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1、【标题】傲慢与偏见屮影响婚姻的因素【作者】柯丽红【关键词】爱情;婚姻;金钱;社会地位【指导老师】游伟【专业】英语【正文】i. introductionmarriage is a topic that never ends; it has gone through for a long time. however, it is still stared by the publ ic without hesitation. the marriage and human being are closely related, but few people can place themselves ou

2、tside however, person is different from each other it is for this reason, everyone has a different marriage many anthropologists and sociologists keep on research in this field. many writers al so describe the marriage in their own works. pri de and prejudice, thi s famous novel, al so presents i t

3、to us the different marriages, leaving us to think about the marriage. pride and prejudice the book about comm on place things and ordinary people, is one of jane aus ten,s famous book, being the represe ntative of realistic 1iterature. tt portrays, with special sensitive characteristic of female wr

4、iters, the 1 ife and ideas of middle class who 1 ive in countryside. this novel makes an analysis of human nature and then stick up readers to think over social relat ions.this novel takes young people? s marriage as the thread and it covers the inheritanee of fortune, women, s social status, ethics

5、 and customs. being the masterpiece of jane austen, it comes to the extensive favor of 1 iterary lovers and experts at the same time.in her times, with the advent of erench revolution and industrialization, the development of capitalism hit a new hit. conversely, she did not depict the great changes

6、 taking place in her times, but rather perverted and felt from the internal part of the bourgeoisie life, and on her close examination of the marriages, she tried to build ethic ties of honesty and harmony inside the changing class pride and prejudice is such kind of novel that is still popular nowa

7、days. the literary criticism william somerset maugham even ranks it top ten of the most popular novels in the world.this paper ventures to make an analysis of those four types of marriages, and how these character differences affect their attitudes towards marri age: the comb in at i on of vulgar co

8、llins and ord in ary charlotte results in a despicable marriage; the combination of dissolute wickham and empty-minded lydia results in a sex-oriented marriage; the combination ofpleasant bingley and mild jane results in a happy marriage; the combination of decent darcy and sensible elizabeth result

9、s in a successful marriagc. ii. marriage in special backgrounda. the authors views towards marriagefrom people standpoint, a good grasp of the career of the author was a must to fully understanding a work in this great book, the author amply demonstrates her points about love and marriage. therefore

10、, in order to analyze these points of views, her great work should be firstly start austin ful ly critiqued some bad phenomenon in her work pride and prejudice, taking some perfect points about marriage and love to demonstrate her own views on love and marriage.jane aust in (1775- 7), the author of

11、the no vel pride and prejudice, was born in steven ton of hampshire, where her father was a rector. she was the second daughter and seventh chi 1 d in a fami 1 y. her father and brothers once educated in oxford. as a result, her family took possession of a big collection of books. she was well tutor

12、ed at home under the guidance of her brothers who n she was very young. as jane aust in put it in pride and prejudice:“we were always encouraged to read, and had all the mastersthat were necessary. ” 1 in addi tion to study, she could be seen in a variety of social intercourse. she kept observing an

13、d thinking in a world composed of familial and bourgooisie background. not only was she acclimated to such style of 1 ife, she was also fami 1 iar with and fond of it as wc 11. she considered it to be complete, animated and with the beauty of poem the reputed chariotte bronte once remarked: "t

14、would not 1 ike to stay in her small house with gentlemen and gentlewomen of her< ” 2 this seemed to have become a typical criticism jane austin was not as narrow as that, in fact, she did enjoy the bourgeoisie life and never regarded it to be narrow conversely, she was longing to draw a picture

15、of it literally and to air the feel ing and understanding of her own, as a resul t of which she achieved the masterpiece that maugham considered to be perfect. jane austin's work was primarily concerned with the marriages and romanee between man and woman, but the author herself who arranged mar

16、riages for the protagonists in novels never got married. perhaps it was writing that she was enamored of. she started to write when she was you ng. she made the best of her time at breakfast in writing from miss. sun and love and friendliness and gradually finished the first scripts and repeatedly r

17、evised sense and son si bi 1 i ty was finished in 1795, pride and prejudice in 1796 and northa nger abbey in 1798. she was obscure at that and failed to find any press to publ ish her novels. tn 1809, jane austin" s fami 1 y moved to bath where she completed mansfield park in 1812, enima in 181

18、4 and persuasion in 1816. the works sense and sensibility and pride and prejudice during the early stage of writing came to be brought out since 1811 and emma published in 1816 received a wide range of praise. jane austin became a famous writer afterwards much to our sorrow, when she had the opportu

19、nity to beg in life anew, her heal th began deteriorating and died in july eight, 1817. mansfield park and persuasion were published in the seco nd year of her death if jane austin 1 i ved a 1 i ttle longer, the reputation of her novels brought her could encourage her to produce more sterling works.

