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1、学习必备欢迎下载九年级上期英语期末测试题1. can you p2. could you tell me how to pme with some books on science. this word .姓名学号成果:(全卷满分: 150 分;考试时间: 120 分钟) 一、听力部分(共 30 分)(一)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息(每道题1 分,共 5 分)3. everyone in my class wabout the coming exam.4. you can find ptelephones easily in our city now.5. that years olymp

2、ics were s because the games were coming back to the country where they started.1. a. peasantsb. presentsc. parentsd. parent 2. a. pastb. passedc. passd. parts3. a. interestedb. favoritec. differentd. inportant4. a. look worriedb. be worriedc. feel worriedd. worry about6. the policemen have caught t

3、he thief who matches mrs lsi7. hong kong has lots of great e.8. i want to join the school vproject.9. its d to swim alone in the river.d.5. a. june 16.,1986b. july 8,1986c. june 18,1986 d. july 16,1988(二)听句子,选出该句的正确答语(每道题1 分,共 5 分)6. a. quite well.b. i d love to.c. theyre busy.7. a. no, thanks.b. i

4、want more dumplings.c. i dont like it at all.8. a. yes, i know.b. sorry, i dont know.c. the nearest post office is very big. 9. a. ive just drunk it.b. i don t know.c. ive just eaten it.10. a. yes, please.b. have a good time.c. thats kind of you.(三)听对话和问题,挑选正确答案(每道题2 分,共 10 分)11. a. she has gone to

5、her hometown.b. she is returning from her hometown.c. she is leaving for her hometown.12. a. yes, i can.b. no, i cantc. yes, i do. 13. a. oliver.b. tomc. mike.14. a. at 6:35.b. at 5:55c. at 5:45.15. a. very good.b. quite interesting.c. not good.(四)听短文,选出正确答案(每道题2 分,共 10 分)16. how old was mike .a. ov

6、er ten.b. less than ten.c. ten.d. about ten.17. did mike like doing his homework .a. no, he didnt like doing it.b. yes, he did it himself.c. yes, and he did it well.d. yes, he enjoyed doing it.18. why was the teacher pleased and surprised .a. mike made a lot of mistakes.b. mike didn t do his homewor

7、k at all.c. mike didn t finish his homework.d. mike did all his exercises right.19. how did mike do his homework this time.a. his father did it for him.b. his brother helped him do it.c. he did it by himselt.d. hes mother helped him with it.20. do you think mike s father was good at maths .a. yes, h

8、e was.b. no, he wasntc. no, he was good at english.d. we have no idea.二、笔试部分(一)依据句意及首字母提示填空(每道题1.5 分,共 15 分)10. whats wrong with the flowers . some of the l are turning yellow. 二用所给词的适当形式填空(每道题1.5 分,共 15 分)1. id like uncle li mend my bicycle.2. jim doesnt know how fix up his tv.3. a cup is used ford

9、rink water.4. by the time she got to the cinema, the moviebegin.5. luck , i passed the examination.6. the tv play had a very happyend.7. lin tao would like to go to somewhererelax.8. id like to stay at home, because i like peace vacations.9. mr chen was surprised to see the fastdevelop in china afte

10、r his long absence from the country.10. watchcare, and you will find the differences between the two pictures.(三)单项挑选(每道题 1 分,共 20 分)1. it is reported that a small plane from south africa crashed(坠毁) northwest of changsha may 28,2004.a. onb. inc. tod. at2. shall we call for a taxi.ok. let methe phon

11、e number in yellow pages.a. look atb. look forc. look upd. look after.3. with the development of the society, parentsmore and more money on their childrens education.a. takeb. costc. payd. spend4. how many people will come to beijing for the olympic games in 2021. it s hard to say. people, i think.a

12、. million ofb. millions ofc. two millions ofd. two million of5. thanks for giving mei wanted. youre welcome.a. the informationb. an informationc. the informationsd. information6. there is not many differences between the two. i really dont know .a. what should i chooseb. which i should choosec. whic

13、h should i choosed. what i should choose7. the television . it doesnt work now.a. must repairb. was repairingc. must be repairedd. has repaired8. lily took away my english book.a. for mistakeb. by a mistakec. with mistaked. by mistake9. if heharder, he will catch up with us soon.a. studyb. studiesc.

