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1、河南省2019-2020最新中招模拟试题(八)注意事项:1.本试卷共9页,六个大题,满分120分,考试时间100分钟。2.本试卷上不要答题,请按答题卡上注意事项的要求直接把答案填写在答题卡上。答在试卷上的答案无效。一、听力理解(共三节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。1.what time does mike go to bed on weekends?a. at 10:00 

2、;pm.b. al 10:30 pm.c. a111:00 pm.2. where are the two speakers tlking?a. in the muscum.b. in the library.c. on the road.3. who got first prizte in the painting compe

3、ttion?a. eric.b nancy.c. alex4. what will sally have for supper?a. cakes and coffee.b. bread and cffee.c. bread and milk.5. how much does the man need 10 pay?a.$ 55.b. $

4、595.c.$ 110.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的a b。c三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。6. what does the man probably do?a. a table tennis player.b. a pilot.c a coach.7. what does lin think 

5、;of his life?a. boring and tiring.b. fun and relaxing.c. exciting but tiring听下面一段对话,回答第8至第9两个小题。8. whats the rlationship betwcen the two speakers?a. classmates.b. friends.c. neighbors.9. whe

6、re is maria going to write her best wishes?a. on the top of each photo.b. at the bottom of each photo.c. on the back of each photo.听下面一段独白,回答第10至第12三个小题。10. what

7、0;were the children doing when nelly got home?a. watching tv.b. playing garmes.c. fighting.11.how did nelly probably feel when she entered the living room?a. surprised.b. angry.c.&

8、#160;shocked.12.what did the eldest child do?a. he swept the floor.b. he cleaned the living room.c. he washed the clothes.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15三个小题。13. who will katy go to the bea

9、ch with?a. sarah.b. sarah and her mom.c. sarah, her mom and her brother.14. how long will it take to go to the beach?a. about half an hour.b. about an hour.c.&#

10、160;about two hours.15. what was the weather like yesterday?a. it was rainy.b. it was snowy.c. it was cloudy.第三节听下面一-篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。 a b c d e16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._二、阅读理解(20小题,每小题2分,共40分)ain our dai

11、ly life, robots are often found to do work that is too dangerous, boring, difficult, or dirty. and we often see kids play with toy robots.but what exactly is a robot? there are some important characteristics(特征) that a robot must have. these characteristics might help you to decide what is and what

12、is not a robot. it will also help you to decide what you will need to build into a machine before it can be considered as a robot. a robot has these important characteristics:sensing first of all, your robot would have to be able to sense the environment around it. give your robot sensors(传感器): ligh

13、t sensors(eyes), touch sensors(hands), chemical sensors(nose), hearing sensors(ears)and taste sensors(tongue)movement a robot needs to be able to move around its environment. it can move on wheels, walk on legs or be driven by small engines(发动机). a robot can move either the whole body or just parts

14、of it.energy a robot needs to be able to power itself. some robots might power themselves with sunlight, some might with electricity, while others with the batteries(电池). the way your robot gets its energy will depend on what your robot needs to do.intelligence a robot needs some kind of “smarts”. a

15、 programmer is the person who gives the robot its “smarts”. the robot will have to have a certain way to receive the program so that it knows what it is to do.( )21. the underlined word “it” in paragraph 2 is about _.a. the toy b. the characteristic c. the machine d. the engine( )22. the chemical se

16、nsors may help a robot to _a. see b. catch c. hear d. smell( )23. in how many ways can a robot power itself according to the passage?a. two. b. three. c. four. d. five.( )24. the chinese meaning of “intelligence” in the last paragraph is _a. 能源 b. 勤奋 c. 智能 d. 外观( )25. what is the main purpose of the

17、 passage?a. to help people understand what a robot is.b. to tell what a robot can do in our life.c. to describe the movement of a robot.d. to introduce the history of robots. bshawneen mountain is a perfect place for skiing lifts(电梯)can help tourists get to the top of the mountain in 3 minutes the f

18、ollowing is the price table of the lift ticketslift ticketstouristsweekday(open to close)weekend(open to close)night(3 pm to 10 pmadult*(ages 19 to 60)485534young man *(ages 18& under)374134child (46cm tall & under)freefreefreecollege studentcollege id (证件 ) needed384934soldier (active duty

19、id needed)384934elders*( ages 60 to 69)384934super elders*(ages 70+)freefreefree*proof (证明) of age neededlift hoursmonday friday: 9 am 10 pm weekend: 8 am 10 pmchristmas day: noon 5 pm26. shawneen mountain is a perfect place for .a. skiingb. walkingc. climbingd. riding27.if a child of 42cm tall take

20、s the lift with his 18yearold brother on thursday morning, they will pay .a. 41b. 48c. 37d. 7428as a college student, you can buy a lift ticket at a lower price if you show your .a. college nameb. college idc. phone numberd. active duty id29. tourists take the lift at to the top of the mountain on c

21、hristmas day.a.8 a.m.b. 4 p.m.c. 9 a.m.d.10 p.m.30which of the following is true according to the passage?a. it takes 3 hours to get to the top of shawneen mountain by liftb. tourists can't take the lift at 9: 30 a m on sunday morningc. a soldier shouldn't pay 55 for the ticket at weekends w

22、ith his active duty idd. people aged over 70 are also welcome to shawneen mountainc hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. every year water sports, especially surfing and water skiing attract  tourists to the island. hawaii has been a magical name to people who like to trave

23、l  for  many years. people on both sides of the pacific ocean (太平洋), in japan and in america, dream of  seeing  these beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. in the tropical lands, the sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sea, and

