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1、五年级下册英语期末测试试卷听力部分一.听句子,选由句中所包含的单词 。()1. A. shoppingC. swimming()2. A. springC. autumn()3. A. firstC. fifth()4. A. theyC. theirs()5. A. sleepingC. eatingB. dancingB. AugustB. fourthB. theirB. thinking、听对话,根据对话的顺序将下列图片排序三、听问句,选择恰当的答语。()1.A. At 8:00.C. On the weekend.()2.A.Summer.B. In the evening.B. S

2、eptember.21C. Easter.()3. A. Yes, she is. B. No, it can' t.C. Yes, it is.()4. A. He's my dad.B. It's mine.C. John.()5. A. He's young. B. He's singing. C.She' s swimming.四.听短文,在相应的表格里打,。IVhc、aaansFa±erMotherBrotherSisterJim笔试部分五.选由下列单词划线部分发音与众不同的一项()1. A. threeB. thinC.th

3、at()2. A. cleanB. cleverC. plate()3. A. drinkB. thinkC. long()4. A. whereB. whoC.which()5. A. schoolB. MarchC.teacher六. 看图,根据句意及首字母提示填写短语。1.Whendoyous ?2. I often p asummer.in3. Mybirthdayisonf.4. Please k the deskc鬃5. The girl is e l七.Read and choose. 选词填空,补全句子。yourshersoursmine1. This is your eras

4、er, where is?2. Your classroom is clean,is clean, too.3. Is thisSarah ' s newbike?No,is yellow. 4. My pencil -box is toosmall.Whatabout ?八.将所给单词重新排列,注意大小写和标点。1. haveWeinatripMayschool3. Whose is this book4. He drinking is water4. What theis littledoing monkey九.Read and choose. 读对话,选择图片。()1. 一 Wh

5、y do you like spring?一 Because the trees are green.()2. - Is the girl sleeping ?-No, she is listening to music.()3. 一 When is your birthday?-It' s on February twenty -fourth.()4. 一 What is she doing ?一 She is reading a book.()5. 一 What do you do on weekends?十.根据上下文,选择恰当的句子完成对话(填代号)John: Whatare

6、youdoing, Mike?Mike:John: Which season do you like best ?Mike: ?John: I like summer, too. Mike: The weather is too hot.Let' s go swimming, OK?John:Great! Mike: No, he can' t.He' s busy now.John: What is he doing?Mike:John: Oh, maybe next time. Then let' s go! A. He is having a footba

7、ll class.B. Can your brother go swimming with us?C. Because I can swim in summer.D. I' m reading a book about season.E. I like summer best. 十一.阅读短文,回答问题。I am Sarah. I have three good friends. They areAmy,JohnandTom. Amylikes winter,becauseherbirthday is in February. She likes music. She is liste

8、ning tomusicnow.John's birthdayis on April4th. Ha,it's April Fool' s Day. He likes sports. Look! He is playing basketball. Tom' s birthday is in October. So he likes autumn,and hecanpick apples in autumn.Is hepickingapples? No, he iseating apples. I likespringbecause spring is very b

9、eautiful. What am I doing? I am reading a book.1. HowmanyfriendsdoesSarah have?2. Why dose Amy like winter?3. Is John' s birthday on April Fool' s Day?4. IsTompickingapplesnow?WhatisSarahdoing?十二.根据表格提示写作。题目:What are they doing要求:不少于四句话口书写规范,没有语法错误,标点符号正确口WhSR he slie d 口 齿三Anydo her hnnev/o

10、rkher inthercleaii ter room在京:选道毛仁:甘于E尸M工。也Tmck ditherW号不力筐内。faiilead a beckHSTl 也m Jdnnk n慨”This is Amy' s family. What are they doing now?Amy is doing her homework答案解析I共5分,每卜题1乐依次是;CBBCAIL共I分,每小题】分。依次是:23154皿扶国分每小题上分。依次是;AACBCIV:共It分,每小题二分。如RP班口股而也堇试部分,共R分,含卷面3分)'共1口分,副题:分,依次是::CCBA*二共10分,