14、 will studyd. studied10. our sports meeting has beentill next tuesday because of the bad weather.a. put onb. put upc. put offd. put down11. she was not, but she isto go to school.a. feel well; well enoughb. feeling well; well enoughc. feel gook; good enoughd. feeling good; good enough12. youto the m

15、eeting today if you have something important to do.d. neednt come1.sleepreaddrinkeatsend2.3.sportinterestingexerciseinterestedknowledgemeatweakbettera. neednt to comeb. don tneed comec. dont need coming13. would you show mean e-mail, please .a. how to makeb. how to sendc. which to maked. when to14.

16、you mustnt forget your book when you come here tomorrow.a. to bringb. bringc. to taked. take15. many visitors come to beijing because it iscity.a. so a beautifulb. very a beautifulc. such beautifuld. quite a beautiful16. you everto hone kong . yes, twice.a. have; goneb. have beenc. do ; god. were; g

17、oing 17. listen . helen is singing in the next room. itbe helen. she has gone to beijing.a. cantb. mustntc. mayd. should18. the classroomevery day.a. should cleanb. should be cleanedc. should cleanedd. should be cleaning19. it is bad for your eyescomputer games too much .a. playsb. to playc. playd.

18、to playing20. i think the room is too small for us.i want to know he didnt the exam.(五)完形填空(每道题 2 分,共 20 分)food is very important. everyone needs to1well if he or she wants to have a strong body. our minds also need a kind of food. this kind of food is2. we begin to get knowledge even when we are ve

19、ry young. small children are3in everything around them. they learn4while they are watching and listening. when they are getting older, they begin to5story books, science books , anything they like. when they find something new, they love to ask questions and6to find out the answers.what is the best

20、7 to get knowledge . if we learn 8 ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. if we are 9 getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. when we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand 10 .abcd4.everythingsomethingnothinganything5.lendreadlearnwrite6.tryh

21、avethinkwait7.placewithwayby8.onwithtoby9.10.oftenalwaysusuallysometimes hardermuchbetterwell六阅读懂得(每道题 2 分,共 30 分)amany places in the world need more fresh water. every country is trying to find ways to turn salt water into fresh. why arent there many factories like the symi factory.in some places,

22、the sun is not hot enough. or it does not shine every day. in such places, other ways of heating sea water can be used. these ways cost more money, but they work faster than the sun. by boiling sea water with high heat, a lot of fresh water can be made quickly.but heating is not the only way to get

23、fresh water from salt water. othe ways are tried.a. to liveb. living inc. to live ind. live in(四)句型转换(每道题 1 分,共 5 分)one way is freezing. the fresh part of salt water freezes冷 bits of ice are taken out.至结冰 first. to get fresh water, the1. they will finish building the house in two weeks.对画线部分提问 they

24、finish building the house .2. hurry up , or youll miss the early train. (改为 if 引导的条件壮语从句)if you , youll miss the early train.which way is the best . the one that gives the most water for the least money. it may be a different way for each place.symis way seems very good for small, hot places. it doe

25、snt make very much water at atime. but the factory is easy to build and costs little. that is why people in many dry places talk3. jack is too young to dress himself(.改为复合句)about symi .jack is young he cant dress himself .4. she has already finished reading the novel.(改为否定句) shefinished reading the

26、novel.5. why didnt he pass the exam . i want to know(改为含宾语的复合句)1. from the passage we know that fresh water.a. is needed in every countryb. can be found in many factoriesc. can be used in many waysd. is very important for factories.2. what is the writer mainly talking about in the passage .学习必备欢迎下载a

