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1、初一上册英语知识点大全初一上册英语知识点大全1. aa bb cc dd ee ff gg hh ii jj kk ll mm nn oo pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz元音字母:aa ee ii oo uu辅音字母:bb cc dd ff gg hh jj kk ll mm nn pp qq rr ss tt vv ww xx yy zz2. 字母发音与单词拼读3. 成分:主语,谓语,宾语,定语starter unit 1 good morning1. 关于英语名字的性别name list:first name/ given name:male (boys

2、name):bob, dale, eric, frank, alan, tom, mike, jack, paul, john, david, bill, female (girls name): alice, cindy, grace, helen, gina, jenny, mary, linda, jane, sally, kate, anna last name/ family name: brown, miller, green, smith2. 基本句型a.hello (hi)!hello (hi)!b.good morning (morning)!good morning (mo

3、rning)!good afternoon (afternoon)!good afternoon (afternoon)!good evening (evening)!good evening (evening)!c.how are you?im fine (fine), thanks. how are you (and you)im ok.(im = i am)starter unit 2 whats this in english?1. 不定冠词a/an英语中,不定冠词a/an 用于名词之前,泛指“一个”。当所修饰的名词发音为辅音字母开头时,就用不定冠词a; 当所修饰的名词发音为元音字母开

4、头时,就用不定冠词an。例如,a key, a jacket, a map; an apple, an egg, an orange。2. 基本句型whats this in english?its a / an + 实物名称.spell it, please ( how to spell it ). k-e-y. (单词字母大写)( whats this in english = whats the english for sth.; its = it is)starter unit 3 what color is it?基本句型:a.the key is + 颜色. (the key is

5、 yellow.) b.whats this ( in english) its (its a/an + 实物)spell it, please. ( how to spell it)k-e-y. (单词字母大写)what color is it?its + 颜色. unit 1 my names gina.1. 英语国家的姓和名a. 姓(last name/family name); 名(first name/given name)b. 英语姓名和汉语姓名的位置顺序不同。汉语中,姓+名;英语中,名+姓。c. 在非正式场合和熟人之间,英语国家的人往往直呼其名。在正式场合和陌生人之间,人们常常在

6、姓氏前面加上mr.(先生), ms.(女士), mrs.(夫人,太太)等称谓。例如,mr. black/ ms. green/ mrs. miller. 2. 人称代词(主格),人称代词(宾格),形容词性物主代词人称代词(主格)i you he/she/it we they人称代词(宾格)me you him/her/it us them形容词性物主代词(+名词)my your his/her/its our their3. 基本句型a.hello/hi/good morning, my names gina. whats your nameim jenny. nice to meet you

7、!nice to meet you, too!b. whats your name 你叫什么名字?my names helen. = my name is helen. = im helen. = i am helen. 我叫海伦。whats his name?his names jack. = his name is jack. = hes jack. = he is jack. whats her name?her names mary. = her name is mary. = shes mary. = she is mary. c. are you helen 你是海伦吗?yes,

8、i am.是的,我是。 / no, im not. 不,我不是。d. is he/she jack/helen 他/她是杰克/海伦吗?yes, he/she is. 是的,他/她是。/ no, he/she isnt. 不,他/她不是。4. 缩略与完整形式whats = what is names = name is im = i amhes = he is shes = she is isnt = is not.5. numbersa. zero one two three four five six seven nine ten b. telephone number = phone nu

9、mber 电话号码c. whats your telephone number/phone number?its + 数字. 6. id card 身份证;(个人身份)信息卡a.first namemarylast namemillertelephone number/phone number271-988756b. 公共电话号码120, 114, 110,119我国公共服务电话。911美国报警电话。unit 2 this is my sister.1. 文化差异在我国,家庭亲属成员之间的称谓可体现出性别,长幼,血缘关系的亲疏等。例如,性别:爷爷,奶奶;长幼:哥哥,妹妹;血缘关系的亲疏:爷爷,

10、外公,哥哥,表哥,堂哥等。通过称呼便可得知双方的基本关联信息。而在英语国家,在称呼中对辈分,性别,长幼与血缘关系亲疏不做细分。例如,grandfather/grandpa 既可指爷爷,也可指外公;sister既可指姐姐,也可指妹妹;uncle 与aunt 不仅指父亲一方的兄弟、姐妹或他们的配偶,同时也指母亲一方的兄弟、姐妹或她们的配偶;cousin则泛指堂兄、堂弟、堂姐、堂妹以及表兄、表弟、表姐、表妹。2. family:表示家庭成员时(families),谓语用复数;表示整个家庭时,谓语用单数;表示很多家庭时(families),谓语用复数。3. family treegrandfather

11、 = grandpa grandmother = grandma father = dad mother = mom uncle aunt sister brother daughter son cousin grandmother=grandmagrandfather=grandpa uncleaunt mother=momfather= dadbrothersister brother daughtercousin4. this that those these this 这,这个:后面接谓语单数形式that 那,那个:后面接谓语单数形式these 这些:后面接谓语复数形式those 那些

12、:后面接谓语复数形式and 和,又,而too 也5基本句型a. thats my family. = that is my family. thosere my brothers. = those are my brothers. whos she/he = who is she/he whore they = who are they and whos she/he = and who is she/heb. (well,) have a good day, sally! thanks(=thank you)! you, too. c. here are two nice photos of

