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1、2019 医学考博英语:历年真题中的专业术语【 11-15 】篇一】1. 矿物质: mineral2. 抗氧化作用: antioxygenation3. 细胞衰老: cell aging4. 维生素: vitamin5. 胆固醇浓度: cholesterol6. 可溶性纤维: soluble fibre7. 中风: stroke8. 冠心病: coronary disease9. 肺癌: lung cancer10. 维生素制剂: vitamin11. 人工合成的维生素: synthetic vitamin12. 预防作用: preventive effects13. 营养: nutritio

2、n14. 天然食物: natural food15. 超氧化物: superoxide16. 岐(质)化酶(SOD)17. 活性: activity18. 衰老: aging19. 膳食:food20. 钙化:calcium21. 肾脏:kidney22. 损伤:damage/harm23. 血栓:thrombus24. 发热:fever25. 手术:surgery/surgical operation26. 心肌梗死: myocardial infarction27. 肝肾功能不良: hepatic and renal function篇二】1. 药物:medicine/drug2. 生理作

3、用: physiological function3. 心理效应: psychological effects4. 信任感: sense of trust5. 体验:experience6. 评价:evaluation7. 广告效应: influence of advertisement/advertising effects8. 新兴边缘学科: interdisciplinary subjects/boundary science9. 心理精神疾病: mental diseases10. 生理机能: physiological functioin11. 肾上腺皮质激素: adrenocort

4、ical hormone12. 分泌: secretion13. 内分泌: endocrine14. 心脑血管系统: cardiocerebral vascular system15. 抗病水平: disease resistance16. 病菌: bacteria17. 免疫: immune18. 神经质: nervousness19. 意志薄弱: frailty/hypobulia20. 心理缺陷: mental defect21. 安慰剂: placebo22. 心理安慰: psychological comfort23. 内源性脑啡肽: endogenous enkephalin24.

5、 吗啡: morphine25. 自觉症状: subjective symptom26. 慢性病: chronic diseases27. 恶心呕吐: vomit28. 头晕目眩: vertigo29. 失眠: insomnia30. 心理暗示: psychological suggestion31. 癌症: cancer32. 类风湿性疾病: rheumatic disease33. 特效药: specific medicine34. 药物心理学: pharmacopsychology35. 暗示疗法: suggestive therapy36. 安慰剂: placebo37. 器官功能:

6、organ function38. 躯体症状: physical symptom篇三】1. 疲劳: fatigue2. 不愿意运动: unwilling to do exercises3. 失眠: insomnia4. 头痛: headache5. 注意力不集中: lack of concentration6. 灰色状态: grey status7. 均衡营养: balanced nutrition8. 合理膳食: rational diet9. 糖: sugar10. 蛋白质: protein11. 脂类: fat12. 矿物质: mineral13.

7、.维生素: vitamin热量过剩:excessive heat热量不足:insufficient heat脂肪类食物:fatty food韭菜: leek鳗鱼: sea eel放松: relaxation高峰: peak低谷: low ebb精力充沛:energetic痛苦和烦恼: pain and vexation心理调节:psychological adjustment心理平衡:psychological balance超负荷运转:overload operation丹田: the public region负

8、离子浓度: aeroanion concentration神经系统:nerve system胃肠消化:digestion体力、脑力、心理: physical energy,慢性疾病:chronic diseases打盹: nap34. 颈项: neck35. 腰部: waist36. 肌肉紧张: muscular tension37. 颈肩病: neck and shoulder disease篇四】1. 忧虑: depression2. 显示器: monitor3. 电子束: electron beam4. 辐射: radiation5. 电磁波: electromagnetic wave6

9、. 肌肉骨骼系统: muscle and bones7. 腰: waist8. 颈: neck9. 肩: shoulders10. 腕部等: wrist11. 生理: physiology12. 心理: psychology/mentality13. 多梦: dreaminess14. 神经衰弱: neurasthenia15. 紧张: tension16. 烦躁: vexation17.焦虑不安:anxiety18.身心疲惫:fatigue19.心理障碍:psychological disorder20.人格障碍:personal disorder21.交感神经:sympathetic ne

10、rve22.网络综合征: Internet syndrome23.兴趣丧失:loss of interest in24.睡眠障碍:sleep disorder25.生物钟紊乱: biological clock disorder26.食欲下降:loss of appetite27.体重减轻:weight lossL28.思维迟缓:retardation of thinking29.饮酒: drinking30.滥用药物:drug abuse31.自我保健:self-help32.身体检查:physical examination33.心理测定:psychological measurement34.营养: nutrition篇五】1. 世界卫生组织: WTO2. 膳食营养: food3. 遗传因素: inheritance factor4.营养不良: malnutrition5.主食:staple food6.副食:non-staple food7.氨基酸:amino acid8.无机盐:inorganic salt9.脂肪酸:fatty acid10.磷脂:phospholipid11. 钙: calcium12. 镁: magnetic13. 油腻食物: fatty food14. 饮食要


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