



1、Unit 4 what would you do? 教案案主备:兰永琴审核 : 九年级英语教师【教案目标】1.学会运用 if 表示假设 ,使用虚拟语气2.通过本课学习 ,学会如何面对现实 ,勇于向困难挑战 .Section A( 2 periods)一、预习自测:这些短语在课本中就能找到。翻译下列词组:1.把捐给慈善机构 2.存入银行3.医学研究 4. 迟到5.带一件礼物 6. 在聚会上7.穿衬衣打领带 8.担心9.(变得)紧张 10.看起来很可怕二、语法分析1.what would you do if you had a million dollars?虚拟语气 : 表示与事实相反或根本不可

2、能实现的事.结 构: if 引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句,从句一般用过去时,主句用 “should/ would/ could/might动词原形 ”具.体情况如下:1. 表示与现在事实相反的情况例如 : If I were you , I'd get there earlier. 如果我是你 ,我就早一点到那儿。(事实是:我不是你,因此我没有早到那儿。)If you went to bed earlier, you would not be so sleepy in the morning.如果你早点儿睡觉 , 早晨就不会这么困了。 (事实是:你经常晚睡 , 所以早上觉得困。)条件从句

3、的谓语动词主句的谓语动词动词过去式 (be 动词用 were)should 或 would +动词原形2表示与过去事实相反的情况例如 : If you had worked hard, you wouldn't have failed the exam . 如果你早用功 , 你就不至于考试不及格了。(事实是 :你早没用功 ,所以考试失败了)了。( 事实是 : 迟到是意料之外的事情注意。)条件从句的谓语动词主句的谓语动词1.动词用过去式should 或 would +动词原形2. should 或 were to +动词原形注意:用虚拟语气表示条件的条件从句 , 可以放在主句前 ,也可以

4、放在主句后 ,但所表达的意义侧重点不同。主句在前时,强调 “结果 ”;从句在前时,强调 “条件 ”。巩固练习:一、单选题(). If I were you ,I try my best.A. would B. shallC. had D. will( ) 2. If I ten years younger, I very happy.A. am 。 shall be B. were 。 would be C. were 。 shall be D. am 。 would be( )3.If I to the moon,Iwould bring something unusual back to

5、the earth.A. go B. goesC. wentD. will go( ) 4. If Janehere now , she would explain to us how to do it.A. beB. isC. wasD. were( ) 5.“ You can ask your brother for help.”“ He is not at home. If he, I.”A. is 。 would B. is 。 will C. were 。 would D. were 。 will 二、用动词的正确形式填空6. If I ( be ) a teacher , I wo

6、uld not be so strict with my students.7. If he( have ) time, I would come to help you .8. If she were not so busy , she( come ) here with me .9. He( go ) to bed if he had finished doing his homework in time .10. If it( rain ) tomorrow , our picnic would be put off .三重点、难点、考点及疑点注释1.what would you do

7、if you had a million dollars?a millon dollars一百万美元3 million dollars三百万美元millions of dollars好几百万美元条件从句的谓语动词主句的谓语动词had+动词过去分词should或 would+have+动词过去分词3. 表示与将来事实相反的情况例如 : If it rained tomorrow, our picnic would be put off.如果明天下雨 ,我们的野餐就推迟。 (事实是 :最近天气很好 ,下雨的可能性不大 )If you shoud be late tomorrow, we would

8、 not wait for you.万一你明天迟到了 , 我们就不等你Hundred ,thousand, million 等词前有具体数字做到“两无”(无“ _s”,无“ of”),前无具体数字做到“两有” There are _ trees on the hill.A. 4 hundredsB.4 hundreds ofC.4 hundred ofD.4 hundred Bill Gates has given many_ of dollars to charity.A hundredB millionC millionsD thousand1 / 52.If I were you, I

9、dwear a shirtandtie. 如 果 我 是 你 , 我 就 穿 衬 衫 戴 领 带 。tie在这里是名词,意为“ 领带,带子” 等。Heworeabluetie.他打着蓝色的领带。tie 也可用作动词,表示 “系”,“捆绑 ”,常与介词to 连用,表示 “把系在上 ”。tie的现在分词为tying。Hetiedhisdogtothefence.他把狗拴在了栅栏 上。3.Whatif everyone else brings a present? (P27)要是 其他人都带了礼 物该怎么办呢?(1) everyone else中的 else用来修饰 everyone,表示 “其他的

