




1、.目 录内容摘要1前言1一、空乘人员职业素质概述11、职业素质的概念12、空乘人员职业素质的重要性1二、我国空乘人员素质与服务质量现状分析21、我国空乘服务质量现状分析22、我国空乘人员职业素质的现状分析3(1)学历水平较低3(2)现有空乘职业教学要求难以满足实际服务需求3(3) 空乘人员职业生涯较短33、 影响空乘人员职业素质的原因3(1) 空乘人员的亲和力观念较弱,亲和力较差3(2)空乘人员缺乏应有的心理素质4(3)空乘人员缺乏对乘务职业的坚持4三、提高空乘服务质量的建议51、提高空乘专业教学质量52、掌握沟通技巧,提高空乘服务质量53、航空公司要完善用人体制,提高服务质量54、充分发挥自
2、身优势,充分利用非语言因素6四、结论6参考文献6Abstract7后 记8;浅析提升空乘人员素质改进服务质量内容摘要:随着我国航空业市场的不断发展以及各个航空公司之间的激烈竞争,旅客对空乘服务质量的要求也越来越高。因此,空乘服务质量很大程度上决定了一个航空公司能否争取到更多的客源,进而在激烈的竞争中站稳脚跟。文章就提高我国民航空乘人员素质与改进服务质量的方法展开研究,阐述了提高空乘服务质量的重要性。关键词:空乘 素质 服务质量Analysis to enhance the quality of the flight attendants to improve quality of servic
3、eAbstract: With the fierce competition between the continuous development of the aviation industry in China market as well as airlines, passengers on the flight attendants quality of service requirements are also getting higher and higher. Therefore, an airline flight attendant service quality large
4、ly determines the ability to win more customers and thus gain a firm foothold in the fierce competition. The article on improving the quality of China's civil aviation flight attendants and improvement of the quality of service to commence a study of the importance of flight attendants to improv
5、e the quality of service.Keywords: flight attendants quality of service quality前言随着我国经济的不断发展,服务业在整个国民经济中的比重越来越大。民航空乘服务是民航运输服务的重要组成部分,它直接反映了航空公司的服务质量。并且我国的民航事业已经进入到了高速发展的阶段。现代的民航运输不仅仅是运输行业的窗口,也和人们的基本生活越来越紧密,并且带动了民航人才需求的急剧增长。在激烈的航空市场竞争中,直接为旅客服务的空乘人员的工作态度和服务质量,对航空公司占领市场、赢得更多的回头客起着至关重要的作用。如何做好服务,如何让旅客满意
12、速膨胀。与之相适应的是各种层次、各种规模的空乘院校的成立和空乘专业的设置。在中专这一学历层次,此专业大都收费高、教学内容匮乏、师资力量薄弱、管理散漫,但这类学校的负责人大多与航空公司有或多或少的联系,学生被选为空乘人员的可能性很大,所以教学环节一直未被重视。因此,很多空乘人员受到的专业教育欠缺,严重影响了空乘服务质量。(3) 空乘人员职业生涯较短据一份资料显示:人才的成长要经历基础、成熟、发展和收获四个阶段,即人的最佳年龄在2425岁之间。而我国的空乘职业几乎成为青春职业,女性在25岁以后人生阅历丰富、心理发展成熟、应变能力强时却陆续由于各种原因失去了飞上蓝天的机会。可以说,我国空乘人员职业寿
