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1、 将不希望发生反应的部位保护起来成为衍生物形式,待达到将不希望发生反应的部位保护起来成为衍生物形式,待达到目的后再恢复到原来的官能团。目的后再恢复到原来的官能团。下列情况考虑应用保护基团:下列情况考虑应用保护基团:保护一些基团后能控制反应的保护一些基团后能控制反应的区域区域选择性选择性保护某些基团后有利于多种产物的保护某些基团后有利于多种产物的分离分离保护某些基团后能提高反应的保护某些基团后能提高反应的立体立体选择性选择性保护基团(保护基团(protecting groups):):选择保护基时要考虑:选择保护基时要考虑:1、保护基的供应来源,经济易得、保护基的供应来源,经济易得2、必须能容易

2、地进行保护,且保护效率要高、必须能容易地进行保护,且保护效率要高5、保护基团在高度专一的条件下能选择性、高效率地、保护基团在高度专一的条件下能选择性、高效率地被除去被除去4、保护后的化合物要能承受得起以后进行的反应和后处理、保护后的化合物要能承受得起以后进行的反应和后处理过程过程3、保护基的引入对化合物的结构论证不致增加过量的复杂、保护基的引入对化合物的结构论证不致增加过量的复杂性,如引入新的手性中心性,如引入新的手性中心6、去保护过程的副产物和产物能容易被分离、去保护过程的副产物和产物能容易被分离ohohhopivcl (1eq)py-ch2cl20-25 0c90 %oohhoo酯类保护基

3、的生成酯类保护基的生成酸酐酸酐/酰氯酰氯 溶剂:溶剂:py-ch2cl2 cat: dmapnicolaou, k. c.; webber, s. e. synthesis 1986, 717.一、酯类保护基一、酯类保护基第一节第一节 羟基的保护羟基的保护酯类保护基的除去酯类保护基的除去一般情况下一般情况下,酯类保护基在碱性条件下除去,但各种酰基酯类保护基在碱性条件下除去,但各种酰基的水解能力不同:的水解能力不同:t-buco phco meco clch2co.常用的碱:常用的碱:k2co3, nh3, kcn,肼、胍、,肼、胍、et3n或或 i-pr2net位阻较大的酯需要较强的碱性体系:

4、位阻较大的酯需要较强的碱性体系:koh/meoh1、formate ester: roochformation1、85% hcooh, 60c, 1 h, 93% yield primary alcohol of a pyranoside. 2、70% hcooh, cat. hclo4, 50-550 c, good yields . 3、hcooh, bf3*2meoh, 90% yield.cleavage1、khco3, h2o, meoh, 20c, 3 days2、 dil. nh3, ph 11.2, 20c , 62% yield.roh+hcoohcoohri. w. hug

5、hes, f. smith, and m. webb, j. chem. soc., 3437 (1949).formation2、acetate ester (roac):1、ac2o, pyr, 20,12 h, 100% yield。2、ch3cocl, 25, 16 h, 67-79% yield.3、 ac2o or accl, pyr, dmap, 24-80, l-40 h, 72-95% yield。 nah, 93% yield. primary alcohols4、5、mec(ome)3, tsoh, 1.5 h, then h2o for 30 min6、ac2o, sc

6、(ntf2)3, ch3cn, 0 0c, 1 h, 99% yield. the method is also good for tertiary alcohols.1 . k2co3, meoh, h2o, 20 0 c, 1 h, 100% yield。 when catalytic naome is used as the base in methanol, the method is referred to as the zemplen de-o-acetylation.2、kcn, 95% etoh, 20 0 c to reflux, 12 h, 93% yield.3、guan

7、idine, etoh, ch2cl2, rt, 85-100% yield.4、bf3*et2o, wet ch3cn, 96% yieldcleavage1、(clch2co)2o, pyr, 00c”, 70-90% yield.2、clch2cocl, pyr, ether, 87% yield.3、pph3, dead, clch2co2h, 73% yield.4、vinyl chloroacetate, cp*2sm(thf)2, toluene, rt, 99% yield. with smi2 as catalyst, the yield is 79%.3、chloroace

8、tate ester: clch2co2rformationcleavage1、hsch2ch2nh2 or h2nch2ch2nh2 or o-phenylenediamine, pyr, et3n,1 h, rt.2、thiourea, nahco3, etoh, 70 0c, 5 h, 70% yield.3、h2o, pyr, ph 6.7, 20 h, 100% yield.4、nh2nhc(s)sh, lutidine, acoh, 2-20 min, rt, 88-99% yield.1. cl3ccocl, pyr, dmf, 20 0 c, 2 days, 60-90% yi

9、eld.4、trichloroacetate ester: ro2cccl3formation1. nh3, etoh, chcl3, 200c, 6 h, 8 1% yield.cleavage2 koh, meoh, 72% yield. a formate ester was not hydrolyzed under these conditions.v. schwarz, collect. czech. chem. commun., 27,2567 (1962). s. bailey, a. teerawutgulrag, and e. j. thomas, j. chem. soc.

