1、2019年北京市高级中等学校招生考试姓名准考证号考场号座位号1.本试卷共K)页.共五道大逸.39道小题满分60分.考试时间90分钟。 2在试卷和草稿ftt上准确填写姓名准考证号、考场号和网位号3试题答耒Tt填涂或I国在答题R k在试卷上作答无效.4在答题*上.选择题川2B恰笔作答,其他试题用黑色7迹签字笔作答5.彩试络束,诜将本试卷落題K和苹稿纸并女l"l知识运用(共14分)一、项填空(共6分毎小题0.5分)从卜IEi各題所给的A. B.C. D四个选项中选择吋以览入空白处的応住选项I. Mr Uang is COmIng to OUr SChOOl I can*t wait CO
2、SCcB. himC. itD. them2. WC P an(Cd SomC flowersthe garden yesterday.B. toC.inD. Of3.Excuse me.is this T-shirt?k XX yuan.A . how muchB. how manyC. how IOngD. how OIdyou finish the ICtter In (Cn mnutCS FYes. 1 can.A . mustB. ShOUIdDcan5. ThlS CaP is niceil docsn,( IoOk good On meA. forBsoC butDOr6. JU
3、IiC takes good CarC Of the family dog. SbC is(han her brotherA. PaIienlB mOre pacientC. InoSt PatlCntD.thc most PatICnt7. SamWith his friends CVCrJr weekend.A. SkItcSB is SkatingC has SkatCdD. hs Skating« Tom. WhafS your dad doing?HCmy bike.A. repairsB. WiII repairC has repairedD is repairing9
4、OIIr SChoOl IifCa lot SInCC 2017. WC have more actixitics now.A. ChangCSBChangedC. WiII ChangCD IaS ChangCd10. If you Want to USit the PalaCC Museum, Itickets for you tomorrow.5/8A. WiIl bookB. bookedC. have bookedD WaS booking11. My MiVlCC On how to SaVC DaDCrA. acceptsB accepted12. Did you noticei
5、n her office?YCS ShC WaS going OVCr OUr writing.A. what WaS MISS Ltn doingC u hat docs MiSS Lm doby Iny CIayS IaSt Monday.C. was acceptedD is acceptedB What MlSS Lln WaS doingD uhat MISS LIn docs二完形填空(共”分,每小Jfi I分)阅读Fliri的短文,VWH大总,然麻从短文后SaS所给的A. B、C. DIHl个透项中,选择城佳选项RUn for CInSS PresidentTwO months
6、ago, WhCn OUr CIaSS CICCtiOn (选举)started. I decided to run for ClaSS PrCSidCnt I CnjOyCd SPCaking in PUbliC and go( along WeIl with people. SO 1 fell it CaSy (o Win BUt I UaS 13 Ihat PCOPlC WOUId feel bad for me if I lost.I WaS busy PrCPanng in the following WeCk My Plan WaSn,t o make PrOmiSeS CO do
7、 ChingS I COUldntt 14 but to ShOW my CIaSS Why I WantCd to be PrCSident. 1 PUt UP my POStCrS in hallways and In the ClaSSrOOm. I also SPCnt three hours Wrilmg my speech. Saying Ihal I WaS the OnC they COUld turn to whenever they had a PrOblCmt SinCC I WaS 15 PrCParCd. I felt that my ChanCCS Of Winni
8、ng WerC strong.HOWCcl WhCn I gave my SPCCCh On EICCtiOn Day. the response (反 h:<) wasn't What I had 16 , FCW PCOPlC actually IiSICncd. WhCn it WaS my opponents (对 尸的)turn. CVCryonC WaS screaming IUS name. IIiS SPCCCh WaS ShOrtt but all to (he PoinBy then, 1 realized I ShOUId have ITIadC mine
9、ShOnCr and clearer.It WaS ObViOUS WhO would. J7_ For the rest Of ChC day. I felt IikC i( WaS OVCr I WantCd to just go home and cry. but I InadC it throughMV l WaS right: I didn't win.The next day, PeOPle Were Stlll talking about the election. I just Pretended (假装)not to hear BUt later, things go
10、t better PCOPIC 19 about the CkCtlOn and talked to me just as they did before1 don't regret PUtting time and CnCrgy IntO the CICCtlOn because vc ICamCd that things arcn,t always going the Way 1 expect. And monls Of failure IIkC this build 2() SIrKC then vc ICamCd (o face disappointment and grown
11、 StrongCr13. . boredB. afraidC. CXCitCdD. hopeful14. A. COmParCB . rememberC. InanagCD . repeat15. A. fullyB. quicklyC. freshlyD. PhySiCalIy16. A. fearedB . facedC. IiKntlOnCdD. PiCtUrCd17. A. insistB. returnC. WaitD. Win18. A. suggestionB. PrCdiCtIOnC. directionD. IntrOdUCtlOn19. A. forgotB WrOtCC.