11、副蠹2张依姆:VIL共分p等空1分。依次是;irnie, qw. hen youk9共*分,每小题?乐依:短;1. 猛电hai飞a 杷hool trip in入邺;:. 飞"bsse book is tris' 1A1ids* if mis bmk”3 . He is <fcin>iLS vcrer4 飞Tut is tlw little mMcey doing"K共10分,朝蟠2分由依次是:EDABC工.共1。分,每空?分"侬次是:DE84XI.共I。分,卷题2分口参考史吓:2. BKa&e her btnhday n in F曲ma

12、iy.3. Y电 it ll.1 Nc. he5. She 认 reading a如.排5分。大4片、标点错误、语法揩误售阳口 0.5分。宿题目扣1分。魂文仅能参考,不必千篇一律!】如下:What are they Mi同This is Api'/s famii/ Wat are tfie/ doinc now? Any is dojng her ticxnework.sifter is deaninc henooni Her fiKither is cooKing dinner Hefather is,vashirg clothes. Amy's grandpa is Me,

13、 too. He 陪 Aaterirg Howers.呢诩料1 .听句于,选出句中所包含的里面。.L 白电!1:知世 1上,nt uiHLtti* 2, M*- birhdv 4 it 2包u以j. April F>&1'e Day in on Apitt.4 4-. Are these 巧兰 u theirs?5 The linle boy u sleeping-II-旷对法,践据对话的顺(T将下列荽抖排序。1. Vi na: jw the 萼rl d 口 ul 葭Ste is taking a dEDEing 琵.2. WLy de vqu 1证 dieter?Bec

14、ause I can a .gvman. k the dos ±tti1.ihj water:一 Yd it"?国工:一 ! <i,: >fc H ! ) M I I 11 TNT: Illi<.Lcot! Chen Jie 译 际皿 an English 日型三Y>s,比u is a ged gnL?.一A d昨 is climbing ihe 切口皿归口Really?m.听闻句,选择恰审的等帝,1 陋 7M eai bTeakfkEC2 . TYturh is ytnu 血veuri* 班aion?3 h The cat sleeping?口.

15、Whose peacil-box 返 this?5. 'Alut is tout sister doing.方城文,在隼底的我格里打、.There are five pecph 而 Jim's &raily Jim:? tEther H a doctor. He jartyai?cld. Hts tLtthday is in October. Jinf$ Enother is a nurse Sie 由而值赶$ old. Her bmhda cm June TJ Jim brEhtii& a ceh He like? sprirg. Because hiw bi

16、nk也了 is on Maicii 61k Jimi sKter i s a lawful g. Her bnttiday ii io AfriL Whai is biithda It's on,呼:ember冶、'Ahtna情 1 ag 1aFatherMouim<B;枯不VSinerJim、五年级下册英语期末测试试卷听力部分一 . 听 录音,选出你听到的单词或词组。() 1 A .springB. summerC.fall()2 A .MarchB. MayC. April() 3 A. eat breakfast B. eat lunchC.eat dinner()

17、4A.7:30B.8:30C.9:30()5 A. drinkingB. eatingC. having() 6 A. fly kitesB. plant treesC. make a snowman ()7 A. niceB. sweetC .good() 8 A. go hikingB. go shoppingC. go fishing() 9 A. go to bedB .go to schoolC. go to work() 10 A. firstB. secondC. third二.听录音,判断图片或句子是否相符。用“X”表示三.听录音,将正确的序号填在题前括号里)1. My fav

18、orite seasons is A. springB. summerC. winter)2. I oftenwith my family on theweekend.A. go on a picnicB. play basketballC. playsports)3. Be a good boy, !A. Keep your desk clean.B. Keep your room clean.C. Keep quietly.)4. When isthe Easter?A. It' s in March.B. It' s in April.C. It' s inMay

