revent put from what try receive long directstonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of britains most famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries. every year it_51_more than 750,000 visitors. people like to go to this place especially in june as they want to.see the sun rising

21、on the_52_day of the year.for many years, historians believed stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders_53_tocommunicate with the gods. however, historian paul stoker thinks this can't be true becausestonehenge was built so many_54_ago. “the leaders arrived in england much later,” he points

22、out.another popular idea is that stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. the largest stone were _55_together in a certain way. on midsummers morning the sun shines_56_into the center of the stones. other people believe the stones have a medical purpose. they think the stones can_57_illness and keep

23、people healthy. “as you walk there, you can feel the energy_58_your feetmove up your body,” said one visitor. no one is sure_59_stonehenge was used for, but mostagree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. some think it might be a burialplace_60_a place to honor ancestors. ot

24、hers think it was built to celebrate a victory over anenemy.(2018年江西中考)d请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。know life different back and interesting sign real find theythe planet mars is the closest and most similar planet to earth. it is very _24_ to scientists. for example, mar

25、s has seasons with_25_ weather, but other planets have the same temperatures all year round. was there _26_ on mars?to find out, scientists need _27_ if mars ever had water. in 2004, two robot explores(探测器), or 'rovers', called spirit and opportunity were sent to look for _28_ of water. thes

26、e rovers can drive over rocks _29_ all kind of rough ground. they can also use cameras and send photos _30_ to earth. first, the two rovers found chemicals and patterns(图文) in the rocks that were probably made by water. then, they moved to another area and _31_ other rocks which may have been create

27、d by water. now scientists think there was probably water on the planet long ago. today _32_ are still not sure if there was life on the mars. they _33_ need more information to decide. the discoveries of the two rovers answered some old questions, but they also brought up many new ones. (2017河南)ei

28、so know nervous jimmy but happy with answer understand look muchnine-year-old jimmy was given a task in school to write a story on my familys ancestors(祖先). the purpose was for the kids to 1 their family history.in search of some 2 for his task. jimmy interviewed his grandmother who of course 3 noth

29、ing about the reason why jimmy asked such questions.when she was asked, granny, where did i come from? his grandma was quite 4 . why didnt he ask his parents? she had to be quite careful when talking 5 a kid about such a subject. she wanted to buy some time, 6 she replied, well, sweetie, the stork(鹳

30、鸟) brought you. she said no 7 , hoping that the subject would be dropped until jimmys parents came back.so , where did mom come from? the stork brought her also.well, then where did you come from? the stork brought 8 too, sweetieall right, thanks, granny. 9 grandmother did not think anything more ab

31、out his questions. three days later, when she was tidying up and 10 at jimmys desk, she read the first sentence of his paper, for three generations(辈) there have been no natural births in our family.(2017山东威海)fa. many b. closed the door c. wrote his name d. careful e. kind f. by using my eye g. sent

32、 the others away h. while i. showing that he was well-educated j. instead of pushing the others asidea man once advertised for a person to work in his office, and nearly fifty people applied for the place. from all the applicants(应聘者) , in a short time, he chose a boy and 1 .i would like to know, sa

33、id a friend, how you came to choose that boy, he had not a single recommendation (推荐信) with him.you are mistaken. said the man. he had 2 . he cleaned his shoes before he came in, and 3 after him, showing that he was tidy and orderly.he gave up his seat at once to an old man, showing that he was 4 .h

34、e took off his cap when he came in, and answered my questions politely, 5 he lifted up the book which i had purposely laid on the floor, and put it on the table, 6 all the others stepped over it, or pushed it aside, showing that he was 7 . and he waited quietly for his turn, 8 showing that he had go

35、od manners. when i talked with him, i noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as milk.when he 9 , i noticed that his fingernails were clean, instead of being tipped with pen.dont you call these things letters of recommendation? i do and what i