12、 CarCdD. discussed20. A. tms(B. PridCC. characterD. SUPPOrt阅读理解(共36分)三阅读卜列fcl文根据包文内容,从短文Jn所给的A、B、C. D四个选项中,选择隹选项(共26 分.每小題2分)EXPerienCing ChiIIaMike, CaIIada1 SPent Ihree months VVilh Iny host family ()t,r 亲庭)in China- It WaS a Iifetlme CXPenCnCe I WaS able to expecnce ChinCSC IIVing and CUItlire, f
13、rom basic Tal Chi (o BeiiIng OPCra I CVCn VlSitCd a IaInoUS traditional ChinCSC medicine hospital NOW 1 hav a better understanding OrChineSe CUltUreJnnn. AtlCtraIiAI StaYed Wllh my IlOSt IamlIy Ibr five InOnlhS My host mother is a ChmeSe IeaCher and She is really Warm-heaed. With her help. my ChineS
14、e has improved a lo( And I have go USed o a new culture. My favorite Pan Of Ihe experience WaS Sharing mv feelings in China with her.BilU AmeriCaMy host )iher is a WOnderfUl COOld She makes me all kinds Of IradiliOnal ChineSe dishes They are tasty and I Iike IhenI Very much. Jusi IIke me. my host Pa
15、rentS love to Ieam about different cultures They Often ask me questions about Iife in AmeriCa.Cind, GermanyReCenlly ! tk Pan in a Program o SIUdy ChineSe I IiVed With a host Iamily in China for SiX months. My host iSter is a really hardworking SnKienI It WaS anu/ing to See how She InadC PrOgreSS in
16、EngIiSh And a CIOSe relaionship has developed beMcen21. WhO ViSiIeda IrndItIOnaI Chinese medicinehospiu,A. Mike.B. JOannaC Bill.D Cindy.22 HOW IOng did Joanna Stay With her hos family In Chlna? Three months.B. FOur months.C FiVe monthsD. SiX months.23. Cindy IhinkS her host SiSter is.A. a UOnderfUI
17、COOkB a responsible doctorC a Warnl-hearted teacherD a hardworking S(UdentBltIe Lighlninggo-kartSalIy loed CarS more titan anything else. ThiS SPring She thought OfbUIIding a go- kan to enter for the GO-GO Race. SO She asked her dad for help.MWeIltM he said "How about this: you do SOme research
18、 first and Ihen COmC back to Ine Wlih a design.*HBlUe L glnning. Dad lked OVer her WOrk Ihinking. "Well that's inieresing,tt he said. wHave a try. JUSt build BIUeA WWk later, SalIy brought her IIOlc、and drawings to Dad. She named her go-kartLightnIng as you've designed.”OVCr IhrCC WCCkC
19、ndS Ofllard WOrkI SaIIy turned her design IntO a real WOrkIng go-kart and PalntCd It Ilght blue Dad asked her to take it for a test drive. SalIy agreed.After She did that. SaIIy drove back to Dad. HWeiLM She said. WNOW 1 know Why you Wanted me to have a IeSt drive."*,0h, do you?'* he said.
