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1、号证考准A . boredB . bori ngC . tiri ngD . an grily6 . my SUrPriSe, the twins have nothing _Common .A . With; inB . To; inC . In; inD . To; of此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持2018年呼和浩特市中考试卷注意事项:1 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷和答题卡的规定位置。2. 考生要将答案写在答题卡上,在试卷上答题一律无效。考试结束后,本试卷和答 题卡一并交回。3. 本试卷满分120分。考试时间120分钟。

2、第I卷(选择题,共计85分)I .单项选择:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. There is a CheSS match between a Korean Player and AIPhaGo . It 'very amazing. PlayingCheSS is usuallyOne-to-Onegame. A . the; a B. the; anC. /; aD . /; an2. Dad, could you PIeaSe teachEnglish?Sure! BUt it ' S more importa nt to ifebyn_.A . my; you

3、rselfB . my; youC . me; youD . me; yourself3. It ' S Mr Zhang ' S new mvte think it' S more meathianfbis OtherS .I agree With you . HiS IateSt movie has come to his highest_ . A . SPiritS B . StandardC . treasureD . development4 . DianaCan ' t go to the farm With her CIaSSmaltESDaUSe

4、 Shea badcold . A . will CatChB . is CatChingC . has CaUghtD . is CaUght5 . Do you find yourself getti ng impatie nt or With people over Uni mporta nt thin gs?7. The PriCe Of VegetabIeSso quickly these days .Oh, no, but I don ' t thSokA . afford B . risesC . improves D . raise8. The woman OVer t

5、here looks like our English teacher .Itbe her . She' S hav ing a meet ing iBeiji ngnow . A . may notB . mustn 'C . shouldn fD . Can '9 . you must go and play football , at least Wait Until schoolis over .A . IfB . WhetherC . UnIeSSD . So that10 . People, especially the young , by their f

6、riends .That 'true . Friends play an important Part in everyOne S life .A. easily in flue ncesB . is easily in flue needC . are easily in flue needD . in flue need easily11. Many people talk about “Didi” . I really Wonder. JUSt call to order a taxi through it On your mobilePhone . A . how Can I

7、USe it B . how I Can USe itC . Why people USe itD . Why do people USe it12 . Hi, SUSan! What are you going to do during the SUmmer holiday?I ' going tocooking because I like eating deliciousfood . A . clean UP B . PUt UPC . take UPD . make UP13 . Many boy StUde nts thi nk PhySiCS isgeography .I

8、agree . I ' m Weak igeography .A . much difficult tha nB . as difficult asC . less difficult thanD . more difficult than14 . Do you like the WeekIy talk show , The Readers, On CCTV? Sure. ItSa great TV PrOgramPUrPOSe is to bring the habit of reading back intothe PUbIiC .A . WhiChB . thatC . What

9、D. whose15 . Hey, man! Can you believe that? OUr Chinese Football Team beat the South AfriCanTeam last ni ght .We haven ' t beaten them foranyyears . A . No wo nder!B . What a pity!C. Are you joking?D . GUeSS what?此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持III 阅读理解:(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50 分)39. The lit

10、tle Stream fin ally CroSSed the desert byII 完型填空:(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)AA tone-deaf (五音不全)teenager has SUrPriSed his family by SUddenly being able to PIaymusic while after SUffering a ConCUSSion ( 脑震荡).Gordon, a high school StUdent, now can play 13 inStrUments _16 he has never Iearned muSic.AS a small

11、child , he loved sports, dreamed of playing lacrosse (长曲棍球)as a career, and had no 17 in mUSic .“ He really had no mUSical 18 ,” his mother told the reporter." When he PIayed lacrosse With a local team in Grade SiX , he 19 backwards and hUrt the back of his head 20 the groUnd.”"I remember

12、21 and then I felt really dazed ( 恍惚的),” he told the reporter ." Ididn ' t really Understand SOmething 22 had happened. ”The doctors told him he CoUld retUrn to the 23. He did so , bUt UnlUCkily he Wenton toSUffer 24 CoUPle of hard hits to the head , WhiCh Sent him to the hospital again .Af

13、ter that the doctors told him he CoUld n' t play SPobtSt Omereiooias One goodSide effect: his new-foUnd 25 .“ Now I Can play many inStrUments , SUCh as Piano, gUitar and violin . MUSiC is the thingthat gets me UP in the morning ,” he Said .16 .A .soB .andC .becaUseD .thoUgh17 .A .in terestB .in

14、terestedC .in teresti ngD .in terestedly18 .A .problemB .diffiCUltyC .in StrUme ntD .tale nt19 .A .fallsB .feltC .fellD .WaS falli ng20 .A .aboveB .belowC .alo ngD .aga inst21.A .gett ing UPB .givi ng UPC .to get UPD .to give UP22 .A .goodB .badC .Won derfUlD .bori ng23 .A .CIaSSroomB .hospitalC .Co