10、, chem. commun., 1995,25 195、pivaloate ester (pv-or): (ch3)3cco2rohohhopivcl (1eq)py-ch2cl20-25 0c90 %oohhoonicolaou, k. c.; webber, s. e. synthesis 1986, 717.cleavage1、naome, meoh, 90% yield2、sm, i2, meoh, 24 h reflux, 95% yield. troc, ac, and bz groups are also cleaved.k. c. nicolaou, t. j. caulfi

11、eld, h. kataoka, and n. a. stylianides, j. am. chem. soc., 112,3693 (1990).r. yanada, n. negoro, k. bessho, and k. yanada, synlett, 1261 (1995).6、benzoate ester (bz-or): phco2rformation1. bzcl or bz2o, pyr, 0 0c.2、phco2h, diad, ph3p, thf, 84% yield.2. et3n, meoh, h,o (1:5: 1), reflux, 20 h, 86% yiel

12、d.cleavage1. 1% naoh, meoh, 20 0c, 50 min, 90% yield.k. mashimo and y. sato, tetrahedron, 26, 803 (1970).k. tsuzuki, y. nakajima, t. watanabe, m. yanagiya, and t. matsumoto, tetrahedron lett., 989 (1978).7、alkyl methyl carbonate: roco2ch3formationcleavagea. i. meyers, k. tomioka, d. m. roland, and d

13、. comins, tetrahedron lett., 1375 (1978).8、alkyl 9-fluorenylmethyl carbonate (fmoc-or):1. fmoccl, pyr, 20”, 40 min, 8 l-96% yield.formation2、et3n, pyr, 2 h, 83-96% yieldcleavage c. gioeli and g. b. chattopadhyaya, j. chem. soc., chem. commun., 672 (1982).k. takeda, k, tsuboyama, m. hoshino, m, kishi

14、no, and h. ogura, synthesis, 557,(1987).9、alkyl 2,2,2=trichloroethyl carbonate (troc-or): roco2ch2ccl3formationcl3cch2ococl, pyr, 20 0 c, 12 hzn, acoh, 20 0c, l-3 h, 80% yield.sm, i2, meoh, rt, 5 min, 100% yieldzn, meoh, reflux, short time。cleavaget. b. windholz and d. b. r. johnston, tetrahedron le

15、tt., 2555 (1967).r. yanada, n. negoro, k. bessho, and k. yanada, synlett, 1261 (1995).10、alkyl vinyl carbonate: roco2ch=ch2ch2=chococl, pyr, ch2ci2, 93% yield.formationcleavagena2co3, h2o, dioxane, warm, 97% yield. phenols can be protected under similar conditions.r. a. olofson and r. c. schnur, tet

16、rahedron lett., 1571 (1977).11、alkyl n-phenylcarbamate: roconhphphn=c=o, pyr, 20, 2-3 h, 100% yield. formationroh+coonharrarncosolid1. meona, meoh, reflux, 1.5 h, good yield.cleavage2. lialh4, thf, or dioxane, reflux, 3-4 h, 90% yield.d. plusquellec and m. lefeuvre, tetrahedron lett., 28, 4165 (1987

17、). h. o. bouveng, acta chem. stand., 15,87, 96 (1961).k. l. agarwal and h. g. khorana, j. am. chem. soc., 94,3578 (1972).二、成醚保护二、成醚保护1、甲醚、甲醚1. me2so4, naoh, bu4n+i-, org. solvent, 60-90% yield.2. mei or me2so4, nah or kh, thf 。formation3 . ch2n2, silica gel, 0-10 0c, 100% yield.cleavage1. me3sii, ch

18、cl3, 250, 6 h, 95% yield.2、bbr3, ch2cl2, high yields.j. am. chem. soc., 99,5773 (1977). j. am. chem. soc., 114, 2764 (1992).2 苄基醚苄基醚formation1. bncl, powdered koh, 130-140”, 86% yield.2. bncl, bu4n+hso4-, 50% koh, benzene.3. nah, thf, bnbr, bu4n+i-, 200 c, 3 h, 100%.4. bnx (x = cl, br), ag2o, dmf, 2

19、50 c, good yields. this method is very effective for the monobenzylation of diols.cleavage1. h2/pd-c, etoh, 95% yield(环己烯、环己二烯、甲酸、甲酸铵环己烯、环己二烯、甲酸、甲酸铵)2、na/ammonia3、me3sii, ch2cl2, 250, 15 min, 100% yield4、fecl3, ac2o, 55-75% yield.5、bf3*et2o, nai, ch3cn, 00, 1 h; rt, 7 h, 80% yield.3、三苯甲基醚、三苯甲基醚forma