20、MPlCaSC share."RWhCn I drove fast, there WaS a IOt Of pushback/ ShC said. "I think its because Of IhC Iightning boll (闪电)shape/"Wcrygoodfw Dad mid.So. U hy didn't you tell me about that PrOblem In the first place?W SaIlyasked.Dad laughed. WWhCrC*s the fun in that? If you give a ma
21、n a fish, hc,ll Cat foraday. BUl If you teach a nun to fish. 1 e,ll eat for a hfe(inie.HSaIIy Saida "I Xc. Anyway, designing is half (he fun!”Dad SmilCd MGOOd- SOmCtimCS ICaming happens during (he process. WC ICanI how to do SOnICthing right by doing it a few IilneS first and Inaking mistakes a
22、long the Way.oThat encouraged SaIly and She WOrked even harder When She ShOwed Dad her new go-kart. he nodded WKh PndeFinally CamC the race. Sany WaSn,t WOrnCd about WhCthCr ShC WOUId wnn her mind. ShC had already WOne by building something better Ihan CVer before24. SaIly IhOUglH OfbUildIng a go-ka
23、rt(oA. PraCtiCC drivingB-CntCr for a raceC PIny With friendsD do SOmC research25. What did Sally's dad ask her to do after ShC built the go-kart?A. TO have a (CSt drive.B. TO take a good rest.C. TO give it a cl name.D. TO Paint it Iight blue.26.Sally,s sorj Iiiainly tells US datA. winning a race
24、 is importantB. shing brings US a IOt Of funC. driving CXPCnCnCC is ncccssarj,D. ICaming happens during IhC PrOCCSSCSOmCtlmeS It SCCmS that (ImC is flying. PCrhaPS It (IoeSn,t need to feel (his uay. OUr CXPCnCnCC Of time Can be POSSibly changed. By UndCrSIandnlg the PSyehOk>gical (心理 7:的)PrOCCSSC
25、S behind OUr diflcrcnt CXPCrICnCCS Of time, WC might be able to SIOW down time a little.OnC basic IaW Of PSyChOlOgiCal (inc is that IimC SCanS to SIOW down when wc,rc CXPOSCd (J妾触)to new environments and experiences. ThC IaW is CallSd by the relationship between OUr CXPCnCnCC Of time and the amount
26、Of Uifbiination OUr minds process. ThC more LnibrantIOn OUf InIndS IakC in, the SIOWCr UmC SCCnlS to pass.1( fblbws, then, that WC IKIVC dffcrcnl CXPCrienCCS Of time in different SitUatiOnS. In SOnK Si(Uatios, OUr IifC is full Of new CXPCriCnccs. OUr minds ProCCSS a IOt OfinfbrmatiOn and IimC SCCnIS
27、 to SIOW down. In OChCr situations, WC haveIeUer new experiences and the WOrld around US becomes more and InOre familiar OM; (21 悉的).We become InsenSitIVC to Our CXPencnCe. WhiCh means ZC ProCeSS IeSS inIbmniion. and time SeCmS to SPeCd UPHOW Can Ue SIOU down lime? Here are IWO SUggeStions.Firslly,
28、SInCe We know IlIat IaInIIlanIy makes Ilme PaSS faster, we Call expose OUrSeIVeS Io as Inally new CXPCnCnCeS US possible. WC Can give OUrSClVCS IlCW ChallCngCS. ncct new people, and CXPOSe OUr minds to new IntbrnIalion, hobbies and skills. ThiSUlIl InCreaSe Ihe amon Of inibrnaiion OUr InmdS ProCeSS
29、and expand (ift)JU) OUr CXPCncnCe Of lime.Secondly, and PerhaPS InoSI effeciively wc Can give OUr WhOIe atienion to an experience-(o Whal Ueare SeeiIIg. feeling, (asiing. Smelling Or hearing. ThiS means IiVing IhrOUgh OUr SenSeS rather than IhrOUgh OUr thoughts FOr example, On the Way home, fbcs you
