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1、附录一中文译文供应链管理下的库存控制供应链是围绕核心企业,通过对信息流、物流、资金流的控制,从采购原材 料开始,制成屮间产品以及最终产品,最后由销售网络把产品送到消费者手屮的 将供应商、制造商、分销商、零售商、直到最终用户连成一个整体的功能网链结 构模式。它是一个范围更广的企业结构模式,它包含所冇加盟的节点企业。这条 链上的节点企业必须达到同步,协调运行,才有可能使链上的所有企业都能受益。 这也就是供应链管理理论的核心所在。库存控制是影响供应链管理成败的重要因 素z-o它直接关系着供应链成本的高低和服务质量的好坏。在供应链管理环境 下,库存控制不再仅仅是某个单独企业如何降低库存水平的问题,更需

2、要企业有 全局观念,促使供应链整体绩效达到最优。只冇了解供应链管理环境下库存控制 的特点及存在的问题才能有针对性地提出解决问题的策略和方法。一、供应链环境下的库存控制的特点供应链环境下的库存控制不是简单的需求预测和补给,而是通过库存控制获 得用户服务与利润的优化。供应链环境下的库存控制模式的最高境界是实现供应 链的无缝连接,消除供应链企业之间的高库存现象。供应链管理模式赋予库存控 制以下四个方面的新特点:1供应链管理能够暴露出企业库存控制过程中的潜在问题和危机,加强库存控制 程度2供应链管理可以有效地降低社会库存量,减少库存控制成本供应链的形成,要求对组成供应链的各个环节作出优化,建立良好的协

3、作关 系,这种关系有利于促进产品快速流通,降低社会库存量,避免库存浪费和资金 占用。3供应链管理冇利于企业从“库存实物控制”向“库存信息控制”的转变,实现 信息化库存控制的目标4.供应链管理确保了企业库存控制的柔性和快速反应能力供应链管理环境下,企业库存得到了优化,整个供应链屮多余,呆滞的库存 降到了最低点,面对市场需求的变化,企业可以迅速作出反应,调整产品或是改 变策略,冇效地规避了企业的经营风险。二、供应链管理环境下库存控制存在的问题虽然从宏观理论上说,供应链管理环境下的库存控制较之传统管理下的库存 控制冇诸多优势,但整个供应链毕竟是由多个单一企业所构成,在实际操作屮, 由于每个企业对供应

4、链管理的理解存在茅异,对口身企业获利程度存在担忧,甚 至冇些企业的独立0标与供应链的总体0标相悖等种种原因,导致在实际运用供 应链管理环境下的库存控制理论和方法吋,也不免会暴露出许多现实问题。口前 在实践中,主要存在儿个方面的问题:1“链”上各企业仍然缺乏供应链管理的整体观念虽然我们知道供应链的整体绩效取决丁齐个供应链上的节点的绩效,但是从 客观上说,各个部门又都是各自独立的单元,都有各自独立的使命和经营目标。 有些口标和供应链的整体口标是不相干的,更有可能是冲突的。各自为政的行为 必然导致供应链整体效率的低下。2. 不准确的交货状态数据当顾客下订单时,他们想确定什么时候能交货。在等待交货的过

5、程中,也可 能会对订单交货状态进行修改,特别是当交货被延迟以后。许多企业并没冇及时 而准确地把推迟的订单-交货的修改数据提供给用户,其结果是用户的不满和良好 愿望的损失。交货状态数据不及时、不准确的主要原因是信息传递系统的问题。 这种数据传递的不及时,不准确,会导致客户满意度的下降,也会造成供应链屮 某些环节的企业为减少因这种状况的投诉过多,而不得不增加库存量。3. 低效率的信息传递系统在供应链屮,各个供应链节点企业之间的需求预测,库存状态,生产计划都 是供应链管理的重要数据,这些数据分布在不同的供应链组织之间,要做到有效 地快速响应用户需求,目前许多企业的信息系统并没冇很好地集成起来,当供应

