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1、非谓语动词测试1. The walletseveral days ago was foundin the dustbin outside the building.A. stolen, hiddenB. stealing, hidingC. stealing, hidden D. stolen, hiding2. A person _ a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language _all about his own.A. to learn, to forget B. learning, to forget C. to

2、learn, forgetting D. learning, forgetting3. _different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality.A. To produce B. Being producedC. Produced D. Having produced4. The students in the university are all taking courses a degree.A. coming toB. going to C. leading toD. turning to5. Many

3、things impossible in the past are very common today.A. consider B. considering C. considered D. be considered6. many times, he still couldn't understand.A. Having been toldB. Having told C. He having been told D. telling7. The old sick lady entered the hospital, her two sons.A. to support B. sup

4、porting C. supported byD. having supported8. China is one of the largest countries in the world, 9.6 million square kilometres.A. to coverB. covered C. covers D. covering9. "We must keep a secret of the thing here", the general said, _ at the man in charge of the information office.A. disc

5、ussed, stared seriously B. being discussed, seriously staringC. to be discussed, seriously stared D. discussed, stared10. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, that he had enjoyed his stay here.A. having addedB. to add C. adding D. added11. the composition, John handed it

6、to the teacher and went out of the room.A. Writing B. Having written C. Written D. Being written12. Were you when you saw that wild animal?A. fright B. frighteningC. frightened D. frighten13. Properlywith numbers, the books can be easily found.A. markedB. mark C. to mark D. marking14. The child sat

7、in the dentist's chair.A. trembleB. trembling C. trembled D. to trembled15. At this moment the bell rang the end of class.A. announceB. announcingC. announcedD. to announce16. He walked down the hills,softly to himself.A. sing B. singing C. sung D. to sing17. I had to shout to make myselfabove t

8、he noise.A. heard B. hearing C. heard D. to hear18. The graduating students are busymaterial for their reports.A. collectB. to collect C. collected D. collecting19. The carsin Beijing are as good as thosein Shanghai.A. produce, produce B. produced, producedC. produced, producing D. producing, produc

9、ing20. When I came in, I saw Dr. Lia patient.A. examineB. examiningC. to examineD. examined21. a satisfactory operation, the patient recovered from illness very quickly.A. Having been given B. Having given C. Giving D. Being given22. _ a satisfactory operation, the doctor believed the patient would

10、recover from his illness very soon.A. Having been given B. Having given C. Giving D. Being given23. He wrote a letter to me _ that his trip to Japan had been put off because of the bad weather.A. inform B. informing C. informed D. being informed24. He reads newspapers every day to keep himself _ abo

11、ut what's going on in the world.A. inform B. informing C. informed D. being informed25. Mrs Smith made her pupils _ the text three times a week.A. reciteB. recitedC. recitingD. to recite26. Will you _ me _ out this problem myself?A. permit, workingB. let, workC. allowed, to workD. forbid, to wor

12、k27. She was seen _ model ships in the room.A. madeB. to makeC. makesD. make28. Birds are seldom heard _ at night.A. singB. singingC. to singD. to be singing29. The areoplane was noticed _ at six.A. take offB. to take offC. get offD. to get off30. Mr. Crossett was made _ his teaching because of his

13、poor health and old age.A. give up B. give in C. to give upD. to give in31. The book is said _ into many foreign languages.A. to have been translated B. to have translatedC. to be translatingD. having been translated32. The Marquis was thought _ some terrible wrongs to his tenants.A. of doingB. that

14、 he had doneC. to have done D. to have been done33. The doctor advised Lao Li _ more rest.A. that he getB. to get C. would getD. get34. Joe wishes us _ with him.A. to go alongB. going alongC. went alongD. will go along35. Do you think it difficult _ a horse _?A. to train, jumpingB. training, for jum

15、ping C. to train, jumpD. to train, to jump36. My car has broken down. Would you help me_?A. to get the car to startB. get the car start C. to get the car startedD. get to start the car37. “Will you join us?” I invited _ with us?A. her spending weekendB. her to spending weekendC. her to spend weekend

16、D. she spent weekend38. It is master Wu who taught us _ the machine.A. what to do withB. ranC. how to runD. how could run39. Why do you stand and watch the milk _.A. boilingB. boiledC. from boilingD. having been boiled40. Before he came to London, he had never heard a single English word _.A. speaki

17、ngB. spokenC. speakD. being spoken41. I held the little bird in my hand and felt its heart _.A. jumpingB. beatingC. bumpingD. knocking42. - “Do you smell anything unusual?”- “Yes. I can smell something _.”A. burningB. is burningC. having burntD. burn43. Which do you enjoy _ your weekends, fishing or

