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1、短线盈利模式之15 分钟机械式交易系统(Short term profitmodel15 minute mechanical trading system)Short term profit model: 15 minute mechanical trading systemFrom the actualcombat, as long as the system average 15 minutesof theformationof long,open a wave of risingprices,as longas the average system for 15 minutes tofo

2、rm a short order,therewill be a sharp drop in prices. The 15 - minute mechanicaltrading system I would like to say is based on thecharacteristicsof the 15 minute moving average system. In the15 minutechart,from theobservationof 21 average the averageintensity of the inflection point "to determi

3、ne the trend isalso very important, as long as the 21 average dropped fromstart turn trend is strong, as long as the 21 average by therisingtrendbegan to turnweaker. Therefore,to determine thedirectionofthe market price by 15 minutes a day moving averageMACD and moving average Sicha and 21 moving av

4、erage "average inflection point", is of great significance, only through adeep understanding of the 15 minute average, can help us to accurately grasp the timing.One, 15 minutes chart "long and short" model1, 15 minutes chart of "do more" mode"As long as MACD on th

5、e formation of MACD, when k successfully break through the 21 day moving average, 5 day moving average in the formation of 21 day moving average MACD, 21 day moving average to the "average inflection point" and keep a certain slope upward divergence, K entered the rose band. As long asthe

6、K-line has been running on the 21 day moving average, 15minutes of K-line trend is rising - callback - and then up, and each callback after the end of the bargain can do more.As long as K rising into the band, when the 15 minute chart in5 wore on average 21 moving average MACDformed and shock rise,

7、closing at 21 K above average, the rise in K line; when the 21average wear formSicha 15 minutes tofigure5 average,K lineclosed in 21 day moving average. K is the callback line.Therefore,if we can in the dailyclosing Yang, when 15 minutesof 5 on average in 21 moving average MACD formed after theforma

8、tion of long average rise early in the day can also takeadvantage of long, daily overcast, the average is 15 minutes5 through 21 under the average form Sicha, average short formafter thecallbackat the end ofthebargain,especiallyin lowiconic big candle homeopathic approach.(1) the "long way to d

9、o more" model in the 15 minute drawingIn the rising band of Japan's K-line, when the average of 15 minutes after the formation of a bull arrangement will risesharply.Therefore,as long as the formation of MACDMACD,whenthe 5 wore on average 21 moving average MACD formed after youcan go long.W

10、henk aftera wave ofpricehikesafter the shockbegan to fall,5 and 21 moving average moving average Sicha formclose to the 99 average, while 99 moving average has upwards"averageinflectionpoint"and began to rise,a strong supportis k, we can choose k in consolidationafterthe break 21 averagego

11、 long.As long as K has been running at 21 above average, the averagejust 15 minutes if the formation of long, 21 average upwards "average inflection point" to maintain a certain slope upward divergence, can be on the line back to the previous low whenthe bargain; as long as 5 wore on avera

12、ge 21 moving average MACD form, average 21 keep a certain slope upward divergence, canalso successfully broke the previous high point in the K when go long.(2) the "more than the dead end" model in the 15 minute drawingIn the upside K-line, when the 15 minute average to form a short order

13、after a sharp pullback, between 21 and 99 the average theaverage distance is very large, K in the low bottom repeated shocks, as long as the MACD out of shape and MACD arc bottom, when the 5 average of 21 times or more times average to formtwo MACD MACD, 21 the average began to appear upward "a

14、verage inflection point", you can bargain in the moving average MACDgo long, generally at least k will rebound to 99 average, if K successfully break 99 average will rise sharply.As long as K has been running above average at 21, if average to form a short order after a sharp pullback shock bot

15、tom, as long as the formation of MACD macd,15 minutes in the lowCan the previous lows (such as double bottom or three bottomand the bottom of the head and shouldersabove the bottom left)position of the bargain, or in the successful breakthrough in the early high K line (such as double bottom or thre

16、e bottom and the bottom of the head and shoulders above the neckline) go long.Short selling mode in 2 and 15 minute graphs"As long as the MACD formed Sicha, when k effective below the21 day moving average,21 day moving average Sicha form inthe5 day moving average, 21 day moving average appears

17、downward "average inflection point" and keep a certain slope downward, it fell into the band line. As long as the K-line has been running under the 21 day moving average, 15 minutes of K-linetrendis down - rebound - again down, and aftereach rally,youcan go up short.As long as K fall into

18、the band, when the 15 minute chart in 5 under the average in 21 and average to form Sicha downconcussion,closingat 21 K K day moving average, down the line;when the 15 minute chartin 5 wore on average 21 moving averageMACD formed, K line to close at 21 on average, k the day wasa rebound in line. The