30、r attention OUtSIde Of yourself, instead Of IhnIking about Ihe PrObIemS you have to deal with. LoOk at Ihe sky. Or at the buildings you pass, IraVelIng among them. ThiS OPen attitude to your expeences helps take In more InfbnlIatiOn and also has a time-expanding eIIectTO a Certain degree, We Can Und
31、erStand ai ContrOI OUr experience Of UnIe passing. IfS POSSibIe Ibr US to SlOw down Iifne by expanding OUr experience Of lime.27. ACCording to Ihe writer. We Can expand OUr experience Of Iime by.A. going to bed On IimeB IraVeIing to new PIaCeSC. having dinner as USUQlD. Prinling the Same InateriaIS2
32、8. Whal Can We Iearn from Ihe passage?A BeIng familiar Wlth Ihe UOrId around helps US get more InfbrTnaIlOnB UnderStandlng PSyChologlCal time makes Iife PaSS more quickly.C. We Can Iake In more InfDnnatIOn by Imng IhrOUgh OUr senses.D. We ShOUld build a StrOngCr relationship between IlmC and us.29.
33、WhiCh Of IllC following WOUld be IhC best title for the passage?A. SIOW DOWn TimeB. OnIy Time Will TellC. RKe AgainSl TimeD. Time Will Not COlne TWiCeDllo MUCh Can VVC AfrOrd to Forget?In 20)8 SCienCe magazine asked Some young SCientiSIS Whal schls ShoUId teach StudentS MOSI Said SIUdentS ShOUld spe
34、nd IeSS Illne memorng facts and have more SPaCe for CreatiVe activities. AS Ihe Intemet grows more powerful, StUdentS Can access (knowledge easily. WIly ShOUId Ihey be required to Carr> SO much Ofit around in Iheir heads'Cixilizaiions (文明)develop IhrOUgh IOret(Ing Iife SkilIS IhaI Uere OnCe n
35、ecessary. In Ihe AgnCUllUral (农业的)Age, a farmer COUId aord to forget hunting Skills. WhCn SOCICtleSIndUSIriaIiZed. Ihe knowledge Onanning COUId be Safe o fbrge. NOUadayS. Sman machines give US access to most human knowledge Ii SeemS Ihat WC no IOnger need to remember most IhIngS DOeS ( manor9ReSeiir
36、CherS IiaVe recognized SeVeral PrObIemS tha may happen. FOr one, human beings have biases (偏见).and Sman machines are IikeIy to increase OUr biases Many PeoPIe believe Sman machines are necessarily COrTeCl and ObjeCliVe. but machines are Irained through a repeated testing and SCOring ProCeSS. In Ihe
37、PrOCeSS. human beings SIin decide Cn the CorTeCt answers.AnOthCr PrObIem relates to Ihe ease Of accessing InfbnnatIOn When there were no computers, eorts Were required to get knowledge from other PCOPlC or go lo the Iibrar>. WC know Whal knowledge IieS in OlhCr brains Or books. andWhal IieS In OU
38、r heads BUt today. Ihe Inlenlet gives US the InfbrmatlOn Ueneed quckly. ThlS Can Iead to Ihe mistaken beletke knowledge We found WaS Pan Of Uhat we knew all alongIn a new CiVIliZatIOn ch in machine intelligence, We have easy access to Slnart memory networks Where InfbrmatiOn is stored. BUt dependenc
39、y On a network SUggeStS POSSIbilItieS Ofbeing harmed easily. The collapse Orany Of the networks Of relations OUr ¼ell-bemg (ilfe) depends upon, SUCh as food and energy. WoUId PrOdUCe teible results. WilhOUl food We get hungry; WithOUt energy We feel COId And is through UideSPread IOSS Of memor,
