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1、中国某某某某学校题 目􀁒 商务谈判的语言艺术姓 名 􀁒 班级、学号 􀁒 0000、0000 号系 (部) 􀁒 经济管理系专 业 􀁒 商务英语指导教师 􀁒 00000开题时间􀁒 2009-04-10完成时间􀁒 2009-11-042009 年 11 月 04 日目 录毕业设计任务书 1毕业设计成绩评定表 2答辩申请书 3-5正文 6-22答辩委员会表决意见 23答辩过程记录表 241课 题 商务谈判的语言艺术一、 课题(论文)提纲引言1.商务谈判的语言特

2、征1.1 商务谈判语言的客观性1.2 商务谈判语言的针对性1.3 商务谈判语言的逻辑性1.4 商务谈判语言的规范性2.商务谈判的语言艺术2.1 商务谈判的陈述技巧2.1.1 入题技巧2.1.2 阐述技巧2.2 商务谈判的提问技巧2.2.1 使用间接的提问方式2.2.2 使用选择性的提问方式2.2.3 设身处地2.2.4 把握好提问的难易度2.2.5 使用恭维的表达方式2.2.6 把握好提问的时机2.3 商务谈判的答复技巧2.3.1 使用模糊和委婉的语言2.3.2 使用幽默含蓄的语言2.4 商务谈判的说服技巧结论二、内容摘要2商务谈判是经济贸易合作的双方为达成某种交易或解决某种争端而进行的协商洽

3、谈活动。在商务谈判中语言运用的成功与否􀃓对谈判的过程与结果起着举足轻重的作用。双方的接触􀃓沟通与合作都是通过反复的陈述观点􀃓提问􀃓回答和说服等语言技巧来实现的􀃓巧妙应用语言艺术提出创造性的解决方案􀃓不仅满足双方利益的需要􀃓也能缓解沉闷的谈判气氛􀃓使双方都有轻松感􀃓有利于谈判的顺利进行。因此巧妙的语言艺术为谈判增添了成功的砝码􀃓起到事半功倍的效果。关键字􀃕商务谈判 语言 特征 技巧Business n

4、egotiation is an activity which is carried out by the twotrade sides to conclude the business or settle certain disputes. Thelanguage used is a success or failure plays an important role in theprocess of negotiations. The skillful language is realized between twoparties by contacting, communicating

5、and cooperating through restateopinions, asking question, responses and persuades etc. Putting forwarda creating solving scheme is not only applying with the art of languageskillful, but also meets the demands on mutual benefit and relieves thedull atmosphere on negotiation. It will create a comfort

6、able atmospherefor the two parties and is good for the success of negotiation. So usinglanguage skillfully can enhance a great success on negotiation and getdouble effects.Keywords: Business negotiation language features skills三、参考文献31姜望琦:当代语用学M.北京大学出版社,20062刘园:国际商务谈判M.对外经济与贸易大学出版社,20053章瑞华徐志华黄华新等:现

7、代谈判学成功谈判的技巧与奥秘􀃖.浙江大学4 杨劫􀃓李芳􀃔国际商务谈判中的委婉表达J􀃔湖南科技学院学报􀃓20o6(2)􀃕260262􀃔5刘文广:商务谈判M. 北京高等教育出版社􀃓2004.8The Art of language in Business Negotiation00000中文摘要:商务谈判是经济贸易合作的双方为达成某种交易或解决某种争端而进行的协商洽谈活动。在商务谈判中语言运用的成功与否􀃓对谈判的过程与结果起着举足轻重的作

8、用。双方的接触􀃓沟通与合作都是通过反复的陈述观点􀃓提问􀃓回答和说服等语言技巧来实现的􀃓巧妙应用语言艺术提出创造性的解决方案􀃓不仅满足双方利益的需要􀃓也能缓解沉闷的谈判气氛􀃓使双方都有轻松感􀃓有利于谈判的顺利进行。因此巧妙的语言艺术为谈判增添了成功的砝码􀃓起到事半功倍的效果。关键字􀃕商务谈判 语言 特征 技巧AbstractBusiness negotiation is an activity which is car