6、 商需要了解用户的需求信息时,常常得到的是延迟的信息和不准确的信息。由于 延迟引起误差和影响库存量的精确度,短期生产计划的实施也会遇到困难。4. 缺乏合作与协调性在供应链管理下的库存控制中,组织障碍是库存增加的一个重要因素。供应 链是一个整体,需要协调各方活动,才能取得最佳的运作效果。5.产品的过程设计没冇考虑供应链上库存的影响现代产品设计与先进制造技术的层出不穷,使产品的生产效率大幅度提高, 而口具有较高的成本效益,但是供应链库存的复杂性常常被忽视了。结果所有节 省下来的成本都被供应链上的分销与库存成本给抵消了。同样,在引进新产品时, 如果不进行供应链的规划,也会产生如运输时间过长,库存成木

7、高等原因而无法 获得成功。三、供应链管理环境下的库存控制策略针对以上问题,结合国内外企业实践经验及理论研究成果,主要推岀以下策 略:1 .供应商管理库存策略即vmt (vendor managed inventory)库存管理模式。供应商管理库存策略 是指一种在用户和供应商之间的合作性策略,其基木设想是力图通过集成供应链 上各节点企业的库存控制职能,从而达到降低整体库存费用的目的。vmi的主要思想是供应商在用户的允许下设立库存,确定库存水平,补给策 略和拥有库存控制权。在这种库存控制策略卜,允许上游组织对下游组织的库存 策略,订货策略进行计划和管理。vmt已广泛应用于供应链管理环境下的库存控

8、制中。2.联合库存管理策略实践屮,vm1管理模式给供应商带来了巨大压力。在vm1基础上又发展起来 了一种新的库存管理策略,即联合库存管理模式jmi (joint managed inventory)ojmi是一种上游企业和下游企业权利责任平衡和风险共担的库存管理模式。 jmi体现了战略供应商联盟的新型企业合作关系,强调了供应链企业之间双方的 互利合作关系。联合库存管理是解决供应链系统中由于各节点企业的相互独立库存运作模 式导致的需求放大现象,提高供应链的同步化程度的一种有效方法。联合库存管 理强调供应链屮各个节点同吋参与,共同制定库存计划,使供应链过程屮的每个 库存管理者都从相互之间的协调性考

9、虑,保持供应链各个节点之间的库存管理者 对需求的预期保持一致,从而消除了需求变异放大现象。任何相邻节点需求的确 定都是供需双方协调的结果,库存管理不再是各自为政的独立运作过程,而是供 需连接的纽带和协调屮心。3 协同式供应链库存管理策略协同式供应链库存管理策略(collaborative planning forecasting & replenishment),简称cpfr,它是建立在vmi和jmi的最佳分级实践基础上, 同时抛弃了二者缺乏供应链集成等主要缺点,能同吋降低分销商的存货量,增加 供应商的销售量。它应用一系列处理过程和技术模型,覆盖整个供应链合作过程, 通过共同管理业务过

10、程和共享信息来改善分销商和供应商的伙伴关系,提高预测 的准确度,最终达到捉高供应链效率,降低库存和捉高客户满意度的目的。4.多级库存优化与控制策略基于协调中心的联合库存管理是一种联邦式供应链库存管理策略,是对供应 链的局部优化控制,而要进行供应链的全局性优化与控制,则必须采用多级库存 优化与控制策略。多级库存优化与控制是在单级库存控制的基础上形成的。多级 库存控制的方法冇两种:一种是非屮心化(分布式)策略,另一种是屮心化(集 中式)策略。(1) 非中心化的库存控制策略。非中心化库存控制是把供应链的库存控制分为三 个成本归结中心,即制造成本中心,分销成本中心,零售商的成本中心,各中心 根据口己的