10、,别的 ”,它常放在疑问词或不定代词的后面。区别: other:放在 n 之前What else do you want to buy?= _ _ _ do you want to buy?Isthere?有别的东西吗?(2)what if 表示 “要是 又怎么样? ”的意思 .其结构相当于 what would happen if.。 what if 后 +从句,常用一般现在时表将来What if he_ (not,come)tomorrow?What if it ( rain) when we can t get under shelter? 假若下起雨来,我们又没处避雨可怎么办?(3 b

11、ring: 强调从别处带到说话人所处地点take: 强调从说话人所处地点带到别处carry:“搬;携带”,未指明方向性,既可能是带来也可能是带走(1)Couldyouhelpme_thebooktotheclassroom(2)Theboyistooyoungto_theheavybag.(3)It'sgoingtorain.Please_anunbrellawithyou.(4)Rememberto_meyourphotos.课堂测试:A 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. If I _(find) a purse, I _(give) it to the police.2. If I _

12、(be) a bird, I _(fly) in the blue sky.3. If you _(have) something important, you _( can go) now.4. If I _(be) you, I _(choose) this one.B根据汉语补全句子1.如果我有一百万美圆 ,我就会买一栋大房子 .If I _, I _.2. 如果我是你 , 我就会去那里 .If I _, I _.3. 如果我有一架飞机 ,我就会环游世界If I _, I _.Section B(2 periods)词汇清单1. energy( 形容词 )energetic2. be a

13、fraid to do sth害怕做某事 of doing sth3.speak in public 在公众 /公开场所演讲4.what are you like?你(性格)如何?What do you look like?你(外表)如何?What do you like?你喜欢什么?5 give a speech in front of.在。面前做演讲6. do sth without permission擅自做 ask ones permission征询某人的许可7. be/play/perform in a movie 参加电影演出8. introduce oneself 介绍自己 in

14、troduce A to B 把 A 介绍给 B9. wait for sb to do sth等候某人做某事10. invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事11. not.in the slightest = not. .at all 根本 /一点也不12.get/beannoyedatsb对某人生气annoyab使某人生气13. fairly: 程度 adv,“非常,相当,十分” = very =pretty = quite14. plenty of +u/c = a lot of = lots of15.confident( 名词) confidence be confide

15、nt of 对 有信心 have confidence in sb信任 /信赖某人16.right away =at once= in a minute立刻,马上重难点解读1. Your friends would probably say that you are easy to get along with. (P30)你的朋友或许说你很容易相处。get on/along with sb 都可表示 “与某人相处 ”,在 with 前可以加副词,表示 “相处得如何 ”。get on/along with sth后面接事或物时,表示 “(某事)进展,进行 ”之意。Howareyougettin

16、gonwithyourstudies?你的功课学得怎样? I m gettingalongverywellwithmystudies.我功课学得很好。2. You like talking to one or two people rather than to a group. (P30) 你喜欢跟一两个人说话 ,而不喜欢跟一群人说话。2 / 5( 1)本句中的 rather than 相当于 instead of,表示 “不愿,不要,不是 ”之意,常用来连接两个并列的句子成分。IthinkI ll haveadrinkratherthancoffee. 我 想 要 一 杯 饮 料 而 不 是

17、 咖 啡 。He ran rather than walked to school.他跑步去上学而不是步行。(2)rather than 用 在 “preferto do sth ratherthando sth 宁 愿 做 . 也 不 愿 做I prefer to read rather than do nothing.我宁愿看书也不愿无所事事。( 3)would/had rather.than. 宁愿做 .也不愿做 I would/had rather join you in researchwork than go on holiday to the seaside.我宁愿和你们一起参加

18、科研工作,也不愿到海边度假。 The shy girl would/had rather work at home than go to a party.这个腼腆的女孩宁愿在家干活,也不愿去参加晚会。(4)“prefer+名词 /动名词 +to+名词 /动名词 ”结构含有比较之意= like.bett er than.I prefer juice to milk for breakfast. 比起牛奶,早餐我更喜欢喝果汁。He preferred working at home to going to a party.总结 would rather do A than do B宁可做 A 事而

19、不愿做 B 事= prefer to do A rather than do B= prefer doing A to doing B.比起去参加晚会,他更喜欢在家工作。课后反馈一、单项选择() 1 Millions of people play sports for fun and exercise, but _ people know howbasketball started.A a fewBlittleC fewDa little( )2 I dontknow _ to play this new game.A whatBhowC however Dif( )3The accident