15、nCertD .field24 .A .ano therB .otherC .the otherD .OtherS25 .A .hobbyB .ill nessC .habitD .skillBHigh school does not enCOUrage StUdents to know abUt the new things in life , bUt college SetS the Stage for it. I myself Went throUgh this 26 PrOCeSS (过程)and fUnd SOmething that has Changed my experienc

16、e at college for the better: I discovered ASL AmeriCan Sign LangUage.I never felt it necessary to learn any Sign IangUage before . All of my family members Can hear, and so are all my friends . The _27_ Ian gUage WaS eno Ugh. LittIe by little , I discovered my 28 for ASL .The 29 began dUring my firs

17、t Week at college . I WatChed it CarefUIly When the ASL ClUb PerfOrmed their translation Of a Song . Both the hand movements and the idea of commUniCating WithOUt SPeaking attracted me. What I SaW WaS completely different from anything I had experieneed in the PaSt . ThiS new form of commUnicatiOn j

18、USt made me Want more .After that, feeling the need to 30 fUrther, I decided to join One of ASL clUbs. I Only Iearned how to express my feelings _31 my hands abOUt the IetterS that day. AIthoUgh my PrOCeSS WaS 32 , I WaS n ' diS appo in ted abOUt it . I the n tried my best to take Part in those

19、ClUb S meeti ngs and Iear ned all I COUld .The following term , I decided to be a member of an ASL class . The PrOfeSSOr WaS deaf and any talking WaSn't 33 . I Soon realized that silence WaS not UnPIeaSant. 34 ,if there had been any talking, it WOUld have CaUSed to Iearn less Now, I enjoy the si

20、lence and the 35 Way of commUniCatiOn .26 . A .talk ingB .pla nningC .SearChi ngD .look ing27 . A .bodyB .spokenC .Writte nD .foreig n28 . A .loveB .qUestio nC .n eedD .goal29 . A .mapB .tripC .storyD .task30 . A .ask aboUtB .know aboUtC .worry aboUtD .talk aboUt31. A .atB .OnC .inD .With32 . A .rea

21、dyB .slowC .com monD .n ervoUS33 . A .allowedB .welcomedC .tUrnedD .repeated34 . A .Fi nallyB .BeSideSC .In SteadD .HOWeVer35 . A .easyB .popUlarC .newD .qUick此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持ALittIe Stream ran down from a high mountain through many villages and forests . Then it reached a

22、desert "I Went through so many difficulties . I should have no problem crossing the desert,” She thought . AS She Started, She found herself slowly disappeari ng into the sand. After many tries , She still failed .“ Maybe I Can ' t reach the QCean She Said sadly toherself.At this time , a d

23、eep voice said," Ia breeze (微风)Can cross the desert, so Can a river. ”It WaS the voice of the desert BUt the little Stream anSWered “ Aoreeze Can fly, but I Can't. ” “ Thats'because you Can 'tgive UP What you are . Let yourself evaporate (蒸发)into the breeze, and it Can take you acro

24、ss, ” Said the desert. “ GiVeJP What I am now? No! No!" The little Stream could not accept this idea .“ ThereeZe Can Carry the vapor (蒸汽)across the desertand let it leave as rain . The rain Will form a river again ,'' Said the desert. And Whether you are a river or vapor, your nature ne

25、ver Changes ” Hearing this, the little Stream Wentinto the open arms of the breeze. It Carried her to the next Stage of her life .The COUrSe of our lives is like the experience of the little Stream . If you Want to go through difficulties in your life to head for SUCCeSS , you should also Change the

26、 Way you are.36. The little Stream planned to reach.A . the forestB. the riverC. the desertD. the ocea n37 . The little Streambefore She CrOSSed thedesert.A . didn ' mteet any difficultiesB . WaS COn fide nt about herselfC . WaS WOrried about herselfD . kneW Well about the desert38 . At first ,

27、the little Stream didn 'accept the desert Sadvice becauseA . She failed many timesB . She WaS afraid of the n atureC . She WaSn ' abtle to Change her natureD . She Would n ' t Cha nge the Way She WaSA . evaporating into the breezeB . formi ng a riverC . disappeari ng into the SandD . Cha

28、 nging her n ature40 . What does the story mai nly tell us?A . The road to SUCCeSS isn' t alWays easy andsmooth . B . WhateVer OtherS say, We should alWays beourselves . C . To succeed, We should think about things in adifferent Way . D . To succeed, We should folloW OtherS advice .BI ' d pl

29、anned to SPend my Weekend ithe sun, planting floWers outdoors . BUt that WaS before the Pair of croWS (乌鸦).OUt of noWhere ,they had Set UP their base CamP in OUr garden .We first discovered the croWS On Friday morning . It WaS early , and the SOUnd the birds made traveled through our neighborhood .