11、库存成本做出优化的控制策略。非中心化的库存控制要取得整体的供 应链优化效果,需要增加供应链的信息共享程度,使供应链的各个部门都共享统 一的市场信息。非中心化多级库存控制策略能够使企业根据门己的实际情况独立 做出快速决策,有利于发挥企业自己的独立自主性和灵活机动性。非中心化的多 级库存优化策略管理上比较简单,但是并不能保证产生整体的供应链优化。它需 要企业之间的协调性比较好,如果协调性差,信息共享度低,有可能导致各自为 政的局而。(2) 中心化库存控制。中心化控制是将控制中心放在核心企业上,由核心企业对 供应链系统的库存进行控制,协调上游与下游企业的库存活动。这样核心企业也 就成了供应链上的数据

12、屮心(数据仓库),担负着数据的集成、协调功能。屮心 化库存优化控制的目标是使供应链上总的库存成本最低。用中心化策略,所有库 存点的控制参数是同时决定的,考虑了各个库存点的相互关系,通过协调的办法 获得库存的优化。但是中心化策略在管理上协调的难度较犬,特别是供应链的层 次比较多,即供应链的长度增加吋,更增加了协调控制的难度。综上所述,企业要想在竞争中取胜,必须迅速从传统的管理模式向供应链管 理模式转变,逐渐打破库存控制屮各自为政的局而,树立全局观念。根据企业所 在供应链面临的库存控制实际问题,找到适合口身及供应链发展的管理策略,多 种方法相结合,有的放矢,才能冇效改善整个供应链的运作效率,提高其

13、系统性 和集成性,从而使各个企业在供应链屮达到共赢口标。附录二外文资料原文supply chain management of inventory controlsupply chain is around the core enterprise, through to the information flow, logistics, cash flow control, purchasing raw materials from the beginning, intermediate products and the final product is made, and finally by

14、 the sales network products to the hands of consumers will suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers, until the end user of a whole repeatedly function nets chain structure model. it is a broader enterprise structure mode, it contains all join node enterprise this chain of nodes on the en

15、terprise must syn chronization, coordinated operatio n, could keep the chain of all enterprises can ben efit. this is the key of the supply chain management theory. inventory control effect the success or failure of the supply chain management is one of the important factors it relates directly to t

16、he discretion of the supply chain cost and service quality. in under the en vironme nt of supply chai n man ageme nt, inve ntory contro i is no ion ger just a single enterprise how to reduce inventory level problem, need more enterprise have global concept, and to promote the supply chain performanc

17、e to achieve optimal. only know under the environment of supply chain management inventory control characteristics and problems of can pertinently put forward the solution to the problem of strategies and methods a, supply chain under the environment of the characteristics of the inventory controlun

18、der the environment of supply chain inventory control is not a simple demand forecasting and supplies, but through the inventory control for customer service and profit optimization. under the environment of supply chain inventory control mode is the highest realm of the supply chain seamless connec

19、tion, eliminate supply chain between enterprise's high inventory phenomenon. supply chain management mode gives inventory control the following four new features:1. the supply chain management can be exposed in the process of enterprise inventory control potential problems and crises, strengthen

20、 the inventory control degree2.supply chain management can effectively reduce the social inventory levels, reduce inventory control coststhe formation of the supply chain, the requirements of various aspects of the supply chain to make optimization, establish good cooperation relationship that promo

21、te rapid product circulation, reduce social inventories, avoid inventory waste and capital to take up. 3.supply chai n management ben efit to the en terprise from the “physical inventory control” to ”inventory controlh change, realize the goal of informatization inventory control 4.supply chain mana

22、gement ensures that the enterprise inventory control of flexible and rapid response capabilityunder the environment of supply chain management, enterprise inventory are optimized, the whole supply chain the extra, dazed inventory have hit bottom, with the cha nge of market demand, the en terprise ca

23、n make a quick reactio n, adjust me nt of product or to change strategy, effectively evade the operating risk of an enterprise. second, under the environment of supply chain management inventory control problemsalthough from the macro theory, under the environment of supply chain management inve nto

