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1、学习必备欢迎下载完形填空( a)it was the last lesson before winter holidays. the students looked very1. their english teacher, miss liu,2happy, too. she3them interesting stories. she sangsongs 4 them. after that she went to the blackboard and 5 “ smiles on”it. “ thisis one of the6words in english.”she said to the

2、 students. all the students laughed, and then one girl stood up and asked, “7is it one of the longest words in english.”miss liusaid8 fora fewseconds. thenshe smiledand said, “9 there is a milebetween在 .之间 the first letter and10. ” 1 a wellb happyc happilyd sad 2 a isb looksc wasd look 3 a saidb tol

3、dc spoked talked 4 a withb andc fromd in 5 a wroteb writec writesd to write 6 a shorterb longerc longestd shortest 7 a howb whyc whered which 8 a anythingb somethingc nothingd everything 9 a sob whyc andd because 10 a the lastb last wordc lastd a lastballover the worldpeople enjoy taking part in spo

4、rts. taking part in sports1 peoples health. manypeople liketo watch 2 3turn on their tv sets to sit4them.play sports games. they buy ticketssports5 withthe seasons. people play6 games in differentseasons.sometimes they play inside, and sometimes they play outside. we can7sports here and there. some

5、sports are rather interesting8people everywhere likethem. football, for example, is very popular in the world. people 9differentcountries cannot understand each other, but after a game they often become very10to each other. 1 a good for 2 a otherb good atb othersc goodc the otherd good tod the other

6、s 3 a andb butc ord so 4 a in frontb in the frontc in the front ofd in front of 5 a changeb arec playd start 6 a sameb differentc the samed the different 7 a seeb lookc findd watch 8 a so thatb butc ord and 9 a fromb toc outsided inside 10 a friendb friendlyc friendsd more friendlycour school is on

7、zhongshan road. there is a big gardenfrom our school. there isan apartment storeour school and the post office. there arebuildings in our school, the teaching building, the teachers building and the library building. the teachers in our schoolvery kind. our school yard is vey beautiful. if you comeo

8、ur school from the airport,a taxi and gothe highwayyou see a bridge. go across the bridge andleft. then go straight along the bridge street until you see a market. then turn left and go along zhongshan road, and our school isthe right. 1 a acrossb inc ond behind 2 a inb amongc betweend or 3 a twob t

9、hreec fourd five 4 a amb isc ared / 5 a fromb toc backd up 6 a haveb takec getd borrow 7 a onb toc alongd up 8 a whenb afterc untild as 9 a gob comec taked turn 10 a inb onc atd ofda young man went to a town and1there. he2a wife, and a servant didthe work in his house. the young man liked laughing a

10、 lot. he nailed钉 the servant s shoes in the floor3monday.4the servant put his feet in them, he5. the servant was not angry.on tuesday the young man 6 a cat in the servant s bed. the servant got into bed and touched the cat7his feet. he was afraid. the young man laughed a lot again. the servant was n

11、ot angry, but8with him.then, on wednesday, the young man said to his servant, “ youare a nice and kind man, and i am not going to be9to you again. ”the servant smiled and said, “and i am not going to put any mud 泥10 coffee.”your 1 a workb workedc worksd working 2 a didn t haveb hasntc hadd wasnt 3a

12、onb inc tod with 4 a sob andc whend because 5 a angryb laughedc jumpedd fell down 6 a caughtb putc movedd got 7 a withb onc ford in 8 a talkedb saidc smiledd laughed 9 a kindb unkindc friendlyd nice 10 a onb toc ind withethe farmers were on their wayhome one evening 1 a days work. 2 weretired. they

13、happened to3the sky and saw a black cloud.“ah. ”said one farmer, “ tomorrowwe shall 4 rain and the rice will grow well.”the 5 answered, “no, the rain will kill the rice.”so6began to quarrel. just then a third farmer came7and asked them 8they were quarreling. both the farmers told him9the black cloud

14、.“what cloud. ”asked the third farmer. they all looked up at the sky. the 10 was no longer there. 1 a beforeb afterc whend where 2 a eitherb allc neitherd both 3 a look atb look forc look upd look after 4 a hasb havec bed being 5 a firstb otherc thirdd fourth 6 a web youc theyd he 7 a alongb onc ind

15、 away 8 a whatb howc whyd whether 9 a forb toc ofd about 10 a cloudb rainc homed skyfthe room was dark and quiet. only one boy stilldidn t go to sleep. he sat on his bed at a far 1of the room. slowlyand carefully, he punched 扎 small2across a piece ofpaper witha stylus 铅笔,唱针 . every3minutes he stoppe