19、.5. I usually get up atA. 3 o clockB.6 o clockC. 8 o clock. 听 录音,选择正确的答语,将序号填在题前括号里。将序号填在题前括号里。Maysnowman.C.it1.A. At 82.A. Yes,Yes, I do.3.A. Yes,yours. (itit sclockis.mine.4.A. He doinghomework.C.C. It. 选 出不同类的单词。summerwalkseason5.A. It s ons in October.A.A.winter.coolskateB. in springB. Because I

20、B. Yes, its reading.m eatingMarch 12th.笔试部分B. coolB. coldB. swimcanhis.B.lunch.B.ItC.C.C.inC. inmake aC. Yes,They areJanuary.springwarmclimbD.D.D.third4 A. firstB. twoC. secondD.D .June. 找 出单词的正确译文,将其标号填入前面的括号内。A.春天A.六月5 A. May1 SpringB.季节B. JulyC.夏天C.Sunday2.MayB.三月C.五月3write a letterA.写报告B.写信C.写电子

21、邮件4usuallyA. 通常B.一般C经常5twelfthA. 十二B.第十二C.第二十. 选 择填空。1.Wherejohn andMike?A.amB. isC. are2.Whendoyoufinish classtheafternoon?A.inB.atC. on3.seasondo you likebest?A. WhichB. WhyC. When() 4.We can make a snowman in A. autumnB. summer C. winter() 5. -When is the party? A. In the schoolB. At 5:00C. I lik

22、ethe party.()6. -When is Thanksgiving Day? -It s inA. DecemberB. NovemberC. September() 7. The kittens are .A. sleepingB. doing homeworkC.doing shopping() 8. There are people in my family.A. 8thB. eightC. third() 9. April 5th is his birthday.A. thirdB. threeC. nine() 10. The book is my book. It s .A

23、. myB. mineC. your()11. -It s Amy s picture.-Yes, it sA. herB. hersC. his() 12. -Is Fido drinking water? A. OKB. No, he is.C. Yes, he is.() 13. I m looking at elephant.A. anB. a C. /() 14. We should in the library.A. talk quietlyB. speakC. say()15. When you eat dinner athome?A. doesB. doC. are四 . 选

24、择正确的答句。1. What do you do onthe weekend?2. When is Children s Day?() 3.Which season do you like best?() 4. Are you climbing themountain?() 5. What are you doing?A. No, I m going hiking.B. I m doing homework.C. June 1st.D. Winter. I can play with snow.E. I often do homework and go hiking.五 . 给下列单词归类。A

25、prilfirstswimmingMayyoursshoppingsecondEaster OctoberNew Year s Daythird minejumping10thThanksgivingDayFebruaryhis Christmas ours doing1 . March 2 .cooking 3 .May Day4 .theirs 5.21st五 . 阅 读理解 .Mike: Hello. This is Mike. Is that Wu Yifan?Wu: Yes, this is Wu Yifan. What are you doing, Mike? Mike: I m

26、watching TV. What are you doing? And how is everybody doing?Wu:Justfine.I m doingthe dishes. Myfather iswriting an e-mail in the study. My mother is sweeping thefloor.Andmy brotheris playing chesswithmysister.Mike: What do you do on the weekend?Wu: I visit grandparents and go shopping.Mike: Do you w

27、ant to go to the nature park?Wu: Sure. What time?Mike: At 1:30.Wu: OK. See you later.Mike: Bye.根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。.thegoesPark)1.)2.)3.bedroom.(shopping)5.at 1:30七.仔细观察图画,你能写一段不少于WuMikeWuonWuwithYifan is watching TV.is doing theYifan ' s father)4. Wu Yifanthe weekend.Yifan wants toMike.现在是星期天上午11

28、dishesis writing an e-mail invisits grandparents andgo to the Children 's点。看,他们正在做什么?5句话的短文描述一下吗?你可以选择图画进行描述Mv father Mv undeMv mother Mv sisterMv brother.kFW#例:The monkey is climbing.答案解析一.听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组口l.fall 2.April 3.eat breakfast 4,8:305.eating6.plant trees 7.good 8.go hiking 9.go to bed 10.second二,听录音,判断图片或句子是否相符口用“一 “X”表示1. I often eat b


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