9、ried outby the two trade sides to conclude the business or settlecertain disputes. The language used is a success or failure4plays an important role in the process of negotiations. Theskillful language is realized between two parties by contacting,communicating and cooperating through restate opinio

10、ns, askingquestion, responses and persuades etc. Putting forward acreating solving scheme is not only applying with the art oflanguage skillful, but also meets the demands on mutual benefitand relieves the dull atmosphere on negotiation. It will createa comfortable atmosphere for the two parties and

11、 is good forthe success of negotiation. So using language skillfully canenhance a great success on negotiation and get double effects.Keywords: Business negotiation, language, features, skillsIntroductionBusiness negotiations process is that the negotiatorsusing language to coordinate and consult th

12、e problems andachieves agreement. How to use correct language to show youropinions reflects the ability of the negotiators. If the skillsare not suitable, it will cause misunderstanding or disputesbetween the two parties and even lead to the failure of thenegotiation, and its more likely to cause th

13、e economy loss.Whether the language is used properly or not often determinesthe success or failure of the negotiation. Therefore, knowing5about this skill is the key to conclude a successful business.This thesis mainly states that the negotiators should know howto use statement and ask questions, re

14、sponse and persuasion toachieve the multiplier effect in the process of businessnegotiations.1. The features of language in business negotiationBusiness negotiation language is a special way, which isused in the business negotiations. It is different from theliterature, art, opera, film languages, b

15、ut also different fromthe daily life languages. Generally speaking, the language ofbusiness negotiation should have the following basic features:objectivity, directivity, logical and normative of thebusiness negotiations.1.1 ObjectivityThe objectivity of language mainly shows that: describingthe pre

16、sent situation of the enterprise must conform to thereality; describing the quality of the goods and functionshould according to the basis of reality; if you have a bestcondition youd better show the samples or demonstrate it onthe spot. Your quotation should be reasonable and you not onlytry your b

17、est to meet your own needs, but also you cant ignorethe other partys benefits. And you should considering the6other partys requirements that make sure the terms of paymentand adopt the terms of payment that both parties can accept.If the language has objectivity, the two sides treat eachother honest

18、y and promote their opinions closely. And it willlay a foundation of the success for the next negotiation.1.2 DirectivityThe directivity of the language is that the language shouldfocus on the specific themes and has an exact target.Negotiation language should be directly against one specificopponen

19、t. The difference of contents and occasions ofnegotiation have different negotiators, and also you need touse the different negotiation language. Even if they have samecontents of negotiation, you must use the different languagebecause the negotiators have different education, the level ofknowledge,

20、 the ability of acceptance and personal habit.You must know that the different requirements of samenegotiation opponents and you need to use the correct languageor highlight to describe the quality of goods and functions,or describing your enterprises operating situation and repeatdescribing that ou

21、r prices are very reasonable. In a word, thenegotiation language must be concise, exact and easy tounderstand.7To be direct in one negotiation, if you want to make surethe terms of the negotiations that you must be careful toprepare the relevant information and you should take this intoconsideration

22、s at the same time: when you start to thenegotiations you must know what kind of languages you shouldbe used, and you should know how to select and target thenegotiation language to make the negotiations smoothly.1.3 LogicThe logical language is that the negotiators languageshould comply with the ru

23、le of logic, the ability of expressingidea must be clearly, the ability of judgment must be correctand the ability of reasoning must be carefully. The languageshould be fully reflected the objectivity, specificity andhistorical. If you want your opinions to be persuasive, you musthave an ability of

24、the logical thinking. In the negotiations,no matter you state the problem, or write memoranda, or giveany suggestions, imagination or requirements that you shouldpay attention to the logical of language. This is the basis ofgrasping their opinions and further persuading the other party.1.4 Normative

