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1、学习必备欢迎下载二、单项填空(共16 小题;每道题0.5 分,满分8 分)(台州市 11-12)从 a、b、c、d 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置;18. hey, tom, i ve got an a in the english exam. .a. congratulationsb. exactlyc. good luckd. best wishes19. hiking is great fun. you will get close to nature and take exercise at the same time.a. a; theb. the;

2、/c. /; thed. /; /20. one of the difficulttasks in this world is to persuade a woman in shopping to believe that even an costs money.a. bargainb. posterc. jeweld. advertisement21. i heard that song on the radio, i ve been unable to get it out of my mind.a. soon afterb. long beforec. ever sinced. now

3、that22. in 2021, he returned to the city of taizhou he grew as a child.a. whereb. thatc. whichd. when23. nelson mandela was making black and white equal.a. amazed atb. devoted toc. tired ofd. grateful for24. the open-air celebration has been put off the bad weather.a. in charge ofb. in search ofc. i

4、nstead ofd. because of25. with his mother s good care, the boy is recovering from his heavy cold.a. frequentlyb. actuallyc. practicallyd. gradually26. it was the second time in the year that all the chinese the violent rail incident.a. were seeingb. sawc. had seend. would see27. history and geograph

5、y are my favorite subjects. the former gives me a sense of time, and the gives me a sense of space.a. latterb. lastc. nextd. other28. could you tell me . sorry, ive no idea.a. where lives mr. smithb. mr. smith lives wherec. where does mr. smith lived. where mr. smith lives29. lori, i hear that you a

6、 trip to athens. have you found a partner.yes. lester will go with me.a. takeb. have takenc. tookd. are taking30. keep a dictionary with you in case you may it for help while reading.a. add tob. turntoc. be fond ofd. make use of31. we are glad that the one of the underground lines in hangzhou next y

7、ear.a. will completeb. will be completedc. has completedd. has been completed32. when the wenchuan earthquake happened, it seemed the world was at an end.a. as ifb. as beforec. as usuald. as well33. what a fine day. shall we go cycling. . but we need to be home before six oclock for tthve series.a.

8、have a nice timeb. pardon mec. that s greatd. you are right五、单词拼写(共10 小题;每道题0.5 分,满分5 分)依据以下句子及所给单词的首字母或中文,写出各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词);69. luckily, his business didn t s greatly during the war.70. we must take an a part in campus activities to enrich our life.71. we all b to the school tennis club.72. as a s

9、aying goes, “no p, no gains.”学习必备欢迎下载73. there is no d that everything has its disadvantages as well as advantages.74. this film is 以为依据 on a novel by d.h. lawrence.75. love is a 无私的 act instead of a feeling.76. premier wen ended his speech by encouraging leaders to be confident and 布满期望的 .77. “wher

10、e there is a will, there is a way ” is my 座右铭 .78. after graduating from college, joan 最终 got the chance to travel around the country.六、依据课文内容填空(共10 小题 ; 每道题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中动词的适当形式;nelson mandela said: “ the last thirty years79see the greatest number of laws stopping ou

11、r rights and progress, until today we have reached a80where we have almost no rights at all.”it was the truth. black people could not81or choose their leaders. they could not get the jobs they wanted. the parts of town82which they had to live were decided by white people. the places outside the town

12、s where they were sent to live were the poorest parts of south africa. no one could grow food there. in fact83nelson mandela said: “we84put into a position in which we had either to accept wewere less important85fight the government. we chose toattack the laws. we first broke the law in a way which

13、was86; when this was not allowed87then did we decide to answer88with violence.从 a、b、c、d 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项,并标在试卷的相应位置;(2021 学年第一学期高一年级期末质量评估试题). anne is a reliable friend with whom we can share our deepest feelings and thoughts.18 .a. exactlyb. totallyc. entirelyd. logically19. at the end of16th c

14、entury, about five to seven millionpeople spoke language and nearly all of them lived in england.a. a; theb. the; thec. the; /d. /; theenglish20. most children and teenagers, and even adults fell in love with the new cartoon put on in the local theatre.a. seriesb. journalc. forecastd. character21. m

15、iddle school, margot has dreamed about going to a top university.a. at the beginning of b. at the end ofc. ever sinced. just before22. he spoke english fluently, impressed me most.a. itb. whatc. thatd. which23. girls aremuch too losing weight. thismay be an effect offamous people with perfect bodies

