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1、机械原理英文词汇黄清世周传喜编长江大学机械学院Chapter 1 Introduction第一章绪论1.mecha nism机构2.kin ematical eleme nt运动学兀件3.link构件4.cam凸轮5.gear齿轮6.belt带7.cha in链8.intern al-combusti on engine内燃机9.slider-crank mechanism曲柄滑块机构10.pisto n活塞11.connecting rod连杆12.cran kshaft曲轴13.frame机架14.pin io n小齿轮15.cam mecha nism凸轮机构16.lin kage连杆机

2、构17.syn thesis综合Chapter 2 Structure analysis of mechanisms第二章机构的结构分析1. structural an alysis结构分析2. pla nar mecha ni sms平面机构3. pla nar kin ematical pairs平面运动副4. mobile conn ecti on可动连接5. tran smit传输6. tran sform转换7. pair eleme nt运动副元素8. higher pair咼副9. revolute pair转动副10. slid ing pair ,prismatic pair

3、移动副11. gear pair齿轮副12. cam pair凸轮副13. screw pair螺旋副14. spherical pair球面副15. surface con tact面接触16. kin ematical cha in运动链17. closed cha in闭式链18. ope n cha in开式链19. drivi ng links驱动件20. driven links从动件21. pla nar mecha ni sm.平面机构22. spatial mecha nism空间机构23. The kin ematical diagram of amecha nism机构运

4、动简图24. schematic diagram草图25. kin ematical dime nsions运动学尺寸26. fixed pivot固定铰链27. pathway导路28. guide bar导杆29. profiles轮廓30. the actual cam con tour凸轮实际廓线Chapter 5 Efficiencyand Self-lock of移动副螺旋副库仑定律摩擦系数静摩擦动摩擦型槽当量摩擦系数摩擦角 当量摩擦角 导程角 力偶矩间隙摩擦圆 推力轴承 驱动功 有效功 损耗功31. polygon多边形32. route of tran smissi on传递路

5、线33. structural block diagram结构框图34. Degree of Freedom (DOF)自由度35. con strai nts约束36. com mon normal公法线37. compo und hinge复合铰链38. gear-li nkage mecha nism齿轮连杆机构40. passive DOF局部自由度41. red undant con stra int虚约束42. The compositi on prin ciple and structural an alysis组成原理与结构分析43. the basic mecha nism基

6、本机构44. Assur groups阿苏尔杆组45. inner pair内畐寸46. outer pairs外副.47. compositi on prin ciple of mecha nism机构组成原理48. kin ematical determ in ati on运动确定性Chapter 3 kinematic analysis of mechanicsms第三章机构的运动分析1.velocity速度2.accelerati on加速度3.parameter参数3. graphical method图解法4.an alytical method解析法5.experime ntal

7、 method实验法6.in sta nt cen ter瞬心7.classificati on of in sta nt cen ters瞬心的分类8.absolute in sta ntan eous cen ter绝对瞬心9. relative in sta ntan eous cen ter相对瞬心10. the method of in sta ntan eous cen ter瞬心法11. the Aron hold-Ke nn edy theorem阿朗浩尔特-肯尼迪定理(即三心定理)12. the four-bar lin kage四杆机构13. i nv ersio n of

8、 the slider-cra nk导杆机构(曲柄滑块机构的倒置机构)14. complex mecha nism复杂机构,多杆机构Machines第五章机械效率和自锁1. pure-slide pair2. helical pair3. Coulomb s law4. coefficie nt of fricti on5. rest fricti on6. kin etic frictio n7. vee-slotV8. equivale nt coefficie nt of fricti on9. fricti onal an gle10. equivale nt fricti onal

9、an gle11. lead angle12. moment of couple13. clearanee14. frictional circle15. thrust bearing16. drive work17. effective work18. lost work19.ideal machi ne理想机械20.serial structure串联结构21.parallel structure并联结构22.parallel-serial structure混联结构23.jack千斤顶24.self-lock自锁Chapter 7 Motion of Mechanical Systems

10、and Its Regulation第七章机械系统的运转及其调节第六章机械的平衡1. Vibratio n振动2. Freque ncy频率3. Resonant共振4. Amplitudes振幅5. Bala ncing of rotors转子6. Rigid rotors刚性转子7. Flexible rotors柔性转子8. Bala ncing of mecha ni sms机构的平衡9. Disk-like rotor盘状转子10.N on-disk rigid rotor非盘状转子11.the shak ing force振动力12.the shak ing mome nt振动力矩

11、13.Balancing of Disk-like Rotors盘状转子的平衡14.static imbala nee静不平衡15.static bala ncing machi ne静平衡机16.the mass-radius product质径积17.d yn amically un bala need动不平衡18.bala nee pla nes平衡基面19.D yn amic bala ncing mach ine动平衡机20.U nbala ncing Allowa nee许用不平衡量四杆机构 曲柄摇杆机构 双曲柄机构 双摇杆机构Chapter 6 Balancing of Mach

12、inery1. Periodic speed fluctuatio n周期性波动2. punching mach ine冲床3. Moti on Equati on of a Mecha ni cal System机械系统的运动方程4. Gen eral Expressi on of the Equati on of Motio n运动方程的一般表达式5. the kin etic en ergy动能6. the mome nt of in ertia转动惯量7. Dyn amically Equivale nt Model of a Mecha ni cal System等效动力学模型8.