36、can tell about a boy, 10 for ten minutes, is worth more than all the well-prepared letters he can bring me.(2017贵州安顺)guse find them idea an have on when real buti am fully convinced that you must have heard about chinese paper-cutting, havent you?paper-cutting is 1 important art form in china. paper

37、-cuts were used for many purposes, and everything can become the theme(主题)of paper-cuts, from people to the things that can be 2 in everyday life such as birds, flowers and animals.each paper-cut brings out the personal 3 of the writer. people express traditional culture or 4 own feelings with diffe

38、rent styles of paper-cuts. for example, 5 someone marries, we put up some red paper-cuts 6 the wall, dressing table or other furniture to express our best wishes.it is easy to learn paper-cutting 7 very difficult to make it perfect. we need a long-time practice to learn how 8 the scissors(剪刀) and ho

39、w to paint. moreover, we 9 need to learn some cutting skills.from history until now, in many parts of china, paper-cutting skill 10 become necessary for women and a symbol of a clever mind.athing they from have become callbecause someone lucky already use importantthere once lived a young man who th

40、ought himself to be poor. one day he went to a wise man to ask how to 1 rich. the wise man said,young man,you are 2 rich now.but where is my wealth?the young man asked.it is with you. your eyes are your wealth. you use 3 to see this world. you use them to see all the beautiful 4 in this world. your

41、hands are your wealth. you can 5 them to work. your legs are your wealth. you can go to any placethe wise man said.you 6 these wealth?but everyone has them.the young man said.these are wealth. what you 7 now is not what someone else can 8 have. are you willing to give your eyes to me?im willing to g

42、ive you a lot of money to exchange for them.the wise man said.no,im not going to do so!my eyes are 9 to me!the young man said.everyone is rich. we should value our wealth,and take care of it. we should not overuse it 10 once it is gone,it is gone forever. remember it is our wealth that we do not wan

43、t to lose.bgood with what change manyunderstand child try problem clothesyoung people are often unhappy when they are with their parents. they say that their parents dont 1 them. they often think their parents are too strict 2 them. parents often find it difficult to win their 3 trust, and they seem

44、 to forget how they themselves felt when they were young. for example, young people like to do things without much thinking. its one of their ways to show that they grow up and they can solve any difficult 4 . but older people always think 5 than young people. most of them plan things ahead and dont

45、 like their plans to be 6 , so when you want your parents to let you do something, you will succeed easily if you ask before you really start doing it. young people often make their parents angry by the 7 they wear, the music they enjoy and something else. but they dont mean to cause any trouble. th

46、ey just want to be cut off(摆脱) from the old peoples world and they are 8 to make a new culture of their own. and if their parents dont like their music or clothes or their ways of speech, the young people feel very sad. sometimes instead of going out with their parents, they just want to stay at hom

47、e alone and do what they like. if you plan to do something, youd 9 win your parents over and get them to understand you, if so, your parents will certainly let you do 10 you want to do.ca. attract b. price c. busiest d. easiest e. even(上海市玉华中学2018届九年级上学期期中)thanksgiving is always on a thursday. the d

48、ay after it has been known as black friday. it is the start of the holiday shopping season, and it has been the 1 shopping day of the year in the us since 2005.most stores offer big sales on black friday. they open their doors quite early in the morning. they try to 2 shoppers with big discounts(折扣)

49、. some items like tvs and cloths are much cheaper than usual. stores may 3 lose money on them. they hope that shoppers will buy gifts for other people while they are in the store.black friday is a great time to go shopping. however, there are problems. the biggest one is that there are not enough ch

50、eap items. each store may only have a few. these items are in great need, so people stand in long lines to get them. they may wait three to four hours before a store opens. they may be hoping to get a low 4 on a tv or computer, but not everybody can get one. some people leave, disappointed.跟踪训练a【文章大