24、ry control compared to the trad it i onal man agement of inve ntory control have many advantages, but the whole supply chain after all is by many single enterprise form, in practice, since each enterprise on supply chain management understanding different, to own enterprise profit level concerns exi

25、st, and even some enterprise goal of independenee and supply chain the overall target of abhorrent wait for a variety of causes, in actual use under the environment of supply chain management inventory control theory and method, unavoidable also can reveal many practical problems at present in pract

26、ice, there are several main aspects of the problem:1 ”chain” on each enterprise still lack of supply chain management of overall conceptthough we know of the whole supply chain performanee on all nodes on the performance of the supply chai n,but objectively, each departme nt and are in dependent uni

27、ts, all have their own in dependent mission and business objectives. some goals and supply chain of the overall aim is irrelevant, the more likely is the conflict. the behavior of its own free will inevitably leads to low efficiency of the whole supply chain.2. not accurate delivery statedata when t

28、he customer orders, they want to make sure when can you deliver. waiting for the delivery process, also may order to delivery status is changed, especially when delivery is delayed after. many firms have not timely and accurate delivery of order of the delay modify data provided to the user, the res

29、ult is the user of discontent and the loss of good wishes. state data delivery in time, not accurate not is the main reason of the info rmation system this kind of data transmission is not seasonable, in accurate, will lead to the decline of customer satisfaction, also can cause some link in the sup

30、ply chain of the en terprise to reduce this situation because too many complaints, and had to in crease in ventories 3. the low efficiency of information systemin the supply chai n, each node of the supply chain betwee n enterprises dema nd forecast, stock situation, production plan is the supply ch

31、ain management all the important data, these data distribution in different between the organization of supply chain, to do efficiently and rapidly respond to user demand, at present a lot of enterprise information system have not well integrated, when supplier need to understand the needs of the us

32、ers information, often get the information and no delay accurate information. delay due to cause errors and in fluence the accuracy of the stock, short-term production the implementation of the plan will also face difficulties4. lack of cooperation and coordinationin the supply chain management of i

33、nventory control, the organization obstacle is the increase of the inventory is an important factor. supply chain is a whole, need to coordinate all activities, to achieve the best effect of operation.5. the process of product design without con sideri ng the in flue nee of the supply chai n invento

34、rymodern product design and advanced manufacturing technology emerge in endlessly, make the product productio n efficiency greatly improved, and with high cost ben efit, but the complexity of the supply chain inventory is often ignored. results all saving cost is the distribution and supply chain to

35、 offset the cost of inventory. similarly, in introducing new products, if not to supply chain planning, also can produce such as transportation time is too long, inventory cost is high and cannot succeed reasons.three, under the environment of supply chain management inventory control strategyaccord

36、ing to the problems,combining domestic and foreign enterprise practice experienee and theory research, mainly launch the following strategy:1 supplier management inventory strategythat is vmi (vendor managed inventory) inventory management mode. vendor management inventory strategy is to point to a

37、way between suppliers and users of cooperative strategy, the basic idea is to through the integrated supply chain on the nodal enterprises of the inventory control functions, so as to achieve the purpose of lower overall inventory costsvmi is the main ideas of the supplier in the user's permissi

38、on set up under the inventory, confirm the inventory level, supply strategy and have stock control. in this inventory control strategy, allow the organization to upstream of the downstream tissues inventory strategy, ordering strategy planning and management. vmi has been widely used in under the en

39、vironment of supply chain management in the inventory control.2. joint inventory management strategyin practice, vmi management mode to suppliers to bring a lot of pressure vmi in again on the foundation developed a new inventory management strategy, is the inventory management mode jmi (joint man a

40、ged inventory).jmi is a kind of upstream and downstream enterprise right enterprise responsibility balance and share the risk of inventory management mode jmi embodies the strategic supplier alliance's new enterprise cooperation relations, the emphasis on the supply chain enterprise mutually ben

