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1、20xx年七年级下竞赛试题卷英语卷试题卷听力部分(25 分) 一、听短对话,回答疑题(共5 小题,计 5 分)( 1. what does the man want to drink.a. teab. orangec. water 2. where are the man and the woman.a. in a shopb. at homec. in a classroom3. how many classes do the students have every day.a. sixb. fourc. two 4. whose birthday is it today.a. hellen

2、sb. henry sc. the girls5. where did the woman go last sunday.a. to a parkb. to the shopc. to school二、听较长对话,回答疑题(共5 小题,计 10 分)听下面一段对话,回答第6 和第 7 两个小题;6. does the woman know the way to the teachers office.a. no, she doesnt.b. yes, she doesc. i dont know. 7. is the teachers office on the second floor?a.

3、 yes, it isb. no, it isntc. i dont know听下面一段对话,回答第8 和第 10 三个小题;8. what kind of music does sam like.a. pop musicb. classical musicc. country music 9. whos frank s favorite group.a. the beatlesb. h.o. t.c; s.h.e.10. why does lucy like dance train.a. they re goodb. they re fantasticc. they re awful三、听独

4、白,回答疑题(共5 小题,计 10 分)11. my english teacher is.a. mrs greenb. zhang qiangc. jim green12. mrs green s son is.a. mr. greenb. zhang qiangc. jim green 13. which of the following sentences is right.a. jim green and zhang qiang are thirteen.b. jim green and zhang qiang are elevenc. mrs green doesn t teach

5、zhang qiang. 14. what does jim look like.a. he s tallb. he s tall and has curly hair.c.hes friendly15. what s zhang qiang like.a.he has short straight.b. hes outgoing.c. hes in class two.ii.笔试部分 (95 分) 四、单项填空(共15 小题,计 15 分)16. was peter s weekend.a. howb. whatc .whod. which17. -who cleaned the room.

6、 -mike.a. wasb. doesc. cleanedd .did18. it_a lot in my hometown last year.a. rainb. rainsc. rainyd. rained19.imy teacher carefully but i couldn tanything.a. listened, hearb .listened to, hearc. heard, listened tod. listened to, heard 20.talking. here is the library.a. dontb. noc. notd. can t21. we h

7、ave to get to the bus station8 o clock, or we ll be late.a. forb. inc .byd. on22. kelly,girl, wants to be a reporter.a. a 8-year-oldb. an 8-year-oldc. an 8-years-oldd. an 8 years old23. we can tlate for class.a. arrive inb. arrive atc. get tod. arrive24. -i like soap operas. how about you. -i agree_

8、you.a. tob. forc. withd. on25. the news made us.a. feelexcitedb.feeledexcitedc.feelingexcitedd.tofeelexcited26. everyone in our classenglish.a. enjoy studyingb. enjoys studyc. enjoy to studyd .enjoys studying27. -did you have breakfast this morning. -. so now i am so hungry.a. yes, i didb. no, i am

9、notc. no, i didn td. yes, i am28. -what size bowl of noodles would you like. -.a .i d like a medium oneb .i d like beef noodlesc. yes, pleased. no, thanks29. -jack, how was your exam going. -. i don t want to tell it to my parents.a. greatb. not badc. terribled. very good30. my mother is 38 years ol

10、dshort curly hair, and she good-looking.a. with, isb .has, isc .with, hasd. is, has五、单项填空(共15 小题,计 15 分)32his home. so they have to33home early in the morning when dave isstill in bed. and they arrive home late34. so dave35himselfand do some36.afterhe37inlook afterthe morning,he cooks breakfasthimse

11、lf. then he leaves for school38a school bus. dave has39atschool. after school he usually does some sports with his40hour41two,42likeplayingfootball,basketball.for about anthen he goes home tocook thesupper for. now he is good at43and his parents enjoy hisdishes very much. in the evening, after his h

12、omework, he usually44somevideos. he 45action movies. and jackie chan is his favorite film star. atdave lives with his parents.31father and mother work in a companyabout ten in the evening, he goes to bed. dave is a good boy, isnt he.31.a.yourb. myc. hisd. her32. a .far away fromb. across fromc. besi

13、ded. near33. a .getb. leavec. god. arrive34. a. in the morningb. in the afternoonc. at nightd .in the day35. a. likesb. enjoysc. mustd. has to36. a .houseworkb. homeworkc. cleaningd. washing37. a. arrivesb. goes to bedc. gets upd. goes to school38. a .byb. inc. withd. on39. a. breakfastb. lunchc. su

14、pperd. dinner40. a. familyb. studentsc. parentsd. friends41. a. orb .andc. butd. past42. a. himselfb. the familyc. momd. dad43. a. sportsb .footballc. cookingd. basketball44. a. seesb .looksc. readsd. watches45. a. loves六、阅读懂得(共15 小题,计b.cant stand30 分;)c. doesnt mindd. doesnt likealittle tom was pla

15、ying with a cat in the room.there was a beautifulpink glass vase on the table.while he was trying to catch the cat,he hit打 the vase with his arm and it fell onto the floor and was broken.tom began to cay because he wasafraid that his father would angry with him and gave him a lesson.one of hisplayma

16、tessaid, ” don tworry,tellyourfatherthecatdidit.”buttom said, ” no,no.iwillnot tella lie.iwillgo and tellmy fatherthati did it.” his father was sorry for the broken vase ,but he was not angry with his son.he saidhe was happy that his son didi not say the cat did it,and praised夸奖 him for telling the