19、refore,ifwe can inthe dailyovercast,is formed when wearing 21 15 minute EMASicha 5 moving average, moving average short order form fell early that day also can take advantage of short, in the daily closing Yang, is a 15minute 5 on average in 21 moving average MACDformed after the end of the long ave

20、rage form after the rebound rallies, especially in high iconic big line homeopathic approach.(1) "short short short" model in the 15 minute drawingIn the fallingband of Japan'sK-line,when the 15 minute movingaverage isinshort order,itfalls sharply.Therefore, as longas the MACDformed Si

21、cha,when the average 5 average in 21 formedSicha afteryou can takeadvantage ofshort.When k after wavedown after the shock rebound, 5 and 21 moving average movingaverage MACD formed close to the 99 average, while 99 moving average has downward "average inflection point" and began to decline

22、, a strong resistance is k, we can choose k in consolidation after the fall break 21 average homeopathic short.As long as K has been running at 21 average, if 15 minutesaverage just formed a short order, to maintain a certain slope downward divergence of 21 average downward "average inflection

23、point", will be under the K-line rebound to the previous highat rallies; as long as the 5 average wear under the 21 average form Sicha, keeping the average 21 the slope downward divergence, can also be effective below the previous low K in short time homeopathy.(2) the "empty anode short&q

24、uot; mode in the 15 minute drawingIn the fall of band day K line, when the 15 minute EMA of theformation oflong after a sharp rebound, between 21 and 99 theaverage theaveragedistanceis verylarge, highK inrepeatedshocks to build the top, as long as the MACD out of the top ofthe arc shape and form Sic

25、ha, when the 5 average of 21 two ormore times average toform Sicha Sicha, the 21 begantoappeardownward "average inflectionpoint",can be in when themovingaverage Sicha rallies, generally at least k callback to 99average, ifeffectivebelow the 99 average K willfallsharply.As long as K has bee

26、n running at 21 average, if 15 minutes average formation of long after the sharp rebound in the high volatility of building top, as long as the MACD formed Sicha, can be high in the early (such as double or three double topand head and shoulders top left) under the position of therallies, or in the

27、K effective below the previous low (such as double or three top neckline and a head and shoulders) under the position of homeopathic short.The principle of making 15 minutes of mechanical trading system is based on a 15 minute chart, when the average in the formation of long after the start of appro

28、ach to do more to stop is setat 21 below the average, while 5 and 21 moving average moving average MACD formed after only 15 minutes to figure out; when the EMA formed in the empty head arranged after began to approach short, the stop is set at 21 above average position, while 5 with the average of

29、21 average profit out after theformation of sicha. Whether you do stock or exchange gold, the 15 minute chart will determine the strength of the trend to guide the loss of earnings,Better capture the best short-term entry point, for short-term investors must be familiar with.Two, the current stock m

30、arket 15 minutes K-line campaignThe essence of short-term operation is to avoid the risk of long-term shareholding, and obtain short-term profits. The short-term buy in order to master 1 days or 3 days to sell,regardlessof profitand loss must be rollingin the shorttermadjustmentaccount,do not partic

31、ipatein consolidationboringand lonely, in the save time cost and can make full use of the funds.In the current T + 1 trading system, once the risk of buyingafter theday may not be sold,so theshort-term investorswillbuy timein 15 minutes beforeclosing,or this periodoftime,any time second days to feel

32、 the risk can be sold at any time.Especially after the market continuous rise, K-line specialsome top,usually in the morning rushto sell the stockishigh,do not rush to buy shares, even decided to buy shares, also to the light warehouse operation, and selected before closing 15 minutes before buying.

33、1, with a 15 minute chart has been across the fold line morning capture NiuguIn many cases, a stock on the morning after opening to the opening price on a day for a long time or sideways, generally maintained at less than 2% fold sideways along the narrow consolidation around when the market fell, i

34、t can hold on or slightly down the market, also can quickly return, while theaverage price the line basically straight and level transverse narrow range or slightly upturned operation. Such stocks tendto suffer from loneliness in the afternoon and choose to make a breakthrough. But if you break thro

35、ugh at 1 pm, it's betternot to followup, because most of these are the main testdrive.In the general market just established upward trend, shouldchoose to chase the morning afterthe opening of buyingstocks,and when market prices rose a larger space and time, in the closing bid before.For the mor

36、ning share price has maintained a narrow range of shock trend of the stock, the real upside will choose after14:30, especially at 14:35 - 15:45 start upside. its angle of rise. If more than 80 degrees, wouldIt depends on seem in a hurry,easily lead to a sell-off.In the morning to the afternoon of op

37、ening closing fast, lookcarefully roselessthan 2%, the priceof thewhole morningina straightlinein theaverage price ofthe stocksadded tothestock pool,thisstock15 minutesK-linetrendalsohave rules,because the whole morning shares have been horizontal narrowrange consolidation,in 15 minutechart,K lineha