13、the equivale nt mome nt of in ertia等效转动惯量9. the equivale nt mome nt of force等效力矩10. the equivale nt link等效构件11. Pump泵12. Blower鼓风机13. Flywheel飞轮Chapter 8 Planar Linkage Mechanicsms第八章平面连杆机构1. four-bar linkage2. crank-rocker mechanism3. double-crank mechanism4. double-rocker mechanism5. Crashof s cri

14、terion格拉索夫判据6. Condition for having a crank有曲柄的条件7. slider-crank mechanism曲柄滑块机构8. offset distanee偏距9. offset slider-crank mechanism偏置曲柄滑块机构10. in-line slider-crank mechanism对心曲柄滑块机构11. rotating guide-bar mechanism.转动导杆机构12.oscillat ing guide-bar mecha nism摆动导杆机构13.double rotati ng block mecha nism双

15、转块机构14.cra nk and oscillati ng block mecha nism曲柄摇块机构15.variatio ns变异16.i nv ersi ons倒置17.tra nsmissi on an gle传动角18.dead point死点19.imbala nee an gle极位夹角2O.time ratio行程速比系数21.quick-return mecha nism急回机构22.pressure an gle压力角23.toggle positi ons肘节位置24.oldham coupli ng联轴器25.flywheel飞轮26.clamp ing devic

16、e夹具27.dime nsional syn thesis尺度综合28.fu nction gen erati on函数发生器29.body guida nee刚体导引3O.path gen erati on轨迹发生器Chapter 9 Cam Mechanisms第九章凸轮机构1. con tour轮廓27.soft impulse柔性冲击29.Cos ine Accelerati on Moti on Curve (Simple Harm onic Moti onCurve)余弦加速度运动规律(简谐运动规律)3O.Si ne Acceleratio n Motion Curve (Cycl

17、oid Motion Curve)正弦加速度运动规律(摆线运动规律)31.3-4-5 Poly nomial Motion Curve 3-4-5多项式运动规律32. Combi ned Motio n Curves组合运动规律2. Follower从动件3. Plate cam(or disc cam)盘形凸轮4. Tran slati ng cam移动凸轮5. Three-dime nsio nal cam空间凸轮6. cyli ndrical cam圆柱凸轮7. Tran slati ng follower直动从动件8. Oscillati ng follower摆动从动件9. Cams

18、haft凸轮轴10.in-line translating follower对心直动从动件11.offset tran slati ng follower偏置直动从动件12.K nife-edge follower尖底从动件13.Roller follower滚子从动件14.Flat-faced follower平底从动件15.Force-closed cam mecha nism力圭寸闭凸轮机构16.Form-closed cam mecha nism形圭寸闭凸轮机构17.Lift行程18.cam an gle for rise推程角19.cam an gle for outer dwell

19、远休止角2O.cam an gle for retur n回程角21.cam an gle for inner dwell近休止角22.the quasi-velocity类速度23.the quasi-accelerati on类加速度24.Co nsta nt Velocity Motion Curve等速运动规律25.rigid impulse刚性冲击26.C on sta nt Accelerati on and Decelerati on Motio n Curve等加速等减速运动规律33. the cam con tour实际廓线34. the pitch curve理论廓线35.

20、 prime circle基圆36. the com mon no rmal公法线37. positive offset正偏置38. n egative offset负偏置39.outer en velope外包络线40.1 nn er e nvelope内包络线41. The locus of the centre of the milling cutter铣刀中心轨迹42. Pressure An gle压力角43. acute an gle锐角44. the no rmal法线45. The allowable pressure an gle许用压力角46. Radius of Curv

21、ature曲率半径47. Cusp尖点48. U ndercutti ng根切49. The an gular lift角行程50.1 nterfere nee干涉Chapter 10 Gear Mechanisms第十章齿轮机构1. con sta nt tran smissi on ratio2. pla nar gear mecha ni sms定传动比 平面齿轮机构3. spatial gear mecha ni sms空间齿轮机构4. exter nal gear pair外齿轮副5. internal gear pair内齿轮副6. rack and pinion齿条和齿轮7. s

22、pur gear直齿轮8. helical gear斜齿轮9. double helical gear人字齿轮10.spur rack直齿条ll.helical rack斜齿条12.bevel gear mecha nism圆锥齿轮机构13.crossed helical gears mecha nism螺旋齿轮机构14.worm and worm wheel mecha nism蜗杆蜗轮机构15.F un dame ntals of En gageme nt of Tooth Profiles齿廓啮合基本定律16.the pitch poi nt节点17.the pitch circle节圆