13、命短暂,现已形成了年龄偏低的怪圈。空姐大赛中年龄最小的才18岁,平均年龄也不过22岁。这也是前几年国内某航空公司招空嫂引起轰动的原因之一。3、 影响空乘人员职业素质的原因(1) 空乘人员的亲和力观念较弱,亲和力较差亲和力作为一种人与人交往、相处的亲近动机、亲近行为和亲近能力,有其特定的涵义和构成因素。准确把握其涵义与构成因素,进而深入探析空乘服务亲和力的基本要求以及制约空乘服务亲和力得以提高和增强的基本因素。在我国航空服务工作中,许多乘务人员对服务亲和力的认识有所提高,也在实践中探索提高服务亲和力的方法和途径。但是,由于多种原因的影响,我们对航空服务亲和力的重视和发挥还不够,我国航空服务的亲和
16、面: (1)将生活中的不利情绪带到工作当中。(2)对机组的配合不满意,产生敌对情绪。(3)对自身的工作能力过于自信,近乎狂妄。无论什么情况,乘务人员都要保持冷静平和情绪,激动和消极都会直接影响飞行安全。从而影响空乘人员服务质量。 2.沟通协调能力:飞行乘务员和飞行员、本班组的其它成员、地面单位、旅客的交流水平。一个性格内向、孤僻、古怪、冷漠、敏感的人在这方面往往比开朗、无私、大度、坦诚、友善的人要差得多。一旦遭遇紧急情况,地面无法和机组有效沟通协调,机组无法和乘务组有效沟通协调,乘务组无法和旅客有效沟通协调,可以想象这个样一种情况还怎么保证安全。3.应变创造能力:工作中随时可能遇到突发性特殊情
17、况,如,飞机劫持,发动机停车,起落架卡阻,座舱失密,无线电失效等。能调节好自身沉着的情绪外,还得随机应变既要组织正常飞行,又要有力妥善处置特情,不因循守旧,要具体情况具体对待,有变通性、创造性,能在短时间内建立立体思维。4.语言表达能力 :语言表达能力对于我们空乘人员来说是非常重要的,因为,我们和旅客更好的沟通关键就在与此,有了良好的沟通我们才能为旅客更好的服务。所以,好的语言表达能力是每位空乘人员必须做到的。因为,每个人的心情不同,对工作的态度就会不同,心情好时,人们会对工作充满热情,会积极上进,相反,当人们受到外界因素的影响,如家庭矛盾,工作中和同事的磨擦等等,而自己还不能快速的调节自己,
19、更是空中楼阁,因而更不会有好的服务质量了。三、提高空乘服务质量的建议1、提高空乘专业教学质量随着我国民航与国外民航业的接轨,我国民航业不仅需要专业教育培养出高水平的基础研究型人才,而且需要大量动手能力、实践能力都比较强的实用型人才。我国目前绝大多数的职业教育是由技校、职高等中等职业学校来承担,这就在很大程度上制约了我国企业应用型人才的素质。因此开展丰富多彩的高等职业教育,是保障企业应用型人才质量的根本。在办学方面,沈阳航空工业学院捷足先登,已于1999 年首家开设了公关(空乘方向)专科专业,以适应国民经济发展的需要。此外,哈尔滨等一些城市的地方大学也都先后开设空乘专业,这是个很好的趋势。但办学
22、少。航空公司能仿效大学招生一样广而告之,离招聘制度法制化也就为期不远了。(2) 放宽年龄界限,招收高学历的人才。招收高学历的人才一方面可解决我国空乘人员综合素质偏低的弊病,另一方面又能充分打破空乘人员年龄偏低的格局。(3)调整性别结构,打破“重女轻”的传统思想束缚长期以来“空姐”几乎成了空乘人的代名词,然而女性温柔有余,刚性不足。而刚毅、果敢又恰恰是空中乘务人员必备的应变能力之一,关键时刻的千钧一举,也许可取得意想不到的效果。加大男性乘务人员的招聘比例可望缓解空中服务性别单一弊端。4、充分发挥自身优势,充分利用非语言因素 与旅客沟通时要注意与旅客保持最佳的谈话
24、己克服实际困难、解决复杂问题的能力,造就自己健康崇高的人格。作为空乘人员,还应该具有独立、坚强、干练、果断等基本素质,注意刚与柔的适度。要看到自己的长处,增强信心,要进一步解放思想,更新观念,摒弃循规蹈矩的思想,牢固树立开放意识,勇于接受新的事物,接受不同的意见,多方位提高自己,树立发展意识。要不断适应社会环境、工作环境、生活环境甚至人为环境增强社会责任感。参考文献1王双武.特制化营销打造客舱服务持续性竞争优势J.空运商务.2009(04) 2林晨,王晓光.中国民航:沉重的起飞J.瞭望.1993(14) 3刘明会,李澍奇.提升航空客舱服务质量的措施J.经营与管理.2010(06)4高勇,陈君慧
25、.航空公司客舱文化研究-婉曲在服务言语中的运用J.中国民用航空. 2010(05) 5韩明亮,张娟,李琪.航空公司旅客服务质量实证研究J.中国民航学院学报. 2005(01) 6王云访,李飞龙.客舱品牌服务-航空公司核心竞争力之一J.空运商务. 2007(07) 7刘明会,李澍奇.提升航空客舱服务质量的措施J.经营与管理.2010(06) 8谢春讯,陈力华.我国民航服务质量的调查与分析J.江苏航空.2003(01) 9顾世敏.旅客的生存机会J.航空知识.1997(12) 10陈继斌.浅谈提升“两舱”服务的有效途径J.空运商务.2009(07)11王淼.做好服务就是营销-对航空货运服务的思考J.