38、s been inthe99 moving average orsideways, orhas been above average at99sideways, according to 15 minutes K-line form, can be divided into two basic types of long form:One is the "do more long long form", 5 with the average of 21on average to form a callbackto 99 average Sicha afterthe shoc

39、kconsolidation, but there have been 99 average upward "average inflection point" and keep a certain slope upward divergence, on average 99 to 21 average callback but not through the next99 Ma, K has been above average at 99 K in shock consolidation, consolidation continue to top 21 average

40、, 21 average began bydeclining to go flat, then as long as MACDis formed when k MACD, again exceeded 21 average market is the starting point, you can in 5 with the average of 21 moving average MACDformed generally take advantage of long day. Relatively large increase.One is "more than female at

41、 the end of the long form", 5 withthe averageof 21 average after formedSicha wear under the 99average to form a short order, K-line after a wave of rapiddecline began after the shock consolidation, then K began torise,MACDMACD,K-linerebounded to 21 average again afterthefall, with the average o

42、f 21 or 5 average to form MACD formedafter MACD formed Sicha, die die shape, there have been 21average upward "average inflection point", when k again exceeded 21 when the average market is the starting point, aslong as 5 with the average 21 average to form two MACDcan take advantage of lo

43、ng, generally the next day will rise again with some.There are individual strong stocks, just after 14:00 on the offensive, this time must be put a huge amount,Even if the present buying signal is higher than when you throw it, you have to buy it. Otherwise, you have lost the stock.Three, foreign ex

44、change 15 minutes chart actual proof caseInitial account rights: $524The trading system: 15 minutes to 5 with the average of 99 average average cross signal for the import, and open out the empty flat MACD single long, flat out single and multi Sicha positions! When placing orders, the closer the K-

45、line is fromthe 99 EMA, the better. General K line from 99 moving average, within 5-10 points to enter the order.Manually: as long as 60 minutes of MACD MACD zero on the axis of newborn red column, when 15 minutes K-line and 5 wore onaverage 99 average to bargain,and stop loss is set at 99 aboveaver

46、age 20 points; as long as 60 minutes to form a MACD, zeroaxiswas born when the redcolumn. To short rallies15 minutesK-line and 5 average wear under the 99 average, and stop loss is set at 99 above average 20 points.For a long time, as long as the manual level: MACDformed Sicha, when wearing a 21 ave

47、rage of 5 average form Sicha after then21 average downward "average inflection point" will continue to decline, timely rallies to open more than a single; short,as long as the formation of MACD MACD, when forming the 21 average of 5 average Sicha wear after as long as the 21 average downwa

48、rd "average inflection point" after the continued high, we must promptly bargain empty single positions.Operation points: according to the "5 average success in 99 when the average can begin to bargain, as long as the 5 average not wearing a 99 average can always do more dips" an

49、d "when the 5 average success through 99 average start rallies, as long as the 5 principles of average wear can have on average 99" thisis the high short, with 99 moving average for the spatial trend line "line, the line short" hailun law.Position management: $500 account control

50、 positions in 0.05 hands, in the market development stage, it is possible to dynamically adjust the position and the system automatically adjust the position.Fixed stop: foreign exchange reverse set 50 points for stop loss points;Bao Ping stop; profit 30 points, stop in the open position;Moving stop

51、: move stop, effective point is set to 20, move at 20 points per profit, stop 10 points;In addition to the average cross and MACD cross, without anyother indicators, do not increase!This is one of my posts on the Internet to see, after readinglet me firmly believe thatbeforethe stock was15 minutes a

52、ndMACD formed Sicha K-line to bring trading opportunities. ButI also according to their observation made firmly andresolutely to do more shortentrymode: as longas 60 minutes,21 K and 5 average average averagein 99, when 15 minutes K lineand the 5 average success through 21 moving average MACDformed

53、to take advantage of long; as long as 60 minutes, 5 Ma, K 21the average wear under the 99 average, 21 average wear when formed Sicha 15 minutes K-line and 5 average success will take advantage of short.Average system is most afraid of a narrow range ofshocks,wideshocks, but in this case at least gua

54、ranteed or minimal loss!I tested this system the rate of less than 30%, a record of 13consecutivelosses!But I manage the funds throughthe way, inthe trend of themarket, the position remained at 5%of thetotalprincipal less than, and to make profits run. In the shockmarket,thepositionmust be reduced tolessthan3%, inorderto avoidfrequentlosses caused by stoploss.Afterthreeyearsof continuous testing, they are profitable! I wonder if this system can stand the test of future data, but the idea isfeasible! Bywinning the high profit margin is low,if you cando a loss whenthe positionis small,


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