40、 (Iiat civilizations are at sk Of falling IntO a dark age.We forget OId WayS to free UP time and SPaCe for new skills. AS IOng as the OIder forms Of knowledge are Stored SOmeWbere In OUr networks, and Can be found When We need them, PerhaPS they're not really forgotten. SUII. as time goes on. We
41、 gradually but UnqUeStiOnably become StrangerS to filure PeOPle3(). Wh) are Sman machines IikeIy to irrease OUr biases?A. BCVaUm: IhCy g UfrCUUbc in IGIiI毎 Ulld rulingB. BeCaUSe WC COnIrOl IhC training PrOCCsS On them.C. BeCaUSe WC Oner IhCIn loo InUCll information.D. Btxrause they OVerUSe Ihe PrOVi
42、ded answers.31. TheeaSC Of accessing infbmaion from Ihe InlemeIA. frees US from making efforts (o Iearn new SkilISB PreVentS CiVihZatiOnS from being IOSt at a high SPeedC. misleads US into thinking WC already kncw.lhc knowledgeD. SeParateS Ihe facts WC hae from those in Ihe Smart InaChineS32 The WOr
43、d *collapSeM in ParagraPh 5 PrObably means*,tA a SUddCn failureB. Ihe basic ruleC a (IISaPPOinting SlanD (be gradual development33 Whct is the viterfs Inain purpose in Wriling this passage?A. To question about the StandardS Of in(bnalion StOrageB. TO discuss OUr PrObIemS Of COnImUnICatiOn WlIh machi
44、nes.C. TO StreSS the importance Of ImPrOVing OUr InelTK)nng ability.D. To rcmitl US Of the risk Of depending On machines to ranenber.E9阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小JS 2分)IilIge WaVeS DeMrOying XrCtiC ICe FaSter th;In EXPeCtedICe COVerS much OrIhe ArCtiC OCean (匕冰;Y ) SOme PieCeS OfiCe are huge, like movi
45、ng islands AS IemPenlIUreS IIaSe increased. IK)Uee; Sofne of (he ice has begun to disappear SCierHiSIS EaVe discovered huge WaVeS in the arctic WaterS TIIC UaVeS Were discovered by accidcl in May. 2010. SCiemiSI AlekSCy MarChenkO and IIiS SlUdenIS Sel OUt On a trip. They Wanled to SlUdy (he ICy wate
46、rs.On May 2. Ihe ShiP traveled CaSt and StOPPed next o a Iarge Chunk Of ice around 50 miles from the SmaIl island OfHOPCn. MarChCnkO PrePar(Jd to Iead his StUdenU OUt OnIO Ihe ice.7/8MWe Were ready to go but When 1 Went out. I discovered many CraCkS (裂缝)around/ lie remembersHe decided to k)ve Ihe Sh
47、iP deeper IntO Ihe ICe io keep safe. The Iarlher In Ihey Uen, he thought, the harder Ihe ICe WOUId become AS they PUShed forward however, the ShiP experienced Snlall waves, and Ihen bigger OnCS Soon, Ihe WaVeS IXOke UP the ice aroui Ihe ShiP IntO thousands Of SniaIler PieCeS-Within an hour, MarChCnk
48、O and his ICam Saw a WaVC Ihat WaS about 13 IeCt high. ThC ship's navigation (ftjj) SySlem finally recorded Ihe IargeSt ¼aves. They Uere more Ihan 2() fee( In Iieight. The WaVeS were SO StrOng that they IdrCed huge PIeCeS Of ICe to jump UP and down、breaking the ICe IntO SnlaIIer PieCeS within just One hour. SCientiStS had never Imagined Ihat Ihe PrOCeSS COUld happen SO fsl. The U aves In IheSe areas USed to be SmaILThC SPCCd and forc
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