16、 around them.a. amazed atb. concerned aboutc. tired ofd. careful with24. it is said that details success or failure.a. determineb. organizec. voted. release25. games like “qq farm ”draw people into a fancy world things are simple and controllable.a. whereb. thatc. with whichd. which26. in the near f

17、uture, a group of volunteers to mars and stay there forever.a. have been sentb. are going to sendc. will be sent d. have sent27. it is to see such a heavy snow in taizhou because of the warm weather.a. rareb. loosec. frequentd. gradual28. with the help of baidu, buford got the information about befo

18、re his trip to athens.a. how much would the trip costb. which hotel he should stay in学习必备欢迎下载c. what would the weather be liked. where he should go for a trip29. kitty, i hear that you a bike trip around taizhou. have you got everything ready. almost.a. takeb. have takenc. tookd. are taking30. 3, 4

19、and 5, and you ll get 12.a. make up forb. make use ofc. add tod. add up31. it s unkind to laugh at a person who_is .a. in ruinsb. in chargec. in returnd. in trouble32. to host the olympics is to win olympic medals.a. as competition much asb. much a competition asc. as a competition much asd. as much

20、 a competition as33. i wonder if i could possibly borrow your mp4 for today. . i m not using it anyhow.a. sure, go aheadb. i don t knowc. yes, indeedd. i don t care五、单词拼写(共10 小题;每道题0.5 分,满分5 分)依据以下句子及所给单词的首字母或中文,写出各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词);69. if you have a dream, work hard to make it a r.70. my partner like

21、s the former plan, but personally i prefer the l one.71. one way to make it easier to reach your g is to break a big one into small steps.72. a lot of people were w to help those survivors rebuild their homes after the big earthquake in yushu.73. we have no idea how to phim to give up the foolish id

22、ea.74. the explorers set up a 基地 at the foot of the mountain.75. our class had a 辩论 on whether we should be allowed to listen to music in the classroom.76. he was 罚款 for breaking the traffic rules yesterday.77. when people work with one mind, they can even 搬开 mount taishan.78. a good score is import

23、ant but being honest is同等地 important. so do not cheat in the exam.六、依据课文内容填空(共10 小题 ; 每道题 0.5 分,满分 5 分)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中动词的适当形式;as a matter of_79 , the amber room was not made to be a gift. it was designed for the palace of frederick i.80_ , the next king of prussia, frederick william

24、 i, to whom the amber room_81 , decided to give it topeter the great. later, catherine ii had the amber room82 move and told her artists to add more details to it. sadly, although the amber room was83 consider one of the wonders of the world, it is now 84 miss.in september 1941, the nazi army was ne

25、ar st. petersburg. this was a time85the two countries were86 war. the nazis secretly stole the room. 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty-seven wooden boxes. 87 is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for a german city. after that,88 happened to the amber room remains a mystery.第一节:单项挑选

26、(共 20 题;每小 0.5 分,计 10 分)(路桥中学 10 月月考)21. could we have an english test this weekend. , i have been told we can go home this weekend.a. not likely b. not entirely c. not really d. not early22. it is really pleasure to walk along the bank with full moon hanging in the sky.a. a; ab. a; thec. the; ad. a

27、; /23. the students are so busy that they have zero time for outdoor activities, they have the interest.学习必备欢迎下载a. as ifb. whenc. whichd. even if24. you can't imagine what great difficulty i had his address.a. to findb. about findingc. findingd. found25. have you ever been to beijing before. no,

28、 it is the first time that i here.a. amb. bec. had beend. have been26. mum is coming. what present for your birthday.a. you expect she has gotb. do you expect she has gotc. you expect has she gotd. do you expect has she got27. she told me that it was you spoke ill of her behind her back she disliked

29、 you.a. since; thatb. for; thatc. because; thatd. that; why28. most of us can see that british english has some differences american english spelling and pronunciation.a. in, fromb. from, inc. from, betweend. in, between29. the hostess left the money on the desk to test the honesty of her maid.a. on

30、 purposeb. by chancec. by mistaked. with care30. you'd better your score and see if you have passed the exam.a. add up tob. add toc. add upd. add31. students are required to down what the teachers teach in class. which of the following is wrong.a. setb. putc. writed. make32. what did the teacher