20、 tn her times, with the advent of french revolution and industrialization, the development of capitalism hit a new hit conversely, she did not depict the great changes taking place in her times, but rather percepted and felt from the internal part of the bourgeoisie life, and on her close exam in at

21、i on of the marriages, she t ried to build ethic ties of honesty and harmony in side the changing class. pride and prejudice is such kind of novel that is still popular nowadays. the literary criticism william somerset maugham even ranks it top ten of the most popular novels in the worldb. marital s

22、tatus in the society at that timeat that time, according to the social conditions in britain, a good marriage for a you ng woman was critical. this phe no men on was closely associated with the british society and the status of women in the society in the 19th contury, women were not wel 1 respected

23、 compared with the ones in the presont society there was no equality between woman and man. women were considered to be inferior to men in terms of intelligenee and capacity. the central life of women was forced to be staying at home; their roles were to deal with the family affairs, such as taking

24、care of the children and serving for the husbandpeople naturally thought that women should be submissive to their husbands. the virtues of women were patient and deferent. they must recognize their inherent inferiority to men, so they must restrict their abilities without conditions although the sta

25、tus of women was slow, few of them expressed dissatisfaction about their own destiny. at that time, many middle-class young women had three solutions: getting married; staying at home as old maids or working as the family female teachers. the income of fami ly female teacher was very low, and the st

26、atus was low as well. it was very difficult for them to change or swap out of this status, no one would like to be a maid forever, therefore, in terms of young women, especially those who don,t have enough properties, to get married was the only way for them to gain respect, stabi1ity and social sta

27、tus.not only do we need to be well infonned of a writer, more importantly, we should know the social background. novels stem from life and go above life to lear n the social backgro und can help us to understa nd better the genu inc reason purposes of writers. human entered into the period of patern

28、ity since zeus created the huge scale of kinship. through orthodox, order and various restrictions, paternal culture reduced women to inferior creature. women,s status was very low even in 18th and 19th centuries men snatchcd the control of economy, politics and ideology and they considered women as

29、 inferior animals and repulsed them overtly.4 the society with jane austin lived in wi tnessed a c 1 imax of the development of capi tai ism, but the feudal ism was still powerful, equality between men and women was still out of reach, especially in the distribution of inherilance, men enjoyed prior

30、ity the order of the division of the property went this: from male (a lineal consanguinity) to male (a collateral consanguinity), and than to the female-5 so the ownership of the female property would see it destiny in the end. the novel pride and prejudice also mentioned: if one family did not have

31、 a male inheritor, their property would be only inherited by another male in the family; the only possibility for the female was to depend on this male in heritor. tf the inher i tor did not take them seriously, they would only wonder around the street. for this reason, finding a shelter for themsel

32、ves without worrying about foot and clothes was of importance. it was in this type of social environment that brought up the truth that we have mentioned at the beginning of the passage it was just for this piece of truth that provided the women hope and the object they were fighting for.at the same

33、 time, author advantaged of the marriage provided for the woman was that it could improve their economic and social status after understanding the social background at time, definite the priority the female had in the property inherited and realized that the only way for the female as a social garni

34、ture was to get married, then it was easy to understand that mrs< bennet strongly desired to marry her daughters and the purpose of elizabeth" s friend" s marriage as well as mr. darcy" s behavior to break up the affection between mrs bonnot and mr. bennet and darcy" s aunts b

35、ehavior to opposite the affection between darcy and elizabeth all of those became reasonable and logical-iii- four marriages in pride and prejudicea. marriage of jane and mr. bingleythe marriage is of the eldest daughter jane and mr. bingley. bingley is a friend of darcy. bin gley' s sister love

36、s darcy very much. she wants bin gley to get married with darcy" s sister georgiana, because she wants to get love from darcy by this way, which also reflects the selfishness the sister. the marriage of the able man- bingley and the beautiful girl-jane is ideal in most people' s eyes of cou

37、rse, the couple meets many setbacks, such as the misunderstanding of darcy and bingley's selfish sister. at last, the lovers get married as the misunderstanding between elizabeth and darcy has been solved.b marriage of lydia and wickhamcompared with jane and el izabeth, lydia" s marriage is

38、 unhappy. with the development of the story, we can know that wickham is maintain dignified appearances and loafing but his has personable surface. he is always cheerful and composed and has strong charm the men like him who has the strong power to draw the young ladies who are pea cockish and short

39、 of knowledge uniucky, lydia is the girl like these ladies. wickham wants to have a marriage which could help him become rich man. the marriage is only chance for him. at first, he pursues darcy' s sister, but he falls in afailure. then he pursues the jung, because she has some money- all of thi

40、ngs tel 1 us that wickham will ncver marry a woman without some money. he can not afford it. and what claims has lydia, what attraction has she beyond youth, heal th, and good humor that could make him for her sake, forego every chance of benefiting himself by marring well? lydia only gets 1, 000 po

41、und from her home obviously lydia is not perfect wife for wickham however wickham is very glad to have a girl who can company him when he escapes the gambling debt 6lydia agrees elopement with him due to the love. shenever recognies the fact that is wickham never married her if she is no money. she