13、 my family. = two nice photos of my family are here. 这儿有两张我家美好的全家福。(倒装句,将here地点状语和谓语are提前,主语置后。作文加分句。选择题常见。)unit 3 is this your pencil?1.人称代词(主格)i you he/she/it we they人称代词(宾格)me you him/her/it us them形容词性物主代词(+名词)my you his/her/its our their名词性物主代词mime yours his/hers/its ours theirs形容词性物主代词:其后接名词:f

14、or example: her watch名词性物主代词:相当于形容词无助代词加了名词:for example:is this your watch? no, its not mime. it is hers.2. “s”a. it is a pen. = its a pen 它是一只钢笔。 (此处s 是be动词的一种形式,表示单数。)b. hes helens father. = he is helens father. 他是海伦的父亲。 (靠前的s意义同上。靠后的s表示名词所有格,用于名词的后边,表示:的。)3. this和that 做主语时,疑问句的回答要用it。 these 和thos

15、e做主语时,疑问句的回来用they . for example: is this your pencil? yes, it is. its mime. / no, it isnt. its hers. are those her books? yes, they are. theyre hers./ no, they arent. theyre mime.4. 基本句型a. is this your pencil?yes, it is. (its mime.)/ no, it isnt. its hers.is that his green pen yes, it is. its mime.

16、/ no, it isnt. its his.are these your books?yes, they are. they are mime. / no, they arent. theyre hers.are those his keys?yes, they are. they are his./ no, they arent. theyre his. b. excuse me. 劳驾,打扰了。(常用于询问、求助或请求前。)for example: excuse me, grace. is this your pencil? yes, it is. its mime. / no, it

17、isnt. its his. c. what about/how about(what about用于非正式场合中对所谈话题进行反问,或征求对方意见,表示“怎么样呢”“又如何呢” what about = how about) , 可接名词,代词或动词-ing形式。 for example: id. thank you for your help. = thanks for your help. youre welcome. e. lost and found.失物招领处f. ask sb. for it. (sb. = somebody) 去某某某那儿拿。/到某某某那儿领。for examp

18、le: ask the teacher for it. ask the office for it. g. e-mail sb. at + 邮箱call sb. at + 电话号码please meet sb. at + 地址h. a set of sth. 一套, 一副.for example: a set of keys一串钥匙 a set of books 一套书籍 a set of music cds. 一套音乐光碟i must 情态动词(放于动词前)for example: i must go now. unit 4. wheres my schoolbag?1. 介词on, in,

19、 under.a. on表示"在上面"(与物体表面接触)。如:on the table在桌子上on the wall在墙上the cup is on the table. 茶杯在餐桌上。my books are on the desk. 我的书在书桌上。b. in 表示"在内(中)"(在某一范围之内)。如:in the room 在房间里in the box 在盒子里in grade three 在三年级my pen is in the pencil-box. 我的钢笔在文具盒里。there is a fox in the box. 有一只狐狸在盒子里。

20、c. under 表示"在下面(方)"。如:under the bed 在床下面under the tree 在树下面my shoes are under the bed. 我的鞋在床下面。his bike is under the tree. 他的自行车在树下面。2. 基本句型 wheres the map = where is the mapits in your grandparents room. = it is in your grandparents room.where are my books?theyre on the sofa. = they are o

21、n the sofa.is the key on the table?yes, it is. its on the table./ no, it isnt. its on the sofa.are the keys in the box?yes, they are. theyre in the box. / no, they arent. theyre on the table.(wheres = where is)3 疑问句的句式总结a. 疑问词(where,who,how,what)+谓语+定语+主语?b. 谓语(is/ are)+主语+状语(in/on/under)(表示一种猜测)for

22、 example: where is my map = wheres my map 我的地图在哪儿? is it on the table 它在桌上吗?unit 5 do you have a soccer ball?1. 关于英语中球类运动的词汇a. tennis和tennis ball两者都表示“网球”之意,意义却完全不相同:tennis 是指运动项目名称,即“网球运动”;tennis ball则指具体的“球”,有单复数之分。例如:a tennis ball一个网球;some tennis balls一些网球。b. have a basketball 和 play basketballha

23、ve a basketball 是指“有一个篮球”, play basketball 是指“打篮球”。篮球运动,不需要使用其他词汇进行限定篮球,加不定冠词a2. let sb. do sth. (sb. = somebody, do表示谓语动词, sth.= something)lets = let us: lets play. lets ask. lets play computer game. let me get it. 让我去拿。please let your little brother play. 3. i thinki think “我认为,我想”。用来表达自己的判断或想法,课放

24、在自己的观点面前或后面。for example: i think hes your brother. you can play the computer game, i think.4. that sounds good.sound 表示“听上去., 听起来.,听着”。例如:that sounds interesting. 那听起来挺有趣的。5. do和does的用法 do 是原形does 是do 的第三人称单数形式)a. 作为行为动词,跟其他动词一样,如study, play等。他的意思是“做”等。如: we usually do our homework in the afternoon. he does his homework in the evening. b. 作为助动词,也就是帮助主要动词构成否定和疑问等。 we don't like bananas. 我们不喜欢香蕉。do you like apples 你喜欢苹果吗?does he like english他喜欢英语吗 he doesn't like swimming. 他不喜欢游泳。上面有一句he does his homework in the evening.(他在晚上做作业)要是变成否定句就成了这个样子: he doesn


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