20、tions. k. chaudhary and 0. hernandez, tetrahedron lett., 95 (1979).1. formic acid, ether, 45 min, 88% yield。cleavage m. bessodes, d. komiotis, and k. antonakis, tetrahedron lett., 27,579 (1986)2、cuso4 (anhydrous), benzene, heat, 89-100% yield。3、acoh, 560, 7.5 h, 96%.4、h2/pd, etoh, 200c, 14 h, 80% yi

21、eld.4、叔丁基醚、叔丁基醚formationroh+ch2cch3ch3h+dcmrobu-thcooh, cf3cooh, hbr/hoac, 4m hcl-dioxane, fecl3, ticl4,tmsi。cleavage5、烯丙基醚、烯丙基醚formationcleavageroh+ch2chch2brnaohroch2ch ch2烯烃的异构重排反应,再水解除去,t-buok/dmso0.1 n hcl, acetone-water, reflux, 30 min.j. gigg and r. gigg, j. chem. soc. c, 82 (1966).nateh, eto

22、h, acohn. shobana and p. shanmugam, indian j. chem., sect. b, 25b, 658 (1986).methoxymethyl (mom) ether: ch3och2-orformation1. ch3och2ci, nah, thf, 80% yield.2、ch2(ome)3, ch2cl2, tfoh, 4 h, 250c, 65% yield.6、烷氧基烷基醚(缩醛、缩酮)、烷氧基烷基醚(缩醛、缩酮)mem (甲氧基乙氧基甲基醚) mtm (甲硫基甲基醚)mom (甲氧基甲基醚) bom (苄氧基甲基醚) sem (三甲硅基乙氧

23、基甲基醚) cleavage1. trace coned. hcl, meoh, 620, 15 min.2. 6 m hcl, aq. thf, 500, 6-8 h, 95% yield.for a review of a-monohalo ethers in organic synthesis, see t. benneche, synthesis, 1,(l995).tetrahydropyranyl ether (thp-or)1、dihydropyran, tsoh, ch2cl2, 20, 1.5 h, 100% yield。2、pyridinium p-toluenesulfo

24、nate (ppts), dihydropyran, ch2c12, 20, 4 h, 94-100% yield.1. acoh, thf, h2o, (4:2: 1), 450, 3.5 h. mem ethers are stable to these conditions.2. ppts, etoh, (ph 3.0), 550, 3 h, 95-100% yield.j. org. chem., 44, 1438 (1979).j. org. chem., 42,3772 (1977).roh+ooro*h+h2o4-methoxytetrahydropyranyl ether (m

25、thp-or):j. am. chem. soc., 89,3366 (1967);roh+ooh+h2ooch3och3ro7、硅醚保护基、硅醚保护基trimethylsilyl ether (tms)triethylsilyl ether (tes)tert-butyldimethylsilyl ether (tbdms)triisopropylsilyl ether (tips)tert-butyldiphenylsilyl ether (tbdps)reagents: tmscl or tmsotf / base deprotection: hf, tbafacid stability

26、: tmstestbdmstipstbdpsbase stability: tmstestbdms-tbdpstipshootbstbsootbstbsoohtbaf (1 eq)thf, 0 0chf (2 eq)mecn, 50 0c三、二醇的保护三、二醇的保护(1) 缩酮、缩醛缩酮、缩醛(苄叉、丙酮叉、脂环酮叉)(苄叉、丙酮叉、脂环酮叉)ohoh)n(orr+h+oorr)n(酸水解去保护。苄叉还可用氢解反应。(2)环状原酸酯)环状原酸酯ohoh)n(+baseoohor)n(hc(or)3acid弱酸下去保护弱酸下去保护(3)环状碳酸酯)环状碳酸酯碱性条件下去保护碱性条件下去保护oho

27、h)n(+oo)n(oclclo第二节第二节 氨基的保护氨基的保护1、酰化形成酰胺酰化形成酰胺(1) 甲酰胺rnh2+hcooh +ac2ohconhrhcl/ch3oh,dioxane, 去保护(2) 三氟乙酰胺rnh2+cf3coohcf3conhrhcl/ch3oh,dioxane, 去保护肼解去保护(3)邻苯二甲酰亚胺)邻苯二甲酰亚胺rnh2+cooetcooetnoor2、氨基甲酸酯(1)、氨基甲酸苄酯rnh2+cloch2phcornhoch2phco催化加氢去保护, pd-c/h2, na/nh3(l)(2)、氨基甲酸叔丁酯(boc)2o, naoh, h2o, 250, l0-