30、I thought they ' d go aWayi But, no. They Were gett ing louder and PrObabIy made my n eighbors angry n early as much as US With the no ise . I felt a little disappo in ted .Then, On SUn day after noon , I Iooked out of the kitche n WindoW to See our dog QUatChi WatChing SOmething On the groUnd .

31、 I found a small coal-black bird in the grass . ItS eyes Were milky, and it Stayed PerfeCtIy still as my dog inChed tOWards it . Only When QUatChi touched his nose to its head did it Walk aWay . I grabbed the dog and locked him inSide and Came back With my Camera .I never thought that the young Woul

32、d be hanging out On the groUnd , groWing and gaining Strength as its Parents guarded it from above . The SeCOnd I SaW this little bird I forgave ( 原谅) the croWS .To be honest, I ' Ve ner been much of a bird PerSOn . I also have a healthy respect for birds . They' re basically living dinoSaUr

33、S (恐龙).I WiSh they ' d chosen angtirden. There are Only so many sunny days in Seattle, and I still Can ' t do any garde ning out theBut I ' m althoa nkful that I got to See this little bit of nature . It ' S Pretty amazingThe experience has also Strengthened my WiSh to Create a beaut

34、iful garden that attracts lots of bees, butterflies , and yes, birds . They are Welcome here .“ Beingthin doesn 't SUreIy mean you are not fat, ” SaidDr Jimmy Bell at ImPeriaICollege . SinCe 1994 , Bell and his team have tested nearly 800 people With MRl to Create“ fatmaps” show ing Where people

35、 store fatACCOrding to the result , people who keep their Weight through the food they usually eat41. The arrival Of the two crowsA. angered the Writer S neighborsB . made the Writer ' maOgC. WaS harmful to the Writer' S gardenD. broke the order of th e Writer ' S life42. Why did the Wri

36、ter IoCk her dog up?A. She Wan ted to take somephotos . B . The Pare nt crows Were to attackthe dog . C . She Wan ted to PrOteCt the littlebird . D . The dog kept making loud noises.43 . The Writer Cha nged her thoughts to the crows Whe nA . She pla nted flowers in her garde nB . She locked her dog

37、in SideC . She SaW the little bird in her garde nD . She thought of livi ng dino SaUrS44 . After Seeing the little crow , the Writer _A . WaS in terested to know its grow ing PrOgreSSB . fell in love With the Pair of crowsC . pla nned to drive the crows awayD . decided to help look after it45 . The

38、PaSSage is mainly to_A . show an Un PIeaSa nt SitUati OnB . advise readers to PrOteCt birdsC . Share a PerS Onal experie nceD . ask advice On deali ng With crowsCMaybe a lot of thin people will be WOrried about their health if the in Side fatmatters .Some doctors now think that the inSide fat around

39、 important OrganS like theheart or livercould be as dan gerous as the OUtSide fat WhiCh Can be no ticed more easily .rather than exercise are likely to have major deposits (堆积物)Of inSide fat , even if they are thin .fat. D . Not all the people who Iook thin are really thin inSideEVen people With nor

40、mal Body MaSS Index ( 体重指数)SCOreS Can have SUrPriSing levels of fat deposits inSide . Of the women , as many as 45 PerCent of those With normal BMl SCOreS (20 to 25) actually had too high levels of inSide fat . Men Were nearly 60 PerCent .ACCOrding to Bell , people who are fat On the inSide are actu

41、ally On the edge of being fat. They eat too many fatty and SUgary foods , but they are not eating enoUgh to be fat. SCientists believe We naturally store fat around the StOmaCh first , but at some Point, the body may Start storing it elsewhere .Doctors are Un SUre about the exact dan gers of in Side

42、 fat , but some thi nk it has SOmething to do With heart disease and diabetes (糖尿病).They Want to prove that inSide fat does harm to the body ' S com mun icatio n SyStemSThe good news is that inSide fat Can be easily burned off through exercise or even by improving your eating habits . “ you Want

43、 to be healthy , there is no Other Way . EXerCiSe has to be an important Part of your IifeStyIe , ” BelSaid.46. What is this PieCe of n ews main Iy about?A . Thin people may be fatinSide . B . How to deal With inSidefat . C . In Side fat leads to manydiseases. D . Thin people also have troubles .47