26、空运商务.2010(04)12陈立.超越价格战-浅谈航空公司的服务营销J.中国民用航空.2008(03)后 记毕业论文终于完成了,而我在写论文的过程中,付出了很多辛苦,也学到了很多东西,在这期间也得到了很多老师同学的帮助。所以,我首先要感谢我的导师,不仅孜孜不倦的传授知识、教导我,从不厌烦的指出我论文中的每个错误,当我在论文研究过程中遇到任何问题,导师都会帮助我一一解答,并教会我如何学习,您的聪明才智、严谨治学的态度我是一辈子都不会忘的,并指导我以后生活的道路。当然,我还要感谢帮助我的同学,在写论文期间,我学会了如何与同学相互学习,在遇到困难是,给我提出了很多好的意见,你们让我感受到了友情的可
27、贵。 还要感谢在研究过程中帮助的老师与师兄、师姐,虽然你们也有自己的课题、任务,但还是会给我莫大的鼓舞与支持,我衷心的向你们致敬。 本次论文只是我的一些浅陋的见解,如有错误和疏漏之处,希望各位老师、专家给与批评指导。为你提供优秀的毕业论文参考资料,请您删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2 Many people have the same mixed feelings when planning a trip during Golden Week. With heaps of time, the seven-day Chinese为你提供优秀的毕业论文设计参考资料,请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢
28、!National Day holiday could be the best occasion to enjoy a destination. However, it can also be the easiest way to ruin how you feel about a place and you may become more fatigued after the holiday, due to battling the large crowds. During peak season, a dream about a place can turn to nightmare wi
29、thout careful planning, especially if you travel with children and older people. As most Chinese people will take the holiday to visit domestic tourist destinations, crowds and busy traffic are inevitable at most places. Also to be expected are increasing transport and accommodation prices, with the
30、 possibility that there will be no rooms available. It is also common that you' ll wait in the line for one hour to get a ticket, and another two hours at the site, to only see a tiny bit of the place due to the crowds. Last year, 428 million tourists traveled in China over the week-lo
31、ng holiday in October. Traveling during this period is a matter that needs thorough preparation. If you are short on time to plan the upcoming "Golden Week" it may not be a bad idea to avoid some of the most crowded places for now. There is always a place so fascinating that everyone yearn
32、s for. Arxan is a place like this. The beauty of Arxan is everlasting regardless of the changing of four seasons. Bestowed by nature, its spectacular seasonal landscape and mountains are just beyond word. Arxan is a crucial destination for the recommended travelling route, "China Inner Mongolia
33、 Arxan Hailar Manzhouli". It is also the joint of the four prairies across the Sino-Mongolian border, where people gravitate towards the exotic atmosphere mixed with Chinese, Russian, and Mongolia elements. As a historic site for the Yitian Battle, Arxan still embodies the spirit of Genghis Kha
34、n. Walking into Arxan, you will be amazed by a kaleidoscope of gorgeous colors all the year round - the Spring azaleas blooming red in the snow, the Summer sea wavering blue in the breeze, the Autumn leaves painted in yellow covering volcanic traces, and the Winter woods shining white on the vast al
35、pine snowscape. Hinggan League Arxan city is situated in the far eastern area of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Its full name "Haren Arxan" means "hot holy water" in the Mongolian language. Arxan is a tourism city in the northern frontier with a blend of large forest, grand pr
36、airies, vast snowfield, heaven lake cluster, thermium, as well as volcanic cluster. It is a rare and unique ecotourism base filled with healthy sunshine, clean air and unspoiled green. Nestled close to the country's largest virgin forest, and known for its spring and ecological environment
37、, Arxan is marveled at by many tourists as the purest land on earth. You cannot miss out the Autumn of Arxan. It is definitely the best with brightly-colored scenery full of emotions. Autumn in the northern part of the country comes earlier than the South. A September rain followed by th
38、e footprints of Autumn brings more colors to the once emerald green mountain and blooming grassland. Shutterbugs flock to see for themselves the marvel of splendid colors around the mountains and waters, many of whom have travel a long distance and even camp here only to capture a moment of th
39、e nature wonder. The silver birch turns golden, while the larch is still proudly green. You will find yourself drowned in the intoxicating red of the wild fruits as well as the glamour of flowers in full blown. And your heart will be lingering on the woods as it's time for the wild fruits
40、to ripe. The picturesque Arxan in Autumn is indeed a fairyland only exists in a dream that satisfies all your fantasies. If it rains heavily on Saturday night, some elderly Chinese will say it is because Zhinu, or the Weaving Maid, is crying on the day she met her husband Niulang, or the Cowher
41、d, on the Milky Way. Most Chinese remember being told this romantic tragedy when they were children on Qixi, or the Seventh Night Festival, which falls on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, which is usually in early August. This year it falls on Saturday, August 2. Folklore Story As the sto
42、ry goes, once there was a cowherd, Niulang, who lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law. But she disliked and abused him, and the boy was forced to leave home with only an old cow for company. The cow, however, was a former god who had violated imperial rules and was sent to earth in bovine f
