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1、第7页译林版英语五年级上册知识点整理5、6单元Unit5 What do they do【单词】a cook 一个厨师 a doctor 一个医生a driver 一个驾驶员 afarmer 一个农民a nurse 一个护士a policeman 一个警察 a teacher 一个老师 aworker 一个工人1. teacher 老师 2. teach 教 3. writer 作家 4.write写 5.work工作6.at home 在家 7.doctor 医生 8.help 帮助 9.sick 生病 10.people 人,人们 11.factory 工厂 12.worker 工人 13

2、.cook厨师 14.driver驾驶员,司机15.farmer 农民 16.nurse 护士 17.policeman 警察【词组】1. teach English 教英语2. a lot of students =lots ofstudents许多学生3. What about?= How about.?.怎么样4. an English teacher位英语教师5. write stories 写故事6. work at home 在家工作8. a factory worker 一个工7. help sick people帮助生病的人厂工人9. make sweets 做糖果10. a

3、lot of sweets 许多糖果11. a nice car一辆漂亮的小汽车12. make cars制造汽车13. so many cars这么多汽车14. fly in the sky 在空中飞15. I wish我希望【句子】1. What does your father do?你的爸爸做什么的?2. My father is a teacher.我的爸爸是个老师。3. He teaches English.他教英语。4. He has a lot of students.他有许多学生。5. What about your mother? 你妈妈呢?6. Is she an Eng

4、lish teacher too?她也是个英语老师吗?7. She ' s a writer她是个作家。8. She writes stories.她写故事的。9. She works at home.她在家工作。10. My father is a doctor. 我的爸爸是个医生。11. He helps sick people. 他帮助生病的人。12. My mother is a factory worker. 我的妈妈是个工厂的工人。13. She makes sweets.她做糖果的。14. Who ' s that?那是谁?15. There are so man

5、y cars. 有那么多车。16. Your father can ' t go now爸爸不能走了现在。【语法知识】1.如何询问他人的职业1) What does + 某人 (your father, David.) do ?He / She is a / an 职业(farmer, teacher, doctor.).例如:What does your father do? He is a doctor.你爸爸做什么 的? 他是一个医生。还可以这么问他人的职业:2) What is + 某人? What is your father? 你爸爸做什么的?3) What' s

6、somebody' s jcWhat' s your father'你job?做什么的?2.询问你”的职业1) What ' s your job?是做什么的?I am an English teacher.我是一个英语老师。2) What do you do?你是做什么的I am a worker. 我是一名工人。动词在第三人称单数形式的变化规则规则例词一般情况下,直接在动词的词尾加-s。run - runs look - lookssee -sees say -says以-s, -sh, -ch, -x, -o结尾的动词,一般在词尾加-es. teach-t

7、eaches go-goes fix-fixeswash-washes pass-passes以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先边y为i,再加-es. study-studies try- tries以元音字母加y结尾的动词,直接在词尾加-s。play-plays stay-stays 注意:go(三单)goeshave(EE单)has五、作文My familyThere are three people in my family. They are my father , my mother and I . My father is a teacher. He works in a school.

8、 He goes to school by car. My mother is a doctor. She works in a hospital. She helps sick people. She likes reading books. I am a student. I like playing football . I love my family.Unit 6知识点梳理一、词汇my e-friend 我的网友 in the playground 在操场上 wait a minute 等一会send this email发这封电子邮件 live in the UK 住在英国elev

9、enyears old 11 岁speak Chinese 讲中文 have Chinese lessonsW 语文课atschool在学校study Chinese 学习汉语 after school 放学后 what subjects 什么学科like Maths and PE 喜欢数学和体育 don' t worry!"担心swimwell游得好eat fish 吃鱼at a snack bar在家小吃店go fishing 去钓鱼be good at fishing 擅长钓鱼teach you 教你sit by the river坐在河旁many fish 许多鱼 l

10、ive in Canada 住在加拿大be good atEnglish擅长英语in Australia 在澳大利亚in China 在中国 tomorrow morning明天早上 know about these countries了解这些国家 in winter 在冬天 於turn to ice 变成冰 the winter weather 冬天的天气wear warm clothes 穿暖和的衣服 Chinese addresses 中文地址write English addresses 写英文地址 know about your e-friends 了 解你的网友们二、句型1. Do

11、 you have an e-friend?你有一位网友吗?Yes, I do.是的,我有。2. Do they like swimming?他们喜欢游泳吗?No, they don ' t.不,他们不喜欢。3. Does he have Chinese lessons?ftfl有语文课吗?Yes, he does.是的,他有。No, she doesn 不,4. Does she like singing?她喜欢唱歌吗?她没有。5. What subjects does he like?他喜欢什么学科? He likes Maths and PE.他喜欢数学和体育。6. What s

12、ubjects does she like碘喜欢什么学科?She likes Music andArt.她喜欢音乐和美术。7. Let me send this email to my e-friend.让我给网友发个电子邮件。8. Where does he live?他住在哪里? He lives in the UK.他住在英 国。9. How old is he?他几岁 了?He' s 11 years ol刑 11 岁。10. Can he speak Chinese她会讲汉语吗?Yes, he can.是的,他会。11. What does he do after schoo

13、l微学后他做什么?He studiesChinese.他学汉语。12. What do fish eat?鱼吃什么?They eat apples.它们吃苹果。13. Bobby waits and waits.波比等呀等。14. Let ' s go fishing tomorrow我们明天去钓鱼。I can teachyou.我会教你。 15. In winter, water turns to ice.在冬天,水变成冰。 16. And sometimes it snows.有时候下雪。 17. We write Chinese addresses like this.我们像这样写中文地址。三、语音Ww / w/ watch water week winter woman weather we always wear warm write swing wing with wet work worker wait


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