18、 watching TV?A. spending B. to spend C. being spent D. spend44. _ Sunday , the students are at home.A. Being B. To be C. It is D. It being45. All the things _ , his proposal is of greater value than yours.A. considered B. considering C. to consider D. consider46. He hurried to the station, _ the 9:3

19、0 train had already left.A. to find B. found C. only to find D. only finding47. _ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of the characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.A. To save B. Saved C. Saving D. Having saved48. The story _ by the writer is very _ with many middle school studen

20、ts in China.A. / popular B. written welcome C. writing agreed D. wrote pleased49. Can you imagine a little boy _ a stranger _ into the house and _ a box away?A. notice enter steal B. watching come takingC. foundgoingget D. seeing steal carry50. _ what he had done, he hung his head and said nothing.A

21、. To be askedB. When asked C. Having asked D. When asking51. At his appearance on the stage again, they had _ feelings of _ and joy.A. mixing, surprising B. mixture, surprised C. mixed, surprise D. mix, surprise52. I was cycling in the street when I heard an old woman _ out a _ cry and then saw her

22、bleeding badly.A. give, frightening B. give, frightened C. to give, frightening D. to give, frightened53. She looked forward to his coming back as much as he himself _ her.A. to see B. to seeing C. saw D. seeing54. Friendship is like money: easier made than _.A. kept B. to be kept C. keeping D. bein

23、g kept55. _ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.A. The president will attend B. The president to attendC. The president attended D. The president's attending56. The discovery of new evidence led to _.A. the thief having caught B. catch the thiefC. the thief being caught D

24、. the thief to be caught57. Generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken58. An army spokesman stressed that all the soldiers had been ordered _ clear warnings before firing any shots.A. to issue B. bei

25、ng issued C. to have issued D. to be issued59. The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the entrance, _ in the natural light during the day.A. to letB. lettingC. letD. having let60. _ around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Birds Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.A. Havi

26、ng shownB. To be shownC. Having been shownD. To show目标测试 1._in the matriculation for postgraduate in a short time is really a hard nut ATo make high scores BMaking high scores CTo make low goal DMaking low goal 2.I found _ to answer all the questions within the time given Ano possibility Bthere was

27、impossibility Cimpossible Dit impossible 3.The students expected there _ more reviewing classes before the final exams Ais Bbeing Chave been Dto be 4.Youre going to England next year. You should now practise _ English as much as possible. A. speak B. to speak C. speaking D. Speak about 5.If we dont

28、start out now, we must risk _ the train. A. miss B missing C. being missed D to miss 6. The flexibility of film allows the artist _ unstrained imagination to the animation of cartoon characters. Ato bring Bbrining Cis brought Dbrings 7.Although the lecture had already been on for five minutes,I stil

29、l was not able to find a chair_. A. to sit Bfor to sit on Cto sit on Dfor sitting 8. Surely her daughter would make an even bigger effort _ her? Aplease Bpleased Cto please Dhaving pleased 9.Lots of empty boots were found under the old mans bed. He must have done nothing but _. A. drink B. to drink

30、C. drinking D. drunk 10.The local health organization is reported _ twenty-five years age when Dr. Adudon became its first president. A. to be set up B. being set up C. to have been set up D. having been set up 11.I heard him _the door A. locking B. to lock C. lock D. being locking 12.He does nothin

31、g but_ A. complaining B.to complaining C. complain D. to complain 13.The students expected there_ more reviewing classes before the final exam. A. is B. being C have been D. to be 14. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _ in broad daylight yesterday. A. to be robbed B. robbed C. to have been

32、 robbed D. having been robbed 15.I appreciated _the opportunity to study abroad two years ago. A. having been given B. having been C. to have been given D. to have given 16.There is no point _further. A. argue B. to argue C. arguing D. being arguing 17.Nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing

33、 to its always _with other elements, most commonly with oxygen. A. combined B. having combined C. combine D. being combined 18.They stopped _, but now Im getting interested. A.listening B.to listen C. listen D. having listening 19.I am sorry to hear that you resorted _ A. to cheat B. to cheating C.

34、cheating D.cheat 20.He wasnt asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _ insufficiently popular with all members. A. being considered B. considering. C. to be considered D. having considered 21._of the burden of ice , the balloon climber up and drifted to the South. A. To be free B. Freeing

35、C. To free D. Freed 22._exceptions, the rule may stand. A. Allow for B. Allowing for C. To allow D. To allow for 23.All flights_ because of the snowstorm, we decided to take the train. A. were canceled B. had been canceled C. having canceled D. having been canceled 24.John painted her sitting in a c

36、hair with her hands _ A. folding B. to have folded C. to fold D. folded 25.Its easy to blame the decline of conversation on the pace of modern life and on the vague changes _place in our ever-changing world. A. taking B. to take C. take D. taken 26.I worked so late in the office last night that I ha

37、rdly had time _the last bus. A. to have caught B. to catch C. catching D. having caught 27.I have got a loaf of bread ; now Im looking for a knife_. A. to cut it with B. to cut with it C. with it to cut D. it to cut with 28.The function of Louis Sullivans architecture was _large uninterrupted floor

38、areas and to allow ample light into the interior. A. to provide B. providing C having providing D provide 29.His victory in the final was no more _than I had expected. A. convincing B. convinced C.to convince D.being convincing 30.I recommend you _ what he says. A.do B. doing C.to do D. to doing 31.