23、18.conjugate profiles共轭齿廓19.transmission ratio传动比20.i nvo lute gear渐开线齿轮21.the radius of base circle基圆半径22.ge nerat ing line发生线23. un foldi ng an gle展角24.table of involute function渐开线函数表25.geari ng啮合26.sta ndard invo lute spur gears标准渐开线直齿轮27.the facewidth齿宽28.adde ndum circle (or tip circle)齿顶圆29.d

24、ede ndum circle (or root circle)齿根圆30.arbitrary circle任意圆31.the tooth space齿槽32.the spacewidth齿槽宽33.the pitch齿距,周节34.the reference circle分度圆35.module模数36.adde ndum齿顶高37.dede ndum齿根高38.tooth depth齿全高39.the coefficie nt of adde ndum齿顶咼系数40.the coefficie nt of bottom cleara nee顶隙系数41.bottom cleara nee顶

25、隙42.the no rmal tooth正常齿43.the shorter tooth短齿44.base pitch基圆齿距,基节45.no rmal pitch法向齿距,法节46.conjugated point共轭点47.proper mesh ing con diti ons正确啮合条件48.work ing pressure an gle啮合角49.the backlash齿侧间隙5O.the bottom cleara nee顶隙51.the refere nee centre dista nee标准中心距52.c on tact ratio重合度53.the actual wor

26、king profile实际工作齿廓54.the actual li ne of acti on实际啮合线55.ma nu facturi ng methods of invo lute profiles渐开线齿廓的加工方法56.form cutt ing仿形法57.ge nerati ng cutt ing展成法或范成法58.disk milli ng cutter盘形铣刀59.e nd milli ng cutter指状铣刀6O.broach拉刀61.milli ng mach in es.铣床62.rack-shaped shaper cutter齿条插刀63.shap ing插齿64.

27、hobb ing滚齿65.rack-shaped cutter齿条型刀具66.lathe车床67.cutter In terfere nee根切68.corrected gears变位齿轮69.the modificati on coefficie nt变位系数7O.positively modified正变位71. negatively modified负变位72.the geari ng equatio n without backlash无侧隙啮合方程73.1 nvo lute helicoids74. the tran sverse pla ne75. the no rmal pla

28、ne78. the tran sverse con tact ratio79. the overlap ratio80. the virtual gear81. the virtual nu mber of teeth82. axial thrust83. worm geari ng84. rightha nded85.leftha nded86.ZA-worm87.1 nvo lute helicoid worms -ZI-worm88. arc-c on tact worms ZC-worm89. e nv elop ing worm90. The nu mber of threads91

29、. bevel gears92. back cone93. virtual gear94. the refere nee cone95. sector gear96. the outer cone dista nee97. the refere nee cone an gle98. The apexes99. The dede ndum an gle100. dede ndum cone an gle渐开线螺旋面 端面 法面 端面重合度 轴向重合度 当量齿轮 当量齿数 轴向推力 蜗杆传动 右旋 左旋 阿基米德蜗杆渐开线蜗杆 圆弧齿蜗杆 包络蜗杆 头数 圆锥齿轮 背锥 当量齿轮 分度圆锥 扇形齿

30、轮 外锥距 分度圆锥角 锥顶 齿根角 齿根圆锥角Chapter 11 Gear Trains第十一章轮系1. gear train with fixed axes定轴轮系22. cycloidal-p in wheel pla netary geari ng2. epicyclical gear train周转轮系3. eleme ntary epicyclical gear trai ns基本周转轮系4. comb ined gear trains复合轮系5. pla net gear行星轮6. pla net carrier行星架,系杆,转臂7. sun gears太阳轮,中心轮8. di

31、ffere ntial gear train差动轮糸9. the train ratio of a gear train轮系传动比10.idle wheels惰轮11.c on verted gear train转化轮系12.the efficie ncy of the gear train轮系效率13.bra nchi ng tran smissi on分路传动14.the brake刹车片15.the clutch离合器16.n egative mecha nism负号机构17.positive mecha nism正号机构18.train ratio condition传动比条件19.c

32、 oncen tric con diti on同心条件20.assembly con diti on装配条件21.pla netary reducer with small tooth differe nee少齿差行星减速器摆线针轮行星传动4. gen eva mecha nism槽轮机构5. exter nal gen eva mecha nism外槽轮机构6. internal gen eva mecha nism内槽轮机构7. gen eva rack mecha nism齿条槽轮机构8. spherical gen eva mecha ni sms球面槽轮机构9. the ratiok betwee n moti on time and dwell time运动与停歇时间比k1O.Cam-Type In dex Mecha ni sms凸轮式间歇运动机构1


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