20、 _ them _ coming to the party in time.A stopped. fromBstoped. fromCstopped. ofD stops. from( )4We cantcome into the teachersoffice _ permission.A withB if noC haventD without( )5Well climb Xiangshan Hill if it _ tomorrow.A wontrainBrainCrainyD doesntrain( )6 In the street I met the scientist _ gave

21、us a talk last week.A heBwhichC whoDwhat( )7The school trip _ be pleasant, if it were sunny today.A willB canC wouldDmay( )8Tell Lin Tao to ring me up if he _ back.A will comeB comesCcomeD coming( )9Do you know what time _?A does the train leaveBleaves the trainC the train leaveD the train leaves( )

22、10 Please stop _ a rest if you feel tired.A to haveB havingC haveD has二完成下列句子。1. 在公共场合大声喧哗是不礼貌的。Its impolite to shout loudly _ _.2. 昨天妈妈未经许可看了我的日记,我很烦恼。My mother read my diary _ _ yesterday. I was annoyed.如果我是你,我会在晚饭后散步。If _ _ _, Id take a walk after dinner.Dale 宁愿步行回家,也不愿坐公交车。Dale _ _ walk home _ t

23、ake a bus.5.我很高兴把我的朋友介绍给大家。I am glad to _ _ _ to all of you.Selfcheckreading(2 periods)知识点清单1、 know( 名词 ) knowledge 知识 (形容词 ) knowledgeable 知识渊博的、代表我们班参加学校的比赛 represent the class in the school contest 、事实上 in fact、在校考试中名列前茅 cometop in the school exams 、让 失望 let down、给她的好的建议good advice to give her、想出

24、,提出come up with =think up、好的解决问题的方法 good solutions to people's problems 、 的其余部分 the rest of the +P32、面对 be faced with 、一本急救的书a first-aid book3、在做某事方面有(很丰富的)经验have (a lot of) experience (in ) +doing4、出版;出来 come out3 / 55、一条建议 a piece of advice6、偶然地;无意地by accident7、用 覆盖 coverwith 覆盖着 be covered wi

25、th8.把药藏在孩子找不到的地方hide medicine from children9.ask sb for advice 向某人征询意见课堂检测一 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1. Your father is really a k_ man. He seems to know everything.2. Henrys uncle left him a large sum of money after his death, but Henry gave most of it to medical r_.3. Work hard, or you will fail the e_.4. I w

26、ill buy my father a t_ as a birthday present. It looks nice on his shirt.5. Why did you r_ to go with me? What are you worrying about?6. What our teacher cares most about is the s_ of the students.7. The river is ten meters d_. Itsdangerous to swim there.8. To me, my mother is a good l_. She is alwa

27、ys very patient when she listens to me.9. This dictionary is very h_ to me. I use it every day.10. Look! All the trees and houses are _ with snow. How beautiful the world is!二 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空.Get along withplenty ofagree withCome up withwhat ifofferLetdownin the slightestrestwould rather1.Kate _ _ pl

28、ay computer games than do homework.2.My father doesntlike Zhou Xingchi s new movie “A Hope”_ _ _.3.Alice decides to concentrate more on studying, for she doesnt want to _ her parents_.4._ _ it rains tomorrow? Shall we go on with our sports meeting?5.When Yao Ming played basketball in Rocket Huston ,

29、 he found it was easy to _ _ his teammates.6.All the mice got together and discussed. Then they _ _ _ a good idea.7.Jack Smith _ his students a lot of help when they were in studying in this school. Theyloved him very much.8.Tom took five pictures and gave the _ to me.9.I am sorry I cant_ _ you.10.T

30、here was _ _ snow last winter. People in some southern cities suffered a lot in thedisaster.综合检测单项选择()1.If I _ you, I _ do this exercise in a different way.A. am。 willB. was 。 would C. were 。 wouldD. will be 。 would()2. What did the teacher ask you to do?- She asked me to give a speech _ the class.A

31、. in the front of B. at the front of C. in front of D. at front of()3. _ books are kept in our school library.A. Five millions ofB. Millions of C. Several million of D. Many million()4. Have you got any _ how to overcome shyness in public easily?A. advice onB. adviceC. advicesD. advices on()5. Actually I _ social situation bother _.A. think。 in the slightestB. dontthink 。 in the slightestC. dontthink 。 in the slightD. think。 in the s


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