51、意】本文介绍了莎士比亚的生平经历。1. about 【解析】句意:我们不知道关于莎士比亚早期生活的一切事。everything about sth关于某物的一切,故为介词about。2. studied 【解析】句意:但是我们知道他在斯特拉特福的语法学校学习。此处叙述莎士比亚的故事,故用一般过去时,根据at grammar school可知他在学校学习,故为studied。3. interested 【解析】句意:当他还是一个小孩时,他对戏剧感兴趣。become interested in对感兴趣,故为interested。4. to write 【解析】句意:在他开始写自己的剧本之前,他在一

52、家剧院工作了几年。begin to do sth开始做某事,故宾语his own plays可知此处表示写剧本,故为to write。5. known 【解析】句意:不久莎士比亚在伦敦出名了。作为系动词became的表语,用形容词,well known出名的,故为known。6. and 【解析】句意:他写的每个剧本对于首都的人们来说是又好又新。此处good和new表示并列,递进关系,故用连词and。7. plays 【解析】句意:伊丽莎白女王喜欢莎士比亚的剧本。有名词所有格shakespeares修饰,故此处用名词,结合上文,此处表示莎士比亚的剧本,故为plays。8. theatre 【解

53、析】句意:到了16世纪末,莎士比亚和他的朋友有足够的钱建立他们自己的剧院。作动词build的宾语,应是剧院,故为theatre。9. difficulty 【解析】句意:可能我们认为莎士比亚在他的一生中没有任何困难。有any修饰,用名词,结合句意,表示有困难,故为difficulty。10. because 【解析】句意:然而,有些作家反对他,因为他们的剧本比他的糟糕。此处连接两个句子,故用连词because。b【文章大意】本文介绍了作者的妈妈的生日晚会的准备情况。1. g 【解析】结合上句:在我们家里举办party。应该是家人的生日。故答案为g。2. e 【解析】句意:她已经邀请了叔叔阿姨和

54、她的一些朋友。故选e。3. a 【解析】句意:她已经邀请了叔叔阿姨和她的一些朋友。故选a。4. i 【解析】句意:我们撤走地毯是因为晚饭后我们要跳舞。故选i。5. j 【解析】句意:在餐厅里,我们摆上了最好的盘子、玻璃杯和桌布,都看起来是那么漂亮。故选j。6. h 【解析】句意:在餐厅里,我们摆上了最好的盘子、玻璃杯和桌布,都看起来是那么漂亮。故选h。7. c 【解析】句意:我们打算跳舞到午夜。直到.until。故选c。 8. b 【解析】句意:去年妈妈是在饭店过的生日,但是在家里更卫生、更实惠。故选b。9. d 【解析】句意:去年妈妈是在饭店过的生日,但是在家里更卫生、更实惠。故选d。10.

55、 f 【解析】把灯挂在树上用in,表示树上本身长出的东西用on。故选f。c【文章大意】这篇文章主要介绍了汪峰在音乐道路上的成功过程。他出身于音乐世家,5岁时,父亲开始教他拉小提琴。他经常想为什么别的孩子都出去玩,而他却要在家里练习小提琴。有一天,通过一段音乐,他发现了音乐的美,于是决定自己创作歌曲。17岁他开始听摇滚乐;1994年,和朋友一起组建了一个摇滚乐队,并出了他们自己的第一张专辑;2000年他加入了华纳音乐集团,在第九届全球华语音乐奖上,汪峰获得了最佳创作奖。1. born 【解析】句意:他出身于北京一个音乐世家。根据a musical family in beijing.可知他是出身于北京的一个音乐世家,be born into 出身于,故答案选born。2. taught 【解析】句意:在父亲的教导下,汪峰五岁时就开始练习小提琴。根据句意和语境,可知这里应该选teach,根据句意本句使用一般过去时,teach的过去式为taught,又因其位于句首,所以第一个字母要大写,故答案应为taught。3. wondered 【解析】句意:汪峰经常想知道为什么他应该拉小提琴,或者他为什么不得不待在家里练习,而其他孩子在他这个年龄都在外面玩。根据句意和语境可知这里应该选wonder,本句使用一般过去时,所以wonder应使用其过去式wondere


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