17、truth.46. little tom was worried because.a.the cat was in his room.b.he didn t catch the cat.c.he was afraid his father would get angry when he knew the vase was broken.d.he would miss the lesson.47. ” playmate ” means.a.a boyb.a girlc.his classmated.a childwho palyswith him 48.tom didn t agree with

18、 his playmate, and.a. he told his father that he did it.b. he said he would tell a lie.c. he let his playmate go out.d. he played with the cat in the room. 49.tom s fatherhim in the end.a. praisedb.hitc.dislikedd.scolded批评50. the story tells us. a.the vase is easy to be broken.b. it is difficult to

19、catch a catc. not to tell a lie when we do something wrongd. not ot agree with our playmatesbwe often talk about the weather. if we want to know about the weather. we can turn on the radioand listen to the weather report. we can also turn on the tv and watch the weather show. and we can ask other pe

20、ople in two different ways,“whats the weather like today.” or“how is the weather today.” sometimesyou can call at 121 for the weather.whenit s cold,we shiverand need towear warm clothesand scarfs.whenit s raining,we need raincoats or umbrellas. when its hot,we need a coolplace and want a cold drink.

21、51. you can watch the weather show.a. on radiob. on tvc. at 121d. on other people52. you can ask other people“” to know about the weather.a. wh at s the weatherb. how is the weather likec. what does the weather liked. how is the weather53. we want a cold drink when its.a. coldb. warmc. hotd. raining

22、54. telephone 121 is for.a. illb. firec. weatherd. food55. the word“shiver ” is“” in chinese.a. 颤抖b.出汗c. 看病d. 避暑ccindy is a bank clerk.56she often buys clothes,food or other things ontheinternet便)互联网 .57_ she thinks shopping on the internet is converient.(方 58they think it s good.you can also buy so

23、me things on it.59 * _60 *who can you ask for help if things go wrong.a.in fact,many people in lots of countries start to buy things on the internet.b.how do you pay for the things.c.she is buy every day and has no time to go shopping.d.yesterday she spent thirty-two dollars on a beautiful white dre

24、ss on it.e.but before that,you have to know these two things.9.60.七、词语填空(共10 小题,计 10 分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次);window, with,so,study,go,she, wrong, two, not,takesue has a cat. she likes playing 61it at home. but shes seven now and her father tells her62school. the teacher doe

25、s not let her63the cat intothe classroom.she has to leave itat home, 64 she isn t happy. she doesnt want to go to school and listen to65 teacher.now class three 66math. mr green sees that sue is looking out of the 67. he asks sue,“whats two and two, sue.”sue stands up, but shecant answer.“if your mo

26、ther gives you two pencils,” mr green says,“and i give you 68 , how many pencils do you have.”“five, mr green.”“youre69 , ” mr green says.“you have four.”“i70 case. ”thinkso, ” sue says.“i already 已经 have one in my pencil八、单词拼写(共10 小题,计 10 分)依据以下句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词);71. he never st

27、ops t. he likes talking with anybody.72. a policeman usually wblue uniform.73. thanks for jus.74. wto no.14 middle school. thank you.75. he likes ehamburgers for lunch.76. i sthe film last friday.77. can you please put my letter in next mmagazine.78. the baby is sleeping, lease be q.79. joy is from

28、sydney, a.80. where did they go on v.they went to mount tai.九、书面表达(共1 小题,计 10 分)依据表格的信息,描述i 和 jordan 对各节目的喜爱情形;词数:70 个左右;talk showsoap operasports showgame showbeijing operaijordan20xx年七年级下竞赛试题卷英语卷答题卷题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分听力部分 ( 25%) 一. 、听短对话,回答疑题(共5 小题,计 5 分)结分复分人人1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 得分阅卷人二、 听较长对话,回答疑题(共5 小题,计

29、 10 分)6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、听独白,回答疑题(共5 小题,计 10 分)4.15. 笔试部分 ( 95%) 四、单项填空(共15 小题,计 15 分)9.20. 得分阅卷人21. 22. 23. 24. 25.得分阅卷人26. 27. 28. 29. 30.五、完型填空(共 15 小题,计 15 分)31. 32. 33. 34.35. 36. 37. 38. 39.40. 41. 42. 43.44. 45.得分阅卷人得分阅卷人得分阅卷人得分阅卷人六、阅读懂得(共15 小题,计 30 分;)46. 47. 48. 49.50.51.

30、 52. 53.54.55. 56. 57. 58.59.60. 七、词语填空(共10 小题,计 10 分)61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.八、单词拼写(共10 小题,计 10 分)71. 72. 73. 74. 75.76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 九、 书面表达( 15%)20xx年七年级下竞赛试题卷英语卷答案及听力材料听力部分一、听短对话,回答疑题(共5 小题,计 5 分)caaba二、听较长对话,回答疑题(共5 小题,计 10 分)bbabb三、听独白,回答疑题(共5 小题,计 10 分)acbbb笔试部分四、单项填空(共15 小题

31、,计 15 分)16-20 addbb21-25 cbdca26-30 dcaca五、完型填空(共 15 小题,计 15 分)31-35 cabcd36-40 acdbd41-45 abcda六、阅读懂得(共15 小题,计 30 分;)46-50 cd aac51-55 bdcca56-60 cdaeb七、词语填空(共10 小题,计 10 分)61. with62.to go63.take64.so65.her66.are studying67.window68.two69.wrong 70.dont 八、单词拼写(共10 小题,计 10 分)71.talking 72.wears73.joining74.welcome 75.eating 76.saw77.month s78.quiet79.australia80.vacation 九、 书面表达;( 15%)略听力材料1. w: would you like some water , please. m: yes,i d like some water .2. w: good morning. can i help you.m: yes, im looking for a pair of shoes.3. m: how many clas


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