43、orm. One day the cow led Niulang to a lake where fairies took a bath on earth. Among them was Zhinu, the most beautiful fairy and a skilled seamstress. The two fell in love at first sight and were soon married. They had a son and daughter and their happy life was held up as an example for hundreds o
44、f years in China. Yet in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Deity in Taoism, marriage between a mortal and fairy was strictly forbidden. He ordered the heaven troop to catch Zhinu back. Niulang grew desperate when he discovered Zhinu had been taken back to heaven. Driven by Niulang's mise
45、ry, the cow told him to turn its hide into a pair of shoes after it died. The magic shoes whisked Niulang, who carried his two children in baskets strung from a shoulder pole, off on a chase after the empress. The pursuit enraged the empress, who took her hairpin and slashed it across the sky creati
46、ng the Milky Way which separated husband from wife. But all was not lost as magpies, moved by their love and devotion, formed a bridge across the Milky Way to reunite the family. Even the Jade Emperor was touched, and allowed Niulang and Zhinu to meet once a year on the seventh night of the seventh
47、month. This is how Qixi came to be. The festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220). Traditionally, people would look up at the sky and find a bright star in the constellation Aquila as well as the star Vega, which are identified as Niulang and Zhinu. The two stars shine on opposi
48、te sides of the Milky Way. Customs In bygone days, Qixi was not only a special day for lovers, but also for girls. It is also known as the "Begging for Skills Festival" or "Daughters' Festival." In this day, girls will throw a sewing needle into a bowl full of water on the ni
49、ght of Qixi as a test of embroidery skills. If the needle floats on top of the water instead of sinking, it proves the girl is a skilled embroiders. Single women also pray for finding a good husband in the future. And the newly married women pray to become pregnant quickly. Tradition transformed The
50、 love story of Niulang and Zhinu, and the Qixi Festival have been handed down for generations. Yet these ancient traditions and customs are slowly dying out. Many modern Chinese, particularly youngsters, seem to know more about St Valentine's Day on February 14, characterized by bouquets of rose
51、s, chocolates and romantic candlelight dinners, than they do about their home-grown day for lovers. Even Qixi is nowadays referred to as the "Chinese Valentine's Day." More and more young Chinese people begin to celebrate this day in a very similar way as that in western countries. Few
52、er people than ever will gaze at the heavens on Saturday to pick out the two stars shining bright on either side of the Milky Way, that is, if people even know on which day Qixi falls. There are ready reminders dotted about, in the form of big ads saying "Sales on Chinese Valentine's Day!&q
53、uot; in shops, hotels and restaurants. But few young women will mark the festival with their boyfriends, or take part in traditional activities to pray for cleverness. A large-scale of exhibition on the Silk Road opened to the public in the National Museum on Thursday. The exhibition displays more t
54、han 400 treasures from Shaanxi province, Gansu province and 14 other regions. It is largest scale exhibition that shows the history of the Silk Road in recent years. As APEC is going on in Beijing, the exhibit aims to show the world this brilliant section of history. The Silk Road is a ser
55、ies of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent. It connected the West and East by linking traders, merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads, and urban dwellers from China and India to the Mediterranean Sea during var
56、ious periods of time. I met my dear hubby in 2009 the second year I was in my school and it was the first year when he came here. We became colleagues. And there was nothing special happening during that year. He was just a kind and humble brother graduated from the same college as me. But we did no
57、t know each other till he became my colleague and his office desk was just in front of me. There was only a glass between us. So actually we could see each other when we both look up. But it is not the main reason that really draws us close. How we become close to each other was something seems quit
58、e natural. We went out to play badminton with other colleagues and we sometimes chatted for a while. He is a man of few words but somehow sometimes will say something really humorous. Then one day, to my great surprise, I found a pot of beautiful flower on my desk. It was just the flower I had talke
59、d about with my colleague the other day, and I thought it was her who put the flower there. But the truth is not. It was the humble guy sitting in front of me. He just simply said ,”well, I caught sight of this flower and thought that its beautiful and you may like it”. I wonder why I was moved because of these simple words and present. Maybe it is the sincerity and the true self that impress me. I thanked him and some colleagues walked past my desk would appreciate the beauti
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