41、eficial cooperation between both sides.joint inventory management is to solve the supply chain system because each node in the enterprise in dependent inventory operation mode in dema nd amplification phenomenon, improve the supply chain of the synchronization degree of a kind of effective method. j

42、oint inventory management emphasis on each node in the supply chain and participate in, make joint stock plan, make each of the supply chain process inventory managers have come from mutual coordination consideration, keep supply chain between each node of the inve ntory man agers of dema nd expecta

43、tions remain consistent, thus eliminating the demand variation amplification phenomenon. any adj ace nt node determine the demand is both the supply and the dema nd coordination of result, inventory man ageme nt is no ion ger the fragme nted indepe ndent operati on process, but the supply and demand

44、 of the conn ection link and the coordinati on center.3. xietongshi supply chain inventory management strategyxietongshi supply chain inventory management strategy (collaborative planning forecasting and replenishment), hereinafter referred to as the cpfr, it is based on the best classification jmi

45、and vmi based on practice, and abandon the lack of supply chain integration between main faults, can also reduce the amount of stock of distributors, increase sales of suppliers it used a series of treatment process and technology model, covering the whole supply chain cooperation process, through t

46、he joint management business process and share information to improve the distributors and suppliers of partnership, increase the prediction accuracy, eventually to improve the supply chain efficiency, reduce inventory and the purpose of improving customer satisfaction.4. multilevel inventory optimi

47、zation and control strategybased on coordination center of inventory management is a joint lianbangshi supply chain inventory management strategy, is to supply chain of local optimization control, but must carry on the supply chain global optimization and control, it must use multilevel inventory op

48、timization and control strategy. multi-stage inventory optimization and control is in the single stage formed on the basis of the inventory control. multi-stage inventory control method has two kinds: one kind is suppressive (distributed) strategy, and the other is the suppressive (centralized) stra

49、tegy(1) the suppressive inventory control strategy the suppressive inventory control is the supply chain inventory control can be divided into three cost down center, namely the manufacturing cost center, distribution cost center, retailers, and cost center, each center according to their own invent

50、ory cost optimization control strategy is made. the suppressive inventory control to get the whole supply chain optimization effect, need to increase supply chain information sharing degree that the supply chain in every sector of the uniform market will share information. the multi-level inventory

51、control strategy suppressive can make the enterprise according to the actual conditions of the in dependent decision maki ng fast, to play enterprise their own initiative and flexible mobility the multi-level inventory of suppressive optimization strategy management is simple, but does not guarantee

52、 the produce of the whole supply chain optimization. it requires the coordination between enterprises is better, if poor coordination, low degree of information sharing, may lead to a fragmented situation.(2) suppressive inventory control. suppressive control is in the core enterprise will control c

53、enter, by the core enterprise supply chain system inventory control, coordinate with the downstream enterprises inventory of the activities. so the core enterprise become a supply chain data center (data warehouse), a data integration, responsible for coordinating function. inventory optimal control

54、 of suppressive goal is to make the minimum total inventory cost supply chain. suppressive with strategy, all inventory point control parameters are also decide, con sidering the inv entory of the relationship betwee n each point, through the coordination of the optimization of the way to get invent

55、ory. but in the management of coordination suppressive strategy of difficulty bigger, especially the level of supply chain is more, namely the length of the supply chain is increased, the more increased coordination control of difficultyto sum up, the enterprise in the competition to win and must be

56、 quickly from traditional management mode to supply chain management model change, and gradually break inventory control of the situation of each does things in his own way, establish the overall concept. according to the enterprise is facing the supply chain inventory control problems, find suitabl

57、e for their own and the development of supply chain management strategy, a variety of methods, and the combination of targeted, can effectively improve the operational efficiency of the supply chain, and improve the systemic and integration, so that each enterprise in the supply chain to achieve win-win goals 五分钟搞定5000字毕业论文外文翻译,你想要的工具都在这里!在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领 域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常 必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文


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