28、30 min, 75-95% yield.znbr2, ch2ci2, 89-94% yield.rnhobu-tcocf3coohchcl3rnh2+co2+去保护(3)9-fluorenylmethyl carbamate (fmoc-nr2)excellent acid stability; boc and benzyl-based groups can be removed in its presence.fmoc-cl, nahco3, aq. dioxane, 88-98% yield.cleavagebu4n+f-, dmf, rt, 2 min.nh3, et2nh, 哌啶、吗

29、啉(哌啶、吗啉(dmf,nmp, or mecn)ffnh2ffnh2fmoc-cl,pyridineetoacffnh2ffnhoocf3co2h nano2;,nan3piperidineffn3ffnh23、n-磺酰基衍生物磺酰基衍生物nhchobu4nhso4naoh, phso2cl92%nchoso2phnso2phmeoncoohnhmeoncoohk2co3, meohh2o, reflux100%gribble, g. w. joc,1992,57, 5891。gribble, g. w. joc,1992,57, 5878。.4、n-烷基类保护基烷基类保护基co2menh2

30、meochophh, reflux,nabh4, meoh,-20 0cco2mehnome去保护:催化氢解,去保护:催化氢解,pd(oh)2,钯黑,钯黑第三节第三节 羰基的保护羰基的保护orr+hohoh+rrooorr+h+rroooo1、缩醛(酮)、缩醛(酮)(1)1,2 二醇ocoomehoch2ch2ohtmscl, rt,16hcoomeooootbstbstbstbsoooootmsotmstmsotf, phhreflux, 6h, 76%副产物:(tms)2o对水敏感的底物:对水敏感的底物:diederich, f. jacs, 1990,112,1607.共轭醛酮在保护之后

31、共轭醛酮在保护之后,双键位置转移双键位置转移:oohohacidoooo+hcooh10:0p-tsoh010(cooh)282:,o-acetal 脱保护脱保护酸催化水解酸催化水解oopptsh2o-acetone60%ooootbsohcat. pdcl2(mecn)2acetone, rt, 2h94%otbsohor2r1oo10% i2, acetonert, 5-45 min90-98%r2r1osun,j. w. ; dong, y. m.; wang, x. y.; hu, y. f. j.org.chem. 2004, 8932-8934. (2

32、) 二硫代缩醛二硫代缩醛(酮酮)r2r1o+rshr2r1srsrrssime3更温和h+ooshsh1.1eqcat. tsoh, acohrt, 5h, 99%oss脱保护:脱保护:1、重金属盐,、重金属盐,hg(ii),ag(i), cu(ii), tl(iii)。2、 硫烷基化试剂:硫烷基化试剂: mei, me3obf4, meoso2cf3ssopivmeo2come2phsipivooopivmeo2come2phsipivooomei(excess), caco3mecn-h2o (1:1)98%550c3、 氧化反应,氧化反应,x2, nbs,ncs, mcpba缺点:缺点:

33、1、含硫化合物难闻的气味、含硫化合物难闻的气味2、水解反应用到重金属盐,毒性和环境问题。、水解反应用到重金属盐,毒性和环境问题。3、含硫化合物对、含硫化合物对pd,pt催化剂有毒化作用,对于催化还催化剂有毒化作用,对于催化还原反应有相当大的限制。原反应有相当大的限制。3、半硫代缩醛(酮)、半硫代缩醛(酮)orr+hshoh+rros*水解速度为水解速度为1,3-二噻烷的一万倍,二噻烷的一万倍, 但锂化物稳定性有限,但锂化物稳定性有限,引入手性。引入手性。h+/roh, ranny ni-h2, mei/acetone 等脱保护脱保护。第四节第四节 羧酸的保护羧酸的保护一、酯类保护基一、酯类保护

34、基1、甲酯、乙酯、叔丁酯、苄酯、甲酯、乙酯、叔丁酯、苄酯roh+rcoohh+rcoordcc, hcl, khco3/mei+rcoohh+ch2n2rcooch3碱性水解去保护,还有中性条件去保护碱性水解去保护,还有中性条件去保护rcooch3+rcosime3omeircosime3o+meih3orcooh+me3si(oh)me3sii2、三卤乙酯三卤乙酯+rcoohcl3cch2ohrcooch2ccl3zn/hoac, naseh, nateh, nabh4/se(cat.)去保护:去保护:3、benzyloxymethyl (bom) ester: rcooch2och2ph1. h2/pd-c, etoh, 250, 70-100% yield.2. aqueous hcl, thf, 250, 2 h, 75-95% yield.cleavagep. a. zoretic, p. soja, and w. e. conrad, j. org.


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