16、d and ran his fingers 4the raised dots 凸出的点 on5side of the paper. a friend of his came to him 6and said, “louis, are you still punching dots. you d better stop and get some rest. theteacher will be angry if you sleep in class.”the answer 7slowly.“ i know, i know. i m 8 finishednow. go back to sleep,

17、 gauthier.l”ouisbraille , inventorofthe braillereading method for the blind, put his paper and stylus on a shelf behind his bed. he stood up and went to an open window. he could hardly feel the cool april wind9his face. he knew his method would10, no matter what others thought. 1 a sideb rowc corner

18、d part 2 a boxesb holesc bitsd ends 3 manyb somec littled few 4 a acrossb againstc ond into 5 a anotherb the otherc otherd one 6 a hurriedlyb quicklyc quietlyd carefully 7 a cameb reachedc wentd moved 8 a almostb alreadyc reallyd hardly 9 a sweepb touchc beatd brush 10 a operateb winc used workgmr.

19、green heard that a certain government department wanted a clerk 职员 . he wrote andthe position 职位 . but while he was waiting for, a friend of his introduced him to the head of the department. and the head at once gave him .several months,mr. green was workingin the department, he got a letter from hi

20、s old address. this letter said:dear sir,we areto have to tell you that we cannot offer you the work in this department because we do not think that you woulddo the job successfully.yours faithfullymr. green laughed, but when he looked at the letter morehe wasto see that he signed it himself. 1 a bu

21、tb soc ord and 2 a got ready tob looked forc tookd asked for 3 a an answerb his friendc the positiond the head 4 a the payb the addressc the workd a letter 5 a laterb agoc befored since 6 a sob thenc whiled after 7 a happyb sorryc sured pleased 8 a have tob love toc be glad tod be able to 9 a quietl

22、yb politelyc carefullyd quickly 10 a worriedb luckyc sadd surprisedhone day a tiger caught a fox in the forest. before the tiger could eat him up, the fox cried out, “you eat me. dontyou know that i m king of the forest. if you eat me up, all animals of the forest will be angryyou. ”the tiger didn b

23、telieve him. “ howcan small animal be king of the forest. ”he himself.“if you don btelieve me,”the fox said, “ then a walk with me in the forest. you can see for yourselfthey are afraid of me or not. ”the tiger thought it was a good idea, so they set off together. the fox walked front and the tiger

24、went. when the other animals saw the tiger, they ran off as fast as they could.“ sefeor yourself, mr. tiger, ”the fox called out quickly. “ allthe other animals are afraid ofme.”“yes, yes,”the tiger said, “ youare quite right. ”he then the fox go. 1 a can tb needntc couldn td don htave to 2 a others

25、b anotherc the otherd the others 3 a atb aboutc withd for 4 a such ab so ac such and a so 5 a askedb saidc toldd spoke 6 a gob carryc taked spoke 7 a whob whetherc ifd that 8 a next tob besidec neard behind 9 a comingb goingc walkingd running 10 a allowedb letc agreedd keptitom liked to play at scho

26、ol. he had not been doing well in the exam. so theteacher decided to ask his father to come toand to have awith him. when his father , the teacher said to him, “your didn wtork hard, and even worse, he cheated inthe exam.”“how did you that. ”toms father asked.“since tom has the same answers as the g

27、irls. the girl sits next to him. ”then the father said, “ thenmaybe the girl copied my son s .”“oh, no. there ten questions on the paper. your sons answers to the firstnine questions are just the as the girl s. the last question the girl answered,“i don t know. ”and your son wrote, “neither do i. ”

28、1 a kindb gladc angryd good 2 a homeb housec thered school 3 a talkb meetingc reportd game 4 a cameb wentc gotd comes 5 a studentb sonc uncled daughter 6 a findb foundc learnd learned 7 a paperb examc questionsd answers 8 a haveb bec ared is 9 a differentb samec easyd difficult 10 a tob forc butd be

29、causejit was winter, and mrs. hermann wanted to do a lot of shopping, so she waited1it was saturday. when her husband2, she took him to the shops with her to pay付款 for everything and to carry her bags. they went to a lot of shops, and mrs. hermann3a lotof things. she often 4 and said, “ loo,kjoe. isn thtat beautiful. ”he then answered, “ allright, dear. how5is it. ”and too


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