27、. hot places and dry places.b. the ways of making fresh water from sea water.c. how to make good use fo the sun.d. water-making factories in different countries.3. the symi factory.a. is a fresh water-making factoryb. can be built everywherec. can make much fresh water at a time d. does not need sun

28、shine every day4. which is the best way for small and hot places to get fresh water .a. boiling or heating the sea water.b. the way in hotter and drier places.c. the symis wayd. freezing the sea water in cold places.5. why arent there many factories like the symi factory .a. because mny new ways are

29、 tried to get fresh in small, hot places.b. because a lot of water can be made quickly by heating in any places.c. because people think that the best way is to get more fresh water with the least money.d. because the symis way does not work in dry places.bmany people go to school for education. scho

30、ol education is very important and useful ,but no one can learn everything from school. a teacher ,no matter how much he knows ,cannnot teach his student everything .his work is to show his students how to learn .he teaches them how to read and how to think . so much more is to be learned outside sc

31、hool by students themselves.its aways more important to know how to learn by oneself than to learn some facts orformulas (公式) by heart.its quite easy to learn some facts in history or a formula in maths ,but it s very difficultto use them. edison and einstein didn gtet everything from school,but the

32、y were all successful. they invented so many things. the reason for their success is that they knew how to study .they read many books outside school .they worked hard all their lives,wasting not a single moment. the most important thing is that they know how to use their brains(大脑);6. students cant

33、 learn everything in school because .a. the teacher doesnt know muchb. the teacher can only teach them how to read and writec. the teacher would not like to teachd. there are still many things for the students to learn outside7.a teachers work is a. to teach all subjectsb.to teach everything c.to te

34、ach the students how to read and thinkd.to work hard8. to know how tois much more important than facts or formulas by heart.a. work out maths problemsb.remember all the facts c.study scienced.study9. why did the famous scientists become successful . because a. they know how tostudyb. they remembered

35、all the formulasc. they didnt get everything from schoold. they didnt know how to use their brains 10.which is wrong accordingto the passage.a. outside school study is as important as school studyb. it s more important to know how to learn than only remember some facts and formulas.c. it s very easy

36、 to use a formula in working out a maths problem.d. it s helpful to read more books outside school.cwhich of your hands do you use most . very few of us use both of our hands well. most of us are right-handed. only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. new-born babies can take things w

37、ith either of their hands, but in about two years they like to use their right hands. scientists dont know why this happens. they have studied it. they think our animal ancestors祖先 are right-handed. this may not be true. monkeys are our closest relations in the animal world. scientists have found th

38、at monkeys like to use one of their handsmore than the otherbut it can be either hand. there are as many right-handed ones. next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully. youll see that some of them will swing摇摆from their right hands and others will use their left hands. but most human be

39、ings人类 use their right hands better and this makes life difficult for the left-handed ones. we live in a right-handed world.11. very few of us can use both of our hands well. it means.a. we cant use one as well as the otherb. we cant use both handsc. many people can use one as well as the other.d. s

40、ome of us can use both hands12. new-born babiesat first.a. can only use their right handsb. can only use their left handsc. cant use their handsd. can use both their hands13. which of the following is true .a. monkeys are left-handed.b. monkeys are right-handedc. some of the monkeys are left-handed,

41、 and others are right-handed.d. there are much more right-handed monkeys than left-handed monkeys.14. we live in a.a. left-handed worldb. right-handed worldc. monkey worldd. animal world15. the left-handed people are difficult in life because a. they cant use their right hands at allb. most people use their right hands better.c. they cant use both of their handsd. they cant use their left hands(七)、书面表达(共 15 分)台湾自古以来是中国领土不行分割的一部分;尽早解决台湾问题,实现祖国的完全 统一,是中华儿女的共同盼望;假定你们正在举办“我心中的台湾”主题班


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