25、The normative of language is that the language should beexpressed politely and clearly, strictly and exactly.8Firstly, the negotiate language must insist on theprinciples of politeness and should be comply with thecharacters of the business and the requirements of theprofessional ethics.Secondly, th

26、e language must be clear and easy to understandin the negotiations.Thirdly, the negotiation language must be pay attention toavoid voice weak and havent pause in speaking, or speakingtoo loudly and have a rich feeling and so on.Fourthly, the negotiation language should be correct andexact. Especiall

27、y at the crucial moment of bargaining, youshould pay more attention to your words and behaviors.2. The Art of language in Business Negotiation2.1 The skill of statementStatement is that introducing ones own situation andstating your views of one question, and make the other partyto understand your o

28、pinions, planning and positions. In thebusiness negotiation, the statement included two parts that are“enter into question” and “statement”.2.1.1 The skill of entering into questionIn the business negotiations, the negotiators must haveskills of entering into question and adopting the exact way:9Fir

29、stly, the method of circuitous enter into question, forexample, you can talk about your companys situations; Secondly,you can talk about some details first, and then you can talkabout principle of the matter, For example, when we talk aboutthe important principle matters that have a nervous feeling,

30、at this time, you can talk about the specific details to makethe negotiation peaceful and create a good atmosphere for thenext negotiation; Thirdly, you can talk about general principleproblem and then talk about some details; Fourthly, you canstart from the specific topics.2.1.2 The skill of descri

31、bingAt the opening process of describing, firstly, you shoulddefinite this topic to be settled in this conversation toconcentrate our attentions and make the two partys opinionsagreeable; secondly, you must show that you should get theimportant benefits through this conversation and indicate ourpart

32、ys basic position. You can review the previous achievementof two parties cooperation to show your reputation enjoyedby the other side; thirdly, at the opening of describing thelanguage should be possibly brief and grasp the key point,correct and easy to understand; finally, you must know thepurpose

33、of describing in order to make the other party to10understand your intentions and create an good atmosphere in thenegotiation. So, describing should be expressed in a sincereand easy way.If the other party starting describe, you must listen totheir opinions very carefully, then sum up the opinions a

34、nd tryto understand the contents of describing. In order to avoidmisunderstanding that you must think and understand the keyissues of the opening of describing. If the contents of theopening describing have a big conflict with you, and you cant interrupt and cant make a dispute with the other partyi

35、mmediately, while you indicate your opinions after the otherpartys talk have finished and complaint their opinions fromthe other side.In the process of the statement, you should pay attentionto use the language correctly and easy to understand, and thelanguage should brief and grasp the key point, a

36、nd have aspecific structure. Your speaking should be close to the themeand should pay attention to the tone, pace, voice; pause andrepeat the language should be proper. Statement should complywith the reality. In order to have a sincere cooperation youmust be honest to the other party. And you must

37、learn to observethe other party response, and then adjust to your contents of11the conversation and the voice tone timely that adapt to theother partys changes. For example, when the negotiations havereached an impasse, we should learn how to use the siegelanguage, such as: if you do this, it must b

38、e not good for us.”“In that case, let us make a favor again to reach an agreement.”“I believe that we dont hope it fails.” In the generaloccasion, we can t use the negative language to end theconversation. If you dont use the negative language to endthe conversation you can promote the positive emot

39、ion of thetwo parties and make the negotiation smoothly.2.2 The skill of asking question in business negotiationIn the business negotiation, this is an important skill.The negotiators often use this skill to find out the trueintentions of the other party and master their mind changing.The skill of a

40、sking question can cause the other party sattention and provide a define direction to the two parties,and help you collect the information and transmit your feelings.This skill can help you causing the other party thinking andguide the trends. Meanwhile, the other side responds can forman effective

41、stimulus. Therefore, the attitude of askingquestion must be sincere, reasonable and pay attention to theother partys mind. In particular, you should not accuse the12other partys personality. Meanwhile, asking question youshould not always to ask. You should grasp the languages paceand tone and give