31、 say. he told me again.a. not to carelessb. not to be carelessc. to be not carelessd. not being careless33. mr. green goes to the park for a walk with some friends after upper.a. frequentlyb. immediatelyc. fluentlyd. finally34. the money collected should be made good usethe people in taiwan who suff

32、ered a lot in the earthquake.a. of helpingb. to helpc. to helpingd. of to help35. oh, you are still here. i thought you had left.i was about to set out you knocked at the door.a. beforeb. asc. whend. while36. he fell ill three years' hard work.a. asb. becausec. sinced. because of37. mary came ho

33、me happily, which showed that she the final exam.a. had passedb. passc. would passd. would have passed38. she changed so much that i could hardly her when we met again after a separation of 20 years.a. recognizeb. knowc. rememberd. tell39. i'm sorry. i at you the other day. forget it. i was also

34、 a bit out of control of myself.a. shouldn't shoutb. mustn't shoutc. shouldn't have shoutedd. mustn't have shouted40. how about seeing a film this afternoon. i haven' t seen any for a year.a. no chanceb. go aheadc. why not.d. my pleasure第一节:单词拼写(共10 小题,每道题0.5 分,满分 5 分)1. he d wit

35、h his wife on most things, which led to many quarrels.2. the family are all c about her safety; for she has never been abroad before.3. thanks to her husband's good care, the wife has 复原 from her operation.学习必备欢迎下载4. i think it fun to eat o with many good friends because of the fresh air.5. visi

36、tors are 要求 not to take photos in the museum.6. besides english, french is also the o language in canada.7. you should think carefully about others' advice instead of 忽视 it.8. judging from his accent, he is a n of shanghai.9. i'm really g for everything you've done for me.10. he always b

37、orrows money from his friends, though he gets a good s .其次节:课文填空(共6 空,满分 6 分)so why has english changed over time.1all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. at first the english2in england between about ad 450 and 1150 was quite different from the english s

38、poken today. it was3more on german than the english we speak at present. then4between about ad 800 and 1150, english became less like german because those who ruled england spoke firstdanish and later french. these new settlers5the english language and especially its vocabulary. so by the 1600's

39、 shakespeare was able to make use of a6vocabulary than ever before. in 1620 some british settlers moved to america. later in the 18th century some british people were takento australia too. english began to be spoken in both countries.第一节:单项挑选期中考试 18.we are going to have a picnic this weekend.oh, re

40、ally. a. congratulations. b. have fun. c. cheer up. d. good luck.19. in the face of danger, we need to stay . only in this way can we come up with good solutions.a. still b. quietc. calm d. silent20. barack obama, president of the united states, was given a nobel peace prize in year 2021.a. 不填 ; the

41、b. a; thec. the; thed. the; 不填21. have you your things, bob. we have to catch the 2:30pm train and we don t have too much time.a. added up b. hidden away c. set down d. packed up22.have you finished your experiment report, jane.oh, my god. i ve forgotten all about that.a. exactlyb. finallyc. entirel

42、yd. freely23. all the doctors in the hospital insisted that he badly wounded and that he at once.a. should be; be operated onb. were; must be operated onc. be; was operated ond. was; be operated on24. mr. black shanghai in a few days. do you know when the earliest plane on sunday ?a. leaves; takes o

43、ffb. is leaving; takes offc. is leaving; is taking offd. leaves; is taking off25. unless you change your towards your studies, you won t make any progress, i believe.a. pointb. ideac. attituded. sight26. is this the first time that jack this kind of food.a. enjoysb. has enjoyedc. enjoyedd. had enjoy

44、ed27. who called just now, sam. it s terry. she asked .a. that alice was inb. if was alice inc. if alice was ind. whether was alice in28. there was never any time for her to feel happy, lots of people loved her.a. ever since b. becausec. as ifd. though29. i don t think lucy is a nice woman and i am

45、tired her empty talk.a. ofb. forc. withd. about30. the look on tom s face showed that he completely believed in himself.学习必备欢迎下载a. surprisedb. concernedc. excitedd. determined31. do you like traveling. sure. i to australia six months ago, but i anywhere since then.a. went; didn't gob. have gone; haven't beenc. went; haven't beend. went; hadn't been32. it was last month we bought this house and moved in.a. whichb. thatc. whend. what33. rather than


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