44、. What does the Un derl ined word Orga ns ” “ in the SeC Ond ParagraPh mean?A .地位B.地方C.器官D.肝脏48 . Doctors have found _A . the exact dan gers ofin Side fatB . being thin does n' t mean you are not fat in SideC . being thin is not dan gerous at allD . in Side fat is the CaUSe of heart disease and

45、diabetes49 . ACCOrding to the PaSSage , WhiCh of the following is wrong?A . EXerCiSe Can help to reduce the inSide fat.B . People Can reduce inSide fat by improving their eatinghabits . C . Wome n have more Cha nces to have too much in Side此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持50. From the IaSt

46、ParagraPh, We Canfind thatteacher, you may end UP failing anSWering the questiOnS .A . it is true that inSide fat Can Iead to diseaseS life for keep ing healthyB. exercise plays an important role in peopleC. thin people usually have inSide fat even if they are thinD. it is easier to burn Off inSide

47、fat than OUtSide fatSometimes, When you worry that you may fail an exam , you end UP failing . Or during a Seating arrangement (安 排 )in your class, When you are afraid to Sit next to someOneyoIdon ' t like , you end UP Sharing the desk With him or her .ThiS is What MUrPhy ' S LaW tells us: I

48、f things Canrgng , they Will go Wrong . BUt is it true?Of the StUdieS about MUrPhy ' S Law, the most famous One is the buttered toast (烤面包片) Phenomenon (现象):One toast With butter falls , it IandS butter-side dOWn most of the time .号证考准To prove this, RObert MattheWS did a lot of experiments With

49、more than 1,000 BritiSh school kids in 2001 .In the first experiment , each StUdent PUt a PieCe of buttered toast on a plate , let it fall off 20 times and no ted WhiCh Side it Ian ded on . Of almost 10,000 experime nts, toast Ian ded butter-side dOWn 62 PerCent of the time .BUt you may ask: IS it t

50、he butter that plays a role? Here comes MattheWS 'secOnd experiment.ThiS time, inStead of butte, thetoast had a Ietter“ B''n Wlreteinlel It still Ianded 58PerCent of the time On the B-Side .ThiS PrOVed thatMurphy's LaW is true: If the toast Canland butter-side dOWnit Will doso. Matth

51、eWS did another experiment . When StUdents threW the toast from a height of2.5metres, the toast Ianded butter-side dOWn Only 47 PerCent of the time .t tall eno Ugh to let it Iand any OtherToast Ia nds butte-side doW n because huma ns arenWay, ” MattheWS Said根据上文内容判断正(T)误(F)51 . ACCOrding to MUrPhy &

52、#39; S LaW, in an English class, if you don ' t Want to be questiOned by the 此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持52. In the first experiment of buttered toast , We know the toast Ianded butter-side down about 620 times.53. If the toast Can Iand butter-side down , MUrPhy ' S LaW is true

53、54. In the first two experiments , either the butter or the Ietter". B" 55PJaylSna podesage ismainly talk ing about MUrPhy' S LaW depe nds On people ' S men talState(心理状态).E日常对话A:56B: ACtUaIIy , I haven ' t bsleeping well .A: _57B: I go to bed , but I just Can ' t get comfo

54、rtable enoUgh to stay.asleepA: When do you get into bed for the ni ght? B: 58A: Do you have a lot On your mind Whe n you try to go to sleep? B: 59A: Do you ever meditate (冥想)or read before bedtime?A. My bed is really comfortable .B. How have you bee n doing rece ntly?C. I usually WatCh a lot of tele

55、visiOn before I go to bed . Maybe I should try SOmething else to help me quiet down .D. I usually try to go to bed around 11:00 or so during the Week .E. My mother is ill , and I think about her a lot .F. IS there any reason Why you Can' t gep!¾ughG. Why not go to See a doctor?B:60此文档部分内容来源

56、于网络,如有侵权请告知删除本文档可自行编辑和修改内容,感谢您的支持第口卷(非选择题,共计 35分)IV 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空共10小题;每小题1分满分10 分) 61-70小题care;keep clear of;Un dersta nd;you;SUffer from;PreSe nt;Cen tury;out of ;quick;make into61. Do you have troublethe meaning Of this poem?No , I have learnt it already .62. My hobby doesn tcost as much as I co

57、llect tickets, bus tickets and traintickets.63. Billy has made great PrOgreSS in his maths .EXaCtIy . He doesn ' t do IhiOmeWork soas he USed tobe.64. You Can See ObjeCtS and PaintingS from differentin the LOUVreMUSeUm .65. Many PiCtUre-booksCartoonSin the PaSt 20 years .66 . ThankS to the development of the Internet, it is muchto SearCh forinformation now .67 . What should I do next?Choose onetheseten.68 . What did his Wife Say to him justnow?He WaS Warneddrinki


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