42、some enough time aside to let the other partythinking and expressing their opinions. And you must avoidmisunderstanding and make the other party feel boring andunwilling to answer the questions. So, you should pay attentionto the manner of asking question in the negotiations.2.2.1 Using indirect ski

43、ll to ask questionUsing this skill to express the opinions is more polite.In the business negotiation, most of negotiators are collectingthe information by asking question.The way of asking question is more indirect and theexpression is more polite. For example: the two parties are notgoing to be ab

44、le to get together on price. They want you toreduce the price, but you cant accept it. You said that,everything else is negotiable, but the problem of price we cant accept. If you received this price, we promise the terms ofpayment and install are smoothly. Then, they have accepted thisprice. So, us

45、ing this kill is very useful and has a differenteffect.2.2.2 Using selective skill to ask questionWe often can see that some shopping centers lounge is13operating coffee and tea. At the beginning, the waiter asks thecustomer, “Sir would you like to drink some coffee?” Or “Sirwould you like to have s

46、ome tea?” The turnover is general.But later, the waiter changes the way, “Sir, would you likesome coffee or tea?” As a result, the turnover has a greatincreasing. So, if you use selective skill of asking questionthat will give you a different result. In the businessnegotiations, if you use the selec

47、tive skill that you can startthe next conversation better.2.2.3 Standing on your partners position to considerIt is a skillful way that improving the atmosphere of thenegotiation. Its easy to get acceptance from their mind, andalso can prevent the negotiations from breaking down; thereby,it will mak

48、e an easy way to reach an agreement.For example: Mr. Wang has booked a hotel for his lecture.But one day, he received this information: the manager of thishotel told him the fees must be increased. So, he talks withthe manager, and says, when I heard this news, I was littlesurprised; but I can under

49、stand you. As a manager you shouldconsidered the profits of your hotel. But, you should think that,if you increase the price I cant afford it and you will missa chance that I introduce your hotel to these people. The chance14is weight with the money. Finally, the manager is accepting hisviews. So, i

50、f you standing on your partner s position toconsider problems it can help you received a different result.2.2.4 Grasp the difficulty of asking questionBeginning to ask question, youd better to choose the easyquestions to answer. For example: "Do you have a good time onyour holidays?" This

51、kind of questions has nothing with thesubject theme, but it can make you feel relax. If you start toask a difficult question in a straight way will make thenegotiation into impasse. So, you can use the way to ask thateasy question first and then ask the difficult question.2.2.5 Using complimentIn th

52、e early stage of business negotiations, thenegotiators are difficult to grasp the true intention of theother party and difficult to put forward an effective question.The most important is that you must understand the trueintentions and other relevant intentions to the opposite.However, applying the

53、negotiating strategy with praise andcompliment, we should pay attention to the following items:Firstly, the attitude should be honest and the measure shouldbe appropriate. Secondly, you should respect personality andconsider the individuals self-consciousness of the other15party. Thirdly, you should

54、 be paying attention to the peoplereaction that has been praised. If the person has a goodresponse, may be you can give him a praise again; if the otherparty seemed very indifferent or impatient, we should stop andchange to another topic.2.2.6 Grasping the opportunity to ask questionIn the negotiati

55、ons, we should pay more attention to theopponent's mind, and propose a corresponding question at aright time. And asking question should contact with the issues.Noting the speed of asking question; When you speak too fast,it will easy to make the other party feel you are impatient,and even somet

56、imes they feel you are in an asking tone to treathim and will easy lead to the other party offensive.After you ask questions, you must give the other party havea sufficient time to reply. The purpose of asking question isthat you let the other party have enough time to answer thequestion and hope ca

57、n receive a satisfaction result at the lasttime.2.3 Reply skills in business negotiationIn the negotiation process, answering the other partysquestion is very stressful. Because in the negotiations, nomatter what the negotiators said, it also has a very important16meaning; and it is considered as a commitment to the others andplays an important role in the negotiations. A negotiatorslevel of negotiation will depends on the skills of reply.In the normal situations, when you answer the question, youshould according to the r


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