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1、Unit 8 CloningText A: A Clone is BornPre-reading TaskGroup discussion:What is cloning? GoGive a brief history of the scientific research into cloning. GoWhat are the major pros and cons of human cloning? GoWhat is Cloning? scientists produce an animal or plant from one cell of another animal or plan

2、t, so that they are exactly the sameThe brief history of cloning technologyscientists have been working on it for over 100 years .The first cloned animals were created by Hans Dreisch in the late 1800s .In 1951, Philadelphia : scientists cloned a frog embryo.In 1977, a German scientist shocked the w

3、orld, claiming to have cloned three mice from embryos. A breakthrough came in 1986. In England scientists cloned a sheeps embryo. July 5, 1996, Dolly was born.What are the pros of cloning?Reliable cloning can be used to make farming more productive by replicating the best animals. It can clone the p

4、erson who died of fatal (致命) disease or accidents, thus the sad families can be comforted. It can produce humans organs (器官)for transplant operation.(移植手术)It helps to save the endangered species.What are the cons of human cloning?The cloned will be the same sex and it will have the same genetic defe

5、cts (disease). Scientists warned that only 1% to 6% of cloned embryos survive to birth. Human cloning will cause a lot of cultural, moral and social issues. For example, a woman could find herself marry a genetic copy of her own father or grandfather; a son could end up dating a younger clone of his

6、 own mother or grandmother. Questions for comprehensionQ1: In what way is Dolly different from other lambs? Dolly was a clone, the exact copy of its mother.Q2: What is the significance of Dollys birth? For Dollys birth, cloning is no longer a stuff of science fiction.Q3: What did scientists think of

7、 cloning decades ago? A possibility that was not going to happen anytime soon.Q4: Is the human cloning possible now that Dolly was born? No, it isnt.Q5: What is Wilmuts attitude toward the cloning of humans? He was opposed to the cloning of humans, saying “There is no reason in principle why you cou

8、ldnt do it. All of us would find it offensive.”Q6: What is the message that Lindas poem carries? We love “the ourselves” reflected in our children, like Narcissus. Q7: What does the old joke indicate? Natural birth is an unpredictable mixture.Q8: What does the story of Oppenheimer suggested? Cloning

9、 is a complex, multi-layered in its treats and promises. As the atomic bomb, a huge technical success, but actually a sin to the human being.Text Structure :Paras 1-2 Dolly the sheep, a clone, was born.Paras 3-6 Dollys birth has made cloning a reality and human cloning a possibility.Paras 7-11 Peopl

10、e have to face the ethical problems of human cloning.Paras 12-16 Cloning technology could benefit people in more than one way.Language Points1. union n.联合;团结;协会【构词】uni (one)+on(n.)一个结合,联合,合并【例句】the National Union of Working Mens Clubs 全国劳工组织联合会【常见搭配】in union 共同,一同【派生】unionize vt. 统一,成立工会 unite v.联合,

11、(使)团结,(使)统一 unity n. 团结,联合,统一 unify vt 使联合,统一,使相同【近形】unit n. 单位,单元,部件 Language Points2. identical a. 相同的,相等的;同一的 【构词】ident (= the same)+ical(a.)相同的,相等的【例句】This is the identical room we stayed in last year. 这是我们去年住过的(同一间)房间。【常见搭配】be identical with/to 和.完全相同 be identical in 在方面是相同的【派生】identify vt.认出,把

12、等同于 identity n.身份;个性,特征;同一(性)Language Points3. oppose vt.反对;反抗【构词】op(= against)+pose(toplace,to put)反对,反抗【例句】She seems very much opposed to your going abroad. 她好像很反对你出国。【派生】oposed a. 反对的,敌对的 opposite a. 相对的,对面的,对立的【常见搭配】 oppose+名词名词/代词代词 Ill not oppose you.我不反对你。oppose+动名词动名词The husband strongly opp

13、osed his wifes going there alone. 丈夫极力反对妻子单独去那里。oppose oneself/sth. to.I oppose myself to the training plan.我反对那项训练计划。be opposed to.Im much opposed to your going abroad.我非常反对你出国。Language Points4. geniusn. 天才【辨析】genius gift talent gift:天赋, 指在某方面有比较特殊的天赋技能.talent: 才能, 指天生的具有从事某方面工作或活动的能力.genius: 天才,为三

14、个词中程度最高的词.称 genius的人是最富有创造性的人. Language Points5. compromisev. 妥协【构词】com(together)+pro(forth)+mise(to send)彼此共同约定妥协,这种【例句】Most wage claims are settled by compromise. 对提高工资的要求大多都能折衷解决 【常见搭配】compromise between/on 折中,妥协 make a compromise with 与妥协【近形】comprise vt. 包含,包括;构成,做成 compress vt.压缩,压紧Language Poi

15、nts6. offensiveadj. 讨厌的, 无礼的, 攻击性的n. 进攻, 攻势【例句】 Its difficult to make friends with her; shes constantly on the offensive. 跟她交朋友十分困难; 她这个人口角尖酸、 咄咄逼人。 The new general immediately launched an offensive against the enemy. 新任命的将军立即向敌人发起攻击。【常见搭配】offensive against 对的进攻 a peace offensive 和平攻势 take the offen