39、How about _ there? A. to go B. go C. going D.to going 32.He is an _teacher. A. advancing B.advanced C being advancing D advance 33.The Portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea travel, that man _prince Henry the navigator, who lived in the 15th century. A.was B. being

40、 C.is D. having been 34.I have no idea of _it. A. to do B. how to do C. what to do D. to doing 35.On seeing the young child _into the lake, John sprang to his feet, and went to the rescue. A. fell B. fall C. falling D to fall 36 We dont want _any comrades lagging behind. A. there being B.there to be

41、ing C.there to be D.there is 37.I must make full use of the time _left to me and do as much as I can for the people. A. there being B. there is C. there are D. there to be 38.It is not uncommon for _problems of communication between old and young. A. there to be B. there being C there to being D. th

42、ere be 39.Revolution means _ the productive forces. A. to liberate. B. to have liberated C. liberating D. having being liberated 40The article opens and closes with descriptions of two news reports, each _one major point in contrast with the other. A. make B. made C. is to make D. making 一. 完形填

43、空     阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Have you ever heard of the saying, “If you want a friend, be   1   !” What dose it   2   ? There are many different things that you can do to  3  &

44、#160; friends. You may find out what they are if you  4   someone make friends.   Here is  5  one new teachers made friends with the  6  in her class on the first day of the school. When the bell  7 &

45、#160;, the teacher smiled at all the students. Then she said, “Good morning. How nice it is to have all of you  8  my class this year! I want to  9  each of you very much. Im sure we will enjoy working together.”    The teacher smiled, used

46、 a pleasant  10   and acted  11   a friendly way. She told the students her  12   and wrote it on the blackboard. Then she told them something she liked to  13   and hoped to do with them during the y

47、ear. The students knew that she liked many of the same things they liked. Everyone felt that she  14   what she said. Each of them wanted to know her  15    and be her friend. Then she let the students tell something about  16 

48、60;. So they felt that the teacher knew them. Could you make friends as the teacher  17  ?    How do you know and like your classmates? One  18  is to find out more about them. During the  19  you can talk to them. You m

49、ay ask them their names and the names of the schools they went to last year. They want to know about you, too. You may tell them about your interests or your holiday experiences. It is often easy to be friends with people who have 20   interests and play the same games. As you ta

50、lk, the others may be thinking, “I like to do. It should be fun to be friends with you.”Remember! Just talking together in a friendly way is one good way to make friends.1. A. itB. oneC. that D. careful2. A. mean B. want C. have  D. show3. A. makeB. meetC. have D. get4.

51、 A. look B. hearC. listenD. watch5. A. what  B. howC. why D. when6 A. teachersB. studentsC. workmatesD. parents7. A. rang B. got C. sangD. spoke8. A. on B. in C. with D. about9. A. teachB. knowC. learnD. like10. A. voiceB. sentenceC. phraseD. sound11. A.

52、on   B. byC. in D. to12. A. familyB. father C. work D. name13. A. do B. eatC. getD. play14. A. meantB. liked C. wasD. forgot15. A. much B. betterC. enoughD. still16.A.themselvesB.their parents   C. the teacherD. the school17. A. wasB. didC.

53、 gotD. saw18. A. wayB. dayC. teacherD. class19. A. breakB. classC. teachingD. day20. A. no  B. differentC. manyD. the same二. 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。                     

54、60;                         A       A good way to pass an examination is to work hard every day in the year. You may fail in the e

55、xamination if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the examination. A few days before the examination you should start going to bed early. Do not stay up late at night learning things. Before you start the examination, read carefully over the question paper. Tr

56、y to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pick up your pen to write. When you have at last finished your examinations, read over your answers. Correct any mistake which you see and make sure that you have not missed anything out.21.If you work hard only a few days before an exami

57、nation you may         .        A. pass it                             

58、;                   B. get sick         C. fail                   

59、;                                    D. be allowed to take the examination22.“Stay up late at night” here means 

60、60;       .      A. sleeping in bed                              B. just sitting up withou

61、t doing anything       C. walking about in the room            D. working far into the night23.The first thing to do after you get the question paper is to         .       A. start to answer questions                     


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