42、also does not know that she married with wickham which is not advisability, because he is poor man. and she never thinks that she will thoroughly discredit and takes the shame for the whole fami1y if she does not marry with wickham. at last, this thing solves by the darcy? s help. when they come bac

43、k, no one but mrs. bennet feels happiness and regrets that their stay would be so short and she mad most of the time, by visiting about with her daughter, and having very frequent parties at home. these parties are acceptable to al 1; to avoid a fami ly circ 1 e is even more desirable to such as do

44、thi nk tha n such as did not. un til here, we can know that mrs. bonnet always pamper lydia. in the novel, elizabeth,s world prove it:“she is very young, she had never been taught to think on serioussubjects; and for the last half year, nay, for a twelve month, she has been given up to nothing but a

45、musemcnt and vanity she has been a 11 owed to dispose of her time in most idle and frivolous mariner; and to adopt any opinions that came in her way. since theshire were first quartered on merion,nothing but love, flirtation and officers, have been in her head” 7 in this novel, lydia is a stout, we

46、11-grown girl of fifteen, with a fine comp 1 exion and good-humored countenanee; a favorite with her mother. mr. bennet also admit that the reason of this things which is family.c. marriage of charlotte and collinsit is very funny marriage which belong the charlotte and collins. in this novel, we ca

47、n know that collins is a missionary. he meets a rich woman and gets her help. mr. collins is not a sensible man, and the deficiency of nature had bee n but lit tie assisted by education and society; the greatest of an i 11 iterate and miserly father; and think he belongs to one of the universities,

48、he has merely kept the necessary terms without forming at it any useful acquaintance the subjection in which his father has brought him up, has give n him orig in al ly great humi 1 i ty of mann cr, but it is now a good counteracted by the self-conceit of a weak head, 1iving i retirement, and the co

49、nsequential feelings of early and unexpected prosper!ty< his reason of marriage are, firstly, he think it a right thing for every clergyman in easy circumstances (like himself) to sot the example of matrimony in his parish. secondly, that he is convinced it will add very greatly to his happiness;

50、 and thirdly-which perhaps he ought to have mentioned earlier that it is the particular advice and recommendation of the very noble lady whom he has the honor of calling patroness. we could understand why he cans changes objects of marriage so quickly elizabeth cannot understand what reason makes ch

51、arlotte agree this foolish marriage if we see the family of her, we maybe know her views. the whole fami 1 ies in short are properly over-joeys on the occasion. the younger girls formed hopes of coming out a year or two sooner than they might otherwise have done; and the boys are relieved from their

52、 apprehension of charlotte, s dying an old mind for all of these reasons, we can understand this marriaged. marriage of darcy and elizabeththe fourth marriage is the main theme of the works. that is darcy and elizabeth" s marriage. at the beginning, elizabeth rejects the pursuer-darcy, because

53、she docs not 1 ike him, even looks down upon him though darcy loves her very much. tn elizabeth" s eyes, he is arrogant and unreasonable because he is rich and has high socia.1 status. real izing that, darcy begins to get rid of those bad habits quietly to crate her taste and get good impressio

54、n and love of her. then they spontaneously fall in love so who n darcy,s seco nd su i tor i s sent to el i zabeth, e1 i zabeth read i 1 y agree with, and they get married and have happy family lives.bolobbyist, a politician, at the end of the 18th century, said that upbringing was more important tha

55、n law, because it could promote moral, help to realize moral or ruin mora 1 thus it could be concluded that upbringing played very important role in life at that time on the first bal 1 organized by mr. bin gley in the niger park, janethe eldest daughter of the borm ets'i s favored by the host.

56、but the reserved personali ty and the standardied qualities make her feelings show nothing, so she almost loses bin gley, which is also caused by her nest-of-kin' s lap sad conducts for example, mrs bennet often gives comments on the marriage in public, especially the benefits of the marriage, w

57、hich almost frightens bingley away. this good marriage based on a favorite of mutual good impression and true love nearly evaporates< fortunately, the loves get married by experiencing twists. iv. factors affecting marriage in pride and prejudicea. propertythe seco nd marriage is between ben nett

58、,s third daughter lydia and wickham, the son of the housekeeper. ori g in ally he i s wel 1-treated by the fami 1 y and the friends. however, he comes down in the world because of his misbehavior- he gets into debt. so, he wants to get money and become rich and change his social status through marri

59、age, marriage is also a way to approach the talents, he is a man without any responsibility. he does nothing except assai 1 ing a woman with obscenities. tn his opinion, love is only recreation. for his purpose, he entices lydia and gets her love easily, because she is young, innocent. and vainglorious, and loves to go ease and hates to work hard, and is spoilt by her mother. getting love and praise of a boy is her dream. so when wickham wants to reach hi s aim getting weal th by love and exalts her beauty hypocritically, she forgets who she is and fee


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