16、sive 采取攻势【派生】offense n. 犯规,违法行为,冒犯,得罪 offend v. 冒犯,得罪Language Points7. comment n. 注释, 评论, 意见vi. 注释, 评论【例句】Have you any comment(s) to make on the recent developments? 你对最近的事态发展有什么评论吗?【常见搭配】make a comment on sth 评论某事 ; to comment on sth ;评论某事 comments on current events 时事评论 to comment on current event

17、s 评论时事【近形】commend vt.推荐;称赞 command n. 命令,指示;指挥,控制Language Points8. residencen.居住, 住处【构词】re(back回来)+sid(to sit)+ence(n.)返回坐下居住【例句】10 Downing Street is the British Prime Ministers official residence. 唐宁街10号是英国首相的官邸.【派生】resident n. 居民,定居者;住院医师a. 居住的,定居的;住校的;住院的 reside vi. 居住,定居;(in) (性质等)存在,存在于 residen

18、tial. a.住宅的,与居住有关的 【近形】residency n. 住处,住院医生实习期,住院医师的职位Language Points9. potential adj. 潜在的, 可能的, 势的, 位的n. 潜能, 潜力, 电压【构词】potent (powerful)+ ial(a.)有力量的潜在的,可能的【例句】 The book is arguably a potential best seller. 该书或可成为一部畅销书。 China is a country with great potentialities 中国是具有很大潜力的国家.【常见搭配】potential abili

19、ty 潜能 tap the potential of 挖掘的潜力【近形】potent a. (药等)效力大;威力大的;强有力的Language Points10. mixture n.混合, 混合物, 混合剂【构词】mix(混合)+ ture(n.)混合物【例句】Its a mixture of tea and honey. 这是茶和蜂蜜的混合物。【常见搭配】cough mixture 止咳药水 the mixture as before 照原来的处方 (喻)换汤不换药Language Points【辨析】mixture, blend, combination, compound, compo

20、site 这些名词均含“混合”之意。 mixture普通用词,指不同类种、性质不同的事物的混合。blend侧重混合成分之间的类似和整个混合物的统一性。combination指相混元素的紧密结合,但不一定的是融合。compound特指两种或多种元素构成的化合物。composite通常可与compound换用,但倾向于指人为的或 偶然的结合或凑合。【近形】moisture n. 潮湿 ,湿气Language Points11. primitive adj.原始的, 远古的, 粗糙的, 简单的 【构词】prim(first)+it+ive(a.)第一的原始的, 早期的 【例句】Living cond

21、itions in the camp were pretty primitive. 营地的生活条件甚为原始. 【常见搭配】primitive societies 原始社会 primitive passions 天生的热情 【近形】 prime a.首要的,主要的;最好的 n. 青春,壮年;全盛时期 primary a. 首要的,主要的,基本的;最初的,初级的Language Points12. batch n.一炉, 一批,一组,一群:一批生产量【例句】these bread are baked in batches of twenty. 这些面包是以二十个为一炉烘烤的。 There are

22、a new batch of recruits for the army today. 今天部队来了一批新兵。【常见搭配】in batch of 一炉一炉的;分批的;成批的; of the same batch 同样货色,一丘之貉 a batch of order 大量订单 a batch production 批量生产【近形】bath n.洗澡;浴缸 bathe vt. 给洗澡 vi.洗澡,游泳Language Points13. lash n. 鞭子, 鞭打, 睫毛, 责骂, 讽刺 vt. 鞭打, 摆动, 扎捆, 冲击, 煽动, 讽刺【例句】 He gave the prisoner se

23、veral lashes. 他抽了囚犯几鞭子。 She lashed out at her critics during the interview. 她在采访过程中对她的批评者们进行严厉攻击。【常见搭配】lash at/into 猛击,严厉斥责 lash down (雨等)猛降 lash out (against/at)攻击,抨击 under sb.s lash 在某人的控制之下【近形】slash vt. 砍,大幅度削减 Language Points14. for all the world 正像,简直像【例句】He looked for all the world like a coun

24、try doctor. 他各方面看起来都很象一位乡村医生。【常见搭配】与world 有关的短语in the world 加强语气out of this world 特别的,超级的 a world of 大量,许多 not for the world 无论如何不 【近义】 in every aspect ,exactly Language Points15.in principle 原则上,大致上,按规定【例句】they agree to the plan in principle, but there were several details they didnt like .他们基本上同意这

25、个计划,但有几处细节他们不喜欢。【常见搭配】on principle按原则的,依行为准则【辨析】in principle on principlein principle 在原则上with regard to the basics 基本上与基本原则有关地an idea that is acceptable in principle大体可以接受的想法on principle按原则的,依行为准则according to or because of principle按原则地根据或因为行为准则16. give birth to 1). bear (a child), bring forth e.g. Although a mother panda often gives birth to two cubs, she usually abandons one


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