24、 it drops so quickly that you can almost see it move. the sun leaves behind a glow that lights the sky in the quiet water.      people often have a quiet, enjoyable time walking along the water. this scenery here is not very different from the exciting beauty

25、that greeted the first tourists to these islands centuries ago. they came in canoes not much bigger  than small boats.      they found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees, but there were no grand hotels like the one we see today. th

26、e first people came to hawaii nearly two thousand years ago, but skyscraper hotels were only built in the last 25 years. now planes make it possible to fly to hawaii for a weekend from tokyo or san francesco.       no matter where people come from, t

27、hey really want to see the earliest beauty of hawaii. they want to see the lovely beaches and the mountains which are almost hidden by the tall hotels.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )31.whats hawaii famous for?a.the beautiful beaches.b.the tourists to the island.c.the tourists to the island.d.surfing and water ski

28、ing.( )32.what does the sun drop like in the tropical lands?a.the sea.b.a ball of golden fire.c.a glow.d.the quiet water. ( )33.the first people came to hawaii .a.in 1987 b.in 1012 c.about twenty-five years ago d.about two thousand years ago( )34.the beauty of the islands for centuries.a.has changed

29、 b.has greeted the first touristsc.has remained nearly unchanged d.has been the same( )35.which is true according to the passage?a.people really want to see the earliest beauty of hawaii. b.people often have a quiet, unhappy time walking along the water. c.people only in japan dream of seeing the be

30、autiful islands. d.people found the beautiful red sand beaches in hawaii.dmost students in america like popular music. they carry small radios and mp3 with earphones and listen to music.  36 students with cars buy large speakers and play the music loudly when they drive on the street. 

31、0;    adult drivers listen to music on the car radio when driving to work. they also listen to the news about sports, the weather, and the life of american people. 37 pop or popular singers make much money. they make cds or tapes which radio stations use in many places. once the

32、popular singer is heard all over the country, young people buy his or her tape.  38 wherever the singer goes, all the young people want to meet him or her.  39 there are other kinds of music that are important to americans. one is called folk(民间) music. it tells stories about the comm

33、on life of americans. 40 this was started by cowboys (牛仔) who sang at night to the cows they were watching. today, any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl is called western or country music.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项。使短文意思通顺,内容完整。把标号写在下面的横线上。a.most of th

34、e radio programs are music.b.another is called western or country music.c.they often play music before class, after class, and at lunch time.d.some of the money from these tapes comes to the singer. e.now the singer has become a national star.36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 三 完型填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后

35、从a、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。do you know eskimos (爱斯基摩人)? let me tell you something about their 41 .the eskimos live near the north pole (北极). there are only two 42 there, winter and summer, there are no spring 43 autumn there. the winter nights are 44 . you can't 45 the sun for more than two

36、 months, even at noon. the summer days are long. for more than two months, the sun never 46 and there is no night.the eskimos have 47 clothes. they make their clothes from the skin of animals. from these skins they make coats, caps and 48 .near the north pole trees can't grow, for it is too 49 t

37、here. the eskimos 50 make their houses from skins, snow or stones (石头). when they 51 in storm and can't 52 home, they make house of snow. they 53 these snow houses when the storm is 54 .life is 55 for the eskimos, but they still like to live there.41. a. work b. life c. holiday d. families42. a.

38、 weather b. seasons c. months d. years 43. a. not b. or c. andd. as44. a. short b. warm c. long d. cold 45. a. see b. watch c. look d. look at46. a. rises b. goes up c. drops d. goes down 47. a. beautiful b. metal c. warm d. cool 48. a. goods b. drinks c. medicined. shoes 49. a. cold b. hot c. dry d

39、. wet 50. a. will b. should c. never d. have to 51. a. go out b. go over c. keep on d. get on 52. a. get back b. got off c. get on d. get in 53. a. make b. leave c. stay d. break 54. a. overb. coming c. going d. hard 55. a. easy b. interesting c. hard d. lucky四、语篇填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)。第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选适当

40、的词并用适当形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一词。 hot invent knife difference ride fresh everything least rock try many people go to utah because they love hiking in bryce canyon national park. they enjoy _56_ climbing, camping and so on. however, some people go to utah for a very _57_experience.the boulder outd

41、oor survival(生存) school(boss) in utah is the worlds oldest survival school. it teaches people how stay alive without tents, or even backpacks. in bryce canyon, the days are very _58_ and the nights are very cold. not everyone wants to go and experience life without modern _59_ like smart phones and

42、e-books. students at boss quickly learn that it is important to work hard and _60_ new things if they want to complete the training.in survival camps at boss students don't just practise camping, hiking or_61_ horses. they go into the wild for days or weeks. they learn how to find _62_water for

43、drinking. they also learn how to make a fire, use a _63_ and find food to eat. nature can often give them _64_ they need so survive.after these people go back to the real world, they may never use these skills again. even if they dont, at _65_ they will always know that they can live without compute

44、rs, electricity, and smart phoneseven if it is only for a few days!第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。jack was in the park with his grandmother, mrs. watson. “i can hear music,” she said. “do you know where it 66_ from?” “its the ring on my mobile phone,” said jack. “are you going to answer it?” asked mrs. watson. “no,” replied jack. “whoever it is can leave a message on my voicemail, and i 67_ them back later.”mrs. watson had never used a mobile phone, and was interested to know how it 68_, so jack took his out of his pocket 69_ her. “you use it just like a common telephone,” he sai


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